Javascript twos complement - javascript

The following python code seems to work very well to het the twos complement of a number:
def twos_comp(self, val, bits):
if (val & (1 << (bits - 1))) != 0:
val -= 1 << bits
return val
It is used as num = self.twos_comp(int(binStr, 2), len(binStr))
where binStr is a string that contains an arbitrary length binary number.
I need to do the exact same thing in javascript (for node.js). I've been fighting it all day and am about to resign from the human race. Clearly binary / bitwise math is not my strong suit.
Could someone please assist so I can go on to more productive time wasting :-)

function toTwosComplement(integer, numberBytes, dontCheckRange) {
// #integer - > the integer to convert
// #numberBytes -> the number of bytes representing the number (defaults to 1 if not specified)
var numberBits = (numberBytes || 1) * 8;
// make sure its in range given the number of bits
if (!dontCheckRange && (integer < (-(1 << (numberBits - 1))) || integer > ((1 << (numberBits - 1)) - 1)))
throw "Integer out of range given " + numberBytes + " byte(s) to represent.";
// if positive, return the positive value
if (integer >= 0)
return integer;
// if negative, convert to twos complement representation
return ~(((-integer) - 1) | ~((1 << numberBits) - 1));


How to add bits in JavaScript

Say you have two integers 10 and 20. That is 00001010 and 00010100. I would then like to just basically concat these as strings, but have the result be a new integer.
00001010 + 00010100 == 0000101000010100
That final number is 2580.
However, I am looking for a way to do this without actually converting them to string. Looking for something more efficient that just does some bit twiddling on the integers themselves. I'm not too familiar with that, but I imagine it would be along the lines of:
var a = 00001010 // == 10
var b = 00010100 // == 20
var c = a << b // == 2580
Note, I would like for this to work with any sequences of bits. So even:
var a = 010101
var b = 01110
var c = a + b == 01010101110
You basic equation is:
c = b + (a << 8).
The trick here is that you need to always shift by 8. But since a and b do not always use all 8 bits in the byte, JavaScript will automatically omit any leading zeros. We need to recover the number of leading zeros (of b), or trailing zeros of a, and prepend them back before adding. This way, all the bits stay in their proper position. This requires an equation like this:
c = b + (a << s + r)
Where s is the highest set bit (going from right to left) in b, and r is the remaining number of bits such that s + r = 8.
Essentially, all you are doing is shifting the first operand a over by 8 bits, to effectively add trailing zeros to a or equally speaking, padding leading zeros to the second operand b. Then you add normally. This can be accomplishing using logarithms, and shifting, and bitwise OR operation to provide an O(1) solution for some arbitrary positive integers a and b where the number of bits in a and b do not exceed some positive integer n. In the case of a byte, n = 8.
// Bitwise log base 2 in O(1) time
function log2(n) {
// Check if n > 0
let bits = 0;
if (n > 0xffff) {
n >>= 16;
bits = 0x10;
if (n > 0xff) {
n >>= 8;
bits |= 0x8;
if (n > 0xf) {
n >>= 4;
bits |= 0x4;
if (n > 0x3) {
n >>= 2;
bits |= 0x2;
if (n > 0x1) {
bits |= 0x1;
return bits;
// Computes the max set bit
// counting from the right to left starting
// at 0. For 20 (10100) we get bit # 4.
function msb(n) {
n |= n >> 1;
n |= n >> 2;
n |= n >> 4;
n |= n >> 8;
n |= n >> 16;
n = n + 1;
// We take the log here because
// n would otherwise be the largest
// magnitude of base 2. So, for 20,
// n+1 would be 16. Which, to
// find the number of bits to shift, we must
// take the log base 2
return log2(n >> 1);
// Operands
let a = 0b00001010 // 10
let b = 0b00010100 // 20
// Max number of bits in
// in binary number
let n = 8
// Max set bit is the 16 bit, which is in position
// 4. We will need to pad 4 more zeros
let s = msb(b)
// How many zeros to pad on the left
// 8 - 4 = 4
let r = Math.abs(n - s)
// Shift a over by the computed
// number of bits including padded zeros
let c = b + (a << s + r)
This is NOT commutative.
Add error checking to log2() for negative numbers, and other edge cases.
so the problem:
a is 10 (in binary 0000 1010)
b is 20 (in binary 0100 0100)
you want to get 2580 using bit shift somehow.
if you right shift a by 8 using a<<=8 (this is the same as multiplying a by 2^8) you get 1010 0000 0000 which is the same as 10*2^8 = 2560. since the lower bits of a are all 0's (when you use << it fills the new bits with 0) you can just add b on top of it 1010 0000 0000 + 0100 0100 gives you 1010 0001 0100.
so in 1 line of code, it's var result = a<<8 + b. Remember in programming languages, most of them have no explicit built-in types for "binary". But everything is binary in its nature. so int is a "binary", an object is "binary" ....etc. When you want to do some binary operations on some data you can just use the datatype you have as operands for binary operations.
this is a more general version of how to concatenate two numbers' binary representations using no string operations and data
This function concate b to the end of a and put 0's in between them.
b will be treated starting with it's first 1 as its most significant bit
b needs to be bigger than 0, otherwise, Math.log2 will give -Infinity for 0 and NaN for negative b
padding is the number of 0's to add at the end of a
function concate_bits(a, b, padding) {
//add the padding 0's to a
a <<= padding;
//this gets the largest power of 2
var power_of_2 = Math.floor(Math.log2(b));
var power_of_2_value;
while (power_of_2 >= 0) {
power_of_2_value = 2 ** power_of_2;
a <<= 1;
if (b >= power_of_2_value) {
a += 1;
b -= power_of_2_value;
return a;
//this will print 2580 as the result
let result = concate_bits(10, 20, 3);
Note, I would like for this to work with any sequences of bits. So even:
var a = 010101
var b = 01110
var c = a + b == 01010101110
This isn't going to be possible unless you convert to a string or otherwise store the number of bits in each number. 10101 010101 0010101 etc are all the same number (21), and once this is converted to a number, there is no way to tell how many leading zeroes the number originally had.

