Javascript 1.9.3 / ECMAScript 5 introduces Object.create, which Douglas Crockford amongst others has been advocating for a long time. How do I replace new in the code below with Object.create?
var UserA = function(nameParam) { = MY_GLOBAL.nextId(); = nameParam;
UserA.prototype.sayHello = function() {
console.log('Hello '+;
var bob = new UserA('bob');
(Assume MY_GLOBAL.nextId exists).
The best I can come up with is:
var userB = {
init: function(nameParam) { = MY_GLOBAL.nextId(); = nameParam;
sayHello: function() {
console.log('Hello '+;
var bob = Object.create(userB);
There doesn't seem to be any advantage, so I think I'm not getting it. I'm probably being too neo-classical. How should I use Object.create to create user 'bob'?
With only one level of inheritance, your example may not let you see the real benefits of Object.create.
This methods allows you to easily implement differential inheritance, where objects can directly inherit from other objects.
On your userB example, I don't think that your init method should be public or even exist, if you call again this method on an existing object instance, the id and name properties will change.
Object.create lets you initialize object properties using its second argument, e.g.:
var userB = {
sayHello: function() {
console.log('Hello '+;
var bob = Object.create(userB, {
'id' : {
value: MY_GLOBAL.nextId(),
enumerable:true // writable:false, configurable(deletable):false by default
'name': {
value: 'Bob',
enumerable: true
As you can see, the properties can be initialized on the second argument of Object.create, with an object literal using a syntax similar to the used by the Object.defineProperties and Object.defineProperty methods.
It lets you set the property attributes (enumerable, writable, or configurable), which can be really useful.
There is really no advantage in using Object.create(...) over new object.
Those advocating this method generally state rather ambiguous advantages: "scalability", or "more natural to JavaScript" etc.
However, I have yet to see a concrete example that shows that Object.create has any advantages over using new. On the contrary there are known problems with it. Sam Elsamman describes what happens when there are nested objects and Object.create(...) is used:
var Animal = {
traits: {},
var lion = Object.create(Animal);
lion.traits.legs = 4;
var bird = Object.create(Animal);
bird.traits.legs = 2;
alert(lion.traits.legs) // shows 2!!!
This occurs because Object.create(...) advocates a practice where data is used to create new objects; here the Animal datum becomes part of the prototype of lion and bird, and causes problems as it is shared. When using new the prototypal inheritance is explicit:
function Animal() {
this.traits = {};
function Lion() { }
Lion.prototype = new Animal();
function Bird() { }
Bird.prototype = new Animal();
var lion = new Lion();
lion.traits.legs = 4;
var bird = new Bird();
bird.traits.legs = 2;
alert(lion.traits.legs) // now shows 4
Regarding, the optional property attributes that are passed into Object.create(...), these can be added using Object.defineProperties(...).
Object.create is not yet standard on several browsers, for example IE8, Opera v11.5, Konq 4.3 do not have it. You can use Douglas Crockford's version of Object.create for those browsers but this doesn't include the second 'initialisation object' parameter used in CMS's answer.
For cross browser code one way to get object initialisation in the meantime is to customise Crockford's Object.create. Here is one method:- = function(o) {
var initArgs =,1)
function F() {
if((typeof o.init === 'function') && initArgs.length) {
F.prototype = o
return new F()
This maintains Crockford prototypal inheritance, and also checks for any init method in the object, then runs it with your parameter(s), like say new man('John','Smith'). Your code then becomes:-
MY_GLOBAL = {i: 1, nextId: function(){return this.i++}} // For example
var userB = {
init: function(nameParam) { = MY_GLOBAL.nextId(); = nameParam;
sayHello: function() {
console.log('Hello '+;
var bob =, 'Bob'); // Different from your code
So bob inherits the sayHello method and now has own properties id=1 and name='Bob'. These properties are both writable and enumerable of course. This is also a much simpler way to initialise than for ECMA Object.create especially if you aren't concerned about the writable, enumerable and configurable attributes.
For initialisation without an init method the following Crockford mod could be used:-
Object.gen = function(o) {
var makeArgs = arguments
function F() {
var prop, i=1, arg, val
for(prop in o) {
if(!o.hasOwnProperty(prop)) continue
val = o[prop]
arg = makeArgs[i++]
if(typeof arg === 'undefined') break
this[prop] = arg
F.prototype = o
return new F()
This fills the userB own properties, in the order they are defined, using the Object.gen parameters from left to right after the userB parameter. It uses the for(prop in o) loop so, by ECMA standards, the order of property enumeration cannot be guaranteed the same as the order of property definition. However, several code examples tested on (4) major browsers show they are the same, provided the hasOwnProperty filter is used, and sometimes even if not.
MY_GLOBAL = {i: 1, nextId: function(){return this.i++}}; // For example
var userB = {
name: null,
id: null,
sayHello: function() {
console.log('Hello '+;
var bob = Object.gen(userB, 'Bob', MY_GLOBAL.nextId());
Somewhat simpler I would say than since userB does not need an init method. Also userB is not specifically a constructor but looks like a normal singleton object. So with this method you can construct and initialise from normal plain objects.
new Computer() will invoke the constructor function Computer(){} for one time, while Object.create(Computer.prototype) won't.
All the advantages are based on this point.
Sidenote about performance: Constructor invoking like new Computer() is heavily optimized by the engine, so it may be even faster than Object.create.
You could make the init method return this, and then chain the calls together, like this:
var userB = {
init: function(nameParam) { = MY_GLOBAL.nextId(); = nameParam;
return this;
sayHello: function() {
console.log('Hello '+;
var bob = Object.create(userB).init('Bob');
Another possible usage of Object.create is to clone immutable objects in a cheap and effective way.
var anObj = {
a: "test",
b: "jest"
var bObj = Object.create(anObj);
bObj.b = "gone"; // replace an existing (by masking prototype)
bObj.c = "brand"; // add a new to demonstrate it is actually a new obj
// now bObj is {a: test, b: gone, c: brand}
Notes: The above snippet creates a clone of an source object (aka not a reference, as in cObj = aObj). It benefits over the copy-properties method (see 1), in that it does not copy object member properties. Rather it creates another -destination- object with it's prototype set on the source object. Moreover when properties are modified on the dest object, they are created "on the fly", masking the prototype's (src's) properties.This constitutes a fast an effective way of cloning immutable objects.
The caveat here is that this applies to source objects that should not be modified after creation (immutable). If the source object is modified after creation, all the clone's unmasked properties will be modified, too.
Fiddle here( (needs Object.create capable browser).
I think the main point in question - is to understand difference between new and Object.create approaches. Accordingly to this answer and to this video new keyword does next things:
Creates new object.
Links new object to constructor function (prototype).
Makes this variable point to the new object.
Executes constructor function using the new object and implicit perform return this;
Assigns constructor function name to new object's property constructor.
Object.create performs only 1st and 2nd steps!!!
In code example provided in question it isn't big deal, but in next example it is:
var onlineUsers = [];
function SiteMember(name) { = name;
SiteMember.prototype.getName = function() {
function Guest(name) {, name);
Guest.prototype = new SiteMember();
var g = new Guest('James');
As side effect result will be:
[ undefined, 'James' ]
because of Guest.prototype = new SiteMember();
But we don't need to execute parent constructor method, we need only make method getName to be available in Guest.
