How to create different versions of a website depending on where someone comes from? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This is a little hard to explain.
I want to have a separate home page depending on where people are coming from. For example, if they come from FaceBook, I'd like a special home page for FaceBook users. If they come from Google, I'd like another home page for them.
Here's an example of a website that does this. It will be the normal site at first, but once you've clicked the link thru FaceBook, your browser will only load the FaceBook version.
From FaceBook:
Any ideas on the codes I'd need for this?

I figured out another way to do this, it's not exactly what I wanted but I made a copy of the website with the index page as indexFB.php and only linked that version of the site with Facebook.


How do I get all my pages to be updated automatically when I update a page? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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So, as I was making my website, I started to have many pages. So, I wanna ask today, if ya'll know anyway way how I can make a change to a page of my website, and those changes be apply to my other pages automatically. For example, if I make a change to my nav bar of my website, I don't wanna have to go to every single page and and do it manually, I wanna know if there is a way how I can make a change to the nav bar in one of the web page, and get the other pages get the updates automatically. I would very much appreciates any advice, thank you.
You can just write your navbar code into a separate file and include it wherever you need navbar. This way if you change the main navbar.php file it will reflect in every other page that includes navbar.php

Query related Facebook Integration into your website [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I just need to know one thing that is suppose, a user comes to my website and find option to get login using Facebook account then once he login, can i get and save the details of user to my database for communication purposes?
If it's possible then what's the way to implement this feature in php?
Good ideas will be welcomed !
Yes, you can implement a "Facebook login" to your website (as you can do it with Twitter, Google+, Steam and much more..).
To do it, you must use the OAuth2 API. You can do it with JavaScript or PHP.
Check this link, it can help you.
I hope it helps you.

How to show my twitter feeds on a static webpage? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a static HTML webpage which is not capable to run php or connect with MySQL. I used this page to create my personal home page. I am very interested to list my last 20 tweets in this page. Is there an easy way to fetch those tweets from and then show them in my static homepage ?
I am open to any technology that work best for this job.
Take a look here. (You'll need to be logged into Twitter.)
This should do the job for you. The good news is it's all HTML!
Good luck...
There are many widgets available for doing just this on the client side, in html. Some are even from Twitter:

Embeddable Website Viewer [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to do something kind of like Google's embeddable pdf viewer except I want to be able to embed a website and be able to view that on my website.
Specifically because I have many different teachers and they all use something called Planbook for their assignments, so I want to be able to view all of them at once. Also, I think it would help some other students.
So, does anyone know of a way to do this?
A quick way to acheive this is to use the HTML iframe. It displays a frame of another webpage, an example usage is <iframe src=""></iframe>. Also see this link for some more basic info.

OS X login page like HTML [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I know the Title is a little obscure, but I will try to explain my best. Since OS X Lion the login screen of the Macs presents a row of images of the available users. Once you click one of those images, the rest disappear, centering the clicked one and revealing a password field.
I want to do a similar thing in a web-app. I have a few users, and I want them to click on their image to reveal the password field.
I searched for similar options, but can't find anything, and I don't even know how to proceed. I guess JQuery or Javascript would be necessary, but those I know little to nothing (HTML & CSS shouldn't be a problem, but well, I don't even know how to start this simple thing... )
Google is your friend... no matter how much the NSA are watching. Use it to search for tutorials, these are the best way to learn. Mostly CSS will be needed to make it look like the OSX login screen... maybe a bit of jQuery.
Within in seconds I found this page of many examples of login forms. And then I found this one that looks very similar to an OSX login page.
