How to check pages' visits in a website [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I 've created a website for a real estate agency, so there is a page for each property in this site. Finally, I would like to check how many visits every property gets, collect and display these stats somehow. Can this be done with Google Analytics or any other already developed solution or I have to do it increasing a visit counter for each page and storing it in my database(which might increase page load time)? I am using Symfony 2 if this can be a useful information anyhow.

Yes. Google Analytics can be used to store the number of visitors and all the data analytics like page views and the regions in which the page is being viewed and many more.


How to pull reviews from an outside website that does not have an open API? [closed]

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Closed 8 days ago.
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I'm in need of automatically getting reviews from a job posting page for my client. The problem is that it's a medium sized, local website without a public API. Are there any ways to automatically update your website based on information from another website? It'd consist of rating, name of reviewer, message + date
A library like Puppeteer is a premium choice for this if you're wanting to stick with Node.js. When you scrape just be sure you consider the website's Terms of Service that you're scraping - but I've used Puppeteer for this purpose and it's generally very simple and convenient.
You use DOM selectors as you would with Javascript and then can grab text or metadata attribute values wherever you want.
Then you just need to be careful with how you run these crawlers to not abuse the website. One crawl per 1-minute is probably a minimum if I were to guess but it's up to you!

Monitor webpage changes [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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Suppose there is a website on internet which shows Indian share market price. And price of share is changing every second.
This site provides no api support
How can i continuously track this price and update to user when price goes above a specified limit.
I am beginner please help me how to start and where to start
All the process should be on server not from my phone/pc
I am beginner please help me how to start.
Maybe you can setup a web scrapper that fetches the page on a periodical basis with the help of a background job, you may begin with PHP and Cron.

How to show my twitter feeds on a static webpage? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a static HTML webpage which is not capable to run php or connect with MySQL. I used this page to create my personal home page. I am very interested to list my last 20 tweets in this page. Is there an easy way to fetch those tweets from and then show them in my static homepage ?
I am open to any technology that work best for this job.
Take a look here. (You'll need to be logged into Twitter.)
This should do the job for you. The good news is it's all HTML!
Good luck...
There are many widgets available for doing just this on the client side, in html. Some are even from Twitter:

How to create different versions of a website depending on where someone comes from? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This is a little hard to explain.
I want to have a separate home page depending on where people are coming from. For example, if they come from FaceBook, I'd like a special home page for FaceBook users. If they come from Google, I'd like another home page for them.
Here's an example of a website that does this. It will be the normal site at first, but once you've clicked the link thru FaceBook, your browser will only load the FaceBook version.
From FaceBook:
Any ideas on the codes I'd need for this?
I figured out another way to do this, it's not exactly what I wanted but I made a copy of the website with the index page as indexFB.php and only linked that version of the site with Facebook.

Reasons\ and Benefits to build SPA application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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As I understand, SPA means
Move maximum of logic to the client. Means client only receive JSON objects from the server by requesting them and nothing else
Push all our html to as single page
Maybe something else?
What are reasons/benfits to write Single Page Application?
Especially, what are the benefits to push all our html to a single page?
One of the big differences with SPAs is responsiveness. They just appear more responsive to the user because there's no gaps while a page has to load. Users can also be given direct feedback while they're waiting for changes (like spinning icons or progress bars). This kind of feedback is well received by users and decreases the perception of wait-time. Users can also be interacting with the app in multiple ways, all without having to wait for a new page load for each interaction.