Hence we have to use Object.create.
If replace Guest.prototype = new SiteMember();
to Guest.prototype = Object.create(SiteMember.prototype); result be:
[ 'James' ]
Sometimes you cannot create an object with NEW but are still able to invoke the CREATE method.
For example: if you want to define a Custom Element it must derive from HTMLElement.
proto = new HTMLElement //fail :(
proto = Object.create( HTMLElement.prototype ) //OK :)
document.registerElement( "custom-element", { prototype: proto } )
The advantage is that Object.create is typically slower than new on most browsers
In this jsperf example, in a Chromium, browser new is 30 times as fast as Object.create(obj) although both are pretty fast. This is all pretty strange because new does more things (like invoking a constructor) where Object.create should be just creating a new Object with the passed in object as a prototype (secret link in Crockford-speak)
Perhaps the browsers have not caught up in making Object.create more efficient (perhaps they are basing it on new under the covers ... even in native code)
Object.create() is a Javascript function which takes 2 arguments and returns a new object.
The first argument is an object which will be the prototype of the newly created object
The second argument is an object which will be the properties of the newly created object
const proto = {
talk : () => console.log('hi')
const props = {
age: {
writable: true,
configurable: true,
value: 26
let Person = Object.create(proto, props)
Practical applications:
The main advantage of creating an object in this manner is that the prototype can be explicitly defined. When using an object literal, or the new keyword you have no control over this (however, you can overwrite them of course).
If we want to have a prototype The new keyword invokes a constructor function. With Object.create() there is no need for invoking or even declaring a constructor function.
It can Basically be a helpful tool when you want create objects in a very dynamic manner. We can make an object factory function which creates objects with different prototypes depending on the arguments received.
You have to make a custom Object.create() function. One that addresses Crockfords concerns and also calls your init function.
This will work:
var userBPrototype = {
init: function(nameParam) { = nameParam;
sayHello: function() {
console.log('Hello '+;
function UserB(name) {
function F() {};
F.prototype = userBPrototype;
var f = new F;
return f;
var bob = UserB('bob');
Here UserB is like Object.create, but adjusted for our needs.
If you want, you can also call:
var bob = new UserB('bob');
While Douglas Crockford used to be a zealous advocate of Object.create() and he is basically the reason why this construct actually is in javascript, he no longer has this opinion.
He stopped using Object.create, because he stopped using this keyword altogether as it causes too much trouble. For example, if you are not careful it can easily point to the global object, which can have really bad consequences. And he claims that without using this Object.create does not make sense anymore.
You can check this video from 2014 where he talks at Nordic.js:
new and Object.create serve different purposes. new is intended to create a new instance of an object type. Object.create is intended to simply create a new object and set its prototype. Why is this useful? To implement inheritance without accessing the __proto__ property. An object instance's prototype referred to as [[Prototype]] is an internal property of the virtual machine and is not intended to be directly accessed. The only reason it is actually possible to directly access [[Prototype]] as the __proto__ property is because it has always been a de-facto standard of every major virtual machine's implementation of ECMAScript, and at this point removing it would break a lot of existing code.
In response to the answer above by 7ochem, objects should absolutely never have their prototype set to the result of a new statement, not only because there's no point calling the same prototype constructor multiple times but also because two instances of the same class can end up with different behavior if one's prototype is modified after being created. Both examples are simply bad code as a result of misunderstanding and breaking the intended behavior of the prototype inheritance chain.
Instead of accessing __proto__, an instance's prototype should be written to when an it is created with Object.create or afterward with Object.setPrototypeOf, and read with Object.getPrototypeOf or Object.isPrototypeOf.
Also, as the Mozilla documentation of Object.setPrototypeOf points out, it is a bad idea to modify the prototype of an object after it is created for performance reasons, in addition to the fact that modifying an object's prototype after it is created can cause undefined behavior if a given piece of code that accesses it can be executed before OR after the prototype is modified, unless that code is very careful to check the current prototype or not access any property that differs between the two.
const X = function (v) { this.v = v };
X.prototype.whatAmI = 'X';
X.prototype.getWhatIAm = () => this.whatAmI;
X.prototype.getV = () => this.v;
the following VM pseudo-code is equivalent to the statement const x0 = new X(1);:
const x0 = {};
x0.[[Prototype]] = X.prototype;, 1);
Note although the constructor can return any value, the new statement always ignores its return value and returns a reference to the newly created object.
And the following pseudo-code is equivalent to the statement const x1 = Object.create(X.prototype);:
const x0 = {};
x0.[[Prototype]] = X.prototype;
As you can see, the only difference between the two is that Object.create does not execute the constructor, which can actually return any value but simply returns the new object reference this if not otherwise specified.
Now, if we wanted to create a subclass Y with the following definition:
const Y = function(u) { this.u = u; }
Y.prototype.whatAmI = 'Y';
Y.prototype.getU = () => this.u;
Then we can make it inherit from X like this by writing to __proto__:
Y.prototype.__proto__ = X.prototype;
While the same thing could be accomplished without ever writing to __proto__ with:
Y.prototype = Object.create(X.prototype);
Y.prototype.constructor = Y;
In the latter case, it is necessary to set the constructor property of the prototype so that the correct constructor is called by the new Y statement, otherwise new Y will call the function X. If the programmer does want new Y to call X, it would be more properly done in Y's constructor with, u)
new Operator
This is used to create object from a constructor function
The new keywords also executes the constructor function
function Car() {
console.log(this) // this points to myCar = "Honda";
var myCar = new Car()
console.log(myCar) // Car {name: "Honda", constructor: Object}
console.log( // Honda
console.log(myCar instanceof Car) // true
console.log(myCar.constructor) // function Car() {}
console.log(myCar.constructor === Car) // true
console.log(typeof myCar) // object
You can also use Object.create to create a new object
But, it does not execute the constructor function
Object.create is used to create an object from another object
const Car = {
name: "Honda"
var myCar = Object.create(Car)
console.log(myCar) // Object {}
console.log( // Honda
console.log(myCar instanceof Car) // ERROR
console.log(myCar.constructor) // Anonymous function object
console.log(myCar.constructor === Car) // false
console.log(typeof myCar) // object
I prefer a closure approach.
I still use new.
I don't use Object.create.
I don't use this.
I still use new as I like the declarative nature of it.
Consider this for simple inheritance.
window.Quad = (function() {
function Quad() {
const wheels = 4;
const drivingWheels = 2;
let motorSize = 0;
function setMotorSize(_) {
motorSize = _;
function getMotorSize() {
return motorSize;
function getWheelCount() {
return wheels;
function getDrivingWheelCount() {
return drivingWheels;
return Object.freeze({
return Object.freeze(Quad);
window.Car4wd = (function() {
function Car4wd() {
const quad = new Quad();
const spareWheels = 1;
const extraDrivingWheels = 2;
function getSpareWheelCount() {
return spareWheels;
function getDrivingWheelCount() {
return quad.getDrivingWheelCount() + extraDrivingWheels;
return Object.freeze(Object.assign({}, quad, {
return Object.freeze(Car4wd);
let myQuad = new Quad();
let myCar = new Car4wd();
console.log(myQuad.getWheelCount()); // 4
console.log(myQuad.getDrivingWheelCount()); // 2
console.log(myCar.getWheelCount()); // 4
console.log(myCar.getDrivingWheelCount()); // 4 - The overridden method is called
console.log(myCar.getSpareWheelCount()); // 1
Feedback encouraged.
