I am fairly new to Ember, being a hardcore backbone aficionado for many years and I'm at a loss for how to handle a situation I've run into.
I am using Pusher and the Pusher Ember library to build a sort of chat application.
The way it works is, a person navigates to a users account page and it creates a new "conversation". Then, once that conversation has been created, I would like to subscribe to a pusher channel that is dynamically named after that conversations id. I need to define the Pusher Subscriptions on my controller.
Here's my route (in coffeescript)
App.ConversationShowRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: (params) ->
#store.createRecord('conversation', user_id: params.user_id).save()
and my controller:
App.ConversationShowController = Ember.ObjectController.extend
init: ->
subscriptions = []
subscriptions[#model.get('id')] = ['newMessage']
Unfortunately, the model has not resolved at this point so I don't yet know what my #model.id is, and it fails.
Any advice for the best way to handle this?
I had the same issue when I added ember-pusher to my application. The solution I went with is to define a variable in the App namespace that could be referenced. (Not ideal and something I'll need to fix later)
init: function () {
this.channelName = 'presence-document-' + App.documentId + '-channel';
this.PUSHER_SUBSCRIPTIONS[ this.channelName ] = [
'pusher:subscription_succeeded', 'pusher:member_added', 'pusher:member_removed',
'client-send-status', 'client-send-message'
A second, cleaner option, would be to try a needs relationship with your user controller, but I'm not sure if that will be available until after init is complete.
App.ConversationShowController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
needs: ['user'],
userId: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.user.id'),
init: function() {
this.PUSHER_SUBSCRIPTIONS[this.get('userId')] = ['newMessage'];
this._super(); // Maybe try putting this first if properties haven't resolved.
A third option would be to lookup the user controller (singleton) during init.
App.ConversationShowController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
init: function() {
var userController = this.container.lookup('controller:user');
this.PUSHER_SUBSCRIPTIONS[userController.get('id')] = ['newMessage'];
Since you need the conversation id you can observe when the model changes and wire up pusher the way ember-pusher/bindings.js does. You would no longer need to override controller.init, just set PUSHER_SUBSCRIPTIONS: {} to start with.
afterModelLoad: function() {
this.channelName = 'conversation-' + this.get('model.id');
this.PUSHER_SUBSCRIPTIONS[this.channelName] = ['newMessage'];
// From bindings.js init
var events = this.PUSHER_SUBSCRIPTIONS[this.channelName];
this.pusher.wire(this, this.channelName, events);
this.removeObserver('afterModelLoad'); /* If you only want to run once */
I have a backbone application and a RESTful api. I used the sample created by Coenraets to understand the architecture of a backbone app, but I decided to setup my own structure and just use the data for testing.
I want to know the best way to return data from the RESTful api. I currently have my app folder structure setup with model, collection, view and service folders. I have a node server running with express that handles the backend and is working fine.
What I want to know is what is the best practice for accessing the restful data api? Should I do that in my service class or in my view class? How do I make this work dynamically using the returned data from my restful api: http://localhost:3000/employees
It seems like there are many ways to do this and for now I just want something that works, but eventually I do want to know what is the best way to do it. Ultimately I want to have a CRUD setup. But I'm not sure where that should be setup. Similar to what is detailed here: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/797899/BackBone-Tutorial-Part-CRUD-Operations-on-Backbone
My files are as follows:
var Backbone = require('backbone');
var Employee = require('../models/employeemodel.js');
module.exports = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Employee,
var Backbone = require('backbone');
var EmployeeCollection = require('../collections/employeecollection.js');
module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({
// initialize:function () {
// this.reports = new EmployeeCollection();
// //this.reports.url = this.urlRoot + "/" + 1 + "/reports";
// }
employee.js (employee view that binds to my template)
var fs = require('fs');
var base = require('./base.js');
var EmployeeList = require('../collections/employeecollection.js');
var employeeService = require('../services/employeeService.js');
var template = fs.readFileSync('app/templates/employee.mu', { encoding: 'utf8' });
module.exports = base.extend({
el: '.view',
collection: employeeService.collection,
initialize: function () {
this.viewModel = {
employee_list: this.collection.toJSON()
//employee_list: this.collection.fetch() --HERE I EXPERIMENTED WITH FETCHING THE DATA
employeeservice.js (file in service folder that would ideally return the collection which I would just bind to my template in they employees view file)
var EmployeeCollection = require('../collections/employeecollection.js');
//if wanting to pass in data manually
var employee_list = [
fullName:"James King",
title:"President and CEO",
city:"Boston, MA",
// var employees = new EmployeeCollection({id: id});
// employees.fetch({
// success: function (data) {
// console.log(data);
// }
// });
module.exports = {
collection: new EmployeeCollection(employee_list)
Backbone is meant for RESTful services.
I'll try to explain the basics using some easy to understand terms.
So backbone is based on models and views.
The model is responsible to the data.
That means, that the model is the one who fetches the data from the server and stores it.
In an interactive application, the model should have a url or urlRoot properties which indicate what is the url of the specific resource this model refers to.
