I have made a code in javascript/jquery which populates a division with tweets of a specific handle.
$.getJSON("http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name="+ handle + "&count=" + noOfTweets + "&include_rts=true&callback=?", function(data) {
//some code
Here is the code to display the tweets
$.each(data, function(i, tweet) {
var buttonString = '<br/><a onclick="retweet('+tweet.id+')">Retweet</a>'
+'<a onclick="favorite('+tweet.id+')">Favorite</a>';
$("#tweets").append($("<li/>").html(tweet.text+" <span class='tweetTime'>--a moment ago.</span>")+buttonString);
I now want to add retweet and favorite buttons to the tweets.
The twitter api for the above functions require a post request, but jquery doesn't have any .postJSON() function
so what should my retweet and favorite functions contain?
Some help please.
jQuery has a function to make POST requests - jQuery.post()
Used web intents instead.
Not preferable, but not bad.
Extremely new at this, but wanted to try to build something. Decided on a simple landing page that would assist in pulling Youtube videos. Got my API key and got to building. Ran into a few issues. Found out that it can't call from a local HTML file, so worked out another way to test, but now I have another issue.
I have the following code set to run when a button is pressed, submitting the text in form as the variable topic.
function search() {
var hdi = "how do i ";
var request = gapi.client.youtube.search.list({
part: 'id',
q: hdi + topic,
function onSearchResponse(response){
var responseString = JSON.stringify(response, " ", 2);
But I cannot seem to get the response I'm looking for. The JSON data I get seems to correspond to medley of search engines (Yahoo, duck duck go, ect) instead, not the JSON data for the YouTube search.
Here is a CodePen, if that assists more. I have some code commented out that I'm waiting to work on until I get this part implemented. Thanks for any help you can give me!
I need to develop a simple web page that accepts user information( name, age, birthdate, etc) and saves the data to a CSV or a text file to the server. I currently use Google sheets, but I need something that's more customizable and something that does some simple error checking. Are there any open source frameworks out there that I can use to put something together in a couple hours? I have a mechanical engineering background, and I'm not too familiar with web technologies. Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
function saveUserData(url, data) {
var csv = [], // the array of values
del = "="; // the "delimiter" or "separator"
function handle(string) {
return encodeURI(string)
.replace(/,/g, "%2c");
for(var property in data)
csv.push(property + del + handle(data[property]));
// "name=John Doe,dob=Jan 1%2c 2000"
$.post(url, {data: csv.toString()})
.done(function(returned_data) {
// if you need this later
}, "json");
// "url" the the url to send the data to
// "data:" will likely be determined by the server you're using
// "json" will make "returned_data" a JSON object (if the server supports it)
In your case, you need to write a server-side script. Below are 3 links that will show you how to
open, write, and close a file.
That's how far as I would elaborate on my answer, you need to show us that you actually did the work, and if you ran into issues, you can ask here again.
I hope the above helps.
I'm writing a small and simple jquery-mobile app.
The first page is a list view of categories, which is populated by json retrieved from an ajax request.
The second page should be called when the user clicks on one of the categories.
It should open with a list of items that will also be retrieved by an ajax request. The request should get a category_id as a parameter.
I'm planning on using the multi page pattern (multiple pages in the same html).
This is my js code:
$(function() {
initListByUrl($("#categories_ul"), 'http://localhost:3000/categories');
function initListByUrl(id, requestUrl) {
url: requestUrl,
success: function(data) {
var items = []
$.each(data, function(i, elem) {
items.push('<li id="cat_li_'+i+'">' + elem.name + '</li>');
and the id of the category is another field in elem, lets assume - elem.id.
How can i pass this id as a parameter to the code that will build the second page?
Should I use session storage?
You can use javascript stack to push and pop the data required for every page, like for instance you can push the elem.id in the calee and then pop and use the elem.id in the page called or viewed.
var stack = [];
var data = stack.pop();
I've created a plug-in under the MIT license which is compatible with jQuery Mobile 1.4+. The plug-in allows you to use URL parameters to communicate between pages. In addition, since the data is in the URL, it handles page refreshes as well as the user going directly to a specific jQuery Mobile page in your app. You can find it here on GitHub.
Have searched high and low for this. I have a web page of basic HTML/CSS/JS. I want users to be able to visit the page and upon opening page, a call is made to a google script I made which takes information from a spreadsheet and displays some of it on the page. I am hoping I don't have to do any fancy set up like in Google's tutorials because none of them were helpful to me.
My Webpage ----> Google Script ----> Google Spreadsheet
My Webpage <---- Google Script <---- Google Spreadsheet
Users should be able to select an item shown on the webpage (item populated from spreadsheet) and click a button which will allow users to enter a new page with a URL derived from the selected item.
This is essentially a chat room program where the chat rooms are stored on a spreadsheet. I want users to be able to create a new chat room as well which should update the google spreadsheet.
Look into using the GET parameters. https://stackoverflow.com/a/14736926/2048063.
Here's a previous question on the topic.
You can access the parameters passed by GET in your doGet(e) function using e.parameter. If you call http://script.google......./exec?method=doSomething, then
function doGet(e) {
doSomething will be written to the log, in this case.
Returning data from the script can be done using the ContentService, which allows you to serve JSON (I recommend). JSON is easiest (in my opinion) to make on the GAS end, as well as use on the client end.