Im finding it really difficult to grasp OOP in javascript.
Normally I would expect to have to create a class, and then create objects from that class.
However, according to one tutorial the following makes an object.
var egg = {}
Have I not just made an object named egg without actually making a class.
If thats the case how would I make multiple objects from an object :S
Also according to a different tutorial an object is made like below, which is completely difference to what I was told above :S
var Block = function(){
Can anyone help me unravel my confusion :(
Both of the above examples are correct. to put it simply EVERYTHING in javascript is an object. classes do not exist but there are many ways to imitate them. my favorite method is as follows:
var myClass = function() { <----------------------------- class declaration
var prop1,
prop2, <------------------------------------ private properties
var addMe = function( arg1, arg2 ) { <------------ private method
var result = arg1 + arg2;
return result;
var obj = { <------------------------------------- constructor method
Prop1: prop1,
Prop2: value2, <----------------------------- public properties
Prop3: value3,
Method: function() { <------------------------ public method
obj.prop3 = obj.prop1 + obj.prop2;
return obj.prop3;
obj.Prop4 = addme( prop1, prop2 ); <-------------- public property set
with the private method
return obj;
var myClassObj = new myClass;
myClassObj is now an object of myClass with four public properties
Prop1, Prop2, Prop3, Prop4 and one public method called Method
Javascript is a different language than those that you have learned so far. You can't expect things to work exactly as they do when you change languages.
A quick sneak peek: in javascript, you can assign a function to a variable. I bet on those other languages you have used, that was not possible:
var myCounter = 1;
var myFunction = function(x){ return x + 1; };
Going back to your question: In javascript there are no "real classes". There are just objects. I know this might sound confusing at first.
Javascript's object model is called "prototypal inheritance". It's different than "classical" (pun intended) inheritance. And it is also not very cleanly implemented.
Basically, you start with one reduced set of objects (Array, Function, Object, etc. are Objects, not classes) and then you use those objects to build others. The relationships between them can be "class-and-instance-like", but they don't have to. They can be other kinds of relationships, too.
Since there are no classes, you can't create them. But you can create a regular object, assign it to the variable Car, and just think "I'm going to use this object to create lots of other objects. And those other objects will have some attributes by default, like methods and stuff, so that they behave like cars". And the language allows you do do that. Car will behave like a class does in other languages, and the objects it produces will be "like instances of Car".
To javascript, though, they will look like objects with some relationships between them.
In a way, prototypal inheritance is a "superset" of classical inheritance. You can do classical inheritance, but also other things.
Have I not just made an object named egg without actually making a
That's right. All you're doing there is instantiating the base Object object - you've not made anything that you can make instances of.
In JavaScript there is no formalised concept of classes - there is merely a simulation of them, achieved by instantiating rather than invoking functions.
function Animal() { this.animal = true; }
Animal.prototype.sayHi = function() { alert(' says hi!'); }
function Dog(name) { = name; }
Dog.prototype = new Animal();
var fido = new Dog('Fido');
fido.sayHi(); //"Fido says hi!";
Note the 4th line is just one of several means of simulating inheritance.
So in JavaScript, classes and functions are both just functions. There is nothing inherent to prevent a function intended for instantiation from being called without the new operator, nor visa-versa.
In the former case, the common workaround is to check that the constructor is the 'class' (if invoked and not instantiated, the constructor will be Object) and re-route as necessary:
function Dog(name) {
//if we weren't instantiated, the constructor will be Object, not Dog
if(this.constructor != Dog) return new Dog(name); = name;
var fido = Dog(); //bad - invocation should be instantiation
Yes var egg = {} is an object, but its not an instance of an object.
In javascript, simply saying something in that way is basically js's idea of a singleton, meaning it is exactly what it equals.
//this is a js singleton, and all properties of this object are public.
var egg = {
name: 'humpty',
smush: function() { console.log('splat!'); },
weight: '4oz'
console.log(egg.weight); //4oz
whereas, the more traditional type of object would be making it a function that you can then instantiate:
var Egg = function( name, weight ) {
var name = name;
this.smush = function() { console.log('splat!'); }
this.weight = weight;
var e2 = new Egg('dumpty','6oz');
console.log(; //will not return name. (since i wrote var name and not, its "private" and thus cannot be accessed.)
console.log(e2.weight); //4oz
You want to look at "Prototypal Inheritance" for JavaScript.
Create an object oriented with jQuery. Make use of the constructor() method and access public and private methods from within the class scope.
* myClass
var myClass = function(options){
* Variables accessible
* in the class
var vars = {
myVar : ''
* Can access this.method
* inside other methods using
* root.method()
var root = this;
* Constructor
this.construct = function(options){
$.extend(vars , options);
* Public method
* Can be called outside class
this.myPublicMethod = function(){
* Private method
* Can only be called inside class
var myPrivateMethod = function() {
console.log('private method called');
* Pass options when class instantiated
* Set variable myVar to new value
var newMyClass = new myClass({ myVar : 'new Value' });
* Call myMethod inside myClass
There is a lot of information about composition vs inheritance online, but I haven't found decent examples with JavaScript. Using the below code to demonstrate inheritance:
function Stock( /* object with stock names and prices */ ) {
for (var company_name in arguments[0]) {
// copy the passed object into the new object created by the constructor
this[company_name] = arguments[0][company_name];
// example methods in prototype, their implementation is probably redundant for
// this question, but list() returns an array with toString() invoked; total()
// adds up the stock prices and returns them. Using ES5 feature to make
// inherited properties non-enumerable
Stock.prototype = {
list: function () {
var company_list = [];
for (var company_name in this)
return company_list.toString();
total: function () {
var price_total = 0;
for (var company_name in this)
price_total += this[company_name];
return '$' + price_total;
Object.defineProperties(Stock.prototype, {
list: { enumerable: false },
total: { enumerable:false }
var portfolio = new Stock({ MSFT: 25.96, YHOO: 16.13, AMZN: 173.10 });
portfolio.list(); // MSFT,YHOO,AMZN; // $215.19
(To make the code smaller, you can leave out the method implementations, like: = function(){ /* code */ } I just put them in there to be fancy). If composition is favored for a lot of situations in OOP, how come most people using JavaScript seem to only use prototypes and inheritance? I did not find a lot of information about composition in JavaScript online, only in other languages.
Can someone give me an example using the above code to demonstrate composition and aggregation?
The language is irrelevant when dealing with composition vs inheritance. If you understand what class is and what an instance of a class is, then you have all you need.
Composition is simply when a class is composed of other classes; or to say it another way, an instance of an object has references to instances of other objects.
Inheritance is when a class inherits methods and properties from another class.
Let's say you have two functionality, A and B. You want to define a third functionality, C, that has some or all of both A and B. You could either make C extend from B and A, in which case C has everything B and A has because C isA B and A, or you can make each instance of C have an instance of A and an instance of B, and invoke items on those functionalities. In the latter case, each instance C in effect wraps an instance of B and an instance of A.
