JavaScript - Hide a Div at startup (load) - javascript

I have a div in my php page that uses jQuery to hide it once the page has loaded. But is there a way to hide it from the very start of loadup?
The reason I ask is because for a brief second, you can see the div when the page is loading, and then hides when the page is fully loaded.
It looks unprofessional.
Just wondering if there is a way around this?

Use css style to hide the div.
#selector { display: none; }
or Use it like below,
.hidden { display: none; }
<div id="blah" class="hidden"><!-- div content --></div>
and in jQuery
$(function () {

I've had the same problem.
Use CSS to hide is not the best solution, because sometimes you want users without JS can see the div..
The cleanest solution is to hide the div with JQuery. But the div is visible about 0.5 seconde, which is problematic if the div is on the top of the page.
In these cases, I use an intermediate solution, without JQuery. This one works and is immediate :
<script>document.write('<style>.js_hidden { display: none; }</style>');</script>
<div class="js_hidden">This div will be hidden for JS users, and visible for non JS users.</div>
Of course, you can still add all the effects you want on the div, JQuery toggle() for example.
And you will get the best behaviour possible (imho) :
for non JS users, the div is visible directly
for JS users, the div is hidden and has toggle effect.

Barring the CSS solution. The fastest possible way is to hide it immediatly with a script.
<div id="hideme"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
In this case I would recommend the CSS solution by Vega. But if you need something more complex (like an animation) you can use this approach.
This has some complications (see comments below). If you want this piece of script to really run as fast as possible you can't use jQuery, use native JS only and defer loading of all other scripts.

Why not add "display: none;" to the divs style attribute? Thats all JQuery's .hide() function does.

This method I've used a lot, not sure if it is a very good way but it works fine for my needs.
<script language="JavaScript">
function setVisibility(id, visibility) {
document.getElementById(id).style.display = visibility;
<div id="HiddenStuff1" style="display:none">
<div id="HiddenStuff2" style="display:none">
<div id="HiddenStuff3" style="display:none">
<input id="YOUR ID" title="HIDDEN STUFF 1" type=button name=type value='HIDDEN STUFF 1' onclick="setVisibility('HiddenStuff1', 'inline');setVisibility('HiddenStuff2', 'none');setVisibility('HiddenStuff3', 'none');";>
<input id="YOUR ID" title="HIDDEN STUFF 2" type=button name=type value='HIDDEN STUFF 2' onclick="setVisibility('HiddenStuff1', 'none');setVisibility('HiddenStuff2', 'inline');setVisibility('HiddenStuff3', 'none');";>
<input id="YOUR ID" title="HIDDEN STUFF 3" type=button name=type value='HIDDEN STUFF 3' onclick="setVisibility('HiddenStuff1', 'none');setVisibility('HiddenStuff2', 'none');setVisibility('HiddenStuff3', 'inline');";>

Using CSS you can just set display:none for the element in a CSS file or in a style attribute
#div { display:none; }
<div id="div"></div>
<div style="display:none"></div>
or having the js just after the div might be fast enough too, but not as clean


Is there any way to hide a div from source code at runtime

Is there any way to hide a div from source code at runtime
Using jquery, javascript or any other method.
<div id="abc">
This will not be displayed on source as well as in page
By using jQuery remove() or hide() - the item is hidden from front end.
But i need to remove it from source...
I'm using drupal render method.
It is not possible to hide DOM elements in browser. You can only remove them using .remove() or hide with .hide() when rendered. But if DOM exist in code then you can not hide it in view source code component.
Here is one solution
In your body tag add onload event
<body onload='removeDiv()'>
<div id='abc'>
This will not displayed in source code as well as in web page.
function removeDiv(){
var div = document.getElementById('abc');
If the .hide() and .remove() doesn't work for you. You can try this.
Make a parent div and set the html part empty
<div id="def">
<div id="abc">
This will not be displayed on source as well as in page
<script type="text/javascript">
If you are using drupal the write a php if condition to hide the content of the div, example
<?php if(1){ ?>
<div id="abc">
This will not be displayed on source as well as in page
<?php }?>

Need to make div a rollover for image within (using jquery)

alright so i have some unique problems; first of all, my jquery is not working; i very well might have not put it in the html right so i am going to toss a good deal of code out to see;
basically i need the rollover class image to change to its hover state when the div class is rolled-over (i have a some css which changes the div class display to block) alright so here is the html
<div id="header">
<div class="home" id="home" ><p><img src="images/home-crown.png" class="rollover" width="100px" /></p></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/load-it-up.js"></script>
/so yeah... trying to swap that image stuff out here is jquery
{this.src = this.src.replace("images/home-crown.png","images/home-crown-hover.png");},
{this.src = this.src.replace("images/home-crown-hover.png","images/home-crown.png");}
really frustrated with it because i have tried multiple solutions; any help at all would be appreciated; it is probably something stupid :P
right now i am just trying to get the image to rollover (at least)
i really want the rollover to activate when the div is rolled over (the #home div)
Try this.

How to show hidden content where the contents images don't load until the content is shown?

