jQuery: Element with stopPropagation Going to Its Link - javascript

I'm using stopPropagation to make a parent menu item that links to /# to show a dropdown child menu when clicked. It does show the child menu when clicked, but it first goes to url/# before showing the child menu. I'd like it to ignore its link and just show the dropdown menu. My code is below:
$(document).on('click', '#navpanel .mainnav a[href^="/#"]', function(e){
if($(this).parent('li').hasClass('expanded')) {
$(this).siblings('ul').css('display', 'block').slideDown('linear', function(){
} else {
$(this).siblings('ul').css('display', 'none').slideUp('linear', function(){
var objHeight = 0;
$.each($('ul.tier1').children(), function(){
objHeight += $(this).height();

If i understood you right you need not stopPropagation but prevent default. Add this to your link click event. It will disable default action, which in your case is redirect.
stopPropagation just prevents your event from bubling in the DOM tree


Stuck on dropdown.js

// Show hide popover
$(document).on("click", function(event){
var $trigger = $(".dropdown");
if($trigger !== event.target && !$trigger.has(event.target).length){
This is my js for dropdown, and when I click on a few (I have multiple) it doesn't close the previous one and I need it to do so, otherwise it'll get flooded with dropdown menus.
I'm still learning js so I run into a few bumps here or there.
The general idea with this sort of thing is to listen for clicks and close your dropdown(s) if the click did not come from the dropdown itself or any of its child elements.
For this you can use closest().
$(() => {
$(".dropdown").on('click', () => {
$('body').on('click', event => {
if (!$(event.target).closest('.dropdown').length)
A simple idea is to close all dropdowns and then pop open the one clicked.
$(".dropdown .dropdown-menu").slideUp();

Click outside menu to close it

Here's my function,
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.a').click(function () {
var here = $(this).next('.b');
if (here.is(":visible")) {
} else {
return false;
So, whenever I click the button it opens a small tab on same webpage & whenever I click it again it closes it. But once I open the tab I can't close it by just clicking somewhere on webpage apart from tab. I have to click the button again to close it.
How can I close tab just by clicking somewhere on webpage also by on the button?
I end up searching for this on almost every project, so I made this plugin:
jQuery.fn.clickOutside = function(callback){
var $me = this;
$(document).mouseup(function(e) {
if ( !$me.is(e.target) && $me.has(e.target).length === 0 ) {
It takes a callback function and passes your original selector, so you can do this:
$(this).removeClass('active'); // or `$(this).hide()`, if you must
Nice, chainable, elegant code.
On document click, the closest helps to check whether the tab has been clicked or not:
$(document).click(function (e) {
You want to check for a click on the body :
$("body").click(function(e) {
if(e.target.id !== 'menu'){
menu would be the id of the menu.
If the body is clicked and the id of the div clicked doesn't equal that of the menu, then it closes.
Check this implementation
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on('click','body, #btn',function(ev){
if(ev.target.id== "btn"){
if($('#modal').is(':visible')) {
} else{
} else {
html, body {
height: 100%;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<button id="btn">
Click Me!
<div id="modal" style="background-color:red;display:none;">
To check if the clicked element is outside of a given container, i.e. a menu, we can simply check if the event target is a child of the container. Using JQuery -
$('body').click(function(e) {
if ( 0 === $(e.target).parents('#container-id').length ) {
/// clicked outside -> do action
you have to add a click listener to the parent element, like here:
$('.parent-div').click(function() {
//Hide the menus if visible
Also because click events bubbled up from child to the parent,
you can exclude the click on the child element to get bubbled up and count as the parent click too. you can achieve this like below:
//disable click event on child element