Of course, depending on the language, you might not be able to have a class extend from 2 classes (e.g. Java doesn't support multiple inheritance), but that's a language specific detail that has nothing to do with the concept.
Now, for the language specific details...
I used the word class, but javascript has no notion of Class as such. It has objects, and thats it (other than the simple types). Javascript uses prototypal inheritance, which means it has a way of efficiently defining objects and the methods on those objects (this is the topic for another question; you can search SO as there are already answers.)
So going with our example above, you have A, B, and C.
For inheritance, you would have
// define an object (which can be viewed as a "class")
function A(){}
// define some functionality
A.prototype.someMethod = function(){}
If you wanted C to extend A, you would do
C.prototype = new A();
C.prototype.constructor = A;
Now every instance of C would have the method someMethod, because every instance of C "isA" A.
Javascript doesn't have multiple inheritance* (more on this later), so you can't have C extend both A and B. You can use composition, however, to give it the functionality. Indeed, this is one of the reasons composition is preferred by some over inheritance; there are no limits on combining functionality (but this isn't the only reason).
function C(){
this.a = new A();
this.b = new B();
// someMethod on C invokes the someMethod on B.
C.someMethod = function(){
So there are your simple examples for both inheritance and composition. However, this is not the end of the story. I said before that Javascript does not support multiple inheritance, and in a sense it doesn't, because you can't base the prototype of an object off the prototypes of multiple objects; i.e. you can't do
C.prototype = new B();
C.prototype.constructor = B;
C.prototype.constructor = A;
because as soon as you do the third, line, you just undid the the second line. This has implications for the instanceof operator.
However, this doesn't really matter, because just because you can't redefine the constructor of an object twice, you can still add any methods you want to the prototype of an object. So just because you can't do the above example, you can still add anything you want to C.prototype, including all the methods on the prototypes of both A and B.
Many frameworks support this and make it easy. I do a lot of Sproutcore work; with that framework you can do
A = {
method1: function(){}
B = {
method2: function(){}
C = SC.Object.extend(A, B, {
method3: function(){}
Here I defined functionality in object literals A and B, and then added the functionality of both to C, so every instance of C has methods 1, 2, and 3. In this particular case, the extend method (provided by the framework) does all the heavy lifting of setting up the prototypes of the objects.
EDIT -- In your comments, you bring out a good question, namely "If you use composition, how do you reconcile the scope of the main object against the scope of the objects of which the main object is composed".
There are a bunch of ways. The first is simply to pass arguments. So
C.someMethod = function(){
this.a.someMethod(arg1, arg2...);
Here you are not messing with scopes, you are simply passing arguments around. This is a simple and very viable approach. (the arguments can come from this or be passed in, whatever...)
Another way to do it would be to use the call (or apply) methods of javascript, which basically allows you to set the scope of a function.
C.someMethod = function(){, arg1, arg2...);
to be a bit more clear, the following is equivalent
C.someMethod = function(){
var someMethodOnA = this.a.someMethod;, arg1, arg2...);
In javascript, functions are object, so you can assign them to variables.
the call invocation here is setting the scope of someMethodOnA to this, which is the instance of C.
Can someone give me an example using the above code to demonstrate
composition and aggregation?
At first glance the provided example does not seem to be the best
choice in order to demonstrate composition in JavaScript. The prototype
property of the Stock constructor function still remains the ideal
place for both methods total and list for both do access any stock
object's own properties.
What can be done is decoupling the implementations of these methods
from the constructors prototype and providing them back exactly there -
yet in an additional form of code reuse - Mixins ...
var Iterable_listAllKeys = (function () {
object_keys = Object.keys,
listAllKeys = function () {
return object_keys(this).join(", ");
Mixin = function () {
this.list = listAllKeys;
return Mixin;
var Iterable_computeTotal = (function (global) {
object_keys = global.Object.keys,
parse_float = global.parseFloat,
aggregateNumberValue = function (collector, key) {
collector.value = (
+ parse_float([key], 10)
return collector;
computeTotal = function () {
return [
.reduce(aggregateNumberValue, {value: 0, target: this})
].join(" ");
Mixin = function (config) {
currencyFlag = (config && config.currencyFlag) || ""; = computeTotal;
return Mixin;
var Stock = (function () {
object_keys = Object.keys,
createKeyValueForTarget = function (collector, key) {[key] = collector.config[key];
return collector;
createStock = function (config) { // Factory
return (new Stock(config));
isStock = function (type) {
return (type instanceof Stock);
Stock = function (config) { // Constructor
var stock = this;
object_keys(config).reduce(createKeyValueForTarget, {
config: config,
target: stock
return stock;
* composition:
* - apply both mixins to the constructor's prototype
* - by delegating them explicitly via [call].
*/;, {currencyFlag: "$"});
* [[Stock]] factory module
return {
isStock : isStock,
create : createStock
var stock = Stock.create({MSFT: 25.96, YHOO: 16.13, AMZN: 173.10});
* both methods are available due to JavaScript's
* - prototypal delegation automatism that covers inheritance.
There is a lot of information about composition vs inheritance
online, but I haven't found decent examples with JavaScript.
I did not find a lot of information about composition in JavaScript
online, only in other languages.
Maybe the search query was not specific enough but even in 2012
searching for "JavaScript Mixin composition" should have led into
a not that bad direction.
If composition is favored for a lot of situations in OOP, how
come most people using JavaScript seem to only use prototypes
and inheritance?
Because most of them use, what they got tought and/or what they
are familar with. Maybe there should be more knowledge spread
about JavaScript as delegation based language too and what can
be achieved with it.
This are related threads, recently updated and hopefully helping ... :: How to use mixins properly in Javascript :: Traits in javascript :: Javascript Distinguish between Composition vs. Inheritance
I think I can show you how to rewrite your code in "object composition" fashion by using plain JavaScript (ES5). I use factory functions instead of constructor functions for creating an object instance, so no new keyword needed. That way, I can favour object augmentation (composition) over classical/pseudo-classical/prototypal inheritance, so no Object.create function is called.
The resulting object is a nice flat-composed object:
* Factory function for creating "abstract stock" object.
var AbstractStock = function (options) {
* Private properties :)
* #see
var companyList = [],
priceTotal = 0;
for (var companyName in options) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty(companyName)) {
priceTotal = priceTotal + options[companyName];
return {
* Privileged methods; methods that use private properties by using closure. ;)
* #see
getCompanyList: function () {
return companyList;
getPriceTotal: function () {
return priceTotal;
* Abstract methods
list: function () {
throw new Error('list() method not implemented.');
total: function () {
throw new Error('total() method not implemented.');
* Factory function for creating "stock" object.
* Here, since the stock object is composed from abstract stock
* object, you can make use of properties/methods exposed by the
* abstract stock object.
var Stock = compose(AbstractStock, function (options) {
return {
* More concrete methods
list: function () {
total: function () {
console.log('$' + this.getPriceTotal());
// Create an instance of stock object. No `new`! (!)
var portofolio = Stock({MSFT: 25.96, YHOO: 16.13, AMZN: 173.10});
portofolio.list(); // MSFT,YHOO,AMZN; // $215.19
* No deep level of prototypal (or whatsoever) inheritance hierarchy;
* just a flat object inherited directly from the `Object` prototype.
