Displaying different image based on direction of resize - javascript

I have two images. I am trying to display one when the browser resizes left, and the other when it resizes right.
function adjustDirection() {
var last_pos_x = window.screenX;
if ( last_pos_x < window.screenX) {
document.getElementById("logo").style.backgroundImage = "url('logoRight.png')";
} else if (last_pos_x > window.screenX) {
document.getElementById("logo").style.backgroundImage = "url('logoLeft.png')";
window.onresize = adjustDirection;
However, it seems like my function only begins to works if last_pos_x is declared outside of the function, which is clearly wrong because it will only store window.screenX from load.
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Easiest solution is use jQuery. Store the posX value in DOM and retrieve it
<div id="aaa" data-posx="0"></div>
function adjustDirection() {
var last_pos_x = $("#id").attr("data-posx");
if ( last_pos_x < window.screenX) {
document.getElementById("logo").style.backgroundImage = "url('logoRight.png')";
} else if (last_pos_x > window.screenX) {
document.getElementById("logo").style.backgroundImage = "url('logoLeft.png')";
window.onresize = adjustDirection;
New code with just js:
function adjustDirection() {
var last_pos_x = window.screenX;
return function() {
if (last_pos_x < window.screenX) {
document.getElementById("logo").style.backgroundImage = "url('logoRight.png')";
} else if (last_pos_x > window.screenX) {
document.getElementById("logo").style.backgroundImage = "url('logoLeft.png')";
last_pos_x = window.screenX;
var z = adjustDirection();
window.onresize = z;


javascript not adding class to div

class="overlay-type overlay"
data-text-placement="{{ block.settings.overlay_position }}"
data-mobile-text-placement="{{ block.settings.overlay_mobile }}">
and this bit of javascript that should add/remove the div class on window resize.
var mq = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)");
var overlayBlock = document.getElementById("overlay_block");
var textPlacement = overlayBlock.getAttribute("data-text-placement");
var mobileTextPlacement = overlayBlock.getAttribute("data-mobile-text-placement");
console.log("textPlacement: ", textPlacement);
console.log("mobileTextPlacement: ", mobileTextPlacement);
if (mq.matches) {
} else {
window.addEventListener("resize", function () {
if (window.innerWidth < 767) {
} else {
As you can see from the code I have logged to console the variables that contains the class that should be added to the div and they contain the correct values that are the css class i need to add:
textPlacement: position--left position--top
mobileTextPlacement: position--right position--bottom
Also if i replace one of the statements (e.g. overlayBlock.classList.add(textPlacement) with a string overlayBlock.classList.add("some text")
the string gets added correctly to the div class. Any hint on how to fix my code?
PS: I'd prefer to avoid using jquery
Any help appreciated
Ok so thanks to #CBroe hint I manager to fix my code. Here is the correct script
var mq = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)");
var overlayBlock = document.getElementById("overlay_block");
var textPlacement = overlayBlock.getAttribute("data-text-placement");
var mobileTextPlacement = overlayBlock.getAttribute("data-mobile-text-placement");
var addClasses = function(elem, classList) {
var classes = classList.split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
var removeClasses = function(elem, classList) {
var classes = classList.split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
if (mq.matches) {
addClasses(overlayBlock, mobileTextPlacement);
removeClasses(overlayBlock, textPlacement);
} else {
addClasses(overlayBlock, textPlacement);
removeClasses(overlayBlock, mobileTextPlacement);
window.addEventListener("resize", function() {
if (window.innerWidth < 767) {
addClasses(overlayBlock, mobileTextPlacement);
removeClasses(overlayBlock, textPlacement);
} else {
addClasses(overlayBlock, textPlacement);
removeClasses(overlayBlock, mobileTextPlacement);
Ok so this is the final piece of working code, definitely more elegant than the previous loop. With a simple mod to the original code.
var mq = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)");
var overlayBlock = document.getElementById("overlay_block");
var textPlacement = overlayBlock.getAttribute("data-text-placement").split(" ");
var mobileTextPlacement = overlayBlock.getAttribute("data-mobile-text-placement").split(" ");
if (mq.matches) {
} else {
window.addEventListener("resize", function() {
if (window.innerWidth < 767) {
} else {

else statement not getting executed?