Clickoutside event doen't work on iframe

It's a rich-text editor,there is a div show the content users typed in, just like this:
<div class=‘content’>
<iframe data-role=text-editable.></iframe>
When i click a icon who's used to call the color panel,the panel will show.And i wish when i click outside the panel,it will be hide.so my code is:
var color_panel = $('.color-panel');
color_panel.on("clickoutside", function (e) {
var t = $(e.target);
if ($.contains(color_panel[0], t[0]))
It works well when i click outside the panel will disappear except i click the iframe.when i click the ifame,nothing happens,the panel is still shown,
Help......i want to know the reason .please...is the ifame not the dom element outside the panel?
You can listen for outside clicks by listening for clicks on the body element of the webpage (so, clicking on anything element) and then you can exclude your .color_panel from this event by making another event that says "when I get clicked on, ignore any other clicks". The effect will be exactly what you want, that you can listen for outside clicks:
var panelOpen = false;
$('body').click(function(event) {
if (panelOpen) {
panelOpen = false;
$('.color_panel').click(function(event) {
panelOpen = true;
e.preventDefault(); // these methods will stop the body click event
return false;

How to remove class after it been added

So I need a little bit of help. I'm playing around with addClass and removeClass and I can't seem to remove a class after it's set. What I basically want is:
When someone clicks an h3, it adds to its parent div class
When someone clicks a div with added class, class needs to be removed
First step I got out of way and it's working
$('div h3.itemTitle').on('click', function(){
Now when I define:
$('div.active').on('click', function(){
It does nothing, as if it doesn't see classes. It sets only those set in onload...
Help, anyone?
The child element "h3.itemTitle" already had a click event listener on it and the parent can't actually capture the click event.
Your $('div.active').on('click', ...) never actually fires because you click the h3 not the div.
I recommend this approach: http://jsfiddle.net/c3Q6Q/
$('div h3.itemTitle').on('click', function () {
// saves time not to write $(this).parent() everything so i store in a _parent var
var _parent = $(this).parent();
if (_parent.hasClass('active')) {
} else {
$('body').on('click','div.active', function(){$(this).removeClass('active');});
Instead of
$('div.active').on('click', function(){$(this).removeClass('active');});
I would go with this way:
$('div').on('click', function(e){
var el = e.target;
if($(el).is('h3') && $(el).hasClass('itemTitle')){
}else if($(el).is('div') && $(el).hasClass('active')){
Not sure why every is talking about elements generated outside of the initial DOM load.
Here's a JSFiddle showing that it works: http://jsfiddle.net/H25bT/
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.itemTitle').on('click', function() {
/* $('.parent').on('click', function() {
}); */
$('.clicky').on('click', function() {
The reason it's not working for you is that if you put the removeClass click event on the parent div itself, clicking on the child text causes a conflict with which click handler to use, and it won't work out. Code works fine if you don't assign the click to the parent div itself.

jQuery slideToggle breaking when you press a link inside a div

I have having a little trouble with the slideToggle when I have a link inside of the slideup panel. What I am trying to do is have the ability to press a button and a div will slide up and display related posts and once you press another or the related project button on the page it will close the toggle and reveal another effect that I am using (100% width and heigh popup). The script I am using works perfect but I am running into one problem. When I click a related post inside of the slideToggle it causes the div to slide down instead of going to the page that represents the link.
Here is my code below and an example http://jsfiddle.net/K8vBg/15/.
// build a variable to target the #menu div
var menu = $('#menu')
// bind a click function to the menu-trigger
// if the menu is visible slide it up
if (menu.is(":visible"))
// otherwise, slide the menu down
$(document).not('.projectHolder-small,#projectSpecs').click(function(event) {
if (menu.is(":visible"))
If I change .projectHolder-small,#projectSpecs in the .not function to just read #menu then I am able to click the link inside of the panel but the panel will not slideDown when I click another button on the page. The popup from #project specs will just go over the panel instead of closing it.
Is there something I am missing in my script?
Thank you
Try changing the $(document).not().click() to:
if (menu.is(":visible")){
I am using closest() instead of the usual is(), so that even clicking on the children elements of '.projectHolder-small,#projectSpecs' the panel won't close.
I rewrote the script to the following and it works perfect
$(document).ready(function () {
var $frm = $('#menu').hide();
var $bts = $("#menu-trigger").on('click', function () {
var $this = $(this)
if ($this.hasClass('selected') && $frm.is(':visible')) {
$frm.stop(true, true).slideUp(function () {
} else {
$frm.stop(true, true).slideToggle();
$("#projectSpecs, #menuButton").click(function () {