The initial "populate list" call would look something like this. I will write it in jQuery because I feel that is very clean.
var SCRIPT_URL = "http://script.google.com/[....PUT YOUR SCRIPT URL HERE....]/exec";
$(document).ready(function() {
function (data) {
And the corresponding GAS that produces this.
function doGet(e) {
if (e.parameter.method=="populate_list") {
var v = {cat:true,dog:false,meow:[1,2,3,4,5,6,4]}; //could be any value that you want to return
return ContentService.createTextOutput(e.parameter.callback + "(" + JSON.stringify(v) + ")")
This method is called JSONP, and it is supported by jQuery. jQuery recognizes it when you put the ?callback=? after your URL. It wraps your output in a callback function, which allows that function to be run on your site with the data as an argument. In this case, the callback function is the one defined in the line that reads function (data) {.
I wrote a small JavaScript a couple of years ago that grabbed a users (mine) most recent tweet and then parsed it out for display including links, date etc.
It used this json call to retrieve the tweets and it no longer works.
It now returns the error:
{"errors":[{"message":"Sorry, that page does not exist","code":34}]}
I have looked at using the api version (code below) but this requires authentication which I would rather avoid having to do as it is just to display my latest tweet on my website which is public anyway on my profile page:
I haven't kept up with Twitter's API changes as I no longer really work with it, is there a way round this problem or is it no longer possible?
Previously the Search API was the only Twitter API that didn't require some form of OAuth. Now it does require auth.
Twitter's Search API is acquired from a third party acquisition - they rarely support it and are seemingly unenthused that it even exists. On top of that, there are many limitations to the payload, including but not limited to a severely reduced set of key:value pairs in the JSON or XML file you get back.
When I heard this, I was shocked. I spent a LONG time figuring out how to use the least amount of code to do a simple GET request (like displaying a timeline).
I decided to go the OAuth route to be able to ensure a relevant payload. You need a server-side language to do this. JavaScript is visible to end users, and thus it's a bad idea to include the necessary keys and secrets in a .js file.
I didn't want to use a big library so the answer for me was PHP and help from #Rivers' answer here. The answer below it by #lackovic10 describes how to include queries in your authentication.
I hope this helps others save time thinking about how to go about using Twitter's API with the new OAuth requirement.
You can access and scrape Twitter via advanced search without being logged in:
GET request
When performing a basic search request you get:
q (our query encoded)
src (assumed to be the source of the query, i.e. typed)
by default, Twitter returns top 25 results, but if you click on
all you can get the realtime tweets:
JSON contents
More Tweets are loaded on the page via AJAX:
Use max_position to request the next tweets
The following json array returns all you need to scrape the contents:
has_more_items (bool)
items_html (html)
max_position (key)
refresh_cursor (key)
DOM elements
Here comes a list of DOM elements you can use to extract
The authors twitter handle
The name of the author
The user ID of the author
Timestamp of the post
Timestamp of the post in ms
Text of Tweet
Number of Retweets
span.ProfileTweet-action–retweet > span.ProfileTweet-actionCount[data-tweet-stat-count]
Number of Favo
span.ProfileTweet-action–favorite > span.ProfileTweet-actionCount[data-tweet-stat-count]
If you're still looking for unauthenticated tweets in JSON, this should work:
As you can see in the documentation, using the REST API you'll need OAuth Tokens in order to do this. Luckily, we can use the Search (which doesn't use OAuth) and use the from:[USERNAME] operator
Will give you a JSON object with tweets from that user, where
will give you the last tweet.
Here is a quick hack (really a hack, should be used with caution as its not future proof) which uses http://anyorigin.com to scrape twitter site for the latest tweets.
It works by using anyorigin (you have to pay to use it) to grab the HTML. It then parses the HTML using jquery to extract out the relevant tweets.
Tweets on the mobile site use a div with the class .tweet-text, so this is pretty painless.
The relevant code looks like this:
$.getJSON('http://anyorigin.com/get?url=mobile.twitter.com/JonOlick&callback=?', function(data){
// Remap ... utf8 encoding to ascii.
var bar = data.contents;
bar = bar.replace(/…/g, '...');
var el = $( '<div></div>' );
// Change all links to point back at twitter
$('.twitter-atreply', el).each(function(i){
$(this).attr('href', "https://twitter.com" + $(this).attr('href'))
// For all tweets
$('.tweet-text', el).each(function(i){
// We only care about the first 4 tweets
if(i < 4) {
var foo = $(this).html();
$('#test').html($('#test').html() + "<div class=ProfileTweet><div class=ProfileTweet-contents>" + foo + "</div></div><br>");
You can use a Twitter API wrapper, such as TweetJS.com which offers a limited set of the Twitter API's functionality, but does not require authentication. It's called like this;
function (data) {
You can use the twitter api v1 to take the tweets without using OAuth. For example: this link turns #jack's last 100 tweets.
The timeline documentation is here.
The method "GET statuses/user_timeline" need a user Authentification like you can see on the official documentation :
You can use the search method "GET search" wich not require authentification.
You have a code for starting here : http://jsfiddle.net/73L4c/6/
function searchTwitter(query) {
url: 'http://search.twitter.com/search.json?' + jQuery.param(query),
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
var tweets = $('#tweets');
for (res in data['results']) {
tweets.append('<div>' + data['results'][res]['from_user'] + ' wrote: <p>' + data['results'][res]['text'] + '</p></div><br />');
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#submit').click(function() {
var params = {
q: $('#query').val(),
rpp: 5
// alert(jQuery.param(params));