Data object in jquery is undefined after replaceWith - javascript

I'm coding a jquery plugin and I need some buttons to have a double state (like edit/save)
I get this info via JSON and insert it in the button as:
- current //['primary'/'secondary']
- primary // some info
- secondary // some info
Once I click the button I get here to change the action. So I want to replace the whole link through a template and the info I get from
As I want to replace not only the innerHtml but the outer, I have to use 'replaceWith'. Then I copy the 'data' to the new button and (ideally) delete the older one.
changeButtonAction : function(button, selector){
var node ='node'),
if(node.current == 'primary'){
info = node.secondary;
node.current = 'secondary';
info = node.primary;
node.current = 'primary';
button.replaceWith(multiReplace(OPERATION_ITEM, info, true));'node', $.extend( true, {}, node));
... //bit of interaction
The thing is: Once out the function I loose the new data as it says it's undefined.
Could somebody help? Using 'replaceWith' it's not a must, so if you come up with another solution it will be ok.

Ok, I solved it.
Thanks to Diode I tried reproducing it in jsfiddle. The click function did not work neither so I changes my code a bit. Instead of replacing with text:
button.replaceWith(multiReplace(OPERATION_ITEM, info, true));'node', $.extend( true, {}, node));
Do it with an object:
var button2 = $(multiReplace(OPERATION_ITEM, info, true))
.data('node', $.extend( true, {}, node));
You can see it in action:


Changing selected value in a select option

I am Currently having trouble change the value of a drop down list. I am currently adding an item to my cart on I am trying to change the quantity.
I am trying to rewrite my java code into javascript. With that being said.
Select select = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//* [#id=\"app\"]/div/div/div/div/div[2]/div/main/div[1]/div/div/div/div/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/select")));
Currently works for me in java using the Selenium library. But in Javascript, I am having trouble emulating the same step. I have tried everything.
Edit: I have tried
var select= document.evaluate('//*[#id="app"]/div/div/div/div/div[2]/div/main/div[1]/div/div/div/div/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/select', document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
This is working function to change the item in the basket. The issue was to found the handler and event type they rely on. It was mouseup and event directly in the window.
function changeItemTo(itermNumber) {
const itemsSelector = '.gl-dropdown-custom__options button';
const itemsElements = document.querySelectorAll(itemsSelector);
if (itemsElements == null) throw new Error(`Selector ${itemsSelector} is wrong, nothing found`);
const buttonForItem = itemsElements[itermNumber];
if (buttonForItem == null) throw new Error(`Item with index: ${itermNumber} not found`);
buttonForItem.dispatchEvent(new Event('mouseup', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }));
Hope this helps!

SVG content disappearing from IFrame documentContent

I'm attempting to replicate the content in a particular IFrame element inside of a modal to avoid unnecessary DB calls. I am invoking a clientside callback via Python (see here) that returns the index of a particular IFrame element I would like to replicate in my modal.
Here is the snippet of Python code that toggles my modal and tracks the index of the most recently clicked figure to replicate:
[Output('my-modal', 'is_open'),
Output('modal-clone', 'children')],
[Input(f'button{k}', 'n_clicks_timestamp') for k in range(20)] +
[State('my-modal', 'is_open')])
def toggle_modal(*data):
clicks, is_open = data[:20], data[20]
modal_display = not is_open if any(clicks) else is_open
clicked = clicks.index(max(clicks))
return [modal_display, clicked]
ClientsideFunction(namespace='clientside', function_name='clone_figure'),
Output('modal-test', 'children'),
[Input('modal-clone', 'children'), Input('modal-figure', 'id')]
And the following Javascript:
window.dash_clientside = Object.assign({}, window.dash_clientside, {
clientside: {
clone_figure: function(clone_from, clone_to) {
source = document.getElementById(clone_from);
clone = document.getElementById(clone_to);
// set attributes of clone here using attributes from source
return null
Now, from my console.log() statements, I noticed the following (note that modal-clone in the screenshot corresponds to modal-figure in my example):
How is contentDocument changing between these two log statements? Any insight would be greatly appreciated, I am stumped.
It appears that you need to addEventListener() to the IFrame element:
clone_spray: function(clone_from, clone_to) {
source = document.getElementById(clone_from);
clone = document.getElementById(clone_to);
if (!clone) {return null;}
clone.addEventListener("load", function() {
// set attributes of clone here using attributes from source