For example, if we had a Person resource, and assuming we are consuming a standard RESTfult service, I would expect something similiar to this:
var Person = Backbone.Model.extend({
url : 'http://localhost:3000/api/Person'
That actually lets us create new instances of this model and manipulate it.
This url will be used by the model for all CRUD operations related to it.
For example, if we now create a new instance:
var person = new Person();
We now have the following basic CRUD operations:
fetch: this method is executing an async AJAX GET request behind the scenes, and injects the data into the model.
Now, after we fetched the data, we can use it by simply calling get:
person.get('name'); * assuming there's a name property.
save this method is exectuing an async AJAX POST or PUT request behind the scene.
If the model's idAttribute is undefined, it will executed POST, otherwise PUT. The idAttribute is a model property which indicates what is the model's unique id.
A sample usage:
person.set({name : 'Mor'});
The abvoe will execute a post request with the name: 'Mor' in the request body.
If for example I fetched the model, and already have an idAttribute assigned, calling the same save method will use the PUT request.
destroy this method will execute a DELETE request behind the scene.
Sample usage: person.destroy();.
Obviously I have just shown you the basic usages, there's a lot more options out there.
A collection is simply a list of models so there's not much to explain, you can read more here: http://backbonejs.org/#Collection
A view is all you see. It is the visual part of the application.
What Backbone lets us do, is to bind views to models and collections.
By that, we can create some dynamic content and visuals.
A basic view would like something like that:
var PersonView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '.person',
initialize: function(){
this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render);
render: function(){
this.$el.html("hello :"+this.model.get("name"));
As you can see, I used listenTo. It is an event listener that calls render each time the model changes.
When I refer to this.model I refer to a model I will pass to the view when I initiate it:
var view = new View({ model : person});
By that, and since I used listenTo, my view is now binded with the person model.
This is basically it.
Obviously, there's a lot more to learn and understand, but this pretty much covers the basics.
Please refer to http://backbonejs.org/ and read some more information.
I have decided to create a separate folder called "controllers" for my AJAX requests, models and data arrays, so in case I will need the same requests on multiple pages, I wouldn't have to repeat my code.
So for example on 'app/page1/index.html' I have a list of all the users:
<ul data-bind="foreach: { data: usersArr }">
<li data-bind="text: full_name"></li>
I would require the user controller in page1's viewmodel and then load the data through it:
define(['jquery', 'knockout', 'controllers/user/index'], function ($, ko, User) {
var Page1 = function() {
this.usersArr = User.usersArr;
Page1.prototype.activate = function() {
return Page1;
And this is the User controller:
define(['knockout', './models',], function (ko, Model) {
var UserController = function() {
this.usersArr = ko.observableArray();
// inherit
UserController.prototype.Model = new Model();
UserController.prototype.getUsers = function () {
// ajax goes here, data comes back,
// put it through the Model and then save it to usersArr();
UserController.prototype.addUser = function () { ... };
UserController.prototype.removeUser = function () { ... };
return new UserController();
Notice that I return the controller as an object. I did this so that it stays in memory and I could reuse the code on other pages (especially the observable array with the stored data). Now if I create a 'page2' for example and require the same list, the users would be already loaded in the usersArr observable array.
I have multiple controllers like this one that the app will use throughout a session. I just wanted to know if there were any downsides to this method, like app slow-downs or any other problems I may encounter. I'd also love to know if you guys have a different approach to keeping your data across a session.
The best way that I've found to keep information around in a SPA is to create a singleton and reference that singleton in all views.
For instance, this is a modified version of one of mine:
define([], function() {
"use strict";
var countryList: []
return {
countryList: countryList,
And then I simply require that on all of my SPAs. CountryList is filled in by the first view[1] and the data is available to all the others.
[1] in this context we are making a wizard, so they must go through views in order.
I use the browser built in local storage / session storage to store session parameters. ie in js:
// set data
sessionStorage["key"] = someJsVar;
// get data
var myJsVar = sessionStorage["key"];
We are currently building a Marionette based application.
Basically, we have a Marionette Application that has multiple regions defined on it.
Each region will act as a container for different Modules to display their views. I want each Module to have full control of what is being displayed in it's container, but I want the Application to allocate these regions. For simplicity, let's say that each module just has a simple ItemView.
I'm considering 2 approaches to populating those regions with the module views.
The first approach says that when each module is initialized, it will create its view and it will call the application to display its view in the specified region, for example:
var app = new Marionette.Application();
regionA: "#regionA",
regionB: "#regionB"
app.module("moduleA", function(moduleA, app, ...){
moduleA.on("start", function(){
var viewA = new MyViewA();
app.module("moduleB", function(moduleB, app, ...){
moduleB.on("start", function(){
var viewB = new MyViewB();
The second approach says that each module should expose some function that returns its view. The Application will call that function when ready and it will stick the view in the designated region.
I'm not sure which approach is better and would be happy to hear opinions.
