I'm using this jQuery script to show search results. Everything works fine, but when search results have more than one page and I'm browsing pages via paging then every page loading is gradually getting slower. Usually first cca 10 pages loads I get quickly, but next are getting avoiding loading delay. Whole website get frozen for a little while (also loader image), but browser is not yet. What should be the problem?
function editResults(def) {
$('.searchResults').html('<p class=\'loader\'><img src=\'images/loader.gif\' /></p>');
var url = def;
var url = url + "&categories=";
// Parse Categories
$('input[name=chCat[]]').each(function() {
if (this.checked == true) {
url = url + this.value + ",";
url = url + "&sizes=";
// Parse Sizes
$('input[name=chSize[]]').each(function() {
if (this.checked == true) {
url = url + this.value + ",";
url = url + "&prices=";
// Parse Prices
$('input[name=chPrice[]]').each(function() {
if (this.checked == true) {
url = url + this.value + ",";
$('.pageLinks').live("click", function() {
var page = this.title;
// Check All Categories
$('input[name=chCat[0]]').click(function() {
check_status = $('input[name=chCat[0]]').attr("checked");
$('input[name=chCat[]]').each(function() {
this.checked = check_status;
// Check All Sizes
$('input[name=chSize[0]]').click(function() {
check_status = $('input[name=chSize[0]]').attr("checked");
$('input[name=chSize[]]').each(function() {
this.checked = check_status;
// Edit Results
$('.checkbox').change(function() {
// Change Type
$(".sort").change(function() {
$('.pageLinks').live("click", function() {
var page = this.title;
just a wild guess but... wouldn't this piece of code add a new event handler to the click event instead reaplacing the old one with a new one? causing the click to call all the once registered handlers.
you should make the event binding just once
var global_var = '1';
function editResults(def) {
// all your code
global_var = 2; // what ever page goes next
$(document).ready(function() {
// all your code ...
$('.pageLinks').live("click", function() {
var page = global_var;
I'm having trouble changing the class after making a jquery get request.
//global variable
var table = []
var numberofaccounts = 0
$(document).ready(function() {
// add numbers to select ids
var new_id = "select_class"+numberofaccounts;
$('#apply_btn').click(function() {
table = []
var count = 0;
var text = "";
var tracker = 0
$('#stats_table tr').each(function(){
count = 0;
text = "";
if (count == 4) {
text += $( ".select_class"+ tracker + " option:selected" ).val();
} else {
text += " " + $(this).text() + " ";
$.post("/apply_changes", {"data": JSON.stringify(table)}, function(data) {
var res = JSON.parse(data);
if (res.data == true){
$('#updated').text("Update Successful").css('color', 'green');
$.get("/", function( data ) {
$('#stats_table').load("/ #stats_table");
numberofaccounts = 0
var new_id = "select_class"+numberofaccounts;
} else {
$('#updated').text("Update Unsuccessful").css('color', 'red');
So when the page first loads this method changes the class on dynamically created select elements.
var new_id = "select_class"+numberofaccounts;
After I make a post to flask the if the response data is true I go ahead and make a get request to grab the updated items from the db. I then refresh the table. This works great if I make one request. However on the second post nothing happens. This is because the classes that I modified at the start of the page load no longer exist. So i added the method above to also trigger after the get response (I also tried at the end of the post response). The problem is that the method doesn't seem to run again. The classes aren't there and as a result when I go to make another post request it can't find the element. How do I go about fixing this?
Things to note: The get request is necessary, the ids and classes cannot be statically assigned.
You are trying to assign classes before you even refresh your table.
$('#stats_table').load("/ #stats_table"); is called asynchronously and returns before it even completes.
You need to put you code, for assigning classes, inside the complete callback of your .load() call:
$('#stats_table').load("/ #stats_table", function() {
numberofaccounts = 0
var new_id = "select_class"+numberofaccounts;
I have here a little script that I found and am using it to create a simple game of sorts...
