Can I smuggle custom constructors in the toJSON overriden method? - javascript

The JSON.stringify behavior can be altered by overriding .toJSON method:
var obj = {toJSON: function() {return [1,2,3];}};
var x = JSON.stringify(dd);
console.log(x); // "[1,2,3]"
JSON.parse(x); // [1,2,3]
I'd like to pass the javascript pseudo-class instances (objects inheriting from other objects). However it doesn't seem possible to add any function call in the data:
function Pseudoclass(x) {
this.x = x;
//More operations
If you return function, .stringify fails. Not talking about the fact that it doesn't seem very possible to pass the class properties:
//JSON.stringify(inst) will be undefined
Pseudoclass.prototype.toJSON = function() {
//If converted to string, the function loses variables from this scope
return function() {return new Pseudoclass();};
If you return string, it's encoded as string:
//JSON.stringify(inst) returns "\"Pseudoclass.fromJSON(6)\"" if x was 6
Pseudoclass.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return "Pseudoclass.fromJSON("+this.x+")";
So does anybody has any hacks in mind? I'd use this to pass prepared class instances to Worker - the only option there is figuring this JSON question or a custom format.
Don't forget that the constructor call may not be the only way. All I need is that the object inherits from my predefined object!


Javascript new operator help needed - dynamic object using the new operator in javascript

So I was looking to get an idea working but I can't seem to figure it out. I would like like to do something like the following.
// my old fasion code but not very flexibale
function runCode() {
var x = new myObject();
What I really like to be able to do.....
// pass in string paramater of object to create
// objName is the name of an object string to new like "myObject"
function runCode(objNameToUse) {
var x = new Object(objNameToUse);
How could I do something like this using javascript?
You can make a mapping from names of available constructors to the constructors themselves, like with an object:
var someConstructors = Object.create(null);
someConstructors.myObject = myObject;
function runCode(objNameToUse) {
var constructor = someConstructors[objNameToUse];
var x = new constructor();
Object.create(null) is an object that doesn’t inherit the properties of Object.prototype, so you don’t have unexpected extra “keys”, like hasOwnProperty. Important because the usual reason to do this is if you wanted to create objects based on a string outside of your control (e.g. user input); in many other cases, you could just pass myObject directly to runCode as a function instead of a name.
So, make sure this isn’t actually what you’re looking for for “flexibility”:
function runCode(constructor) {
var x = new constructor();;
If you're absolutely sure that you 100% control which class name is passed to your function at any time, you can use eval:
class myObject {
run() {
function runCode(objNameToUse) {
var x = new (eval(objNameToUse))();

Extending object literal

var x = {
name: "japan",
age: 20
x.prototype.mad = function() {
The above code does not work.
object literals cannot be extended? or x.mad() not the right way to call.
You can't do it this way. To be able to define object methods and properties using it's prototype you have to define your object type as a constructor function and then create an instance of it with new operator.
function MyObj() {} = function() {
// ...
var myObj = new MyObj();
If you want to keep using object literals, the only way to attach behaviour to your object is to create its property as anonymous function like so
var myObj = {
foo: function() {
// ...
The latter way is the quickest. The first is the way to share behaviour between mutiple objects of the same type, because they will share the same prototype. The latter way creates an instance of a function foo for every object you create.
Drop the prototype.
x.prototype.mad = function() {
x.mad = function() {
This simply adds a mad property to the object.
You dont have .prototype available on anything but function object. So your following code itself fails with error TypeError: Cannot set property 'mad' of undefined
x.prototype.mad = function() {
If you need to use prototype and extension, you need to use function object and new keyword. If you just want to add property to your object. Assign it directly on the object like following.
x.mad = function() {
x.constructor.prototype.mad = function() {
This also works, by the way:
Object.prototype.mad = function() {
var x = {
name: "japan",
age: 20
But then, the mad function will be part of any object what so ever,
literals, "class" instances, and also arrays (they have typeof === "object").
So - you'll probably never want to use it this way. I think it's worth mentioning so I added this answer.

