how to control multiple window open using java script - javascript

In my application, we have the option of hitting the url and able to view the application in separate dialog box. So that, my application looks like a individual window and we can start working on that.
How to do it :
Entering the url in the browser and clicking the enter button, then a new dialog box will appear.
Issue :
Whenever i'm copying the url from that old tab and pasting it in the next tab, then browser allows to open the 2nd dialog box, so that my application starts working as two separate dialog boxes.. I want to restrict this operation in my code.
I have restricted the same tab, multiple enter option, but i can't control the mulitple tab copy paste operations..
Note :
During copy paste operation, i have implemented the session concept and that works fine as expected.
But, If a user tries to copy paste the login url and starts using the application, then my application allows the same user to login ... ( Because in each tab, the browser can use the same session id. )
Please help to restrict the multiple feature in separate tabs.
Thanks in advance..
this my snippet:
var named_wnd = {};
var agt_value = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var broswerVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var broswerVersion_nav = ((agt_value.indexOf('mozilla') != -1) && (agt_value.indexOf('spoofer') == -1) && (agt_value.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (agt_value.indexOf('opera') == -1) && (agt_value.indexOf('webtv') == -1) && (agt_value.indexOf('hotjava') == -1));
var broswerVersion_v1 = (broswerVersion_nav && (broswerVersion == 6));
var broswerVersion_v6up = (broswerVersion_nav && (broswerVersion >= 6));
var id = 'myWin';
function BaseWNDURL(thisurl) {
var named_wnd_Width = 810;
var named_wnd_Height = 610;
attr = 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=yes,status=yes,menubar=yes,' +
'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,top=0,left=0,width=' + named_wnd_Width + ',height=' + named_wnd_Height + ',' +
'screenX=' + (screen.width - named_wnd_Width) / 2 + ',screenY=' + (screen.height - named_wnd_Height) / 2;
if ((broswerVersion_v1 || broswerVersion_v6up)) {
named_wnd[id] =, id, attr);
if (broswerVersion_nav) {
named_wnd[id].screenX = (screen.width - named_wnd_Width) / 2;
named_wnd[id].screenY = (screen.height - named_wnd_Height) / 2;
} else {
function BaseWNDURL_OpenUP(thisurl) {
var named_wnd_Width = screen.width - 10;
var named_wnd_Height = screen.height - 80;
attr = 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes,menubar=no,' +
'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,top=0,left=0,width=' + named_wnd_Width + ',height=' + named_wnd_Height + ',' +
'screenX=' + (screen.width - named_wnd_Width) / 2 + ',screenY=' + (screen.height - named_wnd_Height) / 2;
if (named_wnd[id]) {
if (named_wnd[id].closed) {
named_wnd[id] =, id, attr);
if (broswerVersion_nav) {
named_wnd[id].screenX = (screen.width - named_wnd_Width) / 2;
named_wnd[id].screenY = (screen.height - named_wnd_Height) / 2;
} else {
} else {
named_wnd[id] =, id, attr);
if (broswerVersion_nav) {
named_wnd[id].screenX = (screen.width - named_wnd_Width) / 2;
named_wnd[id].screenY = (screen.height - named_wnd_Height) / 2;


jQuery Won't Run On IE nor does normal JS

After creating a snippet of code using jQuery, making sure it works on chrome, I tested it out on IE and I realised that none of the jQuery code is running in it. I tried to fix this issue by changing all the jQuery to Pure JS. And still, I get no results. Is anyone here can help me understand why IE is so out of the loop and how I can fix this issue. It's for a client and they are using IE.
So the code is:
let Section5Run = true;
const myServices = $('.service-link');
function ServiceSlideIn(services, index = 0) {
if (services.length -1 < index) { return; }
$(services[index]).css('transform', 'translateX(0%)');
console.log("Section 5 occurance " + index);
setTimeout(ServiceSlideIn, 500 , services, ++index);
//On Load Page
$(document).ready(function() {
//When Window Is Scrolled
$(window).scroll( function(){
const MSOFFSET = $('.service-link')[0].clientHeight/2;
var bottom_of_object = $('#section-5-box').offset().top + MSOFFSET;
var bottom_of_window = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height();
if( bottom_of_window > bottom_of_object && Section5Run ){
Section5Run = false;
Then it was converted to this:
function ServiceSlideIn(services, index = 0) {
if (services.length -1 < index) { return; }
services[index].style.transform = "translateX(0%)";
console.log("Section 5 occurance " + index);
setTimeout(ServiceSlideIn, 500 , services, ++index);
var cond = true;
document.addEventListener("scroll", function () {
var wind = window.scrollY;
var sec_5 = document.getElementById("section-5-box");
var items = document.getElementsByClassName("service-link");
var sec_off = offset(sec_5).top;
if (wind + (sec_5.clientHeight * 1.5) > sec_off && cond){
console.log("Clients's top: " + sec_off);
console.log("Client's Height is " + sec_5.clientHeight);
console.log("Window's height: " + (wind + sec_5.clientHeight/3));
console.log("items Length " + items.length);
cond= false;
function offset(el) {
var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(),
scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
return { top: + scrollTop, left: rect.left + scrollLeft }
Pretty basic slide animation done here.
Please do check the website for yourself under Our Services the boxes will slide in right to left.
Thank you all.

Extending Touch EventListener to Additional DOM Element

I used a Codrops article/experiment to create an interactive environment for a local group to use at their conferences. The problem with this is the default interaction is not very intuitive. The template used Flickity.js and what seems like classie.js to create this sliding interface I am having trouble with.
The page can be found here:
Issue: The only way to activate the view-full is by clicking on the html element:
<h2 class=".stack-title">
// After the stack is active you should be able to activate the full view by clicking on the first .stack-item used to create the thumbnail below it. This entire div should be clickable. Users are touching everywhere all over the screen and not actually clicking the title for the desired action. I hope this makes sense.
In other words you should be able to click the stack-title and the image below the title of each stack to pull the stack into the full view mode on the screen. Then click the x or anywhere else on the screen to close the full view.
The following is located in main.js and the reference I found to create the events I am referring to.
function initEvents() {
stacks.forEach(function(stack) {
var titleEl = stack.querySelector('.stack-title');
// expand/close the stack
titleEl.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
if( classie.has(stack, 'is-selected') ) { // current stack
if( classie.has(bodyEl, 'view-full') ) { // stack is opened
var closeStack = function() {
classie.remove(bodyEl, 'move-items');
onEndTransition(slider, function() {
classie.remove(bodyEl, 'view-full'); = '';
flkty.options.accessibility = true;
canMoveHeroImage = true;
// if the user scrolled down, let's first scroll all up before closing the stack.
var scrolled = scrollY();
if( scrolled > 0 ) {
smooth_scroll_to(isFirefox ? docElem : bodyEl || docElem, 0, 500).then(function() {
else {
else if( canOpen ) { // stack is closed
canMoveHeroImage = false;
classie.add(bodyEl, 'view-full');
setTimeout(function() { classie.add(bodyEl, 'move-items'); }, 25); = stack.offsetHeight + 'px';
flkty.options.accessibility = false;
else if( classie.has(stack, 'stack-prev') ) {
else if( classie.has(stack, 'stack-next') ) {;
titleEl.addEventListener('mouseenter', function(ev) {
if( classie.has(stack, 'is-selected') ) {
canMoveHeroImage = false; = 'perspective(1000px) translate3d(0,0,0) rotate3d(1,1,1,0deg)'; = 'perspective(1000px) translate3d(0,0,0) rotate3d(1,1,1,0deg)';
titleEl.addEventListener('mouseleave', function(ev) {
// if current stack and it's not opened..
if( classie.has(stack, 'is-selected') && !classie.has(bodyEl, 'view-full') ) {
canMoveHeroImage = true;
window.addEventListener('mousemove', throttle(function(ev) {
if( !canMoveHeroImage ) return false;
var xVal = -1/(win.height/2)*ev.clientY + 1,
yVal = 1/(win.width/2)*ev.clientX - 1,
transX = 20/(win.width)*ev.clientX - 10,
transY = 20/(win.height)*ev.clientY - 10,
transZ = 100/(win.height)*ev.clientY - 50; = 'perspective(1000px) translate3d(' + transX + 'px,' + transY + 'px,' + transZ + 'px) rotate3d(' + xVal + ',' + yVal + ',0,2deg)'; = 'perspective(1000px) translate3d(' + transX + 'px,' + transY + 'px,' + transZ + 'px) rotate3d(' + xVal + ',' + yVal + ',0,2deg)';
}, 100));
// window resize
window.addEventListener( 'resize', throttle(function(ev) {
// recalculate window width/height
win = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight };
// reset body height if stack is opened
if( classie.has(bodyEl, 'view-full') ) { // stack is opened = stacks[flkty.selectedIndex].offsetHeight + 'px';
}, 50));
// Flickity events:
flkty.on('cellSelect', function() {
canOpen = false;
classie.remove(bodyEl, 'item-clickable');
var prevStack = stacksWrapper.querySelector('.stack-prev'),
nextStack = stacksWrapper.querySelector('.stack-next'),
selidx = flkty.selectedIndex,
cellsCount = flkty.cells.length,
previdx = selidx > 0 ? selidx - 1 : cellsCount - 1;
nextidx = selidx < cellsCount - 1 ? selidx + 1 : 0;
if( prevStack ) {
classie.remove(prevStack, 'stack-prev');
if( nextStack ) {
classie.remove(nextStack, 'stack-next');
classie.add(stacks[previdx], 'stack-prev');
classie.add(stacks[nextidx], 'stack-next');
flkty.on('dragStart', function() {
canOpen = false;
classie.remove(bodyEl, 'item-clickable');
flkty.on('settle', function() {
classie.add(bodyEl, 'item-clickable');
canOpen = true;
I wrapped the title and the first stack item in a div class .touch-me and it worked fairly well. I had previously tried to do this and received an error. But I may have mistyped something because it only made sense.
ISSUE: It works on mouseclick, but it is not working with touch on windows. I have untested it in any other environment because it will be deployed on a windows touch screen.
Although I cannot tell the layer not to close on touch when you swipe or touch the header image for the stack.... I'm afraid I do not have the skillset to properly modify the logic in the javascript since I do not entirely understand the plugins being used.