Here add:
'image_path': ['id_elm1', 'id_elm2']
"id_elm1" is the ID of the tag where the image is initially displayed
"id_elm2" is the ID of the second tag, where the image is moved, when click on the first tag
var obimids = {
'http://www.notreble.com/buzz/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/les-claypool-200x200.jpg': ['lesto', 'les'],
'http://rs902.pbsrc.com/albums/ac223/walkingdeadheartbreaker/Muzak/Guitarists/LarryLalondePrimus.jpg~c200': ['lerto', 'ler'],
'http://www.noise11.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Primus-Alexander-200x200.jpg': ['timto', 'tim']
// function executed when click to move the image into the other tag
function whenAddImg() {
/* Here you can add a code to be executed when the images is added in the other tag */
return true;
/* From here no need to edit */
// create object that will contain functions to alternate image from a tag to another
var obaImg = new Object();
// http://coursesweb.net/javascript/
// put the image in element with ID from "ide"
obaImg.putImg = function(img, ide, stl) {
if(document.getElementById(ide)) {
document.getElementById(ide).innerHTML = '<img src="'+ img+ '" '+stl+' />';
// empty the element with ID from "elmid", add image in the other element associated to "img"
obaImg.alternateImg = function(elmid) {
var img = obaImg.storeim[elmid];
var addimg = (elmid == obimids[img][0]) ? obimids[img][1] : obimids[img][0];
$('#'+elmid+ ' img').hide(800, function(){
obaImg.putImg(img, addimg, 'style="display:none;"');
$('#'+addimg+ ' img').fadeIn(500);
// function executed after the image is moved into "addimg"
obaImg.storeim = {}; // store /associate id_elm: image
// add 'image': 'id_elm1', and 'image': 'id_elm1' in "storeim"
// add the image in the first tag associated to image
// register 'onclick' to each element associated with images in "obimids"
obaImg.regOnclick = function() {
for(var im in obimids) {
obaImg.storeim[obimids[im][0]] = im;
obaImg.storeim[obimids[im][2]] = im;
obaImg.putImg(im, obimids[im][0], '');
document.getElementById(obimids[im][0]).onclick = function(){ obaImg.alternateImg(this.id); };
document.getElementById(obimids[im][3]).onclick = function(){ obaImg.alternateImg(this.id); };
obaImg.regOnclick(); // to execute regOnclick()
When clicking the items it adds them to a container where I'd like them to be stored if the user navigates to another page. I have seen some local storage cookie code on another script
var $chks = $('.compare').change(function () {
console.log('c', this)
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
var img = $('<img>'),
findimg = $(this).closest('.box').find('img'),
data_term = findimg.data('term');
img.attr('src', findimg.attr('src'));
img.attr('data-term', data_term);
var input = '<input type="hidden" name="imagecompare" value="' + data_term + '">';
} else {
var term = $(this).data('term'),
findboximage = $('#area > div > img[data-term=' + term + ']')
localStorage.setItem("imagecookie", $chks.filter(':checked').map(function () {
return $(this).data('term')
$(document).on('click', '#area > div', function () {
var cookie = localStorage.getItem("imagecookie");
if (cookie) {
var terms = cookie.split(',');
if (terms.length) {
$chks.filter($.map(terms, function (val) {
return '[data-term="' + val + '"]'
}).join()).prop('checked', true).change();
but can't figure how to apply something similar to this one. I would be grateful for any help or to be pointed to some useful places for help.
I made a fully functional Ajax Content Replacement script. The problem is that it adds forwards like /#about or /#work or /#contact to the adress but when I reload the site, the main page will be show. Why? How is it possible that when i type in the adress the right subpage will be show?
Someone told me that the problem is that I added the file manually when I use popstate. So I want a solution without popstate. I am not a Javascript expert but I would like to learn it. Because popstate but this is very circuitous.
window.location.hash = $(this).attr('href');
My .html files are in stored in /data/. The strange thing is that it finds the file but when I try to find it manually,the page show the main page or when I refresh the site with F5 the main page will be show,too.
Can you help me and show me how it works. We can use my code to find the error. Thanks a lot.
Here is the Websitelink : Demo Link
function refreshContent() {
var targetPage = 'home';
var hashMatch = /^#(.+)/.exec(location.hash);
// if a target page is provided in the location hash
if (hashMatch) {
targetPage = hashMatch[1];
$('#allcontent').load('data/' + targetPage + '.html');
window.addEventListener('hashchange', refreshContent, false);
$('.hovers').click(function() {
var page = $(this).attr('href');
$('#allcontent').fadeOut('slow', function() {
$(this).animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 0);
$(this).hide().load('data/' + page +'.html').fadeIn('normal');
$('.hovers').click(function() {
window.location.hash = $(this).attr('href');
$.get('data/'+this.href, function(data) {
return false
You should load the initial page based on location.hash (if provided) on page load:
function refreshContent() {
var targetPage = 'home';
var hashMatch = /^#!\/(.+)/.exec(location.hash);
// if a target page is provided in the location hash
if (hashMatch) {
targetPage = hashMatch[1];
$('#allcontent').load('data/' + targetPage + '.html');
You can make back and forward work by listening to the Window.onhashchange event:
window.addEventListener('hashchange', refreshContent, false);
Do note that this doesn't work in Internet Explore 7 or lower.