What would be a good way to show hidden content with javascript, without having the image elements <img src="myimage.jpg"> of the hidden content load their images in google chrome or any other browsers until the content is actually shown?
hiding the content with the css rule display: none will not prevent the images from loading, and I would like to avoid using ajax calls.
EDIT 1 as discussed in the comments, a better alternative would be to use a template. As an example I picked John Resig’s Microtemplating engine:
<div id="content_container">
<script type="text/html" id="content">
<img src="..."/>
<button onclick="document.getElementById('content_container').innerHTML = tmpl('content', {});">show div</button>
See fiddle
As the original poster commented, it's perfectly possible to grab the contents of a <script type="text/html"> element. Templating engine's not necessary:
<div id="content_container">
<script type="text/html" id="content">
<img src="..."/>
<button onclick="document.getElementById('content_container').innerHTML = document.getElementById('content').innerHTML;">show div</button>
First Answer
(see in edits)
To do what you want within your requirements you could have javascript write the content when you want it displayed. So you would store your HTML in a javascript string and just use script to then insert it into the page when you want it. Its not a very nice way of doing it but it would mean that it would only load images at that point.
Alternatively you could put the HTML in but have the images pointing at nothing (or a blank placeholder, etc.) and then use script to programatically populate the image sources to the correct values when you call the show function to show the page.
Which of these you choose is probably more about readability than anything else though I would favour the second approach (just tweaking the image sources).
First, define a CSS style:
.invisible {
display: none;
Add this class to the objects in the HTML. Then anywhere in the JavaScript, simply add or remove the class, or change the display to block or float etc. In jQuery:
If you don't want the image to load, then use an AJAX call instead.
jQuery.get('myImage.jpg', function(data) {
Load the src into the img once it's needed. You could check the scroll position etc.
Seems like it is possible to hide content using a script tag with type="text/html", it even prevents any images and iframes from loading in the background,
for example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById('content_visible').innerHTML = document.getElementById('content_hidden').innerHTML;//document.getElementById('content_hidden').text also works
<img src="image1.jpg"/>
<script type="text/html" id="content_hidden">
<img src="image2.jpg"/>
<img src="image3.jpg"/>
<img src="image4.jpg"/>
Show Content
<div id="content_visible"></div>
Only thing to keep in mind is to avoid placing script tags inside #content_hidden.
Now if anyone is friendly enough to point out every flaw in this method, so that we can all benefit.

styling elements with Javascript without being noticed

I have a webpage which has content layout like 1,2,3 in markup (and also for no-js
) while visually I want it to be 2,3,1.
I'm using Javascript (jQuery) to swap their position. But the problem is, the Javascript code is executed after page loads and therefore the swap process can be obviously seen.
The only solution (and a bad one) I can think of now is to hide the whole body first and restore body when the swap is done.
$(function() {
$("#div2, #div3").insertBefore("#div1");
$("body").css({display: "block"});
<body style="display: none;">
<div id="div1">...</div>
<div id="div2">...</div>
<div id="div3">...</div>
<!-- in case JS is disabled, use css to restore -->
<!-- style should not be here, that's why I said it's a bad one. -->
<style type="text/css">
body {display: block !important;}
Anyone got a better idea?
Try executing JavaScript instantly after those three elements:
<div id="div1">...</div>
<div id="div2">...</div>
<div id="div3">...</div>
<script type="text/javascript"> $("#div2, #div3").insertBefore("#div1"); </script>
Of course, it's a pollution of your HTML, but, in any case, it's better than hiding the whole body element (the page will flicker in some old browsers).

Show/hide a div with jquery multiple times

I am wanting to use jquery to do a show/hide of a DIV from a text link.
What makes it a little different from the examples I have found of this site so far is I need a generic way of doing it multiple times on 1 page and also able to use it sitewide on anypage.
It would be really nice if I can put the JS in seperate file that is included into the pages, so maybe it can be wrapped into a function?
Can someone help me here? For making it generic it could be where I assign a div that is shown/hidden with an id like id="toggle-hide-1" and just change the numbers in my page to make it a different show/hide area
I could just name the ID using a name that will make the function show/hide a div and to seperate it from other divs that show/hide on a page I could add a number to it.
below is partial code that will do a show/hide of a div on a link click but is not exactly what I need.
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" >
$(function() {
$(".view-code").click(function(evt) {
$(".tool_block, .view-code").toggle();
<a href="#" class="view-code" >view code</a>
hide code <br />
<div class="tool_block" style="display:none" >
this stuff is hidden until we choose to show it!
The best approach is probably going to be something using custom attributes. If you markup your anchor with an attribute that tells the jquery which div to toggle, it will be easier to write generic code to do the work.
Something like this:
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" >
$(function() {
$(".view-code").click(function(evt) {
var d = $(this).attr("toolDiv");
$(".tool_block[toolDiv=" + d + "], .view-code[toolDiv=" + d + "]").toggle();
<a href="#" class="view-code" toolDiv="1" >view code</a>
hide code <br />
<div class="tool_block" toolDiv="1" style="display:none" >
this stuff is hidden until we choose to show it!
Then give each of your anchor-div pairs a unique toolDiv value (doesn't have to be a number).
If you could wrap the whole collection in a div, it would make it pretty easy.
$(function() {
$(".view-code").click( function(e) {
<a href="#" class="view-code" >view code</a>
hide code <br />
<div class="tool_block" style="display:none" >
this stuff is hidden until we choose to show it!
If it doesn't handle the <br />, you could filter the siblings to only div and anchor elements.
Why not use specific classes instead? Each element you want shown/hidden can have a class called "toggler," as in:
<div class="toggler">
You can then toggle the visibility of ALL elements with this class at once, with:
In this scenario, it doesn't make a difference where in the document these elements reside or even what kind of elements they are.
If this functionality needs to be available globally, you can always extend jQuery itself with a custom function, as in:
$.toggleTogglers = function(toggleClass) {
$("." + toggleClass).toggle();
This is nice in that you have flexibility to choose a toggle custom class of your own design.
