I have a webapp that is saving images locally until they are ready to be sent to the server. When I save the images locally, I base64 encode them. Now I want to do a multipart file upload with these images.
So I need to convert the image back into binary form. I've tried using the FileReader to convert it back like this,
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onloadend = function(binaryImage){
var base64Str = item.base64Image.substr(item.base64Image.indexOf("base64") + 7);
//var base64Str = item.base64Image;
but the onloadend event is never fired and there are no errors. Once I get the image I wont have trouble uploading it. Any ideas?
Not to familiar with FileReader, but I believe readAsBinaryString is expecting a Blob or File object. Passing it a string causes errors on my end. Try this:
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onloadend = function(binaryImage){
var blob = new Blob([item.base64Image.
substr(item.base64Image.indexOf("base64") + 7)]);
I don't think this will give you want though. Check out this article for ways to encode/decode Base64: How can you encode to Base64 using Javascript?
Looks like you can use btoa() and atob() for web kit browsers.
I am using react-easy-crop to allow users to modify their profile pictures after uploading. The problem I am experiencing is that after cropping, the image is returned in the form of a blob url like this: blob:http://localhost:3000/5e44190e-a087-4683-b3a4-dfce4a57ee62 which is unhelpful since it can only be viewed on my local machine.
I have tried converting it to a data url (which I understand can then be shared and viewed across browsers), using FileReader and the readAsDataURL() method like this:
let blob = await fetch(imageToCrop).then((r) => r.blob());
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function () {
let base64data = reader.result;
The base64data variable does return what I think I need, however all my attempts to then store this result in my state only return a null value.
Does anyone know what is the best way to handle this?
If you have this line in your code, delete it because it revoke your URL.
If you need the base64 output of the cropped image, you can get it after using the canvas to crop it with canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg'). This base64 string can then be shared to anyone or uploaded to a remote server.
This is basically the commented line in the getCroppedImg() function of this demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/q8q1mnr01w?file=/src/cropImage.js:2362-2562
BTW I guess you could also upload the blob to a remote server and store the image somewhere like AWS S3.
I'm using the management API to get all my installed apps and extensions. I want to send this information to server.
Every app/extension has an icon array, that has size and url.
The url is something like chrome://extension-icon/gmgpodcgeocidkeclglljo88jp9kclhhmmdacfo/32/0. I want to send it to my server in base64.
What I'm trying to do is something like:
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function() {
result = reader.result;
if (file) {
} else {
result = "";
Where file is a File object of the icon url. But I cannot find how to create an File object with this url format.
I've tried:
var fileUrlArray = ["chrome://extension-icon/gmgpodcgeocidkeclglljo88jp9kclhhmmdacfo/32/0"];
var file = new File(fileUrlArray, 'icon.png');
And as a result I got an absolutely wrong base64 string.
Any ideas about how to do it?
var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
var rawData = reader.result;
oReq.open("POST", '/upload', true);
// postObj is an image who's src is set to a data uri, taken via a webcam.
console.log(rawData) yields ==>
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How can I interpret this in Python? On the server, this data shows up as:
Writing this to file as a PNG yields an invalid PNG. Any guidance on saving the image would be helpful.
You will need to convert your image's binary representation into Base64 before uploading - this makes it safe to work with when transferring data over HTTP.
When you receive the Base64 encoded image server-side, you can convert it back to binary, and write this to a file.
Client side code:
To convert to Base64, you need to use
fileReader.readAsDataURL( fileObject )
this automatically represents your data in a safe to upload via HTTP format.
Server side code:
import base64
coded_string = '''Q5YACgA...'''
binary = base64.b64decode(coded_string)
# now write binary to file...
open('/path/to/new_file.png', 'wb').write(rawData)
On the browser:
// Client Side:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('POST', uploadUrl);
On the server (I am using Flask/Python 2.x)
# Server Side:
import re
import uuid
# Obtain the base64 string
image_string = request.data
image_string = re.search(r'base64,(.*)', image_string).group(1)
# Generate a file name.
# We can assume PNG format in my specific implementation, but you could search
# the image_string variable to detect filetype.
output = open(str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.png', 'wb')
This worked for me. Hope it helps others.
I am developing an application using phone gap. I capture image/audio/video and store its path in local storage. I need to fetch base64 of captured file and store it in the database and then sync it with server. Is that possible using javascript ?
I tried using FileReader API that phone gap provides but the function reader.onloadend() does not get executed.
Could manage to get base64 of image using a canvas but is it possible to get base64 for audio and video using canvas?
Yes It's possible to get the base64 of a media file
reader.onloadend() is not being called because you might have missed this line reader.readAsDataURL(file).
// here i have a file input and i am using the FileReader Api to read the content on it's change event ( i have no idea what is the event for capturing a media in phonegap
var file = e.currentTarget.files[0];
var FR = new FileReader();
FR.onload = function (encodedFile) {
//alert("onload is called.");
FR.onloadend = function (encodedFile) {
var src = encodedFile.target.result;
src = src.split("base64,");
// This is the base64 encoded string of that media file which you will be interested to store in the database(post to the server
var contentAsBase64EncodedString = src[1];
Using the filereader API it is possible to show a preview of the file, by reading the file with readAsDataURL
What I am trying to do is:
The user selects a file
A preview is shown, so that the user has some feedback.
If the user is satisfied, he submits the data to the backend.
Implementing step 3 can be done by re-reading the file with readAsBinaryString, but this looks problematic because the data could have disappeared or changed on disk. So What I would like is to convert the data returned from readAsDataURL to the format returned by readAsBinaryString. How can I do this?
Another alternative would be to submit the data to the backend as returned by readAsDataURL, but I would like to avoid that, since that would require special handling on the backend in my case.
Like CBroe said, you dont need to read the file twice.
JS :
var files = evt.target.files;
var file = files[0];
// You can get the mime type like this.
var thumbMIME = files[0]['name'].split('.').pop();
if (files && file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(readerEvt) {
// Split the readerEvt.target.result by a ','.
// You can send the binaryString variable to the server.
// Its base64 encoded already.
var binaryString = readerEvt.target.result.split(',')[1];
// Set the image preview to the uploaded image.
$('.img-preview').prop('src', readerEvt.target.result);
<input type="file" onChange={this.handleFileSelectThumbFile} required/>
<img src='http://placehold.it/300' class='img-preview'/>
You can read the MIME type from the first part of readerEvt as well. Look at CBroe's comment above.