* "What could be more object-oriented than that?" –Douglas Crockford
* Here is the magic potion:
* Create a composed factory function for creating a composed object.
* Factory that creates more abstract object should come first.
function compose(factory0, factoryN) {
var factories = arguments;
* Note that the `options` passed earlier to the composed factory
* will be passed to each factory when creating object.
return function (options) {
// Collect objects after creating them from each factory.
var objects = [], function(factory) {
return factory(options);
// ...and then, compose the objects.
return Object.assign.apply(this, objects);
Fiddle here.
I am getting confused over which way I should be creating an object in javascript. It seems there are at least two ways. One is to use object literal notation while the other uses construction functions. Is there an advantage of one over the other?
If you don't have behaviour associated with an object (i.e. if the object is just a container for data/state), I would use an object literal.
var data = {
foo: 42,
bar: 43
Apply the KISS principle. If you don't need anything beyond a simple container of data, go with a simple literal.
If you want to add behaviour to your object, you can go with a constructor and add methods to the object during construction or give your class a prototype.
function MyData(foo, bar) { = foo; = bar;
this.verify = function () {
return ===;
// or:
MyData.prototype.verify = function () {
return ===;
A class like this also acts like a schema for your data object: You now have some sort of contract (through the constructor) what properties the object initializes/contains. A free literal is just an amorphous blob of data.
You might as well have an external verify function that acts on a plain old data object:
var data = {
foo: 42,
bar: 43
function verify(data) {
return ===;
However, this is not favorable with regards to encapsulation: Ideally, all the data + behaviour associated with an entity should live together.
It essentially boils down to if you need multiple instances of your object or not; object defined with a constructor lets you have multiple instances of that object. Object literals are basically singletons with variables/methods that are all public.
// define the objects:
var objLit = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
add: function () {
return this.x + this.y + this.z;
var ObjCon = function(_x, _y, _z) {
var x = _x; // private
var y = _y; // private
this.z = _z; // public
this.add = function () {
return x + y + this.z; // note x, y doesn't need this.
// use the objects:
objLit.x = 3;
objLit.y = 2;
objLit.z = 1;
var objConIntance = new ObjCon(5,4,3); // instantiate an objCon
console.log((new ObjCon(7,8,9)).add()); // another instance of objCon
console.log(objConIntance.add()); // same result, not affected by previous line
Another way to create objects in a uniform way is to use a function that returns an object:
function makeObject() {
var that = {
thisIsPublic: "a public variable"
thisIsAlsoPublic: function () {
var secret = "this is a private variable"
function secretFunction() { // private method
secret += "!"; // can manipulate private variables
that.thisIsPublic = "foo";
that.publicMethod = function () {
secret += "?"; // this method can also mess with private variables
that.anotherPublicVariable = "baz";
return that; // this is the object we've constructed
makeObject.static = "This can be used to add a static varaible/method";
var bar = makeObject();
bar.publicMethod(); // ok
alert(bar.thisIsPublic); // ok
bar.secretFunction(); // error!
bar.secret // error!
Since functions in JavaScript are closures we can use private variables and methods and avoid new.
From on private variables in JavaScript.
The code below shows three methods of creating an object, Object Literal syntax, a Function Constructor and Object.create(). Object literal syntax simply creates and object on the fly and as such its __prototype__ is the Object object and it will have access to all the properties and methods of Object. Strictly from a design pattern perspective a simple Object literal should be used to store a single instance of data.
The function constructor has a special property named .prototype. This property will become the __prototype__ of any objects created by the function constructor. All properties and methods added to the .prototype property of a function constructor will be available to all objects it creates. A constructor should be used if you require multiple instances of the data or require behavior from your object. Note the function constructor is also best used when you want to simulate a private/public development pattern. Remember to put all shared methods on the .prototype so they wont be created in each object instance.
Creating objects with Object.create() utilizes an object literal as a __prototype__ for the objects created by this method. All properties and methods added to the object literal will be available to all objects created from it through true prototypal inheritance. This is my preferred method.
//Object Example
//Simple Object Literal
var mySimpleObj = {
prop1 : "value",
prop2 : "value"
// Function Constructor
function PersonObjConstr() {
var privateProp = "this is private";
this.firstname = "John";
this.lastname = "Doe";
PersonObjConstr.prototype.greetFullName = function() {
return "PersonObjConstr says: Hello " + this.firstname +
" " + this.lastname;
// Object Literal
var personObjLit = {
firstname : "John",
lastname: "Doe",
greetFullName : function() {
return "personObjLit says: Hello " + this.firstname +
", " + this.lastname;
var newVar = mySimpleObj.prop1;
var newName = new PersonObjConstr();
var newName2 = Object.create(personObjLit);
It depends on what you want to do. If you want to use (semi-)private variables or functions in you object, a constructor function is the way to do it. If your object only contains properties and methods, an object literal is fine.
function SomeConstructor(){
var x = 5;
this.multiply5 = function(i){
return x*i;
var myObj = new SomeConstructor;
var SomeLiteral = {
multiply5: function(i){ return i*5; }
Now the method multiply5 in myObj and SomeLiteral do exactly the same thing. The only difference is that myObj uses a private variable. The latter may be usefull in some cases. Most of the times an Object literal is sufficient and a nice and clean way to create a JS-object.
Do you want single instance of the object for the page -- Literal.
Do you want to just transfer data like DTO objects simple GET SET :- Literal
Do you want to create real objects with method behaviors , multiple instances - Constructor function , Follow OOP principles , inheritance :- Constructor functions.
Below is the youtube video which explains in detail what is literal , what are constructor functions and how they differ from each other.
As mentioned in
Using an object literal, you both define and create , one object in one
Object literal only create a single object. Sometimes we like to have
an object type that can be used to create many objects of one type.
Go with object literal, it's more consise and expands better with the introduction of initial values.
The Object() constructor function is a bit slower and more verbose. As
such, the recommended way to create new objects in JavaScript is to
use literal notation
Udacity Object-Oriented JavaScript
Actually, methinks, we can have private methods in object literals. Consider code below:
var myObject = {
publicMethod: function () {
function privateMethod1(){
console.log('i am privateMethod1');
function privateMethod2(){
console.log('i am privateMethod2');
Matter of taste, but I prefer to use object literals where it is possible.
Here is a benchmark that shows the access time for accessing properties on literals, constructors and classes. It might take a while but it shows almost every way to access properties. To me this benchmark shows literal properties access time overall are slightly slower than class and constructor properties access time. The worst performing times are from getters and setters on an object literal. Unlike getters and setters on classes and constructors which seem to be even faster than most other access times.
// Object Literal and Object constructor
function MyData(foo, bar) { = foo; = bar;
MyData.prototype.verify = function () {
return ===;
//add property using prototype
var MD = new MyData;//true.
var MD = new MyData();//true.
MD.verify// return only the function structure.
MD.verify(); //return the verify value and in this case return true coz both value is null.
var MD1 = new MyData(1,2); // intialized the value at the starting.
MD1.verify// return only the function structure.
