display images based on rating in javascript - javascript

I have a script which displays ratings out of 10:
overallRating = Ratings.RoundToHalf( ( convenience + quality + rebook )/3 );
This returns a value such as 1 or 1.5 etc.
What I would like to do is display star images based on the returned rating, but only up to 5 stars instead of 10.
How would I do this by using an if statement, for example:
if overallRating = 1 {
row = "<img src='star1.png' />";
if overallRating = 1.5 {
row = "<img src='star1.png' />";
This is the part of my script that displays the results:
if ( overallRating > 0 )
row = row + '<td align="center">' + overallRating + "/10</td>";
row = row + '<td align="center">N/A</td>';
row = row + "</tr>";
Any help would be great! Thanks.

Generally developers use a sprite image in the background of a div and position the background-image of the stars.
If you wanted to show 1-5 stars and round down to the nearest star like how you originally wanted to approach the problem, you can write something like this:
var rating = Math.floor(overallRating);
if (rating) {
var img = "";
for(var i=0; i < rating; i++) {
img = img + "<img src='star1.png' />";
row = '<tr>' + '<td align="center">' + img + "/10</td>";
else {
row = '<tr>' + '<td align="center">N/A</td>';
row = row + "</tr>";
If you want to create a rating system the proper way, please check out this link: Turn a number into star rating display using jQuery and CSS


HTML table display JQuery checkbox off-by-one and not preserving data

I have some JavaScript code that should display a matrix of checkboxes. I want to list the column titles across the top, and then put rows where there is a column of checkboxes under each header, plus a left-hand column with row names under a blank header box. I'm going for the look on this page:
I wrote a Fiddle that almost works:
The first problem is that my table displays the checkboxes on a separate line from the cell with the row name. I checked my HTML, and it seems correct, but I'm wondering if I'm missing a <tr> or a </tr> somewhere. I add the row name cell like this (see the Fiddle for complete code):
var chugNames = ["Ropes", "Cooking", "Outdoor Cooking"];
for (x = 0; x < chugNames.length; x++) {
// Add a row for each name.
target.append("<tr><td>" + chugNames[x] + "</td>");
for (y = 0; y < chugNames.length; y++) {
target.append("<td><input type=\"checkbox\" />");
checkbox = $('</input>', {
'type': 'checkbox',
'data-x': chugNames[x],
'data-y': chugNames[y],
The other problem is that data-x and data-y return "undefined" when I access them later in my "on" method:
target.on('change', 'input:checkbox', function() {
var $this = $(this),
x = $this.data('x'),
y = $this.data('y'),
checked = $this.prop('checked');
alert('checkbox changed chug intersection (' + x + ', ' + y + '): ' + checked);
When I check a box, I get "checkbox changed chug intersection (undefined, undefined): true". It should print something like (Ropes, Cooking), depending on which box was checked.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
When you append with jQuery the tag is automatically closed.
check the jsfiddle
Try this:
$(function() {
var target = $('#checkboxes');
var chugNames = ["Ropes", "Cooking", "Outdoor Cooking"];
var i, x, y, checkbox, html;
html = "<table class=\"responsive-table-input-matrix\"><thead><tr><th></th>";
// Table column headers
for (i = 0; i < chugNames.length; i++) {
html += "<th>" + chugNames[i] + "</th>";
html += "</tr></thead><tbody>";
for (x = 0; x < chugNames.length; x++) {
// Add a row for each chug.
html += "<tr><td>" + chugNames[x] + "</td>";
for (y = 0; y < chugNames.length; y++) {
html += "<td>";
checkbox = '<input type=checkbox ';
checkbox += ' data-x=' + chugNames[x]
checkbox += ' data-y=' + chugNames[y]
checkbox += '/>'
html += checkbox;
html += "</td>";
html += "</tr>";
html += "</tbody></table>";
target.append(html).width(function() {
return $(this).find("input:checkbox").outerWidth() * chugNames.length
target.on('change', 'input:checkbox', function() {
var $this = $(this),
x = $this.data('x'),
y = $this.data('y'),
checked = $this.prop('checked');
alert('checkbox changed chug intersection (' + x + ', ' + y + '): ' + checked);
I fixed your jsfiddle here.
For the record, you had a few problems, an extra <th></th> in the opening string, an extra output of ChugName[x] and you didn't use the attr() jQuery function to get the data attributes properly.

