So I'm trying to display the values of a book in myLibrary but the when I do it displays it like this :
Zero To one
Peter Thiel
Has been read already
function() { return title + " " + "by" + " " + author + " " + pages + " " + "pages" + " " + isRead; }
It shouldn't display this part:
function() { return title + " " + "by" + " " + author + " " + pages + " " + "pages" + " " + isRead; }
Here's my code:
this.pages = pages;
this.isRead = isRead; = function() {
return title + " " + "by" + " " + author + " " + pages + " " + "pages" + " " + isRead;
const zeroToOne = new Book("Zero To one", "Peter Thiel", "210", "Has been read already");
function addBookToLibrary(bookToAdd) {
for (let obj of myLibrary) {
card.textContent = Object.values(obj);
You have to call the info function :
I'm using railway API in my website and want the Train data in grid format. Please help me with the same.
I want all the variables (Train name, Train number, Departure Time, Arrival Time, Travel Time, Availability Status) in a table format. I'm calling two APIs to get the final result. How can I achieve this using AngularJs?
function between(trainData) {
var total = trainData.TotalTrains;
for (i = 0; i < total; i++) {
var source = trainData.Trains[i].Source;
var destination = trainData.Trains[i].Destination;
var name = trainData.Trains[i].TrainName;
var number = trainData.Trains[i].TrainNo;
var ttime = trainData.Trains[i].TravelTime;
var deptime = trainData.Trains[i].DepartureTime;
var arrtime = trainData.Trains[i].ArrivalTime;
$('.' + className + '').append("<br/>" + name + "(" + number + ")" + " " + ttime + " " + deptime + " " + arrtime + "<br/>");
you can append with the in the end like
$('.' + className + '').append("<table><tr><th>name</th><th>number </th><th>ttime </th><th>deptime </th><th>arrtime </th><th>classcode </th><th>status </th><th>jdate </th></tr><tr><td>" + name + "</td><td>" + number + "</td><td>" + ttime + "</td><td>" + deptime + " </td><td>" + arrtime + " </td><td>" + classcode + "</td><td>" + status + "</td><td>" + jdate + "</td></tr></table>");
I receive from the server xhtml code which I want to show in Android app like ebook reader. For this the Monocle library was chosen.
Next I prepare webview with follow code:
contentView.addJavascriptInterface(new LectureJSInterface(), "Android");
contentView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());
contentView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
super.onPageFinished(view, url);
After this I download the xhtml code from the server and add to it JS code for working with Monocle:
private String prepareCode(String code) {
if ((code == null) || code.equals("")) return "";
String newCode = code.substring(code.indexOf("<html"), code.indexOf("<head>")+6);
newCode = newCode.concat(
"<script src=\"file:///android_asset/monocore.js\"></script>\n" +
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"file:///android_asset/monocore.css\" />\n" +
"<style>\n" +
" #reader {\n" +
" width: 100%;\n" +
" height: 100%;\n" +
" border: 0px solid #000;\n" +
" }\n" +
"</style>\n" +
"<script>\n" +
"\n" +
" var isNightMode = false;\n" +
" var isFirstLoading = false;\n" +
" var startPageNumber = 1;\n" +
"\n" +
" function setSettingsForFirstLoading(fontSize, pageNumber, nightMode) {\n" +
" Android.printLogInfo('setSettingsForFirstLoading()');\n" +
" isFirstLoading = true;\n" +
" isNightMode = nightMode;\n" +
" startPageNumber = pageNumber;\n" +
" window.changeFontSize(fontSize);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" function changeFontSize(fontSize) {\n" +
" Android.printLogInfo('changeFontSize()');\n" +
" window.reader.formatting.setFontScale(fontSize);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" function nightModeOn() {\n" +
" Android.printLogInfo('nightModeOn()');\n" +
" isNightMode = true;\n" +
" var i = 0;\n" +
" var frame;\n" +
" while (frame = window.reader.dom.find('component', i++)) {\n" +
" = '#1F1F1F';\n" +
" = '#ECECEC';\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" function nightModeOff() {\n" +
" Android.printLogInfo('nightModeOff()');\n" +
" isNightMode = false;\n" +
" var i = 0;\n" +
" var frame;\n" +
" while (frame = window.reader.dom.find('component', i++)) {\n" +
" = '#ECECEC';\n" +
" = '#1F1F1F';\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" function turnPage(pageNumber) {\n" +
" Android.printLogInfo('turnPage(' + pageNumber + ')');\n" +
" window.reader.moveTo({ page: pageNumber });\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" function savePercents() {\n" +
" Android.printLogInfo('savePercents()');\n" +
" Android.savePercents(window.reader.getPlace().percentAtTopOfPage());\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" function moveToPercents(percent) {\n" +
" Android.printLogInfo('moveToPercents(' + percent + ')');\n" +
" turnPage(window.reader.getPlace().pageAtPercentageThrough(percent));\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" function listenFor(evtName) {\n" +
