I'm trying out mocha for my JS testing, and I'm getting this weird fragment:
Oddly, the tutorial I'm following also has this fragment in his screenshots, yet the author makes no mention of anything being awry. I'm using Chrome 18. I can't seem to find this anywhere in the web inspector either...
Anyone know what's up with this? Driving me nuts...
Looks like some UTF-8 being interpreted in another charset (probably Latin-1). Try setting your browser's encoding to UTF-8—do you see something more useful? (Probably a checkmark: ✔)
Edit: yes, it's the UTF-8 encoding of "✔" interpreted as Latin-1. You may need to add a <meta charset="utf8"> to the top of your <head>.
I have some data wanted to be represented using datable with jQuery. As you can see, it is easy to use by including totally two, css and javascript, files. Since, as my project requirement, neither I include any file in project folder or somewhere nor I’m able to connect to the Internet, I need to escape all javascript code into a string variable then use it between <script></script> tags. To do so, I make use of the website. I think it works pretty well since its result doesn’t yield any compiler error or warning. Whenever I include it as,
<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.19/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js\"></script>
it works. But when I put the content of the jquery.dataTables.min.js into a string variable by escaping via the website, I get the following error.
44th line’s the following part is hightlighted with the cross end symbol on chrome. (I’m not able to put whole code here becuase SO doesn’t permit it.)
.warn("jQuery.Deferred exception: "+e.message,e.stack,t)},E.readyException=function(e){g.setTimeout(function(){throw e})};var $=E.Deferred();function F(){v.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",F),g.removeEventListener("load",F),E.ready()}E.fn.ready=function(e){return $.then(e)["catch"](function(e){E.readyException(e)}),this},E.extend({isReady:!1,readyWait:1,ready:function(e){(!0===e?--E.readyWait:E.isReady)||(E.isReady=!0)!==e&&0<--E.readyWait||$.resolveWith(v,[E])}}),E.ready.then=$.then,"complete"===v.readyState||"loading"!==v.readyState&&!v.documentElement.doScroll?g.setTimeout(E.ready):(v.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",F),g.addEventListener("load",F));var z=function(e,t,n,r,i,o,a){var s=0,u=e.length,l=null==n;if("object"===T(n))for(s in i=!0,n)z(e,t,s,n[s],!0,o,a);else if(void 0!==r&&(i=!0,x(r)||(a=!0),l&&(a?(t.call(e,r),t=null):(l=t,t=function(e,t,n){return l.call(E(e),n)})),t))for(;s<u;s++)t(e[s],n,a?r:r.call(e[s],s,t(e[s],n)));return i?e:l?t.call(e):u?t(e[0],n):o},_=/^-ms-/,U=/-([a-z])/g;function V(e,t){return t.toUpperCase()}function X(e){return e.replace(_,"ms-").replace(U,V)}var Q=function(e){return 1===e.nodeType||9===e.nodeType||!+e.nodeType};function Y(){this.expando=E.expando+Y.uid++}Y.uid=1,…………….. STACKOVERFLOW DOESN’T PERMIT LONG TEXT…………………..function(e,t,n){var r,i;if(e&&e.preventDefault&&e.handleObj)return r=e.handleObj,E(e.delegateTarget).off(r.namespace?r.origType+"."+r.namespace:r.origType,r.selector,r.handler),this;if("object"==typeof e){for(i in e)this.off(i,t,e[i]);return this}return!1!==t&&"function"!=typeof t||(n=t,t=void 0),!1===n&&{return g.$===E&&(g.$=xt),e&&g.jQuery===E&&(g.jQuery=bt),E},e||(g.jQuery=g.$=E),E});
What’s wrong with my idea? Cannot I apply my idea?
In an HTML script, a call to fetch a package ending in vega#n where n is a version number, is being incorrectly expanded and causing a 404 error. I'm trying to find out why, and to prevent this.
Apologies in advance for the long-winded explanation, but I'm not sure where the problem lies so I'm trying to be as specific as possible.
I'm following the user guide to try and load a vis into a jupyter notebook. This executes the script in-browser, I believe, but for some reason has support for requireJS, which means that global modules aren't correctly loaded when using the import method, which basically uses html's <script> tags to load the module.
This can be worked around by calling define, as described in a similar problem with D3, here: https://github.com/mpld3/mpld3/issues/33#issuecomment-32101013.
I've written this gist to show a working example:
However, for some reason (either requireJS or something else - my JS knowledge is limited), expands URLs of the form https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega#3 into something like https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega#3.js?v=20180324103700 which results in a 404 error.
Using the github URL (i.e. without the #3) works fine though.
Any idea if this is requireJS doing this, or the CDN? How would I work around it?
If I execute this in the IE 11 console:
I get an error saying:
Not found - The requested URL /a&b was not found on this server.
But should it not rather complain about a&b not being found? The URL which happens to contain a HTML entity seems to be interpreted as HTML, despite nothing here actually being connected to HTML.
I came across this while having a GET parameter named copy_from in an onclick attribute, and despite escaping the ampersand correctly (©_from=), the final URL showed up with a copyright character in it. (It works in IE by escaping the ampersand twice, but then it fails in other browsers.)
Am I missing something or is this an IE bug?
I do think this is a bug. If, in javascript you have specified '/a&b', then the URL requested should have nothing to do with HTML entities. This is supported by the fact that most browsers try to redirect you to '/a&b', as expected.
I've seen lots of inconsistencies between browsers like this before.
It's probably the kind of thing someone (with lots more time than I) could find a way to exploit.
If the document is XHTML - and interpreted as XML - however, you are required to use a CDATA section around the inline javascript which includes the ampersands. e.g. When is a CDATA section necessary within a script tag?.
In practice, this is rarely done, which is why this is probably a bug.
I've just downloaded D3.js from d3js.org (link to zip file), unzipped it, and referenced it in the following HTML page:
<title>D3 Sandbox</title>
<script src="/d3.v3.js"></script>
But when I load this page, my console (in Chrome) is giving me this error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL: line 2
It doesn't like the pi and e symbols at the start of the file. Errrr... what can I do about this? I am serving the file with python's SimpleHTTPServer.
Update: yes I know I can just link to a CDN version, but I would prefer to serve the file locally.
Try specifying the UTF-8 charset on the HTML host document :
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF8">
D3 contains UTF-8 symbols (like π) invalids in non-UTF8 documents.
That sounds like a problem with encoding. I recommend The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!). Despite the somewhat condescending title, it contains some very useful information. Specifically, it sounds like your server is serving the d3.v3.js file with the wrong encoding.
Add 'charset="utf-8"'
<script src="/d3.v3.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I tried setting the charset in the doc and in the script tag itself, but Chrome doesn't seem to care. Not sure if i'm doing something wrong.
I did find success by running it through uglify with the --ascii-only option first.
UPDATE: Turns out my View->Encoding setting in Chrome was not on Auto-Detect, but some Western encoding. Not sure why, but changing that resolved the problem. Ridiculous that that setting would trump a charset property right on the script tag. Considering that users might be in the same situation and not be able to figure it out, i'll still be using uglify to ensure success.
Check if you have a plus sign between all of your string concatenations, if you do not this error will be generated.
I'm testing out a website that runs fine on Firefox (Win/Mac), Chrome (Win/Mac) and Safari. I'm having difficulty with Internet Explorer unfortunately. I get the following error message:
SCRIPT65535: Unexpected call to method or property access.
raphael-min.js, line 8 character 64961
I've taken a look at the debug output which looks like just takes me to a part of the Raphel library:
I've searched for this error message online, but I don't understand what solution is relevant to this case as I've no idea what is causing the problem. I am also using the jQuery library. Are there any tests that I can do that can give me more information about the source of the problem?
I just found how to patch this, in order to keep the compressed version of Raphael.
Replace (don't forget the coma):
By that (dont't forget the end space):
Works fine ! :)
Means :
c; : declaration of variable c, and stop the first instruction.
try{c=a.getScreenCTM()||a.createSVGMatrix()}catch(e){c=a.createSVGMatrix()}; : our instruction, surrounded by a try/catch, to avoid IE error
var + a space : (don't forget the space!) allow us to continue to declare variable
I found out that it's an issue with compression (of the js file). I had the exact same issue and I had been searching for a solution. Guess what? I tried it with the uncompressed Raphael file and voila! No more issues. Compressed file needs a tweak, it seems.