Replace Text In Background Image URL - javascript

Simplified, I have this structure:
<div id="RelatedPosts1">
<div class="related-posts-thumb" style="background: url(http://xxxxxxx/s72-c/image-1.jpg)"></div>
<div class="related-posts-thumb" style="background: url(http://xxxxxxx/s72-c/image-2.jpg)"></div>
<div class="related-posts-thumb" style="background: url(http://xxxxxxx/s72-c/image-3.jpg)"></div>
I wish to replace the "s72-c" with "s320". Thus, changing the size of the image.
This is what I tried with jQuery:
<!-- Let's replace low-res with a higher-res -->
$(".related-posts-thumb").text(function () {
return $(this).text().replace("s72-c", "s320");
I'm guessing this didn't work because the image URL isn't "inside" the element. So I'm not sure how to achieve my desired effect. I'm not a javascript/jQuery expert and I haven't seen any examples addressing anything similar to what I'm trying to do.

Not really sure when you want this to trigger, so I'll just make this an on click...
$('.related-posts-thumb').each(function() {
$(this).attr("style", $(this).attr("style").replace("s72-c", "s320"));
JSFiddle example (click on the background):

You could use the .css() method with the function parameter option
return current.replace('s72-c','s320');


Load clicked image only

I have a CSS lightbox gallery on my website, however it loaded the thumbnails and the large images at the same time.
Below are the contents of my various files;
<div class=galerie>
<img data-src="/images/large-image.jpg">
<img data-src="/images/large-image.jpg">
<img data-src="/images/large-image.jpg">
<img data-src="/images/large-image.jpg">
.lightbox img{max-width:100%;max-height:100%}
I've added a script (jQuery):
$("a.galimg").click(function() {
$(".lightbox").each(function() {
$(this).find("img").attr("src", $(this).find("img").attr("data-src"));
And now the large files are loaded only after I click a thumbnail.
The problem is that they all load at once, and I want only the clicked one to load at a time.
Is there a way to do this?
I know the each function does that, is there any other function I could use?
I'm not sure why you want to do something like this (would be easier if you post a link to your site) but i'll try to help.
Just don't use 'each' function. So your code should look something like this:
$("a.galimg").click(function() {
var imgID = $(this).attr('href');
$(imgID).attr("src", $(this).data('srcbig'));
And for HTML:
<div class=galerie>
<img src=/images/thumbnail.jpg /><img src="" alt="remember about me">
You could even delete the second 'a href' and image and just create it dynamically. It all depends on how your lightbox library works and what you need.
Attr sets an attribute, if you're trying to use it, I would go with something like this. I'm not sure what you're trying to set the attribute to, but this is the syntax:
$("a.galimg").click(function() {
$(this).attr("data-src", "your desired data attribute");

Changing image source when ID is different

I would like to use javascript to change the logo in my header when the background image id is for example "dark", so that the logo changes from one color to another and people can actually see the logo again. Right now what I have is this, but it doesn't seem to do the job and I am not even sure if it could even work tbh.
<div class="slider--image" id="dark" STYLE="background-image: url(source1.png)">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).on('document_change', function () {
if (document.getElementById('dark')) {
document.getElementById("main--logo").src = "new.gif";
So the main--logo is the id of the logo visible in my header.
The problem is, it is a full page slider and the entire background changes, so sometimes the logo needs to be black and sometimes it needs to be white. Is there a way to do it like I tried to, or maybe a workaround?
you solution will not work as #main--logo is not found on your HTML
also .src will not work as it's not an image but a background-image
Try to use class instead of id and use jQuery function hasClass()
$(document).on('document_change', function () {
if ($('.slider--image').hasClass(dark)) {
$("#main--logo").src = "new.gif";
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="slider--image dark" style="background-image: url(source1.png)">

Need to make div a rollover for image within (using jquery)

alright so i have some unique problems; first of all, my jquery is not working; i very well might have not put it in the html right so i am going to toss a good deal of code out to see;
basically i need the rollover class image to change to its hover state when the div class is rolled-over (i have a some css which changes the div class display to block) alright so here is the html
<div id="header">
<div class="home" id="home" ><p><img src="images/home-crown.png" class="rollover" width="100px" /></p></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/load-it-up.js"></script>
/so yeah... trying to swap that image stuff out here is jquery
{this.src = this.src.replace("images/home-crown.png","images/home-crown-hover.png");},
{this.src = this.src.replace("images/home-crown-hover.png","images/home-crown.png");}
really frustrated with it because i have tried multiple solutions; any help at all would be appreciated; it is probably something stupid :P
right now i am just trying to get the image to rollover (at least)
i really want the rollover to activate when the div is rolled over (the #home div)
Try this.

Adding Additional Div breaks Existing Jquery Code

I have a very simple div with an image inside:
<div class="stack4">
<img src="images/002m.jpg" width=200>
And a very simple Jquery function for when you hover over the image:
$(function () {
This all works fine. However, I'm trying to add additional content to the page, and so put the following HTML directly after the end of the first div:
<div id="menucontainer" class="menuContainer">
<div id="menu" class="menuContent">
<img src="images/003m.jpg" />
<img src="images/004m.jpg" />
After I add this, the jquery prompt no longer works. Why would adding anothing div break my existing javascript command like that?
There has to be a script error in the page that is causing a failure. Or there is a very slight chance that your new html in some way introduces an invisible element that covers your stack4 image. If you can provide a link somebody could debug it for you.
It breaks because the selector no longer matches any elements (because the class selector .stack4 does no longer match any element).
<div id="menucontainer" class="menuContainer">
<div id="menu" class="menuContent">
<img src="images/003m.jpg" />
<img src="images/004m.jpg" />
$(function () {
If you look at your javascript, it will:
match any child image of an element with class name stack4
Add a hover listener to each image
Display a prompt on hover.
IF you look at your updated DOM structure, class stack4 no longer exists. To make it work again, you have to replace this selector with your new equivalent, which would be the div with id=menu and class=menuContent.
Now, depending on your needs, you can target either #menu>img or .menuContent>img. If you go with the first one, the javascript fragment will only work for a single menu, with the id of menu. However, if you choose the second approach, any content with the class menuContent will have this functionality. So I'd go with:
$(function () {

jquery double function each

I have the following block of HTML code more than once
<div id="page_1" class="page">
<div class="imageDetail_bg">
<img src="../_img/detail_car.jpg" alt="" id="car_detail" class="car_detail"/>
</div><!-- imageDetail-->
<div id="listThumbs">
<div id="thumbsContainer_1" class="thumbsContainer">
<div id="areaThumb" class="areaThumb">
<div id="posThumb_1" class="posThumb">
<img src="../_img/detail_car.jpg" class="detail_img" alt="">
<div id="areaThumb" class="areaThumb">
<div id="posThumb_2" class="posThumb">
<img src="../_img/detail_car.jpg" class="detail_img" alt="" />
and the following jQuery code:
$('.page').each(function(i) {
$('.areaThumb').each(function(j) {
$('.car_detail').eq(i).attr('src', $(this).attr('src'));
What I want to do is: For each page there's a block of thumbs, and when I click in any thumb, the image in #car_detail is replaced by the image of the thumb I clicked. At this moment I can do this, BUT the #car_detail image is replaced in all pages. I'm not getting individually actions for each page. Every click make the action occurs in all pages.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
You need not iterate through each element of the jquery selector result to bind a click event.
And you are missing a closing div for thumbsContainer div, add that before each .
Also if you have an element with id car_detail then you should use #car_detail instead of .car_detail
Working example #
Try this:
$(".page .areaThumb .detail_img").click(function(){
$(this).closest("").find('.car_detail').attr("src", this.src);
If the .detail_img elements are being used for the car_detail image then you can simplify the above code to:
$(this).closest("").find('.car_detail').attr("src", this.src);
You need to give context to your children nodes:
$('.page').each(function(i) {
$('.areaThumb', this).each(function(j) {
$('.detail_img', this).eq(j).click(function(){
$('.car_detail', this).eq(i).attr('src', $(this).attr('src'));
Every this is pointing to the current element given by the jquery function that called it.
[edit] Cybernate found a better way to do what you wanted to. My answer mostly explains why your code did not work as you wanted
I think you have the wrong approach about this,
You should just use cloning and you will be fine...
<div class="holder">Replace Me</div>
<div class="car"><img src="img1" /></div>
<div class="car"><img src="img2" /></div>
$('.car').click(function(){//when you click the .car div or <img/>
var get_car = $(this).clone();//copy .car and clone it and it's children
$('.holder').html('').append(get_car);//put the clone to the holder div...
I think this is what you should be doing, simple and elegant... do not understand why you complicate as much :)