Okay, try this:
var $contentLinks = null;
var contentLoaded = false;
function refreshContent() {
var targetPage = 'home';
var hashMatch = /^#(.+)/.exec(location.hash);
var $content = $('#allcontent');
// if a target page is provided in the location hash
if (hashMatch) {
targetPage = hashMatch[1];
// remove currently active links
// find new active link
var $activeLink = $contentLinks.siblings('[href="' + targetPage + '"]').find('.navpoint');
// add active class to active link
// update document title based on the text of the new active link
window.document.title = $activeLink.length ? $activeLink.text() + ' | Celebrate You' : 'Celebrate You';
// only perform animations are the content has loaded
if (contentLoaded) {
.animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 0)
// after the content animations are done, load the content
$content.queue(function() {
$content.load('data/' + targetPage + '.html', function() {
if (contentLoaded) {
contentLoaded = true;
$(document).ready(function() {
$contentLinks = $('.hovers');
window.addEventListener('hashchange', refreshContent, false);
$contentLinks.click(function(e) {
window.location.hash = '!/' + $(this).attr('href');
With alot of help from #kalley we have found out that If I comment the following two lines out the LAG is gone!
var $tableContents = $table.find('tbody')
var $html = $('<tbody/>').html(data);
But how do I keep the above but cancel out the LAG ?
The code below works but the problem is that the $.GET is causing the browser to hang until the ajax request completes. I need (flow control?) or something that will solve this problem without locking/hanging up the browser until ajax completes the GET request.
The biggest LAG/Lockup/Hang is at $.get("updatetable.php", since the others only return 7 or less (number) values and this one ('updatetable.php') returns alot more (200-300kb). I would like to implement some sort of flow control here or make the script wait like 5 secs before firing the update command for tablesort and before showing the toast message so that ajax has time to GET the $.get("updatetable.php"data I just don't understand why does it lockup the browser as it is getting the data? is it trying to fire the other commands and that's whats causing the LAG?
Here are the STEPS
$.get("getlastupdate.php" Will fire every 10 secs or so to check if the date and time are the same the return data looks like this: 20130812092636 the format is: YYYmmddHHmmss.
if the date and time are not the same as the last GET then $.get("getlastupdate2.php" will trigger and this data will be send back and placed into a toast message and dispalyed to the user $().toastmessage('showNoticeToast', Vinfoo);
before or after the above ($.get("getlastupdate2.php") another GET will fire: $.get('updatetable.php' this will GET the updated table info. and replace the old one with the new info. and then update/resort the table
at the end of it all I want to $.get("ajaxcontrol.php" and this will return a 1 or 2 if the user is logged in then it will be a 2 else it's a 1 and it will destroy the session and log the user out.
<script type="text/javascript" src="tablesorter/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="tablesorter/final/jquery.tablesorter.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="tablesorter/final/jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="tablesorter/final/toastmessage/jquery.toastmessage-min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="tablesorter/qtip/jquery.qtip.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var comper;
function checkSession() {
return $.get("ajaxcontrol.php", function (DblIn) {
console.log('checking for session');
if (DblIn == 1) {
window.location = 'loggedout.php';
function checkComper() {
var SvInfo;
var onResponse = function (comperNow) {
if (comper === undefined) {
comper = comperNow;
} else if (comper !== comperNow) {
var Vinfoo;
comper = comperNow;
// returning this $.get will make delay done until this is done.
return $.get("getlastupdate2.php", function (primaryAddType) {
Vinfoo = primaryAddType;
$().toastmessage('showNoticeToast', Vinfoo);
$.get('getlastupdate.php').then(onResponse).done(function () {
tid = setTimeout(checkComper, 2000);
function updateTable() {
return $.get('updatetable.php', function (data) {
console.log('update table');
var $table = $("table.tablesorter");
var $tableContents = $table.find('tbody')
var $html = $('<tbody/>').html(data);
$tableContents.replaceWith('<tbody>' + data + '</tbody>')
$table.trigger("update", [true]);
var currentUrl = document.getElementById("frmcontent").contentWindow.location.href;
var urls = ['indexTOM.php', 'index1.php'],
frame = document.getElementById('frmcontent').contentDocument;
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
var url = urls[i];
if (frame.location.href.indexOf(url) !== -1) {
$(function () {
var tid = setTimeout(checkComper, 2000);
$("#append").click(function (e) {
// We will assume this is a user action
// call the tablesorter plugin
theme: 'blue',
// hidden filter input/selects will resize the columns, so try to minimize the change
widthFixed: true,
// initialize zebra striping and filter widgets
widgets: ["saveSort", "zebra", "filter"],
headers: {
8: {
sorter: false,
filter: false
widgetOptions: {
filter_childRows: false,
filter_columnFilters: true,
filter_cssFilter: 'tablesorter-filter',
filter_filteredRow: 'filtered',
filter_formatter: null,
filter_functions: null,
filter_hideFilters: false, // true, (see note in the options section above)
filter_ignoreCase: true,
filter_liveSearch: true,
filter_reset: 'button.reset',
filter_searchDelay: 300,
filter_serversideFiltering: false,
filter_startsWith: false,
filter_useParsedData: false
// External search
$('button.search').click(function () {
var filters = [],
col = $(this).data('filter-column'), // zero-based index
txt = $(this).data('filter-text'); // text to add to filter
filters[col] = txt;
$.tablesorter.setFilters($('table.hasFilters'), filters, true); // new v2.9
return false;
Maybe instead of using setInterval, you should consider switching to setTimeout. It will give you more control over when the time repeats:
function checkComper() {
var SvInfo;
var onResponse = function (comperNow) {
if (comper === undefined) {
comper = comperNow;
} else if (comper !== comperNow) {
var Vinfoo;
comper = comperNow;
// returning this $.get will make delay done until this is done.
return $.get("getlastupdate2.php", function (primaryAddType) {
Vinfoo = primaryAddType;
$().toastmessage('showNoticeToast', Vinfoo);
$.get('getlastupdate.php').then(onResponse).done(function () {
tid = setTimeout(checkComper, 10000);
var tid = setTimeout(checkComper, 10000);
Then you can keep it async: true
Here's a fiddle showing it working using echo.jsontest.com and some fudging numbers.
Since the click event callback seems to be where the issue is, try doing this and see if it removes the lag (I removed other comments to make it more brief):
function checkSession() {
return $.get("ajaxcontrol.php", function (DblIn) {
console.log('checking for session');
if (DblIn == 1) {
window.location = 'loggedout.php';
function updateTable() {
return $.get('updatetable.php', function (data) {
console.log('update table');
var $tableContents = $table.find('tbody')
//var $html = $('<tbody/>').html(data);
// replaceWith text seems to be much faster:
// http://jsperf.com/jquery-html-vs-replacewith/4
$tableContents.replaceWith('<tbody'> + data + '</tbody>');
//$table.trigger("update", [true]);
var currentUrl = document.getElementById("frmcontent").contentWindow.location.href;
var urls = ['indexTOM.php', 'index1.php'],
frame = document.getElementById('frmcontent').contentDocument;
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
var url = urls[i];
if (frame.location.href.indexOf(url) !== -1) {
$("#append").click(function (e) {
// We will assume this is a user action
I commented out $table.trigger("update", [true]) since if you sort the table on the server before you return it, you shouldn't need to run that, which I'm almost certain is where the bottleneck is.
It is really hard untangle the mess you have but if what you want is ajax requests every 10 seconds it make sense to separate this logic from business logic over data from server.
