I'm having trouble changing the class after making a jquery get request.
//global variable
var table = []
var numberofaccounts = 0
$(document).ready(function() {
// add numbers to select ids
var new_id = "select_class"+numberofaccounts;
$('#apply_btn').click(function() {
table = []
var count = 0;
var text = "";
var tracker = 0
$('#stats_table tr').each(function(){
count = 0;
text = "";
if (count == 4) {
text += $( ".select_class"+ tracker + " option:selected" ).val();
} else {
text += " " + $(this).text() + " ";
$.post("/apply_changes", {"data": JSON.stringify(table)}, function(data) {
var res = JSON.parse(data);
if (res.data == true){
$('#updated').text("Update Successful").css('color', 'green');
$.get("/", function( data ) {
$('#stats_table').load("/ #stats_table");
numberofaccounts = 0
var new_id = "select_class"+numberofaccounts;
} else {
$('#updated').text("Update Unsuccessful").css('color', 'red');
So when the page first loads this method changes the class on dynamically created select elements.
var new_id = "select_class"+numberofaccounts;
After I make a post to flask the if the response data is true I go ahead and make a get request to grab the updated items from the db. I then refresh the table. This works great if I make one request. However on the second post nothing happens. This is because the classes that I modified at the start of the page load no longer exist. So i added the method above to also trigger after the get response (I also tried at the end of the post response). The problem is that the method doesn't seem to run again. The classes aren't there and as a result when I go to make another post request it can't find the element. How do I go about fixing this?
Things to note: The get request is necessary, the ids and classes cannot be statically assigned.
You are trying to assign classes before you even refresh your table.
$('#stats_table').load("/ #stats_table"); is called asynchronously and returns before it even completes.
You need to put you code, for assigning classes, inside the complete callback of your .load() call:
$('#stats_table').load("/ #stats_table", function() {
numberofaccounts = 0
var new_id = "select_class"+numberofaccounts;
Working on a practice app with localStorage, but the stored data is getting cleared on page refresh. Based on answers to similar questions, I've used JSON.stringify(); on setItem, and JSON.parse(); on getItem, but still no luck. Am I using those methods in the wrong way? For reference, #petType and #petName are input IDs, and #name and #type are ul IDs. Thanks!
var animalArray = [];
var addPet = function(type,name) {
var type = $("#petType").val();
var name = $("#petName").val();
localStorage.setItem("petType", JSON.stringify(type));
localStorage.setItem("petName", JSON.stringify(name));
var logPets = function() {
animalArray.forEach( function(element,index) {
//empty array
animalArray.length = 0;
//empty input
var storedName = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("petName"));
var storedType = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("petType"));
//append localStorage values onto ul's
$("#name").append("<li>" + storedName + "</li>");
$("#type").append("<li>" + storedType + "</li>");
//click listPets button, call logPets function
$("#listPets").on("click", function() {
//click enter button, call addPet function
$("#enter").on("click", function() {
$("#check").append("<i class='fa fa-check' aria-hidden='true'></i>");
It appears to clear because you are not loading data from it when the page loads. There are multiple bugs in the code:
It appears that you're only saving the last added pet to localStorage, which would create inconsistent behaviour
Setting animalArray.length to 0 is incorrect
animalArray.push(type, name); is probably not what you want, since it adds 2 items to the array, do something like animalArray.push({type: type, name: name});
logPets can just use the in memory array, since it's identical to the one saved
Fixed code:
var storedArray = localStorage.getItem("animalArray");
var animalArray = [];
if(storedArray) {
animalArray = JSON.parse(storedArray);
var addPet = function(type,name) {
var type = $("#petType").val();
var name = $("#petName").val();
animalArray.push({type: type, name: name});
localStorage.setItem("animalArray", JSON.stringify(animalArray));
var logPets = function() {
animalArray.forEach( function(element,index) {
//empty input
//append localStorage values onto ul's
$("#name").append("<li>" + element.name + "</li>");
$("#type").append("<li>" + element.type + "</li>");
//click listPets button, call logPets function
$("#listPets").on("click", function() {
//click enter button, call addPet function
$("#enter").on("click", function() {
$("#check").append("<i class='fa fa-check' aria-hidden='true'></i>");
A quick fiddle to demo it: https://jsfiddle.net/rhnnvvL0/1/
I'm using the jquery plugin called shapeshift. It's like jqueryui sortable but with better animations. The divs can be dragged and dropped. But I can't seem to figure out how to save their order so that on browser refesh the order remains the same where I left them.