JavaScript Dynamic variables

With this script I add variables to an object on runtime :
function MyDocument(someDocument)
if(!(someDocument instanceof KnownDocumentClass))
throw "Object must be an instance of KnownDocumentClass: " + someDocument;
this.Document = someDocument;
this.Fields = {};
this.updateValues = function()
for (var _it = this.Document.iterator(); _it.hasNext();)
var _property =;
this[_property.getQualifiedName()] = _property.getContent();
log("Error :"+err);
So, for example, I can use
var mydoc = new MyDocument(knownjavadoc);
log(mydoc.Creator) // Shows the original content.
This content could have multiple types (some are int, some Strings and a lot other custom java classes). So it can happen that log(mydoc.SomeProperty) returns :
PropertyObjectImpl[id=abc123, data=Some Data, type=Node, order=42]
I know, that I could add a function to MyDocument like
this.getValueAsString = function(name)
var _prop = this[name];
if(_prop instanceof PropertyObjectImpl)
return "PropertyObject with ID : " + _prop.getID();
return _prop;
But for exercise purposes I want to add this function as toValueString() directly on these properties, so that a call like :
var value = mydoc.SomeProperty.toValueString()
instead of
var value = mydoc.getValueAsString("SomeProperty");
Is this possible?
You can just override the .toString() implementation for the types in question, rather than implementing something which is likely going to do the same thing.
Overriding .toString() on existing types
Number.prototype.toString = function() {
// return .toString() logic for Number types
Boolean.prototype.toString = function() {
// return .toString() logic for Number types
Overriding .toString() on a custom type
var CustomType = (function() {
function CustomType() {
// CustomType logic
CustomType.prototype.toString = function() {
// return .toString() logic for CustomType
return CustomType;
Remember, toString() is built into the JavaScript specification for all objects, so you'd likely stick so convention overriding this, rather than implementing your own method. This is also less likely to break than implementing a custom method because .toString() should be callable from any property, whereas .toValueString() will only be callable on properties that implement it.
EDIT: If your method needs to return a completely custom string, for any type, then you need to ensure that you bind your custom method implementation to exiting types (Number, String, Boolean, Function, Object etc)
EDIT 2: As pointed out, overriding the default implementation of toString is considered bad practice, so another idea would be to bind your custom method at the Object level, so that it is callable from anything (since virtually everything in JavaScript extends Object)
Object.prototype.toValueString = function() {
// return default implementation for this method;
CustomType.prototype.toValueString = function() {
// return specific implementation for this method;
I'm a bit confused to your question, but I'll give it a shot.
In JS, there is a standard interface for converting a value to a string: toString(). This is implemented on Object, which means all objects (and primitives casted to objects), will have the expected behavior.
var obj = {
age: 25,
customField: {
name: "test",
toString: function () { return };
obj.age.toString(); // "25"
obj.customField.toString() // "test"
As a side note, I would only capitalize variables/references that are function constructors (js classes). This is pretty much standard in the community.

Javascript object properties and functions

In JavaScript I see a few different ways, certain tasks can be performed within an object for example, the object Egg I have below.
Can anyone tell me the difference between each one, why I would use one and not the other etc
var Egg = function(){
var shell = "cracked" // private property = "cracked" // public property
shell: "cracked" // what is this??
function cook(){
//standard function
cook: function(){
//what kind of function is this?
//not sure what this is
details: {
//What is this? an array :S it holds 2 elements?
cost: 1.23,
make: 'Happy Egg';
Your code snippet isn't quite valid, but here are a few things it raises:
Property initializers, object initializers
You've asked what shell: cracked is. It's a property initializer. You find them in object initializers (aka "object literals"), which are written like this:
var obj = {
propName: "propValue"
That's equivalent to:
var obj = {};
obj.propName = "propValue";
Both of the above create an object with a property called propName which has a string value "propValue". Note that this doesn't come into it.
There are a couple of places where functions typically come into it vis-a-vis objects:
Constructor functions
There are constructor functions, which are functions you call via the new operator. Here's an example:
// Constructor function
function Foo(name) { = name;
// Usage
var f = new Foo("Fred");
Note the use of the keyword this in there. That's where you've seen that (most likely). When you call a constructor function via new, this refers to the new object created by the new operator.
this is a slippery concept in JavaScript (and completely different from this in C++, Java, or C#), I recommend these two (cough) posts on my blog:
You must remember this
Mythical methods
Builder/factory functions
You don't have to use constructor functions and new, another pattern uses "builder" or "factory" functions instead:
// A factory function
function fooFactory(name) {
var rv = {}; // A new, blank object = name;
return rv;
// Usage
var f = fooFactory("Fred");
Private properties
You mentioned "private" properties in your question. JavaScript doesn't have private properties at all (yet, they're on their way). But you see people simulate them, by defining functions they use on the object as closures over an execution context (typically a call to a constructor function or a factory function) which contains variables no one else can see, like this:
// Constructor function
function EverUpwards() {
var counter = 0;
this.increment = function() {
return ++counter;
// Usage:
var e = new EverUpwards();
console.log(e.increment()); // "1"
console.log(e.increment()); // "2"
(That example uses a constructor function, but you can do the same thing with a factory function.)
Note that even though the function we assign to increment can access counter, nothing else can. So counter is effectively a private property. This is because the function is a closure. More: Closures are not complicated
Sure, Ben.
This sort of gets to the bottom of the dynamism of JavaScript.
First, we'll look at basics -- if you're coming from a place where you understand class-based languages, like, say, Java or C++/C#, the one that is going to make the most sense is the constructor pattern which was included very early on:
function Egg (type, radius, height, weight) {
// private properties (can also have private functions)
var cost = (type === "ostrich") ? 2.05 * weight : 0.35 * weight;
// public properties
this.type = type;
this.radius = radius;
this.height = height;
this.weight = weight;
this.cracked = false;
// this is a public function which has access to private variables of the instance
this.getCost = function () { return cost; };
// this is a method which ALL eggs inherit, which can manipulate "this" properly
// but it has ***NO*** access to private properties of the instance
Egg.prototype.Crack = function () { this.cracked = true; };
var myEgg = new Egg("chicken", 2, 3, 500);
myEgg.cost; // undefined
myEgg.cracked; // true
That's fine, but sometimes there are easier ways of getting around things.
Sometimes you really don't need a class.
What if you just wanted to use one egg, ever, because that's all your recipe called for?
var myEgg = {}; // equals a new object
myEgg.type = "ostrich";
myEgg.cost = "......";
myEgg.Crack = function () { this.cracked = true; };
That's great, but there's still a lot of repetition there.
var myEgg = {
type : "ostrich",
cost : "......",
Crack : function () { this.cracked = true; }
Both of the two "myEgg" objects are exactly the same.
The problem here is that EVERY property and EVERY method of myEgg is 100% public to anybody.
The solution to that is immediately-invoking functions:
// have a quick look at the bottom of the function, and see that it calls itself
// with parens "()" as soon as it's defined
var myEgg = (function () {
// we now have private properties again!
var cost, type, weight, cracked, Crack, //.......
// this will be returned to the outside var, "myEgg", as the PUBLIC interface
myReturnObject = {
type : type,
weight : weight,
Crack : Crack, // added benefit -- "cracked" is now private and tamper-proof
// this is how JS can handle virtual-wallets, for example
// just don't actually build a financial-institution around client-side code...
GetSaleValue : function () { return (cracked) ? 0 : cost; }
return myReturnObject;
myEgg.GetSaleValue(); // returns the value of private "cost"
myEgg.cracked // undefined ("cracked" is locked away as private)
myEgg.GetSaleValue(); // returns 0, because "cracked" is true
Hope that's a decent start.
You are mixing syntaxes between object property declaration and simple javascript statements.
// declare an object named someObject with one property
var someObject = {
key: value
// declare an anonymous function with some statements in it
// and assign that to a variable named "someFunction"
var someFunction = function () {
// any javascript statements or expressions can go here
There's a key distinction in JavaScript between objects and functions. Objects hold a bunch of data (including functions), and functions can be used to make or modify objects, but they aren't inherently the same thing. OOP in JavaScript is based around using functions as classes. For example, take the following class:
Test = function(){
this.value = 5;
If you just call the function Test(), then nothing will happen. Even if you say var x = Test(), the value of x will be undefined. However, using the new keyword, magic happens! So if we say var x = new Test(), then now the variable x will contain a Test object. If you do console.log(x.value), it would print 5.
That's how we can use functions to make objects. There's also a key different in syntax--a function can contain any sort of JavaScript block you want, whether that's if statements or for loops or what have you. When declaring an object, though, you have to use the key: value syntax.
Hope that clears things up a little bit!