How do I expand <tr> width or combine <td> cells in this css / jquery widget?

I'm using a fantasy football website with this custom widget.
Site is here, css is here, though there's plenty of other CSS being inherited.
I'd like all the icons displayed horizontally within the top row of the table.
I have set up a row for the icons, but they're still forced within a narrow column, each icon appearing to own its own row. My best guess is that it's this "function createColumnLeft(fpid)" part of the widget code:
function createColumnLeft(fpid)
var htmlComponent_s = '<table>';
var htmlComponent_e = '</table>';
var temoComp = '';
for(var i=0;fpid!=null && i<fpid.length ;i++) {
if(!(middleFranchise!='' && fpid[i].id == middleFranchise)) {
var fdb = franchiseDatabase['fid_'+fpid[i].id];
if(fdb instanceof Franchise) {
temoComp += '<td class="left_m" id="left_menu_'+fdb.id+'">';
var displayName = '';
if(useIcons) {
if(fdb.icon == null || fdb.icon.trim() == '') {
displayName = fdb.name;
else {
displayName = '<img src="' + fdb.icon + '"class="franchiseicon" title="' + fdb.name + '" />'
else {
temoComp+='<td class="teamname">';
displayName = fdb.name;
temoComp = temoComp + '' + displayName +'' ;
temoComp = temoComp + '</td></tr>';
return htmlComponent_s+temoComp+htmlComponent_e;
#roster_column_left table tbody tr {
display: inline;
float: left;
Actually, it doesn't seem like a CSS problem. It looks like the code above is creating a new row for each array element.
htmlComponent_s & htmlComponent_e are beginning and terminating tags, and because there's a terminating tag in this line:
temoComp = temoComp + '</td></tr>';
... that's causing the DOM parser to assume that you meant one row per icon. You really need to be explicitly creating a row, then creating a per icon.

How to add additional functionalities?

I got a simple JavaScript based blog . First have a look at the below codes and I will ask my question.
Index.html have the following codes in its body
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="blog/config.js"> </script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="blog/single.js"> </script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="blog/posts.js"> </script>
config.js has
//This is the configuration file of the blog system.
//change these variables to suit your style and needs
var head = "h2"; //the heading style, ex. h1, h2, ect. use "h2" rather than "<h2>"
var text = "text"; //the text style, from your style sheet, it's in a <div> tag
var divider = "<hr>"; //the division between posts
var newer = "newer"; //the class for the link to the next newest page
var older = "older"; //the class for the link to the next oldest page
var pageclass = "page"; //the class for the text that displays the page number
var dateclass = "date"; //the class for the date
var pagesize = 4; //the number of posts on each page
var navclass = nav; //the configuration for the navigation`
var posts = 1; //add 1 to this after adding a post. should be equal to the id of the newest post.
var id = 1; //make sure that this number is one greater than the one below it
var date = "mm/dd/yyyy"; //The date of the post
var heading = "Post 1"; //The title
var entry = ""; //reset the string
//don't worry about formatting and stuff like that, the system takes care of it all for us.
//VV your entry VV
entry += "<p>Wow, this post is on another page, If you have this many real posts, congratulations!</p>";
//^^ The most important part ^^
add_entry(id,date,heading,entry); //adds the entry to the blog
var maxpost;
function initblog(posts){
maxpost = posts;
var address = window.location.search;
if (address.substring(0, 1) == '?') {
page = address.substring(1);
} else{
window.location = "post.html?" + posts;
page = parseInt(page);
if (page > maxpost){
page = maxpost;
if (page < 1){
page = 1;
function add_entry(id,date,heading,entry) {
for (i=page;i>page - 1;i--){
if (id == i){
var entrytext = "";
entrytext += "<div class=" + text + ">";
entrytext += "<" + head + ">";
entrytext += "<a name=" + id + "></a>";
entrytext += "<span class='date'>[" + date + "]</span> ";
entrytext += heading;
entrytext += "</" + head + ">";
entrytext += entry;
entrytext += "</div>" + divider;
function pages(){
entrytext = ""
entrytext += "<table class=\"nav\"><tr>";
entrytext += "<td width=25% class = " + newer + ">&nbsp";
if (page < maxpost){
entrytext += "<A HREF=javascript:prev()>Newer Posts </A>";
entrytext += "</td><td width=50% class = " + pageclass + "><br><A HREF=javascript:newest()> Back to Index</A></td>";
entrytext += "<td width=25% class = " + older + ">&nbsp";
if (page-1 > 0){
entrytext += "<A HREF=javascript:next()>Older Posts</A>";
entrytext += "</td></table>";
entrytext += "";
function next(){
page = page - 1;
if (page < 1) {
page = page + 1;
window.location = "post.html?" + page;
function prev(){
page = page + 1;
if (page > maxpost) {
page = maxpost;
window.location = "post.html?" + page;
function newest(){
window.location = "index.html?" + maxpost;
Well , this is the whole blog script . I ain't added styles and you may see the comments on each lines for simplicity.
This blog doesn't have options to add title and meta description , keyword etc. Due to the style of applying it can do nothing outside the body tag.
1 . How to add an option to take/load titles?
2 . How to add the feature to load meta tag?
Don't tell me to edit and add titles on the template (index.HTML) , because that make no sense
As you see the heading block is for the title of the blog. All you need is just making it more visible.
var entrytext = "";
entrytext += "<div class=" + text + ">";
entrytext += "<h1>" + heading + "</h1>";
entrytext += "<" + head + ">";
entrytext += "<a name=" + id + "></a>";
entrytext += "<span class='date'>[" + date + "]</span> ";
entrytext += "</" + head + ">";
entrytext += entry;
entrytext += "</div>" + divider;
document.title = heading;
This will solve your problem about titles.
Regarding to meta tags, usually (actually by standard) meta tags are written betweeen <head> tags in HTML. To make it SEO compilant you need add them into these tags. More detailed: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_meta.asp
But, if this code is generated on client-side. There is no meaning to generate it, because search engine will not parse on-fly generated meta tags. Because it's executed on browser.

Dynamically add bootstrap rows using modulo

I a trying to dynamically add rows and populate them with 3 col-sm-4 using a modulo against the number of objects in a returned object from a function.
function formatSeriesCard(series) {
var card = "";
for (var i=0; i < countProperties(series); i++) {
if (i % 3 == 0 ) {
card += "<div class=\"row\">";
card += "<div class='col-sm-4' data-id="+i+">";
card += "<div class='action-box'>";
card += "<h4>" + '"' + series.name + '"' + "</h4>";
card += "<p>";
Instead I'm getting each row nested within the previous. Thinking I need to test for the first one and last one. Thanks.
Here is something like what you want
Bootply : http://www.bootply.com/2xnJBpyVsS
JS :
var wantedcol=14;
var mycol='<div class="col-xs-4">mycol</div>';
var startRowLabel="<div class='row'>";
var endRowLabel="</div>";
var start = "";
var end="";
var toAppend="";
for(var i=0; i<wantedcol; i++){
if(i%3==0 || i==0){
if(i!=0 && (i%3==2 || i==wantedcol-1)){
<div class="container"></div>
Comment :
You just have to take care about when you have to insert the div.row opening and closing tags

JavaScript & HTML - Modifying dynamically created subclasses within a dynamically created class

I have a dynamically created HTML table, that is used for filling out time sheets. It is created programmatically - there is no formal control. The design is a mix of CSS with text boxes being created through JavaScript. Now each 'row' of this table is in a class called 'divRow', and is separated from the others by having 'r' and the number of the row assigned to it as the class (i.e 'divRow r1', 'divRow r2', etc.).
Within each of these 'divRow's, I have cells in a class called 'divCell cc'. These do not have any identifiers in the class name. At the very last cell, I have a 'Total' column, which ideally calculates the total of the row and then adds it into a dynamically created text box.
What I have at the moment:
// Function to create textboxes on each of the table cells.
$(document).on("click", ".cc", function(){
var c = this;
if(($(c).children().length) === 0) {
var cellval = "";
if ($(c).text()) {
cellval = $(this).text();
if(cellval.length === 0) {
cellval = $(this).find('.tbltxt').val();
var twidth = $(c).width() + 21;
var tid= 't' + c.id;
if(tid.indexOf('x17') >= 0){
var thtml = "<input id='t" + c.id + "' type='text' Class='tbltxt' style='width: " + twidth + "px;' readonly />";
//var getRow = $(this).parent().attr('class'); - this gets the 'divRow r#' that it is currently on.
var arr = document.getElementsByClassName('cc');
var tot = 0;
for(var i = 0; i<arr.length; i++){
if(parseInt(arr[i].innerHTML) > 0){
tot += parseInt(arr[i].innerHTML);}
$('#t' + c.id).focus();
var thtml = "<input id='t" + c.id + "' type='text' Class='tbltxt' style='width: " + twidth + "px;' />";
$('#t' + c.id).focus();
$('#t' + c.id).val(cellval);
As you can see, when the user clicks on the 'divCell cc', it creates a text box if one is not present. If the user clicks on the 17th column ('x17'), then it runs the for loop, and assigns the value of the total to the text box.
What I need to happen:
So what happens now is that the last cell sums the total of each cell that has a value. However, they are not row-dependent. I need it to calculate based on the row that it is currently 'on'. So if I'm calculating the 2nd row, I don't want the sum of the first, second and third being entered into the total, I just want the 2nd rows' values summed.
What I've tried:
I've tried looping through and using the 'divRow r#' number to try and get the items in the array that end in that number. (cells are given an id of 'x#y#' and the text boxes assigned to those cells are given an id of 'tx#y#').
I've tried getting elements by the cell class name, and then getting their parent class and sorting by that; didn't get far though, keep running into simple errors.
Let me know if you need more explanation.
For anyone else that ever runs into this issue. I got it. I put the elements by the row class into an array, and then using that array, I got the childNodes from the row class. The reason the variable 'i' starts at 2 and not 0 is because I have 2 fields that are not counted in the TimeSheet table (Jobcode and description). It's working great now.
$(document).on("click", ".cc", function(){
var c = this;
if(($(c).children().length) === 0) {
var cellval = "";
if ($(c).text()) {
cellval = $(this).text();
if(cellval.length === 0) {
cellval = $(this).find('.tbltxt').val();
var twidth = $(c).width() + 21;
var tid= 't' + c.id;
if(tid.indexOf('x17') >= 0){
var thtml = "<input id='t" + c.id + "' type='text' Class='tbltxt' style='width: " + twidth + "px;' readonly />";
// Get current row that has focus
var getRow = $(this).parent().attr('class');
// Get the row number for passing through to the next statement
var rowPos = getRow.split('r', 5)[1];
// Get all the elements of the row class and assign them to the rowClass array
var rowClass = document.getElementsByClassName('r' + rowPos)
// Given the rowClass, get the children of the row class and assign them to the new array.
var arr = rowClass.item(0).childNodes
// Initialize the 'total' variable, and give it a value of 0
var tot = 0;
// Begin for loop, give 'i' the value of 2 so it starts from the 3rd index (avoid the Req Code and Description part of the table).
for(var i = 2; i<arr.length; i++){
if(parseInt(arr[i].innerHTML) > 0){
tot += parseInt(arr[i].innerHTML);}
// Assign focus to the 'Total' cell
$('#t' + c.id).focus();
// Assign the 'total' variable to the textbox that is dynamically created on the click.
var thtml = "<input id='t" + c.id + "' type='text' Class='tbltxt' style='width: " + twidth + "px;' />";
$('#t' + c.id).focus();
$('#t' + c.id).val(cellval);