I want to reload my page if the page is not fully loaded. I am using the below if-else loop. If part is working properly but the else part is not getting executed. I have no idea why is this happening???
Can someone help me to overcome this problem??
function loadCensusData(obj) {
var vals = objXHR1.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("val");
var noOfCols = 4;
var noOfRows = vals.length / noOfCols;
var row = 0;
while (row < noOfRows) {
var Did = vals[row * noOfCols + 0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var DRevenue = vals[row * noOfCols + 2].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var censusVariable = DRevenue;
var div = Did;
if (censusVariable < censusMin) {
censusMin = censusVariable;
if (censusVariable > censusMax) {
censusMax = censusVariable;
map.data.getFeatureById(div).setProperty('census_variable', censusVariable);
document.getElementById('census-min').textContent = censusMin.toLocaleString();
document.getElementById('census-max').textContent = censusMax.toLocaleString();
if (document.readyState == 'interactive' || document.readyState == 'complete') {
} else {
loadCensusData loads the data from my report.
census_variable is used to apply color style
I have used the ready state conditions.
Can someone help me to overcome this problem??

svgjs how to replay and control series of animations using slider

I am using svg.js and would like to play a series of animations and then provide a slider for the user to control the animation to look at it more closely. It looks like when an animation is complete, svg.js cleans up the resources so the situation gets nulled out so I can't reset it. I have a fiddle with a simplified example. After the animation plays once, I would like to then be able to use the slider and use the at method to reposition the animations.
var draw = SVG('drawing'),
rectA1 = draw.rect(50, 50).fill('#f06'),
rectA2 = draw.rect(50, 50).fill('#60f').translate(200),
rectB1 = draw.rect(50, 50).fill('#ce0').translate(0, 100).opacity(0),
rectB2 = draw.rect(50, 50).fill('#0ec').translate(200, 100).opacity(0);
var animation1 = rectA1.animate().move(200).opacity(0);
var animation2 = rectA2.animate().move(-200).opacity(0).during(function(pos) {
document.getElementById("range_animation").value = pos;
var animation3, animation4;
animation2.after(function(situation) {
animation3 = rectB1.animate().move(200).opacity(1);
animation4 = rectB2.animate().opacity(1).move(-200)
.during(function(pos) {
document.getElementById("range_animation").value = 1 + pos;
console.log('animations', animation1, animation2, animation3, animation4);
document.getElementById("range_animation").addEventListener("change", function(el) {
///console.log('change', el, );
var val = this.value;
if (animation1.situation) {
if (val < 1) {
} else {
animation3.at(val - 1).pause();
animation4.at(val - 1).pause();
}, false);
HTML below:
<div id="drawing">
<input type="range" id="range_animation" min="0.01" max="2" step=".01" value=".01">
One approach that works is as #Fuzzyma mentioned is to make the animations loop so they don't get terminated. Then one has to manage the transition sets from one to another. Any animations that don't get run immediately start in a paused state. In my real project not this demo there are 5 animation sets each with subanimations so lets see if this turns out to be manageable!
var atEnd = function (pos) {
var rounded = pos.toFixed(2);
return (rounded == .99 || rounded == 1.00);
var draw = SVG('drawing')
, rectA1 = draw.rect(50, 50).fill('#f06')
, rectA2= draw.rect(50, 50).fill('#60f').translate(200)
, rectB1 = draw.rect(50, 50).fill('#ce0').translate(0, 100).opacity(0)
, rectB2 = draw.rect(50, 50).fill('#0ec').translate(200, 100).opacity(0);
var animation3, animation4, lastTotalRange;
var animation1 = rectA1.animate().move(200).opacity(0).loop();
var animation2 = rectA2.animate().move(-200).opacity(0).loop();
.during(function( pos ) {
document.getElementById("range_animation").value = pos;
if ( atEnd (pos) ) {
animation3 = rectB1.animate().move(200).opacity(1).loop();
animation4 = rectB2.animate().opacity(1).move(-200).loop();
.during(function( pos ) {
if (pos > 0) {
document.getElementById("range_animation").value = 1 + pos;
if (atEnd (pos)) {
animation3.during( function(pos) {
if (atEnd (pos)) {
animation1.during(function( pos ) {
if (atEnd (pos)) {
$('input#range_animation').on('input', function() {
$('input#range_animation').on('change', function() {
var val = $( this).val(),
delta = 0;
if (lastTotalRange) {
delta = val - lastTotalRange;
if (val < 1) {
if (lastTotalRange > 1) {
else {
animation3.at(val - 1).pause();
animation4.at(val - 1).pause();
if (lastTotalRange < 1) {
// console.log('totalAnimationRange:change', delta, val);
lastTotalRange = val;
and the html
<div id="drawing"></div>
<input type="range" id="range_animation" min="0.00" max="1.99" step=".01" value=".01">
and the jsfiddle:

Illustrator JavaScript only works once - won't toggle

I'm writing a script which changes the colours of a stick-man's arms and legs. Once "he" is selected, it effectively just mirrors the colours:
//Declare and initialize variables
var msgType = "";
var app;
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var testColor = docRef.swatches.getByName("CMYK Green");
var leftColor = docRef.swatches.getByName("LeftColor");
var rightColor = docRef.swatches.getByName("RightColor");
function sameColor(CMYKColor1, CMYKColor2) {
"use strict";
var isTheSameColor;
if ((CMYKColor1.cyan === CMYKColor2.cyan) && (CMYKColor1.magenta === CMYKColor2.magenta) && (CMYKColor1.yellow === CMYKColor2.yellow) && (CMYKColor1.black === CMYKColor2.black)) {
isTheSameColor = true;
} else {
isTheSameColor = false;
return isTheSameColor;
// check if a document is open in Illustrator.
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var mySelection = app.activeDocument.selection;
var index;
// Loop through all selected objects
for (index = 0; index < mySelection.length; index += 1) {
// Switch left and right colours
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].strokeColor, leftColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].strokeColor = rightColor.color;
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].strokeColor, rightColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].strokeColor = leftColor.color;
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].fillColor, leftColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].fillColor = rightColor.color;
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].fillColor, rightColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].fillColor = leftColor.color;
It works, but it only works once (i.e. I can't toggle the change again). If I undo the change and try again it works again. Why is this?
After a lot of head-scratching / debugging it turns out that it was changing the CMYK values to be not quite the same (by a tiny fraction).
Changed the following:
if ((CMYKColor1.cyan === CMYKColor2.cyan) ...
if ((Math.round(CMYKColor1.cyan) === Math.round(CMYKColor2.cyan)) ...
and it works fine now.

function is undefined in firefox only

ok, the following code works ok in IE7+ and Chrome.
but for some reason, xfade is undefined in firefox
<div id="slider"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var Klimateka = {
Slider: function () {
// Check if we have a slider div on page
var slider = document.getElementById('slider');
if (slider != null) {
var images = ["slide-image-1.jpg", "slide-image-2.jpg", "slide-image-3.jpg", "slide-image-4.jpg"];
var i = images.length;
while (i) {
i -= 1;
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = "images/" + images[i];
var d = document, imgs = new Array(), zInterval = null, current = 0, pause = false;
imgs = d.getElementById("slider").getElementsByTagName("img");
for (i = 1; i < imgs.length; i++) imgs[i].xOpacity = 0;
imgs[0].style.display = "block";
imgs[0].xOpacity = .99;
setTimeout("xfade()", 3500);
function xfade() {
cOpacity = imgs[current].xOpacity;
nIndex = imgs[current + 1] ? current + 1 : 0;
nOpacity = imgs[nIndex].xOpacity;
cOpacity -= .05;
nOpacity += .05;
imgs[nIndex].style.display = "block";
imgs[current].xOpacity = cOpacity;
imgs[nIndex].xOpacity = nOpacity;
if (cOpacity <= 0) {
imgs[current].style.display = "none";
current = nIndex;
setTimeout(xfade, 3500);
} else {
setTimeout(xfade, 50);
function setOpacity(obj) {
if (obj.xOpacity > .99) {
obj.xOpacity = .99;
obj.style.opacity = obj.xOpacity;
obj.style.MozOpacity = obj.xOpacity;
obj.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + (obj.xOpacity * 100) + ")";
bar: function () {
i have setup a jsfiddler for testing:
This might only apply to Firefox:
functions do not hoist when declared inside a child block.
You declare xfade inside the if block, but you are calling it prior to the declaration:
setTimeout(xfade, 3500);
Put the function declaration on top.
You have to do the same with setOpacity inside xfade. <- That is not necessary.
Fix your line that says this: setTimeout("xfade()", 3500); to match your others:
setTimeout(xfade, 3500);
Use setTimeout(xfade, 3500) instead.