Here is the jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/Shikhar_Srivastava/aC367/
$(".container").shapeshift({minColumns: 3});
I'm initiating the plugin as above.
Please help me on my fiddle.
I would create a cookie. So I would first include the jQuery Cookie script (found here: https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie/blob/master/src/jquery.cookie.js), then create the cookies (one for each each .container) each time an element is moved:
/* save cookie */
$('.container').on("ss-drop-complete", function() {
var containerCookieCounter = 0;
$('.container').each(function() {
/* cookie = 12h */
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (720 * 60 * 1000));
$.cookie('savepositions' + containerCookieCounter, $(this).html(), { expires: date, path: '/' });
containerCookieCounter += 1;
Then, before initiating the shapeshift-function, check if there are existing cookies:
/* cookies... */
if ($.cookie('savepositions0')) {
var containerCounter = 0;
$('.container').each(function() {
$(this).html($.cookie('savepositions' + containerCounter));
containerCounter += 1;
Here is a working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Niffler/FvUcQ/
Only one container
var $con=$(".container").shapeshift({
minColumns: 3
function getPos(id){
var p=localStorage[id];
var ro={left:100000,top:-1,unknown:true};
if(p!==undefined) ro=JSON.parse(p);
//alert('get Pos:'+id+' '+JSON.stringify(ro));
return ro;
function setPos(id,p){
//alert('set Pos:'+id+' '+JSON.stringify(p));
function arrange(){
var o={};
var con=$(".container:nth-child(1)");
var els=$(".container:nth-child(1) div");
var me=$(this);
var id=me.attr('id');
var o_=o[id]={};
for(var i in o){
var oo=o[i];
var el=$('#'+oo.id);
function savePs(){
var els=$(".container:nth-child(1) div");
var me=$(this);
var $con=$(".container:nth-child(1)");
var id=$(selected);
//var me=$(selected);
As commenters have suggested, you need to use localStorage to store and retrieve the state, and save that state after the ss-drop-complete event.
Here is the entire JS I used in this updated jsFiddle:
$(function () {
// retrieve from localStorage if there is a saved state
var saved = localStorage.getItem('arrangement');
if (saved) {
populateArrangement($('.container').parent(), JSON.parse(saved));
minColumns: 3
}).on('ss-drop-complete', function () {
// get the new arrangement and serialise it to localStorage as a string
var rows = getArrangement();
localStorage.setItem('arrangement', JSON.stringify(rows));
// return the data needed to reconstruct the collections as an array of arrays
function getArrangement() {
var rows = [];
$('.container').each(function () {
var elementsInRow = [];
$(this).find('.ss-active-child').each(function () {
value: parseInt($(this).text(), 10),
colspan: $(this).data('ss-colspan') || 1
return rows;
// use the arrangement to populate the DOM correctly
function populateArrangement(container, newArrangement) {
$.each(newArrangement, function (index, row) {
var $container = $('<div class="container"></div>');
$.each(row, function (index, element) {
var $div = $('<div></div>');
if (element.colspan > 1)
$div.attr('data-ss-colspan', element.colspan);
If you have some sort of server side code you can add the order to a hidden field on the ss-drop-complete function and then post this back to the server on post back. You can then just re-output the values back when the page re-renders and you can use this information in any server side code you need.
I've done something similar when working with jquery mobile and ASP.NET to save back to a database the order.
If not, the local storage option could be a good way to go.