Decreasing byte size of integer block in socket communication

I am developing a multiplayer game server.
On my case, every single byte that really matter for gaming experience and saving bandwith.
Client and server will send some integer values each other.
Integers mostly will have values lower than 100.
In some cases, that integers could have values between 0 and 100000.
All that integers will be send in same sequence. (Imagine that they are integer array)
Using 8 bit integer array or 16 bit integer array is not an option to me because of possible values greater than 65535.
And, I do not want to use 32 bit integer array just for the values what be in action rarely.
So, I developed an algorithm for that (here is the javascript port):
function write(buffer, number){
while(number > 0x7f){
buffer.push(0x80 | (number & 0x7f));
number >>= 7;
function read(buffer){
var cur, result = 0, shift = 0x8DC54E1C0; // ((((((28 << 6) | 21) << 6) | 14) << 6) | 7) << 6;
while((cur = buffer.shift()) > 0x7f)
result |= (cur & 0x7f) << shift;
shift >>= 6;
return result | (cur << shift);
var d = [];
var number = 127;
write(d, number);
alert("value bytes: " + d);
var newResult = read(d);
alert("equals : " + (number === newResult));
My question is: Is there a better way to solve that problem ?
Thanks in advance

Bitwise operation on octal number

I want to do some bit operation in javascript on a variable. I have this numbers:
min: 153391689 (base 10) - 1111111111 (base 8)
max: 1073741823 (base 10) - 7777777777 (base 8)
Now I want to use this variable for storing 10 "vars" with options from 0 to 7.
For that, I need to get and set every octal digit (meaning 3 bits).
Unfortunately, I didn't made it, but I came with something:
var num = 153391689;
function set(val, loc) {
num |= val << (loc * 3);
function get(loc) {
return (num & 7 << loc * 3) / Math.pow(8, loc);
Thank you.
As mentioned by Amit in a comment, your set function doesn't clear the bits before setting the value, so if there is already a value at that location then the new value will be ORed with it.
You can clear the location by ANDing the number with the bitwise NOT of the bitmask for that position. Applying a bitwise NOT to the mask means that only bits that are not in the location you are interested in remain set.
function set(val, loc) {
num &= ~(7 << (loc * 3)); // clear bits
num |= val << (loc * 3); // set bits
Note that the brackets around the (loc * 3) are optional, because Javascript's order of operator precedence means that the multiplication will be done before the shift even without them.
Your get function looks like it will work, but you can simplify it. Instead of shifting the bitmask left, ANDing and then shifting right again (by doing a division), you can just shift right and then mask. This moves the bits you are interested in into the least significant 3 bits, and then masks them with the AND:
function get(loc) {
return (num >> (loc * 3)) & 7;

Javascript: Parsing Double [duplicate]

