Hello I have a javascript file, that stores data in the mongodb. I would like to do two things
1) ask for the diskspace due to "db.mycol.stats();" or something like that and store the used storage size (should be "size" or storage size") into a var.
2) I want to store that var in a file - like e.g. .txt
I saw and used the following: (disksapce is an array with different disksizes, I would like to measure, (amount is a var))
var fso2 = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var b = fso2.CreateTextFile(file_diskspace, true);
for (m=0;m<diskspace.length;m++)
b.WriteLine(amount+ ":" + diskspace[m]+"\n");
somehow this does not work.
(I'm using a linux server)
There are various reasons why this won't work. You can't typically write files from within a JS context (certainly not from within MongoDB's), ActiveXObject only exists on windows.
If you want to do this write the script by invoking print(db.getSiblingDB("yourDb").stats().storageSize); and writing to a file (or piping the output to a file)
EDIT : Like so : mongo --quiet --eval "db.getSiblingDB('test').stats().storageSize" > size.text
I am working with Angular 5, I have an application in which I need to read an AMP HTML file as text. This file is contained in a component and should only be accessed from this component.
I would like to be able to open the file in read-only by giving its name.
I'm actually searching for something like this:
let file = open('amp.html');
Is it possible? If not how can I do to achieve this?
If you're writing browserside JS
You can't just simply read a file. The JS is running on your browser, and you need to think about where you're getting that file from.
If the file is on a server, you need to fetch that file from the server first by making a request for it.
If you're reading a file on the user's computer, you're gonna be using the File API on the browser to allow the user to select that file.
If you're writing backend JS
Assuming you're using NodeJS, you can conduct file operations like you would with other programming languages. Check out the fs module
If i understand you correct, you can read it as text like this:
function readFile(file){
var raw = new XMLHttpRequest(); // create a request
raw.open("GET", file, false); // open file
raw.onreadystatechange = function (){ // file is ready to read
if(raw.readyState === 4){
if(raw.status === 200 || raw.status == 0){
var allText = raw.responseText;
alert(allText); // can be also console.logged, of course.
raw.send(null); // return control
I solved this issue thankfully to this question.
in extendscript - Photoshop, I would like my dialog-box check boxes to default to previously used choices ... anyone know if this is possible?
You have two choices.
First choice: Using a //#targetengine
Values can be made persistent over a session using a targetengine.
First script
//#targetengine myengine
var x = 100;
Second script
//#targetengine myengine
If you close Photoshop all of the values will be lost
Second choice: Write to a file.
I wont write an example here. This can be done in so many ways. Plain .txt file. .json file. See this example on how to read and write files.
fabianmoronzirfas has got the right answer.
I will say it could with one script only. That script reads in the previous value stored in a text file in a hardcoded location like C:\temp. If the script cannot file the settings file it'll default to some predetermined value and then store this time around.
Just in case, here is the simple script that saves (and tries to load) your prefs in JSON format to the system temp folder:
// set default values
var prefs = {
file: File(Folder.temp.fsName + "/prefs.json"),
title: "",
length: 0
// try to load previous prefs
if (prefs.file.exists) prefs = $.evalFile(prefs.file);
// do something
prefs.title = prompt("Type the title:", prefs.title);
prefs.length = prefs.title.length;
// save the prefs to the file
I have to map a lot of different files with different structures to a db. There is a lot of different tables in those xlsx so I thought about schemeless noSQL approach, but I'm quite newbie in this field.
It should be a microservice with client interface for choosing tables/cells for parsing xlsx files. I do not have strict technology; it could be JAVA, GROOVY, Python or even a JavaScript engine.
Do you know any working solution for doing it?
Here is example xlsx (but I've got also other files, also in xls format): http://stat.gov.pl/download/gfx/portalinformacyjny/pl/defaultaktualnosci/5502/11/13/1/wyniki_finansowe_podmiotow_gospodarczych_1-6m_2015.xlsx
The work you have to do is called ETL (Extract Transform Load). You need to either find a good ETL software (here is a discussion about open source ETL) or to script your own solution in a language you are used with.
The advantage of a ready made GUI software is that you just have to drag and drop data but if you have some custom logic or semi structured data like in your xlsx example, you have limited support.
The advantage of writing your own script is you have all the freedom you need.
I have done some ETL work and I used successfully Groovy for writing my own solution with custom logic and so on, and in terms of GUI I used Altova Mapforce when I had to import some exotic file types.
If you decide to write your own solution you have to:
Convert all data to an easy to load format. In your case you have to convert each xls or xlsx tab to CSV with a naming convention.
Load your files in your chosen language for transforming
Do your logic to put data in a desirable format
Save it in a database (SQL or noSQL)
Maybe you should try Google Sheets to display excel and Google Apps Script (https://developers.google.com/apps-script/overview) to write custom add-on for parsing data to JSON.
Spreadsheet Service (https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/spreadsheet/) has plenty methods to access data in sheets.
Next you can send this JSON over API (https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/url-fetch/url-fetch-app) or put directly into database (https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/jdbc).
Maybe isn't clean, but fast solution.
I had a project that done work almost the same as your problem but it seem easier as I had a fixed structure of xlsx files.