Javascript event handler with parameter

I'm trying to set the onmousemove event for an svg element. The code below works in chrome, but in firefox it is not setting the onmousemove property correctly every time. After the 2nd change it gets messed up.
mysvg.setAttribute('onmousemove','window.updateXY(evt,' + that.chartNumber + ')');
mysvg is still the correct svg element according to firebug: svg#chart0
the svg property onmousemove says function(e) instead of onmousemove(evt) when it gets messed up, but no error is reported in firebug
Edited to show more code:
var YAxis = function(mysvg,chartNumber){
this.chartNumber = chartNumber;
var that = this;
var g = document.createElementNS(xmlns, "g"); = 'YAxis' + chartNumber; =;
var shift = false;
this.selected = false;
this.yScale = function(e){
that.origY = e.pageY;
that.shift = e.ctrlKey;
mysvg.onmousemove = that.dragY;
mysvg.onmouseup = that.dropY;
this.dragY = function(e) {
var chart = charts[that.chartNumber];
displayXYText.innerHTML = 'range: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(10,chart.max*(1 + (e.pageY - that.origY)/(chart.height)))*100)/100 + '-' + Math.round(Math.pow(10,chart.min*(1 - (e.pageY - that.origY)/(chart.height)))*100)/100;
displayXYText.innerHTML = 'range: ' + Math.round(chart.max*(1 + (e.pageY - that.origY)/(chart.height))*100)/100 + '-' + Math.round(chart.min*(1 - (e.pageY - that.origY)/(chart.height))*100)/100;
this.dropY = function(e) {
var chart = charts[that.chartNumber];
var range = (chart.max - chart.min)*Math.round((e.pageY - that.origY)/(chart.height)*1000)/1000;
chart.max += range;
chart.min += range;
var range = chart.max - chart.min;
chart.max *= 1 + Math.round((e.pageY - that.origY)/(chart.height)*1000)/1000;
chart.min *= 1 - Math.round((e.pageY - that.origY)/(chart.height)*1000)/1000;
if(chart.max <= chart.min){
chart.max = chart.min + range;
mysvg.setAttribute('onmousemove','window.updateXY(event,' + that.chartNumber + ')');
//mysvg.onmousemove = updateXY(e,that.chartNumber);//function() { updateXY(e,that.chartNumber)}; //set back to orig function
//mysvg.setAttribute('onmousemove','updateXY(evt,' + that.chartNumber + ')');
//console.debug("got here onmousemove");
I tried all the methods above but none worked properly in firefox. The solution was to not pass any parameters other than event to the updateXY function. When the other parameters were undefined, run separate logic to determine what the parameters should be in that case. Once the code is in the window frame, you can use setAttribute like you normally do. #FirefoxOOPfail

How to "echo" or show pictures from Javascript

I'm trying to use the below code to reflect different pictures of the moon into an HTML doc. Of course i've added the Jquery and Javascript tags.
I've been looking at this for hours and trying different things but I can't find out what to put into HTML code that will actually show or echo the pictures.
What should I put into the "moonImage.src = "pix/moon" + truncPhase + ".png";" part of the code? I don't understand how to essentially echo the photos. Help please?:
// Image max size
var IMAGE_MAX_SIZE = 196;
// Records whether or not the gadget is expanded
var poppedOut = false;
function onOpen() {
// Check once every 30 minutes
view.setInterval(onTimer, 30 * 60 * 1000);
// Initialize the gadget
// Called when the timer goes off
function onTimer() {
// Compute the moon phase each time timer is called
var cal = new Date();
// Base the computation off of UTC time, to the nearest hour
var phase = computeMoonPhase(cal.getUTCFullYear(),
cal.getUTCMonth() + 1,
var truncPhase = Math.floor(phase) % 30;
// Find the text description of the current phase
var desc;
if (truncPhase === 0) {
} else if (truncPhase == 7) {
} else if (truncPhase == 15) {
} else if (truncPhase == 23) {
} else if (truncPhase > 0 && phase < 7) {
} else if (truncPhase > 7 && phase < 15) {
} else if (truncPhase > 15 && phase < 23) {
} else {
// Set the image and text component appropriately
moonImage.src = "pix/moon" + truncPhase + ".png";
moonImage.tooltip = (Math.floor(phase * 100) / 100) + " " + STRING_DAYS_OLD;
phaseAge.innerText = STRING_MOON_AGE_PREFIX + " " + moonImage.tooltip +
"\n" +
// Called when view is resized (recompute constituent basicElement sizes and
// locations)
function resizeView() {
setDimensions(event.width, event.height);
// Open the browser whenever a user double clicks (expanded or collapsed)
function onDblClick() {
var obj = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");
// Show date age in title, when gadget is minimized
function onMinimize() {
view.caption = STRING_MOON_SHORT + " - " + moonImage.tooltip;
// Only show the textual part (details) when popped out
function onPopout() {
poppedOut = true;
phaseAge.visible = true;
// Hide the textual part in restored mode, show regular title, and reset
// dimensions
function onRestore() {
view.caption = GADGET_NAME;
phaseAge.visible = false;
//moonImage.enabled = true;
poppedOut = false;
setDimensions(view.width, view.height);
// Called whenever the sizes and/or locations of basicElements need to change
function setDimensions(width, height) {
// Image is square, constrained by smallest dimension
var sz = Math.min(width, height);
// Make the image almost as large as the sz
moonImage.width = Math.min(IMAGE_MAX_SIZE, sz * 0.9);
moonImage.height = Math.min(IMAGE_MAX_SIZE, sz * 0.9);
if (poppedOut) {
// Align image on left, and set text location
moonImage.x = 0;
phaseAge.x = moonImage.width + 5;
phaseAge.y = (height - phaseAge.height) / 2;
} else {
// Center image horizontally
moonImage.x = (width - moonImage.width) * 0.5;
// Always center image vertically
moonImage.y = (height - moonImage.height) * 0.5;
// Compute the moon phase.
// Code is based upon Bradley E. Schaefer''s well-known moon phase algorithm.
function computeMoonPhase(year, month, day, hours) {
var MOON_PHASE_LENGTH = 29.530588853;
// Convert the year into the format expected by the algorithm
var transformedYear = year - Math.floor((12 - month) / 10);
// Convert the month into the format expected by the algorithm
var transformedMonth = month + 9;
if (transformedMonth >= 12) {
transformedMonth = transformedMonth - 12;
// Logic to compute moon phase as a fraction between 0 and 1
var term1 = Math.floor(365.25 * (transformedYear + 4712));
var term2 = Math.floor(30.6 * transformedMonth + 0.5);
var term3 = Math.floor(Math.floor((transformedYear / 100) + 49) * 0.75) - 38;
var intermediate = term1 + term2 + (day + (hours - 1) / 24) + 59;
if (intermediate > 2299160) {
intermediate = intermediate - term3;
var normalizedPhase = (intermediate - 2451550.1) / MOON_PHASE_LENGTH;
normalizedPhase = normalizedPhase - Math.floor(normalizedPhase);
if (normalizedPhase < 0) {
normalizedPhase = normalizedPhase + 1;
// Return the result as a value between 0 and MOON_PHASE_LENGTH
return normalizedPhase * MOON_PHASE_LENGTH;
<head><title>Kendrick Moon</title>
<script src=" (etc.)
<script src=""></script>;
<script src="main.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div><img src=""/> </div>
ok, well thats then easy.
first of all, you might want to check out jquery. with jquery it would be something like this.
<img src="" id="my_image" />
in javascript then (with jquery)
// the `myLinkToImage` is hopefully the variable of your path
$("#my_image").attr("src", myLinkToImage);
as you can see I´m using #. That is a typical jQuery Selector. You might check out more of them here
in javascript without jquery
document.getElementById("my_image").src = myLinkToImage;

