If I copy/paste the information into both cells my script runs correctly and matches the strings in the cells to the correct row for the user so I can lookup their email. If I let my google form fill the first cell however the data in the two cells no longer matches. I'm probably overlooking something obvious about comparing the strings but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. Here is the code I have so far.
var rows = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getLastRow();
var cell = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(rows, 2);
var value = cell.getValue().toString();
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet;
var teacher;
var cc = "no match";
for(var h=1; h <= ss.getLastRow(); h++)
sheet = ss.getActiveSheet().getRange(h, 2);
teacher = sheet.getValue().toString();
if (value == teacher)
cc = ss.getActiveSheet().getRange(h, 1).getValue().toString();
Try to use watchdog (clicking on line number) or some message box to see what happens
i.e. Browser.msgBox(teacher); bebore testing the value of value ^^
and may be don t use the "value" as a variable name, it could generate problem to execute the script.
new to using javascript in Google Sheets. I am trying to create a sheet that automatically calculates what business partners will receive based upon their dynamic split percentage and the incoming money. The percentage comes from one cell, but each payment made to the partners will be entered in a column. Here's what I have so far:
* Creates a Date Stamp if a column is edited.
* Also performs dynamic split calculations
// The column you want to check if something is entered.
// Where you want the date time stamp offset from the input location. [row, column]
// Where the calculations will be performed for the Partners.
// Sheet you are working on
var SHEETNAME1 = 'Sheet1'
function onEdit(e) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var partnerOnePercent = sheet.getRange("G2").getValue();
var partnerOnePaySource = sheet.getRange("M2").getValue();
var partnerTwoPercent = sheet.getRange("G3").getValue();
var partnerTwoPaySource = sheet.getRange("M2").getValue();
var partnerThreePercent = sheet.getRange("G4").getValue();
var partnerThreePaySource = sheet.getRange("M2").getValue();
//checks that we're on the correct sheet.
if(sheet.getSheetName() == SHEETNAME1 ) {
var selectedCell = ss.getActiveCell();
//checks the column to ensure it is on the one we want to cause the date and calculations to appear.
if( selectedCell.getColumn() == COLUMNTOCHECK) {
var dateTimeCell = selectedCell.offset(DATETIMELOCATION[0],DATETIMELOCATION[1]);
dateTimeCell.setValue(new Date());
var partnerOneCell = selectedCell.offset(PARTNERONELOCATION[0],PARTNERONELOCATION[1]);
var partnerTwoCell = selectedCell.offset(PARTNERTWOLOCATION[0],PARTNERTWOLOCATION[1]);
var partnerThreeCell = selectedCell.offset(PARTNERTHREELOCATION[0],PARTNERTHREELOCATION[1]);
The thing I would like it to do is when I enter a payment into the column (column 13), Is for the payment to be split into the partner location cells (var partnerOneCell, var partnerTwoCell, var partnerThreeCell) that are offset from the cell that the payment amount is typed in, and I only want it to be calculated by the percentages as they are at the moment the payment amount is entered. Any help would be appreciated.
Right now it is only calculating based upon cell M2 (row 2, column 13). I want it to be able to calculate based upon the amount I enter in any cell within that column, and only the cell I am currently updating. I think that this has something to do with getActiveRange or something, but I'm not familiar enough with these methods.
Edit: Upon testing, it also seems that row 3 column 14 is reflecting a calculation of partnerOnePaySource*partnerOnePercent with PaySource coming from row 3 column 13 (M3), though I'm not sure why.
Alright everyone, after reading over my code, I realized how I could use the getActiveCell method within the PaySource variables.
var partnerOnePercent = sheet.getRange("G2").getValue();
var partnerOnePaySource = ss.getActiveCell().getValue();
var partnerTwoPercent = sheet.getRange("G3").getValue();
var partnerTwoPaySource = ss.getActiveCell().getValue();
var partnerThreePercent = sheet.getRange("G4").getValue();
var partnerThreePaySource = ss.getActiveCell().getValue();
With this I was able to fix my problem and it now works.
I need to get a sheet of data as an array, perform some processing, then save it to another sheet.
Without attempting any intermediate processing,
var booking = getRowsData(sheet); //should create the array
var range = target.getRange(lastDBRow+1,1,numRows); //obtains the destination range (numRows logged as 3)
range.setValues([booking]); //tries to save the values but throws an error "Incorrect range height, was 1 but should be 3"
Checking the booking object with
var response = ui.prompt(booking.length + " " + booking[0].length, ui.ButtonSet.OK);
shows length 3 and
booking[0].length (which I understood to be the columns) as undefined....
So why the row length mismatch?
And should the columns value be undefined?
My thanks in advance!
The full code is :
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('New booking');
var headers = sheet.getRange(1, 1,1,sheet.getLastColumn());
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var numRows= lastRow-1
var target = ss.getSheetByName('Test'); //temp redirect to test sheet
var lastDBRow =target.getLastRow(); //we want to append the data after this
var booking = getRowsData(sheet); // Get data to copy as array object
= ui.prompt(booking.length + " " + booking[0].length, ui.ButtonSet.OK);
// Returns 3 Undefined
var response = ui.prompt(numRows, ui.ButtonSet.OK);
// Returns 3
var range = target.getRange(lastDBRow+1,1,numRows); // Must match range size
Looks to me like there is no column count defined in this range:
var range = target.getRange(lastDBRow+1,1,numRows); // Must match range size
Without being about to use debug, I can't confirm my idea, but I see you are defining the starting row, the starting column and the number of rows, but not the number of columns. I don't know for sure if that error message would be caused by that, but it looks like something to consider.
I have designed a google spreadsheet to help improve efficiency of material flow. I want to automatically sort the data by 2 different columns to prioritize critical parts that need to be received first once the entire row of data is entered. The problem I am having is that the data is sorting as soon as you enter one of the columns I am calling to sort but the columns I want to sort are not the last column of that row of data that needs to be entered. I am trying to use an if statement to not execute the sort until the last column has been entered else throw an error statement that says you must enter data in this column to proceed. Logically, the code makes sense to me but I have only an adequate understanding of computer language. I keep receiving an error in line 10 that the range is not found. I believe my error is the syntax in trying to call the last column. Any help would be greatly appreciated
**function autosort(){
// Variable Declaration
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var NewsheetName = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getName();
var sheetName = sheet.getSheetByName(NewsheetName);
var lastCol = sheetName.getLastColumn();
var lastColBlank = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(lastCol).isBlank()
// Find range to sort
var range = sheetName.getRange("A2:G");
// Sorting algorithm
if (lastColBlank == false ){
else {
throw ("error: If trailer # is unavailable, please enter N/A");
Try this code:
function onEdit() {
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var editedCell = sh.getActiveRange().getColumnIndex();
if(editedCell == 2) {
var range = sh.getRange("A2:B10");
var blank = range.isBlank()
var values = range.getValues();
for (var i = 0; i<values.length; i++) {
//values.length returns 11 for eleven items
// values[10][0] would be the 11th row 1st column
if (values[i][0] == "" || values[i][1] == "") {
//throw new Error("error: If trailer # is unavailable, please enter N/A");
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var response = ui.alert('If trailer # is unavailable, please enter N/A');
range.sort({column: 2});
If you'll look into the code, the sort depends on the second column to be edited. Then, will check the range if the is still a blanked cell.
Just apply your additional code to meet your goal and I think that will work.
Hope this helps.
This program is supposed to iterate through a range of spreadsheet cells containing email addresses and then assign them to contact groups. It is very slow and keeps giving me a "transient error. Try again later". Many of the cells are empty and I figure that is the cause. Can you help me speed this up so I stop getting transient errors (after 20-30 cells). I tried to implement this if clause but It either creates an blank contact (wasting my quota) or throws a null error.
