I already tested with 2 inputText, It runs well
for example
var tdate = document.getElementById('txtDate'); //h:inputText
var tdt = document.getElementById('txtDateTime'); //h:inputText
tdate.onchange = function(){
tdt.value = tdate.value;
How can I change the value of " tdt " - h:outputText?
var tdate = document.getElementById('txtDate'); //h:inputText
var tdt = document.getElementById('txtDateTime'); //h:outputText
Look in the generated HTML source. Rightclick page in browser and view source. You'll see that the <h:outputText> renders a HTML <span> element with the value in its body. To alter the body of a <span> in JavaScript you need to manipulate the innerHTML.
tdt.innerHTML = "new value";
I have this certain problem where I cannot get the number value of 'currentStock' var data inside an HTML file using JavaScript. I have this on my HTML file in script tag:
By the way, due to the HTML being too large, and also it was not originally my script, but from a friend who was asking for some help on adding some features in it, I can't upload the whole script as it will be going to be too long. The whole HTML script has 14076 characters with 289 lines.
I have only studied java and not javascript with HTML, so I need help with this one.
window.onload = function() {
var goDown = document.getElementById('uniqueNav');
var goRight = document.querySelector('.clothesNav');
var goUp = document.querySelector('.shrink');
goDown.style.marginTop = "0px";
goRight.style.marginLeft = "5px";
goUp.style.height = "0px";
var name = "Ombre Printed Shirt";
var price = "P499.00";
var initialStock = 0;
var currentStock = initialStock;
document.querySelector('#clothTitle').innerHTML = "" +name;
document.querySelector('#clothPrice').innerHTML = "Price: " +price;
document.querySelector('#PITitle').innerHTML = "" +name;
document.querySelector('#PIPrice').innerHTML = "Price: " +price;
document.querySelector('#currentStock').innerHTML = "CurrentStocks: " +currentStock;
}); //------------------------Change This Every Document ----------------------------//
then this in my JavaScript File:
var cStocks = document.getElementById('currentStock').data;
alert(typeof cStocks);
alert("Data in cStocks = " + cStocks);
if (!cStocks) {cStocks = 0; alert("cStocks, not a valid number");}
if ((cStocks <= 0) == true)
upon loading the page, the alert says thaat the data type is undefined. I don't know what's happening with my code. did I miss something?
By the way, I have JQuery on my HTML page. it says JQuery v3.3.1 as a version
It doesn't look to me like #currentStock will have a data attribute, or value attribute (which is for inputs), so of course the js returns undefined. Right now it looks like #currentStock is having the innerHTML set on the document.ready to Current Stocks: 0
You do have an accessible variable, currentStock, which is defined during document.ready. Why aren't you accessing it directly? It will have the numeric value in it already. All you can get from #currentStock is the html you generated on document.ready, and you'd have to parse the number out of it, when it's available in raw form in the js variable currentStock.
I have a string with some variable html saved inside, among which a div with static id="time",
myString = "<div class="class">blahblah</div><div id="time">1:44</div>"
How can I create a new identical string cutting off only the time? (1:44 in this case).
I can't look for numbers or the ":" because is not safe in my situation.
What i've tried without success is this:
var content = divContainer.innerHTML;
var jHtmlObject = jQuery(content);
var editor = jQuery("<p>").append(jHtmlObject);
var myDiv = editor.find("#time");
myDiv.html() = '';
content = editor.html();
console.log('content -> '+content);
var myString = '<div class="class">blahblah</div><div id="time">1:44</div>';
//create a dummy span
//put the html in it
//find the time
//remove it's inner html
//execute end() so the jQuery object selected returns to the span
//console log the innerHTML of the span
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
You can achieve this using a regular expression in plain javascript like so:
myString.replace(/(<div id="time">).*(<\/div>)/, '$1$2')
If you want to extract only the 1:44 portion you can use the following:
myString.match(/(<div id="time">)(.*)(<\/div>)/)[2]
I am trying to do similar thing as YouTube has when you are embeding a video and you want to get a code. You can click on checkboxes or select size and it dynamically changes the value of input field.
Does somebody have idea how to do it?
I managed to write a code that is replacing the width correctly, but I dont know how to make a code that would add &scheme=XXX at the end of the link or remove it if user selects no color scheme.
This is the code for width,I dont think its best one, but works:
$("#width").on("change keyup", function(){
var width = $(this).val();
if (width){
$("#embed-text").val($("#embed-text").val().replace(/ (width\s*=\s*["'])[0-9]+(["'])/ig, ' width=\''+width+'\''));
Here is textarea which I am trying to change and inputs I'm using for it:
The ID is taken from PHP, in actual textarea that jQuery sees the ".$id." is actual number
<textarea class='clean' id='embed-text'><iframe src='http://my.url/embed/?r=".$id."' width='600' height='".$height."' frameborder='0' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' allowtransparency='true'></iframe></textarea>
<div style='padding-right: 10px; display: inline-block;'>
Color scheme:
<select id='schemes' class='clean'>
<option value='-'>None</option>
<option value='xxx'>Xxx</option>
<div style='padding-right: 10px; display: inline-block;'>
Width: <input type='number' min='250' max='725' value='600' id='width' class='clean'>
When user does not select any scheme (or changes from XXX to None), I want link in textarea (iframes src) to be like this:
But when he selects any scheme, i would like it to look like this:
I actually have no idea how to do this. Tried googling for more than hour, but I don't know what the ID will be (to identify position where to add the string), thats PHP value and I cant pass it to external script file, so I tried to find if I can insert something at specific position (ie.: 15th character from start) with JS, but could not find anything.