MD1.verify(); // return false coz both value are not same.
MD1.verify(3,3);// return false coz this will not check this value intialized at the top
MyData.prototype.verify = function (foo,bar) {
return ===;
var MD1 = new MyData(1,2);
MD1.verify(3,3);// return false coz this keyword used with foo and bar that will check parent data
I wonder about what the best way is to create an JavaScript object that has properties and methods.
I have seen examples where the person used var self = this and then uses self. in all functions to make sure the scope is always correct.
Then I have seen examples of using .prototype to add properties, while others do it inline.
Can someone give me a proper example of a JavaScript object with some properties and methods?
There are two models for implementing classes and instances in JavaScript: the prototyping way, and the closure way. Both have advantages and drawbacks, and there are plenty of extended variations. Many programmers and libraries have different approaches and class-handling utility functions to paper over some of the uglier parts of the language.
The result is that in mixed company you will have a mishmash of metaclasses, all behaving slightly differently. What's worse, most JavaScript tutorial material is terrible and serves up some kind of in-between compromise to cover all bases, leaving you very confused. (Probably the author is also confused. JavaScript's object model is very different to most programming languages, and in many places straight-up badly designed.)
Let's start with the prototype way. This is the most JavaScript-native you can get: there is a minimum of overhead code and instanceof will work with instances of this kind of object.
function Shape(x, y) {
this.x= x;
this.y= y;
We can add methods to the instance created by new Shape by writing them to the prototype lookup of this constructor function:
Shape.prototype.toString= function() {
return 'Shape at '+this.x+', '+this.y;
Now to subclass it, in as much as you can call what JavaScript does subclassing. We do that by completely replacing that weird magic prototype property:
function Circle(x, y, r) {, x, y); // invoke the base class's constructor function to take co-ords
this.r= r;
Circle.prototype= new Shape();
before adding methods to it:
Circle.prototype.toString= function() {
return 'Circular '' with radius '+this.r;
This example will work and you will see code like it in many tutorials. But man, that new Shape() is ugly: we're instantiating the base class even though no actual Shape is to be created. It happens to work in this simple case because JavaScript is so sloppy: it allows zero arguments to be passed in, in which case x and y become undefined and are assigned to the prototype's this.x and this.y. If the constructor function were doing anything more complicated, it would fall flat on its face.
So what we need to do is find a way to create a prototype object which contains the methods and other members we want at a class level, without calling the base class's constructor function. To do this we are going to have to start writing helper code. This is the simplest approach I know of:
function subclassOf(base) {
_subclassOf.prototype= base.prototype;
return new _subclassOf();
function _subclassOf() {};
This transfers the base class's members in its prototype to a new constructor function which does nothing, then uses that constructor. Now we can write simply:
function Circle(x, y, r) {, x, y);
this.r= r;
Circle.prototype= subclassOf(Shape);
instead of the new Shape() wrongness. We now have an acceptable set of primitives to built classes.
There are a few refinements and extensions we can consider under this model. For example here is a syntactical-sugar version:
Function.prototype.subclass= function(base) {
var c= Function.prototype.subclass.nonconstructor;
c.prototype= base.prototype;
this.prototype= new c();
Function.prototype.subclass.nonconstructor= function() {};
function Circle(x, y, r) {, x, y);
this.r= r;
Either version has the drawback that the constructor function cannot be inherited, as it is in many languages. So even if your subclass adds nothing to the construction process, it must remember to call the base constructor with whatever arguments the base wanted. This can be slightly automated using apply, but still you have to write out:
function Point() {
Shape.apply(this, arguments);
So a common extension is to break out the initialisation stuff into its own function rather than the constructor itself. This function can then inherit from the base just fine:
function Shape() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }
Shape.prototype._init= function(x, y) {
this.x= x;
this.y= y;
function Point() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }
// no need to write new initialiser for Point!
Now we've just got the same constructor function boilerplate for each class. Maybe we can move that out into its own helper function so we don't have to keep typing it, for example instead of Function.prototype.subclass, turning it round and letting the base class's Function spit out subclasses:
Function.prototype.makeSubclass= function() {
function Class() {
if ('_init' in this)
this._init.apply(this, arguments);
Function.prototype.makeSubclass.nonconstructor.prototype= this.prototype;
Class.prototype= new Function.prototype.makeSubclass.nonconstructor();
return Class;
Function.prototype.makeSubclass.nonconstructor= function() {};
Shape= Object.makeSubclass();
Shape.prototype._init= function(x, y) {
this.x= x;
this.y= y;
Point= Shape.makeSubclass();
Circle= Shape.makeSubclass();
Circle.prototype._init= function(x, y, r) {, x, y);
this.r= r;
...which is starting to look a bit more like other languages, albeit with slightly clumsier syntax. You can sprinkle in a few extra features if you like. Maybe you want makeSubclass to take and remember a class name and provide a default toString using it. Maybe you want to make the constructor detect when it has accidentally been called without the new operator (which would otherwise often result in very annoying debugging):
Function.prototype.makeSubclass= function() {
function Class() {
if (!(this instanceof Class))
throw('Constructor called without "new"');
Maybe you want to pass in all the new members and have makeSubclass add them to the prototype, to save you having to write Class.prototype... quite so much. A lot of class systems do that, eg:
Circle= Shape.makeSubclass({
_init: function(x, y, z) {, x, y);
this.r= r;
There are a lot of potential features you might consider desirable in an object system and no-one really agrees on one particular formula.
The closure way, then. This avoids the problems of JavaScript's prototype-based inheritance, by not using inheritance at all. Instead:
function Shape(x, y) {
var that= this;
this.x= x;
this.y= y;
this.toString= function() {
return 'Shape at '+that.x+', '+that.y;
function Circle(x, y, r) {
var that= this;, x, y);
this.r= r;
var _baseToString= this.toString;
this.toString= function() {
return 'Circular '+_baseToString(that)+' with radius '+that.r;
var mycircle= new Circle();
Now every single instance of Shape will have its own copy of the toString method (and any other methods or other class members we add).
The bad thing about every instance having its own copy of each class member is that it's less efficient. If you are dealing with large numbers of subclassed instances, prototypical inheritance may serve you better. Also calling a method of the base class is slightly annoying as you can see: we have to remember what the method was before the subclass constructor overwrote it, or it gets lost.
[Also because there is no inheritance here, the instanceof operator won't work; you would have to provide your own mechanism for class-sniffing if you need it. Whilst you could fiddle the prototype objects in a similar way as with prototype inheritance, it's a bit tricky and not really worth it just to get instanceof working.]
The good thing about every instance having its own method is that the method may then be bound to the specific instance that owns it. This is useful because of JavaScript's weird way of binding this in method calls, which has the upshot that if you detach a method from its owner:
var ts= mycircle.toString;
then this inside the method won't be the Circle instance as expected (it'll actually be the global window object, causing widespread debugging woe). In reality this typically happens when a method is taken and assigned to a setTimeout, onclick or EventListener in general.