For xlsx parsing, I had experiment with Python and Openpyxl and had no struggle while working with them, they are simple, fast and easy to use.
For database, I recommend using MongoDB, you can deal with documents and collections in MongoDB just as simple as working with JSON objects or a set of JSON objects. PyMongo is the best and recommended way to work with MongoDB from Python I think.
The problem is you have different files with different structures. I cannot recommend anything deeper on this without viewing your data. But you should find the general structure of them or you have to figure out the way to classify them into common sets, each set will be parsed using appropriate algorithm.
Javascript solution, as xlsx2csv (you can make export anywhere):
var def = "1.xlsx";
if (WScript.Arguments.length>0) def = WScript.Arguments(0);
var col = [];
var objShell = new ActiveXObject( "Shell.Application" );
var fs = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
function flush(){
function import_xlsx(file) {
var strZipFile = file; // '"1.xlsx" 'name of zip file
var outFolder = "."; // 'destination folder of unzipped files (must exist)
var pwd =WScript.ScriptFullName.replace( WScript.ScriptName, "");
var i,j,k;
var strXlsFile = strZipFile;
var strZipFile = strXlsFile.replace( ".xlsx",".zip").replace( ".XLSX",".zip");
fs.CopyFile (strXlsFile,strZipFile, true);
var objSource = objShell.NameSpace(pwd+strZipFile).Items();
var objTarget = objShell.NameSpace(pwd+outFolder);
for (i=0;i<objSource.Count;i++)
if (objSource.item(i).Name == "xl"){
if (fs.FolderExists("xl")) fs.DeleteFolder("xl");
objTarget.CopyHere(objSource.item(i), 256);
var xml = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0");
var sel = xml.selectNodes("/*/*/*") ;
var vol = [];
for(i=0;i<sel.length;i++) vol.push(sel[i].text);
xml.load ("xl\\worksheets\\sheet1.xml");
ret = "";
var line = xml.selectNodes("/*/*/*");
var li, line2 = 0, line3=0, row;
for (li = 0; li< line.length; li++){
if (line[li].nodeName == "row")
for (row=0;row<line[li].childNodes.length;row++){
r = line[li].childNodes[row].selectSingleNode("#r").text;
line2 = eval(r.replace(r.substring(0,1),""));
if (line2 != line3) {
line3 = line2;
if (line3 != 0) {
//flush -------------------------- line3
for (i=0;i<col.length;i++) col[i]="";
t = line[li].childNodes[row].selectSingleNode("#t").text;
//i = instr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", left(r,1))
i = ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ").indexOf(r.charAt(0));
while (i > col.length) col.push("");
if (t == "s"){
t = eval(line[li].childNodes[row].firstChild.text)
col[i] = vol[t];
} else col[i] = line[li].childNodes[row].firstChild.text;
} catch(e) {};
if (fs.FolderExists("xl")) fs.DeleteFolder("xl");
if (fs.FileExists(strZipFile)) fs.DeleteFile(strZipFile);
this is my problem i cant save my results to driver x that is company shared folder and i have permission to write for some reason , but i can save on driver c.
the messege show
Webpage error details
Message: Automation server can't create object Line: 93 Char: 1 Code:
0 URI:
notic : i can use only javascript , no server side language is allowd :(
this is the code i use
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var s = fso.CreateTextFile("X:\OmrilDocs\Omrix Public\All Omrix Public\Training\text.txt", true);
im using ie8 on xp 2
You need to replace \ with \\.
It should look like:-
var s = fso.CreateTextFile("X:\\OmrilDocs\\Omrix Public\\All Omrix Public\\Training\\text.txt", true);
While it is running, it gives a popup window which you need to allow to create the file.
Screenshot look like:-
Eventhought you've loaded index.html from server, the code is executed in the work station.
You've written the path literally in your function. However, FSO tries to find the target from the work station only, and it is not capable to follow a path associated to some drive letter. (In other work stations that same path might be associated to a different letter.)
So, you need to to use the real name (or IP) of that server:
Also the saving folder have to exist. When using true-argument in CreateTextFile only a new file is created to the provided path, new folders are not. Hence if there is a misstypo in the pathname, function will fail.
I have written the following code to write a file on my local file system:
writeToFile : function(msg) {
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
fh = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\\QHHH\\myXML.xml", true);
What I want now is to check if the directory(the one I have specified in code snippet above) even exists or not already? I want to throw an exception or simply show an alert to the user that "Please specify a directory you want to store your file into" and anything like this.So my questions are:
1.Is it possible to check if the specified directory exists or not ?
2.Is it possible to create the directory on the fly and store the file in there automatically?
Please don't bother that accessing local file system is bad or anything else. I am creating this for my own personal use and I am well aware of this fact.
Please try to answer in native javascript, I am not using JQuery or any other framework.
Many Thanks
This should work:
var sFolderPath = "c:\\QHHH";
if (!fso.FolderExists(sFolderPath)) {
alert("Folder does not exist!");
fh = fso.CreateTextFile(sFolderPath + "\\myXML.xml", true);
To create a directory all you need is :
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
fso.CreateFolder("fully qualified name of the forlder u want 2 create");