I separate some functions in order to keep the code clean check this I think that is what you were looking for JsFiddle
var generateUrl = function(id,colorScheme) {
var baseUrl = "http://my.url/embed/?";
var url = baseUrl.concat("r="+id);
if (colorScheme != null && colorScheme != '')
url = url.concat("&scheme="+colorScheme);
return url;
var changeUrl = function(id, colorScheme) {
var url = generateUrl(id, colorScheme);
var srcPattern = "src='(.*?)'";
var embedText = $("#embed-text").val();
var newEmbedText = embedText.replace(new RegExp(srcPattern),"src='"+url+"'");
var changeWidth = function(newWidth) {
var widthPattern = "width='([0-9]*)'";
var embedText = $("#embed-text").val();
var newEmbedText = embedText.replace(new RegExp(widthPattern),"width='"+newWidth+"'");
var getURLParameter = function(url,parameterName) {
return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + parameterName + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(url)||[,""])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20'))||null
var getId = function() {
var urlPattern = "src='(.*?)'";
var embedText = $("#embed-text").val();
var url = embedText.match(new RegExp(urlPattern))[1];
var id = getURLParameter(url, 'r');
return id;
$("#width").on("change keyup", function(){
var width = $(this).val();
var colorScheme = $(schemes).val();
And i removed the value '-' for the first option just leave it in blank.
If I write code in the JavaScript console of Chrome, I can retrieve the whole HTML source code by entering:
var a = document.body.InnerHTML; alert(a);
For fb_dtsg on Facebook, I can easily extract it by writing:
var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName('fb_dtsg')[0].value;
Now, I am trying to extract the code "h=AfJSxEzzdTSrz-pS" from the Facebook Page. The h value is especially useful for Facebook reporting.
How can I get the h value for reporting? I don't know what the h value is; the h value is totally different when you communicate with different users. Without that h correct value, you can not report. Actually, the h value is AfXXXXXXXXXXX (11 character values after 'Af'), that is what I know.
Do you have any ideas for getting the value or any function to generate on Facebook page.
The Facebook Source snippet is below, you can view source on facebook profile, and search h=Af, you will get the value:
<code class="hidden_elem" id="ukftg4w44">
<!-- <div class="mtm mlm">
<span class="itemLabel fsm">Unfriend...</span></a></li>
<li class="uiMenuItem" data-label="Report/Block...">
<a class="itemAnchor" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="/ajax/report/social.php?content_type=0&cid=1352686914&rid=1352686914&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2 F%3Fq&h=AfjSxEzzdTSrz-pS&from_gear=timeline" rel="dialog">
<span class="itemLabel fsm">Report/Block...</span></a></li></ul></div>
</div> -->
Please guide me. How can extract the value exactly?
I tried with following code, but the comment block prevent me to extract the code. How can extract the value which is inside comment block?
var a = document.getElementsByClassName('hidden_elem')[3].innerHTML;alert(a);
Here's my first attempt, assuming you aren't afraid of a little jQuery:
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/5158301/74757
function getParameterByName(name, path) {
var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(path);
return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
var html = $('.hidden_elem')[0].innerHTML.replace('<!--', '').replace('-->', '');
var href = $(html).find('.itemAnchor').attr('href');
var fbId = getParameterByName('h', href); // fbId = AfjSxEzzdTSrz-pS
Working Demo
EDIT: A way without jQuery:
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/5158301/74757
function getParameterByName(name, path) {
var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(path);
return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
var hiddenElHtml = document.getElementsByClassName('hidden_elem')[0]
.innerHTML.replace('<!--', '').replace('-->', '');
var divObj = document.createElement('div');
divObj.innerHTML = hiddenElHtml;
var itemAnchor = divObj.getElementsByClassName('itemAnchor')[0];
var href = itemAnchor.getAttribute('href');
var fbId = getParameterByName('h', href);
Working Demo
I'd really like to offer a different solution for "uncommenting" the HTML, but I stink at regex :)
I need to select some words in 2 TextArea programmatically. I am using the following javascript to select the words. The problme is that the selection persists only on the 2nd TextArea. I am using IE 6(I know it is old, but project related purpose).
function abc(start1, end1){
var textarea1ctlID = '<%=textarea1. ClientID %>';
var textarea2ctlID = '<%=textarea2. ClientID %>';
var txtarea1 = document.getElementById(textarea1ctlID);
var txtarea2 = document.getElementById(textarea2ctlID);
var start = parseInt(start1);
var end = parseInt(end1);
var txtarearange1 = txtarea1.createTextRange();
txtarearange1.moveStart("Character", start1);
txtarearange1.moveEnd("Character", end1);
var txtarearange2 = txtarea2.createTextRange();
txtarearange2.moveStart("Character", start1);
txtarearange2.moveEnd("Character", end1);
How to make the select persist in both the TextAreas
You can't. IE only allows one selected range.