Custom plugin with DOM manipulation CKEditor 4.x

I am developing one custom plugin for the CKEditor 4.7 which do a simple think take in case user select some stuff it will put it in a div with specific class, else it will put a div with same class just with text like 'Add content here'
I try to use some functions according to CKEditor docs but have something really wrong.
here is the code for the plugin folder name=> customdiv, file=> plugin.js
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('customdiv', {
icons: 'smile',
init: function (editor) {
editor.addCommand( 'customdiv',{
exec : function( editor ){
var selection = editor.getSelection();
selection='<div class="desktop">'+selection+'</div>';
selection='<div class="desktop">Add your text here </div>';
return {
editor.ui.addButton( 'Customdiv',
label : 'Custom div',
command : 'customdiv',
toolbar: 'customdiv',
icon : this.path + 'smile.png'
if (editor.contextMenu) {
editor.addMenuItem('customdiv', {
label: 'Customdiv',
icon: this.path + 'icons/smile.png',
command: 'customdiv',
group: 'divGroup'
editor.contextMenu.addListener(function (element) {
if (element.getAscendant('customdiv', true)) {
According to some docs it have to return the result good.
Also this is how I call them in my config.js file
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function (config) {
config.extraPlugins = 'templates,customdiv';
config.allowedContent = true;
config.toolbar = 'Custom';
config.toolbar_Custom = [
{ name: 'divGroup', items: [ 'Customdiv' ] },
{name: 'document', items: ['Source', '-', 'Save', 'Preview', '-', 'Newplugin']},
/* MOre plugins options here */
Note: the official forum was close and moved here :(
I have change the function like this
exec : function( editor ){
var selection = editor.getSelection();
selection='<div class="desktop">'+selection+'</div>';
CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml( selection );
selection='<div class="desktop">Add your text here </div>';
CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml( selection );
This makes it work for the else part, but still can't get the selected one.
After change of the if I can get data if is selected, but when I do insert selected between <div> I face a problem.
var selection = editor.getSelection();
give like result an object, and I funded out a more complex function and I get collected data like this
var selection = editor.getSelection().getNative();
from this in alert I see the proper selection and not just object,but when I insert it like
CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml('<div class="desktop">' + selection + '</div>');
it just put all selected in one line and not adding the div, new div for else case working with this syntax.
The problem now is this function
CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml('<div>' + selection + '<div>');
it delete all existing HTML tags even if I add just selection without <div> I am not sure if this is because of the way I insert data or way I collect data, just in alert when I collect data I see correct space like in the editor.
user select some stuff it will put it in a div with specific class
If you want to check if selection is not empty, please instead of selection.length>0 try using !selection().getRanges()[0].collapsed.
If you need something more advanced you could also try using
!!CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getSelection().getSelectedText() to see if any text was selected and !!CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getSelection().getSelectedElement() to see if any element like e.g. image, tabl,e widget or anchor was selected.
If you need selected HTML please use CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getSelectedHtml().getHtml();
Please also have a look at CKEditor documentation:!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-getSelectedHtml!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.selection-method-getSelectedText!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.selection-method-getSelectedElement

Function is not defined, parameter formatting

I'm trying to create my own lightbox script where I can pass the variables (title, description, itemtype, itemid, etc.) in clean formatting like this (inspired by fancybox):
title: "My title",
description: "My description"
Clicking on a certain element prepends some HTML to a div with jQuery.
I have adapted a piece of code I found on Stackoverflow and "kind of" understand the code. The top function has not been changed and worked before I edited the bottom code, to that I added click(function() { } because in the example the code was executed on pageload.
However, when I click my H1 element the firebug console tells me ReferenceError: popup is not defined
This is my Javascript:
$(document).ready(function() {
(function ($) {
$.fn.popup = function (options) {
var settings = $.extend({
title: function (someData) {
return someData;
description: function (someData) {
return someData;
}, options);
"<div style=\"position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;background:#FFFFFF;\">\
<h1>"+ settings.title +"</h1>\
<p>" + settings.description +"</p>\
$(".openbox1").click(function() {
title: "Title 1",
description: "Description 1"
$(".openbox2").click(function() {
title: "Title 2",
description: "Description 2"
This is my HTML
<div id="content">
<h1 class="openbox1">open box 1</h1>
<h1 class="openbox2">open box 2</h1>
A. Wolff commented that I need to execute the function like this:
$(".openbox1").click(function() {
This fixed it, thanks!
First off, what you did, and I hope this helps:
// This, of course is same as "document.onload"
// Don't confuse it with "window.onload"
// wich will wait till WHOLE dom is loaded to run any script
$(document).ready(function() {
(function ($) {
// This is, in essence, the start of a jQuery plugin
// This is often referred to as the "quick and dirty setup"
// as it's a direct call to add a method to jQuery's
// element object. Meaning it can be recalled as
// $(element).popup().
// This should not be confused with $.popup = function
// which would just add a method to jQuery's core object
$.fn.popup = function (options) {
var settings = $.extend({
$(".openbox1").click(function() {
// here is where your issue comes in
// as previously noted, you did not create a
// method named "popup".
// you added a method to jQuery's Element Object
// called "popup".
// This is why `$(this).popup` works and
// plain `popup` does not.
// You're inside an "event" asigned to any element
// having class name `openbox1`. Thus, any call
// in here to `this`, will reference that element
Secondly, a different example of how to write it. I won't say better because, even if I say my way is better, it wouldn't make your "corrected" way wrong. In Javascript, as the old saying goes, There's more than one way to skin a cat.
My Example:
// Notice I'm adding this plugin BEFORE the document load.
// This means, you could easily add this to a file and load it
// in script tags like any other Javascript,
// as long as it's loaded AFTER jquery.
(function($) {
// this ensures that your plugin name is available and not previously added to jQuery library
if (!$.popup) {
// this also provides us "variable scope" within to work in
// here begin adding the plugin to jQuery
// I started with $.extend, so it can be added to the jQuery library and used in traditional format
// $.popup('element selector', { options })
// as well as the element.action format we'll add later
// $.(element selector).popup({ options })
// This should help give you a good idea of the whole of what all is going on
popup: function() {
var ele = arguments[0], // this is our jQuery element
args =, 1); // this gets the rest of the arguments
// this next step is useful if you make the traditional call `$.popup(this, { options })`
if (!(ele instanceof jQuery)) ele = $(ele);
// now we have total control! Bwahahha!