I would like to convert a number in base 10 with fraction to a number in base 16.
var myno = 28.5;
var convno = myno.toString(16);
All is well there. Now I want to convert it back to decimal.
But now I cannot write:
var orgno = parseInt(convno, 16);
As it doesn't return the decimal part.
And I cannot use parseFloat, since per MDC, the syntax of parseFloat is
It wouldn't have been a problem if I had to convert back to int, since parseInt's syntax is
parseInt(str [, radix]);
So what is an alternative for this?
Disclaimer: I thought it was a trivial question, but googling didn't give me any answers.
This question made me ask the above question.
Another possibility is to parse the digits separately, splitting the string up in two and treating both parts as ints during the conversion and then add them back together.
function parseFloat(str, radix)
var parts = str.split(".");
if ( parts.length > 1 )
return parseInt(parts[0], radix) + parseInt(parts[1], radix) / Math.pow(radix, parts[1].length);
return parseInt(parts[0], radix);
var myno = 28.4382;
var convno = myno.toString(16);
var f = parseFloat(convno, 16);
console.log(myno + " -> " + convno + " -> " + f);
Try this.
The string may be raw data (simple text) with four characters (0 - 255) or
a hex string "0xFFFFFFFF" four bytes in length.
var str = '0x3F160008';
function parseFloat(str) {
var float = 0, sign, order, mantissa, exp,
int = 0, multi = 1;
if (/^0x/.exec(str)) {
int = parseInt(str, 16);
else {
for (var i = str.length -1; i >=0; i -= 1) {
if (str.charCodeAt(i) > 255) {
console.log('Wrong string parameter');
return false;
int += str.charCodeAt(i) * multi;
multi *= 256;
sign = (int >>> 31) ? -1 : 1;
exp = (int >>> 23 & 0xff) - 127;
mantissa = ((int & 0x7fffff) + 0x800000).toString(2);
for (i=0; i<mantissa.length; i+=1) {
float += parseInt(mantissa[i]) ? Math.pow(2, exp) : 0;
return float*sign;
Please try this:
function hex2dec(hex) {
hex = hex.split(/\./);
var len = hex[1].length;
hex[1] = parseInt(hex[1], 16);
hex[1] *= Math.pow(16, -len);
return parseInt(hex[0], 16) + hex[1];
function hex2dec(hex) {
hex = hex.split(/\./);
var len = hex[1].length;
hex[1] = parseInt(hex[1], 16);
hex[1] *= Math.pow(16, -len);
return parseInt(hex[0], 16) + hex[1];
// ----------
// ----------
function calc(hex) {
let dec = hex2dec(hex);
msg.innerHTML = `dec: <b>${dec}</b><br>hex test: <b>${dec.toString(16)}</b>`
let init="bad.a55";
<input oninput="calc(this.value)" id="inp" /><div id="msg"></div>
I combined Mark's and Kent's answers to make an overloaded parseFloat function that takes an argument for the radix (much simpler and more versatile):
function parseFloat(string, radix)
// Split the string at the decimal point
string = string.split(/\./);
// If there is nothing before the decimal point, make it 0
if (string[0] == '') {
string[0] = "0";
// If there was a decimal point & something after it
if (string.length > 1 && string[1] != '') {
var fractionLength = string[1].length;
string[1] = parseInt(string[1], radix);
string[1] *= Math.pow(radix, -fractionLength);
return parseInt(string[0], radix) + string[1];
// If there wasn't a decimal point or there was but nothing was after it
return parseInt(string[0], radix);
Try this:
Decide how many digits of precision you need after the decimal point.
Multiply your original number by that power of 16 (e.g. 256 if you want two digits).
Convert it as an integer.
Put the decimal point in manually according to what you decided in step 1.
Reverse the steps to convert back.
Take out the decimal point, remembering where it was.
Convert the hex to decimal in integer form.
Divide the result by the the appropriate power of 16 (16^n, where n is the number of digits after the decimal point you took out in step 1).
A simple example:
Convert decimal 23.5 into hex, and want one digit after the decimal point after conversion.
23.5 x 16 = 376.
Converted to hex = 0x178.
Answer in base 16: 17.8
Now convert back to decimal:
Take out the decimal point: 0x178
Convert to decimal: 376
Divide by 16: 23.5
I'm not sure what hexadecimal format you wanted to parse there. Was this something like: "a1.2c"?
Floats are commonly stored in hexadecimal format using the IEEE 754 standard. That standard doesn't use any dots (which don't exist in pure hexadecimal alphabet). Instead of that there are three groups of bits of predefined length (1 + 8 + 23 = 32 bits in total ─ double uses 64 bits).
I've written the following function for parsing such a numbers into float:
function hex2float(num) {
var sign = (num & 0x80000000) ? -1 : 1;
var exponent = ((num >> 23) & 0xff) - 127;
var mantissa = 1 + ((num & 0x7fffff) / 0x7fffff);
return sign * mantissa * Math.pow(2, exponent);
Here is a size-improvement of Mark Eirich's answer:
function hex2dec(hex) {
let h = hex.split(/\./);
return ('0x'+h[1])*(16**-h[1].length)+ +('0x'+h[0]);
function hex2dec(hex) {
let h = hex.split(/\./);
return ('0x'+h[1])*(16**-h[1].length)+ +('0x'+h[0]);
function calc(hex) {
let dec = hex2dec(hex);
msg.innerHTML = `dec: <b>${dec}</b><br>hex test: <b>${dec.toString(16)}</b>`
let init = "bad.a55";
inp.value = init;
<input oninput="calc(this.value)" id="inp" /><div id="msg"></div>
private hexStringToFloat(hexString: string): number {
return Buffer.from(hexString, 'hex').readFloatBE(0);
Someone might find this useful.
bytes to Float32
function Int2Float32(bytes) {
var sign = (bytes & 0x80000000) ? -1 : 1;
var exponent = ((bytes >> 23) & 0xFF) - 127;
var significand = (bytes & ~(-1 << 23));
if (exponent == 128)
return sign * ((significand) ? Number.NaN : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
if (exponent == -127) {
if (significand === 0) return sign * 0.0;
exponent = -126;
significand /= (1 << 22);
} else significand = (significand | (1 << 23)) / (1 << 23);
return sign * significand * Math.pow(2, exponent);