" Monocle.Events.listen('reader', evtName, report);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" function report(evt) {\n" +
" switch (evt.type) {\n" +
" case 'monocle:loaded':\n" +
" Android.calculateSeekBar(window.reader.getPlace().properties.component.lastPageNumber());\n" +
" break;\n" +
"\n" +
" case 'monocle:turn':\n" +
" Android.updatePagesCounter(window.reader.getPlace().pageNumber());\n" +
" break;\n" +
"\n" +
" case 'monocle:recalculated':\n" +
" if (isNightMode) nightModeOn();\n" +
" if (isFirstLoading) { isFirstLoading = false; turnPage(startPageNumber); }\n" +
" Android.calculateSeekBar(window.reader.getPlace().properties.component.lastPageNumber());\n" +
" Android.updatePagesCounter(window.reader.getPlace().pageNumber());\n" +
" break;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" function init() {\n" +
" var options = {\n" +
" flipper: Monocle.Flippers.Slider\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" listenFor('monocle:turn');\n" +
" listenFor('monocle:loaded');\n" +
" listenFor('monocle:recalculated');\n" +
"\n" +
" window.reader = Monocle.Reader('reader', null, options);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Monocle.Events.listen(window, 'load', init);\n" +
newCode = newCode.concat(code.substring(code.indexOf("<head>") + 6, code.indexOf("<body>") + 6));
newCode = newCode.concat("<div id=\"reader\">");
newCode = newCode.concat(code.substring(code.indexOf("<body>") + 6, code.indexOf("</body>")));
newCode = newCode.concat("</div>");
newCode = newCode.concat(code.substring(code.indexOf("</body>")));
return newCode;
After finishing this task the WebView loads it:
contentView.loadDataWithBaseURL(baseUrl, prepareCode(code), "text/html", "UTF-8", null);
What I have as results? I tested this app on six devices with Android 4.x and 5.x. On Android 4.x the entire content is shown correctly, but on Android 5.x I see a blank page. I should notice that the xhtml code was loaded because I can call JS-functions and get its results via JS Interface.
Are there any ideas about ways to fixing this bug?
Thanks in advance!
You can try uninstalling the webview system update.
Try monocle 2.3.1
I'm a beginner to Javascript and I have a basic question about how to use the prompt method. None of the code seems to process below. Is there some sort of hidden rule about using multiple prompt boxes or does my code just have a syntax error? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
<title> Two Numbers </title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var first = prompt("Enter first number:");
var second = prompt("Enter second number:");
var sum = (first-0) + (second-0);
var diff = first - second;
var divide = first/second;
var multi = first*second;
document.write(first + " + " + second " = " + sum + "<br />");
document.write(first + " + " + second " = " + diff + "<br />");
document.write(first + " + " + second " = " + divide + "<br />");
document.write(first + " + " + second " = " + multi + "<br />");
You're missing a +.
//change this
console.log(first + " + " + second " = " + sum + "<br />");
// to this
console.log(first + " + " + second + " = " + sum + "<br />");
In the future, please use the console for debugging. There is a great article on everything you can do with the console here >
Corrected the syntax error and corrected the operators in the write() function:
<title> Two Numbers </title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var first = prompt("Enter first number:");
var second = prompt("Enter second number:");
var sum = (first-0) + (second-0);
var diff = first - second;
var divide = first/second;
var multi = first*second;
document.write(first + " + " + second + " = " + sum + "<br />");
document.write(first + " - " + second + " = " + diff + "<br />");
document.write(first + " / " + second + " = " + divide + "<br />");
document.write(first + " * " + second + " = " + multi + "<br />");
use the console to check for errors, as said by James G
var isValid = true;
var first = prompt("Enter first number:");
if (!Number(first)) {
alert("Please enter numeric value only.");
isValid = false;
if (isValid) {
var second = prompt("Enter second number:");
if (!Number(second)) {
alert("Please enter numeric value only.");
isValid = false;
if (isValid) {
var sum = first + second;
var diff = first - second;
var divide = first / second;
var multi = first * second;
console.log(first + " + " + second + " = " + sum);
console.log(first + " - " + second + " = " + diff)
console.log(first + " / " + second + " = " + divide);
console.log(first + " * " + second + " = " + multi);
Trying to properly write a function in JavaScript that outputs a concat'd url to Chart Library Output (for chart re-rendering)... based on selected options in dropdown list.
Problem: I am not getting the chart to re-render with the concatenated url (which should be sent each time an option is selected in the dropdown).
JavaScript code in head:
function httpGet(theUrl)
var xmlHttp = null;
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); // instantiate request "GET", theUrl, false ); // open url
xmlHttp.send( null ); // sending nothing
return xmlHttp.responseText; // return url's data as text
function selectFabric(){
var urlString = "http://localhost:8083/tbl/sparqlmotion?id=LiabilityChart&arg1=";
var fabrics = document.getElementById('fabrics');
var selectedFabric = fabrics.options[fabrics.selectedIndex];
var linkAddTogether = [urlString + selectedFabric.value];
var linkResult = linkAddTogether[0];
var result = httpGet(linkResult);
if (selectedFabric.value != "nothing"){
return linkResult; // update begins // document.write(linkAddTogether)
function revive (key, value) {
if (value.datatype == "" || // if datatype is this
value.datatype == "" || // or, this
value.datatype == "") // or, this
return (parseInt(value.value)) // if '#double', '#integer', or '#schema', then: 'vars' label + convert the datatype's float value to integer
else if (value.type == 'literal')
return (value.value) // if datatype's value is a literal: 'vars' label + return as a string
else if (value.datatype == '')
return value.value // if "XMLSchema#date's" value is a literal: 'vars' label + return as a string
return value // if datatype is anything else: 'vars' label + return value as a string
var scriptHead = ["YUI().use('charts',function(Y){var myDataValues=\n\n["];
var scriptTail = ["\n];\n\nvar styleDef={series:{Stock:{line:{color:'#EEB647'},marker:{fill:{color:'#eee',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#222',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},over:{fill:{color:'#eee'},border:{color:'#000'},width:9,height:9}}},Liability:{line:{color:'#171944'},marker:{fill:{color:'#eee',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#222',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},over:{fill:{color:'#eee'},border:{color:'#000'},width:9,height:9}}},Shipment:{line:{color:'#ff0000',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},marker:{fill:{color:'#eee',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#ff0000',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},over:{fill:{color:'#ff0000',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#000',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},width:16,height:16}}},Production:{line:{color:'#FFD700',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},marker:{fill:{color:'#eee',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#FFD700',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},over:{fill:{color:'#FFD700',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#000',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},width:16,height:16}}},Order:{line:{color:'#006400',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},marker:{fill:{color:'#eee',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#006400',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},over:{fill:{color:'#006400',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#000',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},width:16,height:16}}}}};var myAxes={dateRange:{keys:['date'],position:'bottom',type:'category',title:'Date Range',styles:{majorTicks:{display:'none'},label:{rotation:-45,margin:{top:5}},title:{fontSize:'90%'}}}};var mychart=new Y.Chart({dataProvider:myDataValues,interactionType:'planar',render:'#mychart',categoryKey:'Date',styles:styleDef,categoryType:'time',horizontalGridlines:{styles:{line:{color:'#fff'}}},verticalGridlines:{styles:{line:{color:'#fff'}}}})});\n\n"];
var simpleHead = [scriptHead];
var simpleTail = [scriptTail];
var oldData = JSON.parse(result, revive);
HTML code for form (in body):
form style="width:200px; color:#333; padding-right:5px; padding-bottom:2px; padding-left:55px; margin-top:0px; clear:none;" name="properties" id="properties">
select style="width:160px; color:#333; clear:none; display:block;" name="fabrics" id="fabrics" onChange="selectFabric()">
option value="nothing">Select Fabric END option
option value="KOD23-4074-LV">KOD23-4074-LV END option
option value="SGOD2-2858-LV">SGOD2-2858-LV END option
option value="W-897-LV">W-897-LV END option
option value="FF-4084-LV">FF-4084-LV END option
END select
END form
JavaScript code for chart (write script in body to render YUI chart plug-in):
document.write('\x3Cscript type="text/javascript" id="source">');
document.write(simpleHead[0] + '\n{Date: "' + oldData.results.bindings[0].date + '", Liability: ' + oldData.results.bindings[0].liability + ", Stock: " + oldData.results.bindings[0].stock + ", " + oldData.results.bindings[0].event + ": " + oldData.results.bindings[0].current + "}," + "\n\n");
document.write('\n{Date: "' + oldData.results.bindings[1].date + '", Liability: ' + oldData.results.bindings[1].liability + ", Stock: " + oldData.results.bindings[1].stock + ", " + oldData.results.bindings[1].event + ": " + oldData.results.bindings[1].current + "}," + "\n\n");
document.write('\n{Date: "' + oldData.results.bindings[2].date + '", Liability: ' + oldData.results.bindings[2].liability + ", Stock: " + oldData.results.bindings[2].stock + ", " + oldData.results.bindings[2].event + ": " + oldData.results.bindings[2].current + "}," + "\n\n");
document.write('\n{Date: "' + oldData.results.bindings[3].date + '", Liability: ' + oldData.results.bindings[3].liability + ", Stock: " + oldData.results.bindings[3].stock + ", " + oldData.results.bindings[3].event + ": " + oldData.results.bindings[3].current + "}," + "\n\n");
document.write('\n{Date: "' + oldData.results.bindings[4].date + '", Liability: ' + oldData.results.bindings[4].liability + ", Stock: " + oldData.results.bindings[4].stock + ", " + oldData.results.bindings[4].event + ": " + oldData.results.bindings[4].current + "}," + "\n\n");
document.write('\n{Date: "' + oldData.results.bindings[5].date + '", Liability: ' + oldData.results.bindings[5].liability + ", Stock: " + oldData.results.bindings[5].stock + ", " + oldData.results.bindings[5].event + ": " + oldData.results.bindings[5].current + "}," + "\n\n");
document.write('\n{Date: "' + oldData.results.bindings[6].date + '", Liability: ' + oldData.results.bindings[6].liability + ", Stock: " + oldData.results.bindings[6].stock + ", " + oldData.results.bindings[6].event + ": " + oldData.results.bindings[6].current + "}" + simpleTail[0] + "\n\n");