// Fun aside, here is where it's good to check if you've already asigned this plugin
// if not, then make some "marker", so you can recall the element plugin and comment an
// action instead of reinitializing it
if (!'popup')) $.popup.init(ele, args);
else {
// at this point, you would know the element already has this plugin initialized
// so here you could change an initial options
// like how with jQueryUI, you might would call:
// $(element).popup('option', 'optionName', value)
return ele;
// here is where we add the $(element selector).popup method
// this simply adds the method to the element object
// If you don't fully understand what's going on inside (as I explain below),
// just know that it's some "fancy footwork" to pass the method onto our initial
// method creation, $.popup
popup: function(/*no need for parameter names here as arguments are evaluated inside and passed on to initial method*/) {
// set this element as first argument to fit with initial plugin method
var args = [$(this)];
// if there are arguments/params/options/commands too be set, add them
if (arguments.length) for (x in arguments) args.push(arguments[x]);
// pass through jquery and our arguments, end result provides same arguments as if the call was:
// $.popup($(element), options)
return $.popup.apply($, args);
// This next part is not seen in many plugins but useful depending on what you're creating
$.popup.init = function(ele, opt) {
// here is where we'll handle the "heavy work" of establishing a plugin on this element
// Start with setting the options for this plugin.
// This means extending the default options to use any passed in options
// In the most simple of cases, options are passed in as an Oject.
// However, that's not always the case, thus the reason for this being
// a continued array of our arguments from earlier.
// We'll stick with the simplest case for now, your case, that the only options are an
// Object that was passed in.
// using the extend method, with true, with a blank object,
// allows us to added the new options "on top" of the default ones, without changing the default ones
// oh and the "true" part just tells extend to "dig deep" basically (multideminsional)
if (opt && typeof opt[0] == 'object') opt = $.extend(true, {}, $.popup.defaults, opt[0]);
var par = opt.parent instanceof jQuery ? opt.parent : $('body'),
tit = opt.title,
des = opt.description,
// this last one will be the wrapper element we put everything in
// you have this in yours, but it's written in a very long way
// this is jQuery simplified
wrap = $('<div />', { style: 'position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;background:#FFFFFF;' }),
// much like the previous element, cept this is where our title goes
head = $('<h1 />', { text: tit }).appendTo(wrap),
content = $('<p />', { text: des }).appendTo(wrap);
// finally, add our marker i mentioned earlier'popup', opt);
// just adding the following cause i noticed there is no close
// fyi, i would change this plugin a little and make an actial "open" command, but that's another tutorial
var closer = $('<span />', { text: '[x]', style: 'cursor:pointer;position:absolute;bottom:1em;right:1em;' });
wrap.append(closer); {'popup', false); wrap.remove(); });
$.popup.defaults = { // establish base properties here that can be over-written via .props, but their values should never truly change
'parent': undefined, // added this to keep it dynamic, instead of always looking for an element ID'd as content
title: '',
description: ''
// the following is basically jQuery shorthand for document.ready
$(function() {
// i think you get the rest
$(".openbox1").on('click', function(e) {
title: "Title 1",
description: "Description 1",
parent: $("#content")
$(".openbox2").on('click', function(e) {
title: "Title 2",
description: "Description 2",
parent: $("#content")
<script src=""></script>
<div id="content">
<h1 class="openbox1">open box 1</h1>
<h1 class="openbox2">open box 2</h1>