Should I be using object literals or constructor functions?

I am getting confused over which way I should be creating an object in javascript. It seems there are at least two ways. One is to use object literal notation while the other uses construction functions. Is there an advantage of one over the other?
If you don't have behaviour associated with an object (i.e. if the object is just a container for data/state), I would use an object literal.
var data = {
foo: 42,
bar: 43
Apply the KISS principle. If you don't need anything beyond a simple container of data, go with a simple literal.
If you want to add behaviour to your object, you can go with a constructor and add methods to the object during construction or give your class a prototype.
function MyData(foo, bar) { = foo; = bar;
this.verify = function () {
return ===;
// or:
MyData.prototype.verify = function () {
return ===;
A class like this also acts like a schema for your data object: You now have some sort of contract (through the constructor) what properties the object initializes/contains. A free literal is just an amorphous blob of data.
You might as well have an external verify function that acts on a plain old data object:
var data = {
foo: 42,
bar: 43
function verify(data) {
return ===;
However, this is not favorable with regards to encapsulation: Ideally, all the data + behaviour associated with an entity should live together.
It essentially boils down to if you need multiple instances of your object or not; object defined with a constructor lets you have multiple instances of that object. Object literals are basically singletons with variables/methods that are all public.
// define the objects:
var objLit = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
add: function () {
return this.x + this.y + this.z;
var ObjCon = function(_x, _y, _z) {
var x = _x; // private
var y = _y; // private
this.z = _z; // public
this.add = function () {
return x + y + this.z; // note x, y doesn't need this.
// use the objects:
objLit.x = 3;
objLit.y = 2;
objLit.z = 1;
var objConIntance = new ObjCon(5,4,3); // instantiate an objCon
console.log((new ObjCon(7,8,9)).add()); // another instance of objCon
console.log(objConIntance.add()); // same result, not affected by previous line
Another way to create objects in a uniform way is to use a function that returns an object:
function makeObject() {
var that = {
thisIsPublic: "a public variable"
thisIsAlsoPublic: function () {
var secret = "this is a private variable"
function secretFunction() { // private method
secret += "!"; // can manipulate private variables
that.thisIsPublic = "foo";
that.publicMethod = function () {
secret += "?"; // this method can also mess with private variables
that.anotherPublicVariable = "baz";
return that; // this is the object we've constructed
makeObject.static = "This can be used to add a static varaible/method";
var bar = makeObject();
bar.publicMethod(); // ok
alert(bar.thisIsPublic); // ok
bar.secretFunction(); // error!
bar.secret // error!
Since functions in JavaScript are closures we can use private variables and methods and avoid new.
From on private variables in JavaScript.
The code below shows three methods of creating an object, Object Literal syntax, a Function Constructor and Object.create(). Object literal syntax simply creates and object on the fly and as such its __prototype__ is the Object object and it will have access to all the properties and methods of Object. Strictly from a design pattern perspective a simple Object literal should be used to store a single instance of data.
The function constructor has a special property named .prototype. This property will become the __prototype__ of any objects created by the function constructor. All properties and methods added to the .prototype property of a function constructor will be available to all objects it creates. A constructor should be used if you require multiple instances of the data or require behavior from your object. Note the function constructor is also best used when you want to simulate a private/public development pattern. Remember to put all shared methods on the .prototype so they wont be created in each object instance.
Creating objects with Object.create() utilizes an object literal as a __prototype__ for the objects created by this method. All properties and methods added to the object literal will be available to all objects created from it through true prototypal inheritance. This is my preferred method.
//Object Example
//Simple Object Literal
var mySimpleObj = {
prop1 : "value",
prop2 : "value"
// Function Constructor
function PersonObjConstr() {
var privateProp = "this is private";
this.firstname = "John";
this.lastname = "Doe";
PersonObjConstr.prototype.greetFullName = function() {
return "PersonObjConstr says: Hello " + this.firstname +
" " + this.lastname;
// Object Literal
var personObjLit = {
firstname : "John",
lastname: "Doe",
greetFullName : function() {
return "personObjLit says: Hello " + this.firstname +
", " + this.lastname;
var newVar = mySimpleObj.prop1;
var newName = new PersonObjConstr();
var newName2 = Object.create(personObjLit);
It depends on what you want to do. If you want to use (semi-)private variables or functions in you object, a constructor function is the way to do it. If your object only contains properties and methods, an object literal is fine.
function SomeConstructor(){
var x = 5;
this.multiply5 = function(i){
return x*i;
var myObj = new SomeConstructor;
var SomeLiteral = {
multiply5: function(i){ return i*5; }
Now the method multiply5 in myObj and SomeLiteral do exactly the same thing. The only difference is that myObj uses a private variable. The latter may be usefull in some cases. Most of the times an Object literal is sufficient and a nice and clean way to create a JS-object.
Do you want single instance of the object for the page -- Literal.
Do you want to just transfer data like DTO objects simple GET SET :- Literal
Do you want to create real objects with method behaviors , multiple instances - Constructor function , Follow OOP principles , inheritance :- Constructor functions.
Below is the youtube video which explains in detail what is literal , what are constructor functions and how they differ from each other.
As mentioned in
Using an object literal, you both define and create , one object in one
Object literal only create a single object. Sometimes we like to have
an object type that can be used to create many objects of one type.
Go with object literal, it's more consise and expands better with the introduction of initial values.
The Object() constructor function is a bit slower and more verbose. As
such, the recommended way to create new objects in JavaScript is to
use literal notation
Udacity Object-Oriented JavaScript
Actually, methinks, we can have private methods in object literals. Consider code below:
var myObject = {
publicMethod: function () {
function privateMethod1(){
console.log('i am privateMethod1');
function privateMethod2(){
console.log('i am privateMethod2');
Matter of taste, but I prefer to use object literals where it is possible.
Here is a benchmark that shows the access time for accessing properties on literals, constructors and classes. It might take a while but it shows almost every way to access properties. To me this benchmark shows literal properties access time overall are slightly slower than class and constructor properties access time. The worst performing times are from getters and setters on an object literal. Unlike getters and setters on classes and constructors which seem to be even faster than most other access times.
// Object Literal and Object constructor
function MyData(foo, bar) { = foo; = bar;
MyData.prototype.verify = function () {
return ===;
//add property using prototype
var MD = new MyData;//true.
var MD = new MyData();//true.
MD.verify// return only the function structure.
MD.verify(); //return the verify value and in this case return true coz both value is null.
var MD1 = new MyData(1,2); // intialized the value at the starting.
MD1.verify// return only the function structure.
MD1.verify(); // return false coz both value are not same.
MD1.verify(3,3);// return false coz this will not check this value intialized at the top
MyData.prototype.verify = function (foo,bar) {
return ===;
var MD1 = new MyData(1,2);
MD1.verify(3,3);// return false coz this keyword used with foo and bar that will check parent data