I would definitely go with the second approach, after having gone with the first approach in the past I am now hitting the limitations of this approach and moving to the second approach. I wrote a blog post about it here
It depends which approach you take, both are fine, we choose the second option because we use require.js to load our modules dynamically.
var dashboardPage = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({
template: Handlebars.compile(tmpl),
regions: {
graphWidget : "#graphWidget",
datePickerWidget: "#datePickerWidget",
searchWidget : "#searchWidget"
widget: {
graphWidget: null,
datePickerWidget: null,
searchWidget: null,
initialize: function(options){
this.someId= options.someId;
//if have someId ID - fetch model;
//fetch model if campaignId not null
this.modelAjax = this.model.fetch();
onShow: function() {
var that = this;
that.widget.graphWidget= new graphWidget(graphWidgetOptions);
that.listenTo(that.widget.graphWidget, 'graphWidget', that.getGraphWidgetData, that);
I am working on backbone app. What is happening right now is when user clicks edit link on page then it should show a form. I am trying to implement this using backbone routers rather than events. With events object it works perfectly fine. To use routers, I am using global events.
The problem is that when user clicks on edit link, it shows me following error in console
Uncaught TypeError: Object 10 has no method 'toJSON' views.js:57
This error is because on line 57 in views.js, I am using this.model.toJSON() whereas I am not passing model via router. I don't know how pass model through router
Here is my router. Note: All of the following codes are in separate files
App.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'contacts/:id/edit': 'editContact'
editContact: function (id) {
vent.trigger('contact:edit', id);
In above router I am triggering an event inside editContact function. Then I am listening to above event in following initialize function.
App.Views.App = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
vent.on('contact:edit', this.editContact, this);
editContact: function (contact) {
var editContactView = new App.Views.EditContact({ model: contact });
Now in above after listening to event in initialize function, I am calling editContact function and I am also passing model using this keyword. Inside editContact function, I am creating an instance of EditContact, view which is following, and then rendering a form which needs to be shown.
App.Views.EditContact = Backbone.View.extend({
template: template('editContactTemplate'),
render: function () {
var html = this.template(this.model.toJSON()); //<--- this is line 57
return this;
After doing all of the above, the form is not shown and I am getting above mentioned error.
How do I pass model to render function inside EditContact via router so that it starts working?
Here is my model
App.Models.Contact = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot : '/contacts'
In your editContact method the argument contact refers to the id you pass onwards from the router. When you initialize a new view with new App.Views.EditContact({ model: contact }) the model of the view will, expectedly, be the id.
You need to map the id into a model instance. IMHO the correct place to do this is in the router:
editContact: function (id) {
var contact = new App.Models.Contact({id:id});
vent.trigger('contact:edit', contact);
Notice that at this point the model will only have the id property set. If you need to populate the model properties for editing, you should fetch the model from the server, and only then trigger the event:
editContact: function (id) {
var contact = new App.Models.Contact({id:id});
contact.fetch().done(function() {
vent.trigger('contact:edit', contact);
Edit based on comments: Generally speaking you shouldn't pass anything to the router. The router should be a starting point for every new request (url change). If you want to hold some state between page changes, you should store the data on the router level, and pass the models and collections "down" from the view.
In a simplified scenario this would mean initializing and storing a reference to the collection in the router. Something like:
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.contactCollection = new App.Collections.Contacts();
editContact: function (id) {
id = parseInt(id, 10);
if(_.isNaN(id)) {
//try to get a model from the collection
var contact = this.contactCollection.get(id);
//if not found, create, add and fetch
if(!contact) {
contact = new App.Models.Contact({id:id});
contact.fetch().done(function() {
vent.trigger('contact:edit', contact);
} else {
vent.trigger('contact:edit', contact);
Please note that this is just example code, and not necessarily how you should implement it, line by line. You should consider whether it's OK to display a potentially stale model in the view, or whether you should always fetch it from the server. In practice you might also abstract the collection state in a nice class, instead of handling it directly in the router.
Hope this answers your questions.
I have my views correctly displaying fake information and so I am now trying to apply asynchronus data loading to retrieve actual data. The problem is that I am uncertain about how I should go about this. Should I create AJAX calls myself? Should I use the Socket API? Should I use the built in REST api (and how to do so asynchronously)? The server side handler is still unimplemented so as far as how the server serves up the data, that is completely flexible.
i doubt your own ajax calls is what is needed here...
i can't tell about sockets however i know it is possible and a solid idea depending on your app.
i have been using the default REST functionality and it works well for me,
a small example as how I would do it,
to make it less complex i will just act as if it is from page load, instead of using routers and all.
var myView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
var v = this;
this.model.bind("change", function(e) {
render: function() {
var myModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: "/api/myModel", // change to your server code...
defaults: {
name: "john"
var m = new myModel({}); // dummy model
var v = new myView({ model: m, el: $('#myDiv')});
m.fetch(); // takes the url of the model or collection and fetches it from the server side ...
if you want to test what the fetch would do, you can for try this code from your console, (or add it to the jquery document load function:
m.set({ name: 'peter' });
this changes the model's property 'name' and you will immediately see the view update itself, because it listens to the change event of the model.
more info on these events can be found here: http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Events