If clause to skip over empty cells:
if(cell != "" && cell != null){
My script:
function addContactstoGroup() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('NewEmails');
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var lastColumn = sheet.getLastColumn();
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(2, 9, lastRow , lastColumn); //rows and columns start at 1, arrays start at 0.
var data = dataRange.getValues();
for (var i=1; i < lastRow; ++i){ //rows
var groupHeaderRange = sheet.getRange(i+1,9);
var groupHeader = groupHeaderRange.getValue();
for(var j=1; j < lastColumn; ++j){ //columns
var cell = data[i][j].getRange;
if(cell != "" && cell != null){
var groups = data[i][9];
var cell = sheet.getRange(i+2,j+9);
var contactGroup = data[i][0];
var emailAddress = data[i][j];
var contact = ContactsApp.createContact(null,null, emailAddress); // insert null http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20600852/how-to-add-a-contact-without-a-name-in-gas
var group = ContactsApp.getContactGroup(contactGroup);
group.addContact(contact);//or should this just be emailAddress
You would be my hero if you could help me fix:
1) Transient errors
2) If clause so it skips empty cells and does not run "ContactsApp.createContact"
var contact = ContactsApp.createContact(null,null, emailAddress); // insert null
Thank you!!! I've only been coding a few months and I don't understand why this keeps coming up.
Try changing var cell to var cell = data[i][j]; then your if statment should work.
Your transient error could be caused by an invalid email address. i.e. an email address that does not exist or some whitespace in an email address that you can't see.
You can find and remove whitespace by selecting the range containing the email addresses go to find replace. In the find field, put in 1 space and click replace all.
If you could provide a dummy spreadsheet with dummy email addresses it would be much easier to see if we could make your code more efficient.
I am trying to write a script in google sheets that will send one of two different emails based on the response to a multiple choice question. I can get my if/else statement to send either one or the other of the emails but it will not recognize the text of the multiple choice answer and send the correct email.
Here is the full script:
function sendEmails() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var startRow = 2; // First row of data to process
var numRows = 1;
// Fetch the range of cells A2:B3
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 8)
// Fetch values for each row in the Range.
var data = dataRange.getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var row = data[i];
var title = row[1]; // First column
var startDate = row[3]; // Second column
var endDate = row[4];
var description = row[2];
var location = row[6];
var eventImport = row[5];
var emailAddress = row[7];
var multchoice = row[8];
if (multchoice == "Part Time") {
var subject = "New Hire Part Time Email - " + startDate;
var emailBody = "Congradulations"
var htmlBody = "Congradulations! Part time person"
MailApp.sendEmail (emailAddress, subject, emailBody);
} else {
var subject = "New Hire Appointment - " + startDate;
var emailBody = "Congratulations! We are excited"
var htmlBody = "Congratulation! </i><br/> <br/> We are excited"
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, emailBody);
I believe the problem is here:
if (multchoice == "Part Time")
Any help is greatly appreciated! I am a novice
It looks like you are assigning your variables starting with '1' I stead of '0'. Start assigning them with 0 and counting up.
Without an example sheet to use, I won't be able to do a whole lot of debugging for you.
However, Apps Script comes with it's own debugger. Select the function you wish you debug and click the Little bug icon beside the play button.
Click on the sidebar where you want to set a breakpoint, where the code will stop executing.
Once it hits that breakpoint you can see all the variables currently within your scope. So the array, value, and i variables are visible to you.
Use this to your advantage and debug your code to find out where the issue is. Alternatively, you can use Logger.log() to log values at certain points within your code and then read back through the logs to try and determine where the problem lies.
The problem is not with your if/else statement. The problem is with how you are assigning your variables from your row[] array. While you use regular numbers in the getRange() function, the range that is returned is an array of those cells. Arrays always start with an index of [0]. Change var multchoice = row[8] to var multchoice = row[7] and your if/else statement will work (you'll want to change all of your other references, too).