Your code would also really benefit from using promises. Consider this example
$(document).ready(function() {
var myData = { }
, ajaxPromise = null
setInterval(callServer, 1000)
function callServer() {
ajaxPromise = updateCall()
function updateCall() {
return $.get('updateTable.php', function(data) {
myData.update = data
function controlCall( ) {
return $.get('ajaxControl.php', function(data) {
myData.control = data
function handler() {
function errorHandler(err) {
I'm trying to build a Javascript listener for a small page that uses AJAX to load content based on the anchor in the URL. Looking online, I found and modified a script that uses setInterval() to do this and so far it works fine. However, I have other jQuery elements in the $(document).ready() for special effects for the menus and content. If I use setInterval() no other jQuery effects work. I finagled a way to get it work by including the jQuery effects in the loop for setInterval() like so:
$(document).ready(function() {
var pageScripts = function() {
window.setInterval(pageScripts, 500);
var currentAnchor = null;
function pageEffects() {
// Popup Menus
$(".bannerMenu").hover(function() {
}, function() {
$(".panel").hover(function() {
}, function() {
// REL Links Control
$("a[rel='_blank']").click(function() {
this.target = "_blank";
$("a[rel='share']").click(function(event) {
var share_url = $(this).attr("href");
window.open(share_url, "Share", "width=768, height=450");
function pageURL() {
if (currentAnchor != document.location.hash) {
currentAnchor = document.location.hash;
if (!currentAnchor) {
query = "section=home";
} else {
var splits = currentAnchor.substring(1).split("&");
var section = splits[0];
delete splits[0];
var params = splits.join("&");
var query = "section=" + section + params;
$.get("loader.php", query, function(data) {
This works fine for a while but after a few minutes of the page being loaded, it drags to a near stop in IE and Firefox. I checked the FF Error Console and it comes back with an error "Too many Recursions." Chrome seems to not care and the page continues to run more or less normally despite the amount of time it's been open.
It would seem to me that the pageEffects() call is causing the issue with the recursion, however, any attempts to move it out of the loop breaks them and they cease to work as soon as setInterval makes it first loop.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
I am guessing that the pageEffects need added to the pageURL content.
At the very least this should be more efficient and prevent duplicate handlers
$(document).ready(function() {
window.setTimeout(arguments.callee, 500);
var currentAnchor = null;
function pageEffects(parent) {
// Popup Menus
parent.find(".bannerMenu").each(function() {
$(this).unbind('mouseenter mouseleave');
var proxy = {
subMenu: $(this).find("ul.bannerSubmenu"),
handlerIn: function() {
handlerOut: function() {
$(this).hover(proxy.handlerIn, proxy.handlerOut);
parent.find(".panel").each(function() {
$(this).unbind('mouseenter mouseleave');
var proxy = {
content: panel.find(".panelContent"),
handlerIn: function() {
handlerOut: function() {
$(this).hover(proxy.handlerIn, proxy.handlerOut);
// REL Links Control
parent.find("a[rel='_blank']").each(function() {
$(this).target = "_blank";
parent.find("a[rel='share']").click(function(event) {
var share_url = $(this).attr("href");
window.open(share_url, "Share", "width=768, height=450");
function pageURL() {
if (currentAnchor != document.location.hash) {
currentAnchor = document.location.hash;
if (!currentAnchor) {
query = "section=home";
} else {
var splits = currentAnchor.substring(1).split("&");
var section = splits[0];
delete splits[0];
var params = splits.join("&");
var query = "section=" + section + params;
var content = $("#content");
$.get("loader.php", query, function(data) {
Thanks for the suggestions. I tried a few of them and they still did not lead to the desirable effects. After some cautious testing, I found out what was happening. With jQuery (and presumably Javascript as a whole), whenever an AJAX callback is made, the elements brought in through the callback are not binded to what was originally binded in the document, they must be rebinded. You can either do this by recalling all the jQuery events on a successful callback or by using the .live() event in jQuery's library. I opted for .live() and it works like a charm now and no more recursive errors :D.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Popup Menus
$(".bannerMenu").live("hover", function(event) {
if (event.type == "mouseover") {
} else {
// Rollover Content
$(".panel").live("hover", function(event) {
if (event.type == "mouseover") {
} else {
// HREF Events
$("a[rel='_blank']").live("click", function(event) {
var target = $(this).attr("href");
window.open(target, "_blank");
$("a[rel='share']").live("click", function(event) {
var share_url = $(this).attr("href");
window.open(share_url, "Share", "width=768, height=450");
setInterval("checkAnchor()", 500);
var currentAnchor = null;
function checkAnchor() {
if (currentAnchor != document.location.hash) {
currentAnchor = document.location.hash;
if (!currentAnchor) {
query = "section=home";
} else {
var splits = currentAnchor.substring(1).split("&");
var section = splits[0];
delete splits[0];
var params = splits.join("&");
var query = "section=" + section + params;
$.get("loader.php", query, function(data) {
Anywho, the page works as intended even in IE (which I rarely check for compatibility). Hopefully, some other newb will learn from my mistakes :p.