Javascript menu not working in IE8

Website is available at
The drop-down menu doesn't stay open when you go to mouse over it.
Javascript is:
var DDSPEED = 10;
var DDTIMER = 15;
// main function to handle the mouse events //
function ddMenu(id,d){
var h = document.getElementById(id + '-ddheader');
var c = document.getElementById(id + '-ddcontent');
if(d == 1){
if(c.maxh && c.maxh <= c.offsetHeight){return}
else if(!c.maxh){ = 'block'; = 'auto';
c.maxh = c.offsetHeight; = '0px';
c.timer = setInterval(function(){ddSlide(c,1)},DDTIMER);
h.timer = setTimeout(function(){ddCollapse(c)},50);
// collapse the menu //
function ddCollapse(c){
c.timer = setInterval(function(){ddSlide(c,-1)},DDTIMER);
// cancel the collapse if a user rolls over the dropdown //
function cancelHide(id){
var h = document.getElementById(id + '-ddheader');
var c = document.getElementById(id + '-ddcontent');
if(c.offsetHeight < c.maxh){
c.timer = setInterval(function(){ddSlide(c,1)},DDTIMER);
// incrementally expand/contract the dropdown and change the opacity //
function ddSlide(c,d){
var currh = c.offsetHeight;
var dist;
if(d == 1){
dist = (Math.round((c.maxh - currh) / DDSPEED));
dist = (Math.round(currh / DDSPEED));
if(dist <= 1 && d == 1){
dist = 1;
} = currh + (dist * d) + 'px'; = currh / c.maxh; = 'alpha(opacity=' + (currh * 100 / c.maxh) + ')';
if((currh + (dist * d))<10 && d<0)'none';
if((currh < 2 && d != 1) || (currh > (c.maxh - 2) && d == 1)){
Quite possibly (don't have IE8 handy I'm afraid) this is because you're triggering onmouseout on the header after onmouseover on the content, probably due to layout but, hey, it's IE.
To be honest though, it is inadvisable to reinvent the wheel here - I strongly advise you to just get a mature menu widget from jQuery or similar.
One thing that you could try is changing the compatibility. Go to Tools (drop down menu) - click on Compatibility View.
This fixed my issues and no need to change any settings.
Good Luck