With the prototype way, you have to include a closure for every such assignment:
setTimeout(function() {
mycircle.move(1, 1);
}, 1000);
or, in the future (or now if you hack Function.prototype) you can also do it with function.bind():
setTimeout(mycircle.move.bind(mycircle, 1, 1), 1000);
if your instances are done the closure way, the binding is done for free by the closure over the instance variable (usually called that or self, though personally I would advise against the latter as self already has another, different meaning in JavaScript). You don't get the arguments 1, 1 in the above snippet for free though, so you would still need another closure or a bind() if you need to do that.
There are lots of variants on the closure method too. You may prefer to omit this completely, creating a new that and returning it instead of using the new operator:
function Shape(x, y) {
var that= {};
that.x= x;
that.y= y;
that.toString= function() {
return 'Shape at '+that.x+', '+that.y;
return that;
function Circle(x, y, r) {
var that= Shape(x, y);
that.r= r;
var _baseToString= that.toString;
that.toString= function() {
return 'Circular '+_baseToString(that)+' with radius '+r;
return that;
var mycircle= Circle(); // you can include `new` if you want but it won't do anything
Which way is “proper”? Both. Which is “best”? That depends on your situation. FWIW I tend towards prototyping for real JavaScript inheritance when I'm doing strongly OO stuff, and closures for simple throwaway page effects.
But both ways are quite counter-intuitive to most programmers. Both have many potential messy variations. You will meet both (as well as many in-between and generally broken schemes) if you use other people's code/libraries. There is no one generally-accepted answer. Welcome to the wonderful world of JavaScript objects.
[This has been part 94 of Why JavaScript Is Not My Favourite Programming Language.]
I use this pattern fairly frequently - I've found that it gives me a pretty huge amount of flexibility when I need it. In use it's rather similar to Java-style classes.
var Foo = function()
var privateStaticMethod = function() {};
var privateStaticVariable = "foo";
var constructor = function Foo(foo, bar)
var privateMethod = function() {};
this.publicMethod = function() {};
constructor.publicStaticMethod = function() {};
return constructor;
This uses an anonymous function that is called upon creation, returning a new constructor function. Because the anonymous function is called only once, you can create private static variables in it (they're inside the closure, visible to the other members of the class). The constructor function is basically a standard Javascript object - you define private attributes inside of it, and public attributes are attached to the this variable.
Basically, this approach combines the Crockfordian approach with standard Javascript objects to create a more powerful class.
You can use it just like you would any other Javascript object:
Foo.publicStaticMethod(); //calling a static method
var test = new Foo(); //instantiation
test.publicMethod(); //calling a method
Douglas Crockford discusses that topic extensively in The Good Parts. He recommends to avoid the new operator to create new objects. Instead he proposes to create customized constructors. For instance:
var mammal = function (spec) {
var that = {};
that.get_name = function ( ) {
that.says = function ( ) {
return spec.saying || '';
return that;
var myMammal = mammal({name: 'Herb'});
In Javascript a function is an object, and can be used to construct objects out of together with the new operator. By convention, functions intended to be used as constructors start with a capital letter. You often see things like:
function Person() { = "John";
return this;
var person = new Person();
alert("name: " +;**
In case you forget to use the new operator while instantiating a new object, what you get is an ordinary function call, and this is bound to the global object instead to the new object.
To continue off of bobince's answer
In es6 you can now actually create a class
So now you can do:
class Shape {
constructor(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
toString() {
return `Shape at ${this.x}, ${this.y}`;
So extend to a circle (as in the other answer) you can do:
class Circle extends Shape {
constructor(x, y, r) {
super(x, y);
this.r = r;
toString() {
let shapeString = super.toString();
return `Circular ${shapeString} with radius ${this.r}`;
Ends up a bit cleaner in es6 and a little easier to read.
Here is a good example of it in action:
class Shape {
constructor(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
toString() {
return `Shape at ${this.x}, ${this.y}`;
class Circle extends Shape {
constructor(x, y, r) {
super(x, y);
this.r = r;
toString() {
let shapeString = super.toString();
return `Circular ${shapeString} with radius ${this.r}`;
let c = new Circle(1, 2, 4);
console.log('' + c, c);
You can also do it this way, using structures :
function createCounter () {
var count = 0;
return {
increaseBy: function(nb) {
count += nb;
reset: function {
count = 0;
Then :
var counter1 = createCounter();
Another way would be
(i dont know if this kind of handling object creation and revealing functions follow any specific pattern)
// Build-Reveal
var person={
create:function(_name){ // 'constructor'
// prevents direct instantiation
// but no inheritance
return (function() {
var name=_name||"defaultname"; // private variable
// [some private functions]
function getName(){
return name;
function setName(_name){
return { // revealed functions
// … no (instantiated) person so far …
var p=person.create(); // name will be set to 'defaultname'
p.setName("adam"); // and overwritten
var p2=person.create("eva"); // or provide 'constructor parameters'
alert(p.getName()+":"+p2.getName()); // alerts "adam:eva"
Creating an object
The easiest way to create an object in JavaScript is to use the following syntax :
var test = {
a : 5,
b : 10,
f : function(c) {
return this.a + this.b + c;
This works great for storing data in a structured way.
For more complex use cases, however, it's often better to create instances of functions :
function Test(a, b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.f = function(c) {
return this.a + this.b + c;
var test = new Test(5, 10);
This allows you to create multiple objects that share the same "blueprint", similar to how you use classes in eg. Java.
This can still be done more efficiently, however, by using a prototype.
Whenever different instances of a function share the same methods or properties, you can move them to that object's prototype. That way, every instance of a function has access to that method or property, but it doesn't need to be duplicated for every instance.
In our case, it makes sense to move the method f to the prototype :
function Test(a, b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
Test.prototype.f = function(c) {
return this.a + this.b + c;
var test = new Test(5, 10);
A simple but effective way to do inheritance in JavaScript, is to use the following two-liner :
B.prototype = Object.create(A.prototype);
B.prototype.constructor = B;
That is similar to doing this :
B.prototype = new A();
The main difference between both is that the constructor of A is not run when using Object.create, which is more intuitive and more similar to class based inheritance.
You can always choose to optionally run the constructor of A when creating a new instance of B by adding adding it to the constructor of B :
function B(arg1, arg2) {
A(arg1, arg2); // This is optional
If you want to pass all arguments of B to A, you can also use Function.prototype.apply() :
function B() {
A.apply(this, arguments); // This is optional
If you want to mixin another object into the constructor chain of B, you can combine Object.create with Object.assign :
B.prototype = Object.assign(Object.create(A.prototype), mixin.prototype);
B.prototype.constructor = B;
function A(name) { = name;
A.prototype = Object.create(Object.prototype);
A.prototype.constructor = A;
function B() {
A.apply(this, arguments);
this.street = "Downing Street 10";
B.prototype = Object.create(A.prototype);
B.prototype.constructor = B;
function mixin() {
mixin.prototype = Object.create(Object.prototype);
mixin.prototype.constructor = mixin;
mixin.prototype.getProperties = function() {
return {
address: this.street,
year: this.year
function C() {
B.apply(this, arguments);
this.year = "2018"
C.prototype = Object.assign(Object.create(B.prototype), mixin.prototype);
C.prototype.constructor = C;
var instance = new C("Frank");
Object.create can be safely used in every modern browser, including IE9+. Object.assign does not work in any version of IE nor some mobile browsers. It is recommended to polyfill Object.create and/or Object.assign if you want to use them and support browsers that do not implement them.
You can find a polyfill for Object.create here
and one for Object.assign here.
When one uses the trick of closing on "this" during a constructor invocation, it's in order to write a function that can be used as a callback by some other object that doesn't want to invoke a method on an object. It's not related to "making the scope correct".
Here's a vanilla JavaScript object:
function MyThing(aParam) {
var myPrivateVariable = "squizzitch";
this.someProperty = aParam;
this.useMeAsACallback = function() {
console.log("Look, I have access to " + myPrivateVariable + "!");
// Every MyThing will get this method for free:
MyThing.prototype.someMethod = function() {
You might get a lot out of reading what Douglas Crockford has to say about JavaScript. John Resig is also brilliant. Good luck!
Closure is versatile. bobince has well summarized the prototype vs. closure approaches when creating objects. However you can mimic some aspects of OOP using closure in a functional programming way. Remember functions are objects in JavaScript; so use function as object in a different way.
Here is an example of closure:
function outer(outerArg) {
return inner(innerArg) {
return innerArg + outerArg; //the scope chain is composed of innerArg and outerArg from the outer context
A while ago I came across the Mozilla's article on Closure. Here is what jump at my eyes: "A closure lets you associate some data (the environment) with a function that operates on that data. This has obvious parallels to object oriented programming, where objects allow us to associate some data (the object's properties) with one or more methods". It was the very first time I read a parallelism between closure and classic OOP with no reference to prototype.
Suppose you want to calculate the VAT of some items. The VAT is likely to stay stable during the lifetime of an application. One way to do it in OOP (pseudo code):
public class Calculator {
public property VAT { get; private set; }
public Calculator(int vat) {
this.VAT = vat;
public int Calculate(int price) {
return price * this.VAT;
Basically you pass a VAT value into your constructor and your calculate method can operate upon it via closure.
Now instead of using a class/constructor, pass your VAT as an argument into a function. Because the only stuff you are interested in is the calculation itself, returns a new function, which is the calculate method:
function calculator(vat) {
return function(item) {
return item * vat;
var calculate = calculator(1.10);
var jsBook = 100; //100$
calculate(jsBook); //110
In your project identify top-level values that are good candidate of what VAT is for calculation. As a rule of thumb whenever you pass the same arguments on and on, there is a way to improve it using closure. No need to create traditional objects.
A Pattern That Serves Me Well
var Klass = function Klass() {
var thus = this;
var somePublicVariable = x
, somePublicVariable2 = x
var somePrivateVariable = x
, somePrivateVariable2 = x
var privateMethod = (function p() {...}).bind(this);
function publicMethod() {...}
// export precepts
this.var1 = somePublicVariable;
this.method = publicMethod;
return this;
First, you may change your preference of adding methods to the instance instead of the constructor's prototype object. I almost always declare methods inside of the constructor because I use Constructor Hijacking very often for purposes regarding Inheritance & Decorators.
Here's how I decide where which declarations are writ:
Never declare a method directly on the context object (this)
Let var declarations take precedence over function declarations
Let primitives take precedence over objects ({} and [])
Let public declarations take precedence over private declarations
Prefer Function.prototype.bind over thus, self, vm, etc
Avoid declaring a Class within another Class, unless:
It should be obvious that the two are inseparable
The Inner class implements The Command Pattern
The Inner class implements The Singleton Pattern
The Inner class implements The State Pattern
The Inner Class implements another Design Pattern that warrants this
Always return this from within the Lexical Scope of the Closure Space.
Here's why these help:
Constructor Hijacking
var Super = function Super() {
this.inherited = true;
var Klass = function Klass() {
// export precepts
Super.apply(this); // extends this with property `inherited`
Model Design
var Model = function Model(options) {
var options = options || {}; = || || -1;
this.string = options.string || this.string || "";
// ...
return this;
var model = new Model({...});
var updated =, { string: 'modified' });
(model === updated === true); // > true
Design Patterns
var Singleton = new (function Singleton() {
var INSTANCE = null;
return function Klass() {
// export precepts
return INSTANCE;
var a = new Singleton();
var b = new Singleton();
(a === b === true); // > true
As you can see, I really have no need for thus since I prefer Function.prototype.bind (or .call or .apply) over thus. In our Singleton class, we don't even name it thus because INSTANCE conveys more information. For Model, we return this so that we can invoke the Constructor using .call to return the instance we passed into it. Redundantly, we assigned it to the variable updated, though it is useful in other scenarios.
Alongside, I prefer constructing object-literals using the new keyword over {brackets}:
var klass = new (function Klass(Base) {
// export precepts
Base.apply(this); //
this.override = x;
Not Preferred
var klass = Super.apply({
override: x
As you can see, the latter has no ability to override its Superclass's "override" property.
If I do add methods to the Class's prototype object, I prefer an object literal -- with or without using the new keyword:
Klass.prototype = new Super();
// OR
Klass.prototype = new (function Base() {
// export precepts
// OR
Klass.prototype = Super.apply({...});
// OR
Klass.prototype = {
method: function m() {...}
Not Preferred
Klass.prototype.method = function m() {...};
I'd like to mention that we can use either a Title or a String to declare an Object.
There are different ways on calling each type of them. See below:
var test = {
useTitle : "Here we use 'a Title' to declare an Object",
'useString': "Here we use 'a String' to declare an Object",
onTitle : function() {
return this.useTitle;
onString : function(type) {
return this[type];
var Person = function (lastname, age, job){ = name;
this.age = age;
this.job = job;
this.changeName = function(name){
this.lastname = name;
var myWorker = new Person('Adeola', 23, 'Web Developer');
console.log("New Worker" + myWorker.lastname);
In addition to the accepted answer from 2009. If you can can target modern browsers, one can make use of the Object.defineProperty.
The Object.defineProperty() method defines a new property directly on
an object, or modifies an existing property on an object, and returns
the object.
Source: Mozilla
var Foo = (function () {
function Foo() {
this._bar = false;
Object.defineProperty(Foo.prototype, "bar", {
get: function () {
return this._bar;
set: function (theBar) {
this._bar = theBar;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Foo.prototype.toTest = function () {
alert("my value is " +;
return Foo;
// test instance
var test = new Foo(); = true;
To see a desktop and mobile compatibility list, see Mozilla's Browser Compatibility list. Yes, IE9+ supports it as well as Safari mobile.
You can also try this
function Person(obj) {
'use strict';
if (typeof obj === "undefined") { = "Bob";
this.age = 32; = "Facebook";
} else { =;
this.age = obj.age; =;
Person.prototype.print = function () {
'use strict';
console.log("Name: " + + " Age : " + this.age + " Company : " +;
var p1 = new Person({name: "Alex", age: 23, company: "Google"});
Bascially there is no concept of class in JS so we use function as a class constructor which is relevant with the existing design patterns.
//Constructor Pattern
function Person(name, age, job){ = name;
this.age = age;
this.job = job;
this.doSomething = function(){
alert('I am Happy');
Till now JS has no clue that you want to create an object so here comes the new keyword.
var person1 = new Person('Arv', 30, 'Software'); //Arv
Ref : Professional JS for web developers - Nik Z