Extjs 4.1.1a Check symbol of Checkbox on grid panel doesn't work

on a tab panel I create a tab for each year I have in a database (in this case the database contains at the moment only 3 years: 2012, 2013 ans 2014) and finally I set as active tab the current year (2013). In the controller I do the following:
var tp= this.getTpOverview();
callback: function(records) {
for (i=0; i< records.length; i++){
var year = records[i].data.year;
var tab = tp.add({
title: year,
year: year,
listeners: {
activate: function() {
var tbOverview = Ext.getCmp('tabOverview-'+ this.year);
if (!tbOverview) {
var gridOverview = Ext.create('WLPT.view.CPAssMonthActHours', {
id: 'tabOverview-' + this.year,
year: this.year,
xtype: 'cpassmonthacthoursview',
autoScroll: true
} else {
selectedYear = this.year;
params : {
wrk_year: selectedYear
if (currentYear == parseInt(records[i].data.year)) {
tab2Activate = tab;
When I run the application this seams to work fine.
I forgot to say that each tab contains a grid panel with a check column (Checkbox model) and for each item (row) a cell editor is setted on selected cells.
The active tab (2013) works fine. I can check the checkboxes to perfom a sum of the selected items. Indeed, the cell editor works fine.
The problem appears when I change the tab. The corresponding grid comes with the checkbox column. But on the javascript console appears the following error message:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'setWidth' of undefined ext-all-debug.js:95689
Ext.define.onColumnResize ext-all-debug.js:95689
Ext.define.onColumnResize ext-all-debug.js:101362 ext-all-debug.js:8896
Ext.define.continueFireEvent ext-all-debug.js:9102
Ext.define.fireEvent ext-all-debug.js:9080
Ext.override.fireEvent ext-all-debug.js:51104
Ext.define.onHeaderResize ext-all-debug.js:97344
Ext.define.afterComponentLayout ext-all-debug.js:98063
Ext.define.notifyOwner ext-all-debug.js:28381
Ext.define.callLayout ext-all-debug.js:103511
Ext.define.flushLayouts ext-all-debug.js:103680
Ext.define.runComplete ext-all-debug.js:104194
callOverrideParent ext-all-debug.js:54
Base.implement.callParent ext-all-debug.js:3813
Ext.override.runComplete ext-all-debug.js:21234 ext-all-debug.js:104175
Ext.define.statics.flushLayouts ext-all-debug.js:21238
Ext.define.statics.resumeLayouts ext-all-debug.js:21246
Ext.resumeLayouts ext-all-debug.js:23343
Ext.define.setActiveTab ext-all-debug.js:111589
Ext.define.onClick ext-all-debug.js:111357
(anonymous function)
Despite that, the grid is shown correctly. But, when I select a item the javascript console shows the following error message:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'up' of null ext-all-debug.js:99591
Ext.define.onRowFocus ext-all-debug.js:99591 ext-all-debug.js:8896
Ext.define.continueFireEvent ext-all-debug.js:9102
Ext.define.fireEvent ext-all-debug.js:9080
Ext.override.fireEvent ext-all-debug.js:51104
Ext.define.focusRow ext-all-debug.js:92462
Ext.define.onRowFocus ext-all-debug.js:92423
Ext.define.onLastFocusChanged ext-all-debug.js:109495
Ext.define.setLastFocused ext-all-debug.js:83855
Ext.define.doMultiSelect ext-all-debug.js:83761
Ext.define.doSelect ext-all-debug.js:83721
Ext.define.selectWithEvent ext-all-debug.js:83623
Ext.define.onRowMouseDown ext-all-debug.js:109750 ext-all-debug.js:8896
Ext.define.continueFireEvent ext-all-debug.js:9102
Ext.define.fireEvent ext-all-debug.js:9080
Ext.override.fireEvent ext-all-debug.js:51104
Ext.define.processUIEvent ext-all-debug.js:85315
Ext.define.handleEvent ext-all-debug.js:85227
(anonymous function)
The selection on the item fires the event 'select' and 'deselect' when I click a second time. But the check symbol on the checkbox doesn't work any time.
I have thougth to put this symbol manually on the events 'select' and 'deselect' as a workaround, but I don't know how to put this style and which one is.
Do you have any ideas? Look forward for your suggestions. Thank you in advance.
I think, the errors are not related to the code you posted. In fact, your code does not set the width, nor does it call up.
I find your code convoluted: a callback with a listener inside, that creates a view inside. And I don't understand if your code is inside a controller or another class.
Here is a problem:
var tab = tp.add({
//xtype is missing
title: year,
For debugging, I can giv you the following recommendation:
Use ext-dev.js instead of ext-all-debug.js. This will load all required classes one after the other, and the errors in the backtrace are not all inside ext-all-debug.js, but each line shows the line in the source class with all comments in it.
To get a cleaner programming style, try to follow the MVC pattern strictly:
Folder structure as recommended
Define events in the controller, like
init: function(){
store: {
'#plannedYearsStore': {load: this.onPlannedYearsStoreLoad}
'tab': {activate: this.onTabActivate}
onPlannedYearsStoreLoad: function (store, records){
for (i=0; i< records.length; i++){
var year = records[i].data.year;
var tab = tp.add({
onTabActivate: function (){
var tbOverview = Ext.getCmp('tabOverview-'+ this.year);
If possible, define your tab in a view class in a separate file.
When you adhere striclty to this MVC structure, you will get a much easier maintainable code.
