Cant use cordova android in windows? - javascript

After hours of struggling I decided to reread the whole cordova documentation, I noticed this.
To add support or rebuild a project for any platform, you need to run the command-line interface from the same machine that supports the platform's SDK. The CLI supports the following combinations:
iOS (Mac)
Android (Mac, Linux) <------
BlackBerry 10 (Mac, Linux, Windows)
Windows Phone 7 (Windows)
Windows Phone 8 (Windows)
Windows 8 (Windows)
Firefox OS (Mac, Linux, Windows)
Is it true that I cant use the cli on windows for android? I have the SDK for android installed on my machine, so IDK why it doesn't say windows?
Are there any workarounds, should I avoid the cli and build my app myself?
The reason why I ask is in the cli I run cordova platform add android I get errors, and have done everything in my power for the last 10 hours to get it to work.

1) You can use CLI commands in windows OS. I personally develop for Android in windows.
2) Its highly recommended to use CLI as it makes the life easy for adding/removing any plugin usage.
3) For the CLI to work correctly, you may require to install Ant, NodeJS.


How to handle .net4.5 requirement issue in windows for electron app?

We have our desktop app (windows) built in electron.
On most of the system, it gets installed perfect. But in some computers, specially windows 7, user gets prompt to install .net 4.5 before installing software. Most of the case, installing this works fine. But in some case, user wont be able to install .net 4.5 since newer version of .net is installed in their system. In that case, we need to do remote connection to their PC and uninstall previous version and install new version with some tweak..i.e, stoping WuAuServ, and something with softwareDistribution and starting WuAuServ again.
It seems its requirement for apps built with electron.
I was wondering if even slack faces the same issue while installing. If not then can somebody guide me on what am i doing wrong?

Issues when installing Android Studio on Mac

I am a mac user every time i install android studio it starts downloading some components and ends up showing this message can any one please help to install this software please check the below image which shows the message I get when i started installing android studio
The AndroidStudio requires to download Android APIs and some support tools and libraries that your system is failing to install. It may be cause of poor internet connection or low disk space.

How to build for ios on Windows (react-native)?

Is there any opportunity to build react-native project for ios on Windows? Is there any service for it?
Unfortunately Not possible for iOS as of now (If you are not going to use MAC on VMware).
However you can use for Android & read More details here.
NOTE: This guide focuses on Android development. You'll need a Mac to build iOS apps.
As React Native on iOS requires a Mac and most of the engineers at
Facebook and contributors use Macs, support for OS X is a top
priority. However, we would like to support developers using Linux and
Windows too. We believe we'll get the best Linux and Windows support
from people using these operating systems on a daily basis.
Therefore, Linux and Windows support for the development environment
is an ongoing community responsibility. This can mean filing issues
and submitting PRs, and we'll help review and merge them. We are
looking forward to your contributions and appreciate your patience.
As of version 0.14 Android development with React native is mostly
possible on Linux and Windows. You'll need to install Node.js 4.0 or
newer. On Linux we recommend installing watchman, otherwise you might
hit a node file watching bug.
You can use a cloud build service, such as Circle CI or Mobile Center, to build iOS react-native applications and even automatically run Appium tests. The feedback cycle would be much longer than on your local machine, though.
Some folks choose to break the Apple EULA and run MacOS in a VirtualBox as a kind of "hackintosh" virtual machine on their Windows PCs. This supposedly works very well, and runs at near-native build speeds.

Cordova - app crashes on both iOS/Android after an OS upgrade

This is an issue that's affected a hybrid app built using Sencha Touch and another hybrid app built using Ionic. Both apps are packaged using the latest version of Cordova to generate the iOS and Android binaries.
I install the app on a device running, say Android 5.1.1. Open the app, it works fine. Then I upgrade the device to Android 6.0. Open that app and it freezes/crashes. Only solution to this problem is to uninstall the app and re-install on Android 6.0, which is a major inconvenience for the user.
Anyone else experience this same issue? I Googled but got nothing in the search results.
Just upgrade your application with the help of latest cordova pack with existing playstore key generated for your existing app. Try it may work but not sure.

Why can't "node.js / Crawler" be installed on Windows?

I have Windows XP (32bits) and Windows 7 (64bits) but node.js (Crawler) can't be installed on either Windows.
$ npm install crawler
It is sayings O/S not supported or something like that. I can only use it on Linux currently, But how to make it run on Window machines?
Have you tried the windows installer?
The Complete download link for when the next version comes out:
