How to detect dimensions of file using File API and Dropzone.js - javascript

Using Dropzone.js, I need to detect the dimesions of the image when added files and apply them to its parent .details div. The following code code works and return an alert with the added image width.
myDropzone.on("addedfile", function(file, xhr) {
var fr;
fr = new FileReader;
fr.onload = function() {
var img;
img = new Image;
img.onload = function() {
return alert(img.width);
return img.src = fr.result;
return fr.readAsDataURL(file);
The thing is that I have no idea how to assign the width to its parent .details element which set the preview width of the preview.
I try replacing the alert for this code but it doesn't do anything.
I'm a bit lost in how to relate the value inside the onload function to applying it to its parent class.

With the latest version of dropzone you don't have to write this code yourself.
Simply read the file.width and file.height properties that are set on the file object when the thumbnail is generated.
The problem, why your CSS doesn't affect the element, is because you didn't specify the unit, px in this case. So your code can be:
myDropzone.on("thumbnail", function(file) {
$(this.element).parent('.details').css('height', file.height + 'px');


How to load image to object and set default if error?

I have container where I should load the image. The image has actual image that is unique for each id. If image doesn't exist for that id then it should load default image. Here is example of what I have:
function addImage() {
var image = new Image();
image.addEventListener('load', function () {
this.src = 'images/'+id+'_image01.jpg';
image.addEventListener('error', function (e) {
// Image not found, show the default
image.src = 'images/default.jpg';
image.width = 233;
The output of the function above in the console looks like this:
<img width="233">
The only attribute that is appended to image object is width. I'm wondering why source is not appended. It should look like this:
<img width="233" src="images/89_image01.jpg"> //Image exist
or this if image does not exist:
<img width="233" src="images/default.jpg"> //Image does not exist
I'm not sure why my function only attached width. If anyone can detect the problem please let me know.
You need to add the src attribute to the image object after outside the onload event handler so it actually call that event handler or call the onerror event handler.
function addImage(id) {
var image = new Image();
image.addEventListener('error', function onError (e) {
// Image not found, show the default
image.removeEventListener(error, onError);
image.src = 'images/default.jpg';
image.width = 233;
image.src = 'images/'+id+'_image01.jpg';
Also, don't forget to remove the onError event handler once the default image has loaded, this will save a few headaches if you default image is not found.

Refresh image element after altering src with base64

I'm using jquery cropbox for a little project.
First the <img> is a default image, then i do a upload and FileReader for changing the image to a locally stored image.
like this
var tgt = || window.event.srcElement,
files = tgt.files;
if (FileReader && files && files.length) {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function () {
$('#the_image').attr('src', fr.result);
However, when i will start the croping function on this image, it has the old values of the default image here, a 500x500 image.
So, when I will do the croping it has not got the new specs.
How can i now refresh that img element based on the new src? "add '?' + Math.random();" or date string is the only thing I've found but the new url is base64 encoded so that will not work.
Any ideas?
1 . Create a container for the image before all;
2 . Delete the image and add another image in the container you created.
Note: If you do this you will lost references to the element of the image because it'll be removed. Avoid making continued references to the image, var img = $('#the_image'), i.e.
Your HTML should be similiar to:
<div id="img_container">
<img id="the_image" src=""/>
Change the script line:
$('#the_image').attr('src', fr.result);
$('img_container')append('<img id="the_image" src="' + fr.result + '"/>');

Is an event triggered when an HTML link element (<a/>) containing base64 data as href is ready?

I have created a webpage that basically displays 2 images side by side.
It has a "download" button, which triggers a vanilla Javascript function, which creates a <canvas> HTML element and concatenates the two images inside of it. It then creates a link with the base64-encoded result image as href and clicks on it:
<a download="image.png" id="dllink" href="..."></a>
Here is what the function I'm using looks like:
* Create canvas, draw both images in it, create a link with the result
* image in base64 in the "href" field, append the link to the document,
* and click on it
function saveImage() {
// Get left image
var imgLeft = new Image();
imgLeft.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
imgLeft.src = "imgleft/" + idxImageShownLeft + ".jpg";
imgLeft.onload = function() {
// Once the left image is ready, get right image
var imgRight = new Image()
imgRight.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
imgRight.src = "imgright/" + idxImageShownRight + ".jpg";
imgRight.onload = function() {
// Once the right image is ready, create the canvas
var canv = document.createElement("canvas");
var widthLeft = parseInt(imgLeft.width);
var widthRight = parseInt(imgRight.width);
var width = widthLeft + widthRight;
var height = imgLeft.height;
canv.setAttribute("width", width);
canv.setAttribute("height", height);
canv.setAttribute("id", "myCanvas");
canv.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
var ctx = canv.getContext("2d");
// Draw both images in canvas
ctx.drawImage(imgLeft, 0, 0);
ctx.drawImage(imgRight, widthLeft, 0);
// Create PNG image out of the canvas
var img = canv.toDataURL("image/png");
// Create link element
var aHref = document.createElement('a');
aHref.href = img;
aHref.setAttribute("id", "dllink"); = "image.png";
// Append link to document
var renderDiv = document.getElementById("render");
renderDiv.replaceChild(aHref, document.getElementById("dllink"));
// Click on link;
My problem is that this works fine on Firefox, but not on Chrome.
After a bit of investigating, I realized that by setting a breakpoint before the; line in Chrome, it worked fine. I think that it means that the; is called before the <a href="data:image/png;base64,...></a> is ready to be clicked, but I don't know for sure.
I couldn't find a duplicate of this topic. What keywords should I use just to be 100% sure?
Am I investigating in the right direction?
Is there an event I could rely on in order to call; only when it is ready?
You could wrap it in an init function that gets called when the window completes loading.
function init() {;
window.onload = init;
Its similar to the vanilla equivalent of jQuery's .ready() method.
aHref , document.getElementById("dllink") appear to be same element ? Though "dllink" has not yet been appended to document when .replaceChild called ?
Try substituting
renderDiv.replaceChild(aHref, document.getElementById("dllink"));

Something goes wrong with fadeIn

Hello I want to fadeOut image, and then do fadeIn with a new one, so I wrote a simple code, but something goes wrong, because when .photo img fadesOut, then fadesIn this same photo, but after, a few second its changes because of new "src", but even if browser didn't load a new image, the old one shound't show, becuase src is changed, but it shows, and after a second, maybe two changes to the new one. Can somebody tell me what's wrong?
var dimage = $next.children("img").attr("rel");
$(".photo img").fadeOut("slow", function () {
$(".photo img").attr("src", dimage);
$(".photo img").fadeIn("slow");
This may be because the image has to load after the src is altered.
Consider putting the image in a tag, then setting the css property to display:none. This way the image will preload in the browser before your script runs and will be available when it does.
you aren't giving the new image enough time to load.
function loadImage (src) {
return $.Deferred(function(def){
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function(){
img.src = src;
var dimage = $next.children("img").attr("rel");
var imageLoadedDef = loadImage(dimage);
$(".photo img").fadeOut("slow", function () {
$(".photo img").attr("src", src);
$(".photo img").fadeIn("slow");
the problem as highlighted is about images not ready for display when you call them, so the solution is to preload them before starting the slideshow, create a function with an array of images path
function preLoad(){
var imgs = {'test1.jpg', 'test2.jpg', 'test3.jpg'};
var img = document.createElement('img');
for(var i = 0; i < imgs.leght; i++){
img.src = imgs[i]; //all images gets preloaded at this stage
startSlider(); //here you will do your code

append string to image src using js

I've got a page where there is <img src="/images/product/whatever-image.jpg" alt="" />
I want it so that upon loading of the page, the string "?Action=thumbnail" is appended to src's value, making it src="/images/product/whatever-image.jpg?Action=thumbnail"
how do I achieve this using js?
window.addEventListener('load', function(){
/* assuming only one img element */
var image = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
image.src += '?Action=thumbnail';
}, false);
Note, changing the source of the image will "re-fetch" the image from the server — even if the image is the same. This will be better done on the server-side.
Update after comment:
window.addEventListener('load', function(){
/* assuming only one div with class "divclassname" and img is first child */
var image = document.getElementsByClassName('divclassname')[0].firstChild;
image.src += '?Action=thumbnail';
}, false);
Use this:
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById('myImage').src += "/Action=thumbnail";