Following is my function which I am using to load data as per < last id of li .post-list but still I am getting repetition of same ids that were pulled before. Kindly let me know how can I resolve this issue so the old ids doesn't load/repeat itself again.:
function loadData()
$('div.postloader').html('<img src="img/loader.gif">');
$.post("getData.php?lastID=" + $(".post-list:last").attr("id"),
if (data != "") {
A possible soution to prevent this is to store the last ID in a global variable in JS and increment that, so you don't have to rely on selecting the right element to find the ID to POST.
you're pulling the data from the server too fast, try adding a flag that will prevent pulling the items while the request is running:
var flagPulling = false;
function loadData() {
if( flagPulling ) {
flagPulling = true;
$('div.postloader').html('<img src="http://www.zesteve.com/img/loader.gif">');
$.post("/getData.php?lastID=" + $(".post-list:last").attr("id"), function(data){
if (data != "") {
flagPulling = false;
I'm using this jQuery script to show search results. Everything works fine, but when search results have more than one page and I'm browsing pages via paging then every page loading is gradually getting slower. Usually first cca 10 pages loads I get quickly, but next are getting avoiding loading delay. Whole website get frozen for a little while (also loader image), but browser is not yet. What should be the problem?
function editResults(def) {
$('.searchResults').html('<p class=\'loader\'><img src=\'images/loader.gif\' /></p>');
var url = def;
var url = url + "&categories=";
// Parse Categories
$('input[name=chCat[]]').each(function() {
if (this.checked == true) {
url = url + this.value + ",";
url = url + "&sizes=";
// Parse Sizes
$('input[name=chSize[]]').each(function() {
if (this.checked == true) {
url = url + this.value + ",";
url = url + "&prices=";
// Parse Prices
$('input[name=chPrice[]]').each(function() {
if (this.checked == true) {
url = url + this.value + ",";
$('.pageLinks').live("click", function() {
var page = this.title;
// Check All Categories
$('input[name=chCat[0]]').click(function() {
check_status = $('input[name=chCat[0]]').attr("checked");
$('input[name=chCat[]]').each(function() {
this.checked = check_status;
// Check All Sizes
$('input[name=chSize[0]]').click(function() {
check_status = $('input[name=chSize[0]]').attr("checked");
$('input[name=chSize[]]').each(function() {
this.checked = check_status;
// Edit Results
$('.checkbox').change(function() {
// Change Type
$(".sort").change(function() {
$('.pageLinks').live("click", function() {
var page = this.title;
just a wild guess but... wouldn't this piece of code add a new event handler to the click event instead reaplacing the old one with a new one? causing the click to call all the once registered handlers.
you should make the event binding just once
var global_var = '1';
function editResults(def) {
// all your code
global_var = 2; // what ever page goes next
$(document).ready(function() {
// all your code ...
$('.pageLinks').live("click", function() {
var page = global_var;
I'm trying to build out a dynamic list of UI elements. I can hard code the UI list now, and everything works fine. I want this to be extensible however, so I'm trying to figure a way of passing id tags and corresponding functions to be called. Essentially, the callback function for my ajax call isn't being executed, though I am posting the correct data, and receiving the correct response. Here's the code:
myModule = function () {
var titleUI = Object.create(ChainUI());
var memcachedId = '<?php echo $memcachedId;?>';
return {
printChain: function(data) {
var territories = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
territories.forEach(function(territory) {
loadChain: function() {
var url = 'traffichandler.php';
var instruction = {'instruction': 'titleChain', 'method': 'printChain', 'memcachedId': memcachedId.toString()};
$.post(url, instruction, this.printChain);
loadDefault: function() {
titleUI.loadUI(['Title Chain'], [this.loadChain]);
The corresponding titleUI code follows:
var ChainUI = function() {
return {
loadUI: function(uiList, funcList) {
for(var i in uiList) {
var toDom = '<li id="'+uiList[i]+'">';
toDom += uiList[i];
toDom += '</li>';
for(var i = 0; i < uiList.length; i++) {
var myFunc = funcList[i];
$('#uiFunctions').delegate($('#'+uiList[i]), "click",
function() {myFunc();}
In myModule.loadDefault, I can get this.loadChain to fire. I can't get this.printChain inside the $.post to work though. If remove all the dynamic stuff this.printChain works no problem. Don't get too hung up on the syntax, as is, the syntax is fine on my end. How can I get the ajax call back to work? Thanks!