Javascript binary file reading

From here:
_shl: function (a, b){
for (++b; --b; a = ((a %= 0x7fffffff + 1) & 0x40000000) == 0x40000000 ? a * 2 : (a - 0x40000000) * 2 + 0x7fffffff + 1);
return a;
_readByte: function (i, size) {
return this._buffer.charCodeAt(this._pos + size - i - 1) & 0xff;
_readBits: function (start, length, size) {
var offsetLeft = (start + length) % 8;
var offsetRight = start % 8;
var curByte = size - (start >> 3) - 1;
var lastByte = size + (-(start + length) >> 3);
var diff = curByte - lastByte;
var sum = (this._readByte(curByte, size) >> offsetRight) & ((1 << (diff ? 8 - offsetRight : length)) - 1);
if (diff && offsetLeft) {
sum += (this._readByte(lastByte++, size) & ((1 << offsetLeft) - 1)) << (diff-- << 3) - offsetRight;
while (diff) {
sum += this._shl(this._readByte(lastByte++, size), (diff-- << 3) - offsetRight);
return sum;
This code does binary file reading. Unfortunately this code isn't documented.
I would like to understand how it works. (especially _readBits and _shl methods)
In _readBits what's offsetright for? also curByte and lastByte:
i thought this way about it:
_readBits(0,16,2) curByte becomes 1. lastByte becomes 0. Why is lastByte less than curByte? Or i made a mistake? Where? Please, help!
_readByte(i, size): size is the buffer length in byte, i is the reversed index (index from the end of the buffer, not from the start) of the byte which you want to read.
_readBits(start, length, size): size is the buffer length in byte, length is the number of bits which you want to read, start is the the index of the first bit which you want to read.
_shl(a, b): convert read byte a to actual value based on its index b.
Because _readByte use reversed index, so lastByte less than curByte.
offsetLeft and offsetRight are used to remove unrelated bits (bits not in read range) from lastByte and curByte respectively.
I'm not sure how cross-browser the code is. I've used the method below for reading binary data. IE has some issues that can't be resolved with only Javascript, you need a small helper function written in VB. Here is a fully cross browser binary reader class. If you just want the bits that matter without all the helper functionality, just add this to the end of your class that needs to read binary:
// Add the helper functions in vbscript for IE browsers
// From
if ($.browser.msie) {
"<script type='text/vbscript'>\r\n"
+ "Function IEBinary_getByteAt(strBinary, iOffset)\r\n"
+ " IEBinary_getByteAt = AscB(MidB(strBinary,iOffset+1,1))\r\n"
+ "End Function\r\n"
+ "Function IEBinary_getLength(strBinary)\r\n"
+ " IEBinary_getLength = LenB(strBinary)\r\n"
+ "End Function\r\n"
+ "</script>\r\n"
Then you can pick whats right in your class add:
// Define the binary accessor function
if ($.browser.msie) {
this.getByteAt = function(binData, offset) {
return IEBinary_getByteAt(binData, offset);
} else {
this.getByteAt = function(binData, offset) {
return binData.charCodeAt(offset) & 0xFF;
Now you can read the bytes all you want
var byte =, rawData, dataPos);
I found this one and it is very well documented:
