using .removeItem in localStorage - javascript

Using jQuery and localStorage, I want to keep track of how many times a player has won a game. Each time the form is submitted, the wincount or loss count goes up by one depending who won. The counter is working fine, but for some reason, the function to clear the counts is not working. I have been using that same function with removeItem() with other variable and it has been working fine.
var nicwincount;
var niclosscount;
$('#dostuff').click(function(e) {
if (playerName === 'nic' && tempresult === win) {
nicwincount = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem (nicwincount));
nicwincount += 1;
localStorage.setItem(nicwincount, JSON.stringify(nicwincount));
else if (playerName === 'nic' && tempresult === loss) {
losscount = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(niclosscount));
losscount += 1;
localStorage.setItem (niclosscount, losscount);
I have tried using .setItem () to set the counts to 0. I have also tried using .removeItem. Haven't been able to get either of them to work for me and can't figure out why.
localStorage.setItem('nicwincount', 0);
localStorage.setItem('niclosscount', 0);
This code works using localStorage
var nicScoreList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('nicscorelist') || '[]');
var niccount = 0;
var nicTotalScore = nicScoreList.reduce(function(total, score) {
if (score === " " || total === " ") {
return +total + +score;
the item i am getting from localStorage is defined on a seperate page as:
scorelist = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(playerName + 'scorelist') || '[]');
scorelist.push(" ");
localStorage.setItem(playerName + 'scorelist', JSON.stringify(scorelist));
$('div.scorecolumn', column).html("Score: <br>" + scorelist.join('<br>'));
I know i skipped a bunch of the code it seems, so let me know if that doesnt make sense.
This code works, but the original example still isn't with nicwincount and niclosscount

You are using variables to store your items and strings to clear them.
Bareword (i.e. variable) here:
localStorage.setItem(nicwincount, JSON.stringify(nicwincount));
and string here:
localStorage.setItem('nicwincount', 0);


Google Script - Forms - Issues Deleting Page Breaks/Sections - "Invalid data updating form"

I am having an issue with the following code when trying to iterate through the items in a form and delete them to make way for new sections/questions. However, I sometimes get the following error "Invalid data updating form". I have worked around this multiple times now, but it keeps coming back up. My current workaround has been to set the section title to "", which made it available to delete. Previously, I didn't need to do this until today.
My question: What is the best way to iterate through the items in a form and delete them from a starting point and not encounter this error?
f = the current active form
f_items = all of the items of the form in an array
function clearForm()
var clearQ = find(f_items, "Select Appointment Date/Time")+1;
var f_i_len = f.getItems().length-1;
var clear = clearQ;
while(clear <= f_i_len && clear >= clearQ)
var item = f.getItems()[clear];
Logger.log(item.getTitle() + " | " + item.getType());
if(item.getType() == "PAGE_BREAK")
{ item.asPageBreakItem().setTitle(""); }
f_i_len = f.getItems().length-1;
function find(src, name)
var s_len = src.length;
for(var iter = 0; iter < s_len; iter++)
var s = src[iter].getTitle();
if(s == name)
{ return iter; }
return -1;
The issue I had with this was that the PageBreakItem I was trying to delete was the destination for a conditional answer earlier in the form.
Below is my code where I needed to delete everything after a certain item, which linked to the sections I needed to delete, so I was able to iterate backwards with a while loop.
function getParentNameItem_(form, form_items){
//finds the item with conditional navigation to what you want to delete
var parent_name_item = find_(form_items, "Your Name");
parent_name_item = parent_name_item.asListItem();
//clears all choices which breaks the navigation dependency
//this frees up the items to be deleted
var size = form_items.length - 1;
//iterates from the end back to the last question I want to keep
while(form_items[size].getTitle() != "Your Name"){
//this can take either the item itself or the index as I've done
/*I rebuild the choices for parent_name_item
later based on information from a spreadsheet
which I also use to determine the content of
the PageBreakItems I just deleted*/
return parent_name_item;
I found out the issue! It was the clear++ at the end of the loop. With the number of items in the going down with each iteration, the clear++ was causing it to skip over the page break items. Below is my finished code:
function clearForm()
var clearQ = find(f_items, "Select Appointment Date")+1;
var f_i_len = f.getItems().length-1;
var clear = clearQ;
while(clear <= f_i_len && clear >= clearQ)
var item = f.getItems()[clear];
if(item.getType() == "PAGE_BREAK")
{ item.asPageBreakItem().setTitle(""); }
f.deleteItem(clear); //}
f_i_len = f.getItems().length-1;

Counting unknown/dynamic array length of class element

I wrote a simple code/userscript to notify me about changes on a webiste:
function notifier(){
setTimeout(function () {
function notiCounter() {
console.log("Counting notifications");
var noti = document.getElementsByClassName("notification");
for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if(noti[i].innerHTML != undefined) {
console.log("Notifications: " + notifications);
function notification(){
setTimeout(function () {
if(notifications > 0){
document.title = "(" + notifications + ") new notifcations";;
The problem is, that the actual final number of noti[i] is unknown/dynamic and changes all the time, so if i < 2 is replaced with a higher number the for loop ends up in an infinite loop - and if I pick it too low (2 for example), data will gets lost if the actual number is above 2.
Any idea about that problem? Maybe it's really obvious and I can't see, as it is really late haha.
Rather than checking for i < 2, check for i < noti.length. Or you can iterate through using a for(var i in noti) type loop. Or better yet, if you just want the number of notifications directly, just use the value in noti.length

Store score in a variable after an event

Desirable result: After the user choose an answer, I want to modify score variable in:
score += 1 if the answer is right either not changing at all if the answer is wrong.
Current result: For every choice user is making, the score remains the same: 0.
First, I store the paragraph that will be changed in question_paragraph and the button that will be clicked by user in next_button. Also, I stored the value(I put the attribute value on every input using the array notation - 0 first, 1 second etc.) in user_answer.
var question_paragraph = document.getElementById('question');
var next_button = document.getElementById('next');
var i = 0;
var user_answer = getCheckedValue(document.getElementsByName('choice'));
var y = 0;
var score = 0;
The getCheckedValue function will return the value attribute of my input if exists.
function getCheckedValue(radioObj) {
var radioLength = radioObj.length;
for(var z = 0; z < radioLength; z++) {
if(radioObj[z].checked) {
return radioObj[z].value;
return "Error!";
Here is the problem. The function works fine, except the isolated area. allQuestion is my object where I stored the questions, the possible answers and the right answer, correctAnswer(I don't included it here but works correctly). I put a conditional statement to increase y and code>score with one if the allQuestions[y].correctAnswer is qual with the value of the user_choice.
function changeQuestion() {
if(allQuestions[y].correctAnswer == user_answer){
score += 1;
} else{y++;}
i = (i < allQuestions.length) ? (i + 1) : 0;
if (i == allQuestions.length) {
i = 0;
return question_paragraph.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(allQuestions[0].question), question_paragraph.firstChild);
var newNode = document.createTextNode(allQuestions[i].question);
return question_paragraph.replaceChild(newNode, question_paragraph.firstChild);
Finnaly, I called the addHandler function.
function addHandler(name, type, handler){
if (name.addEventListener){
name.addEventListener(type, handler, false);
} else if (name.attachEvent){
name.attachEvent("on" + type, handler);
} else {
name["on" + type] = handler;
addHandler(next_button, 'click', changeQuestion);
Well, something just appears to be funny here so far. First of all, I don't see any initialization to the variable y. If y is a global variable that is retaining its value, then maybe there is an issue with your object: allQuestions{}. Could you provide the code for building your object allQuestions{}? Without it, I don't think that I could fully answer this question, but I believe that is where your problem lies.
Oops, this was supposed to be a comment, not an answer, sorry...

jQuery auto correction acts weird on duplicated fields

I am using a script to auto-correct input on forms using jQuery. For example, when someone writes "abc" as his initials, the field will auto-correct the input directly to A.B.C.
These scripts work excellent. However, anyone can fill out several forms with several names. I am using knockout to duplicate the forms. So far so good, but auto-correction doesn't work on duplicated fields anymore..
The auto-correction looks like this (small part):
// Lowercase
if (/[a-z]/g.test(this.value))
this.value = this.value.replace(/[^a-z ]/g, '');
// Initials
$(".initials").focus(function() {
var current = $(".initials").val();
$(".initials").keyup(function(e) {
var key = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode);
if (key >= 'A' && key <= 'Z') {
current += key + ".";
this.value = current;
else {
current = "";
$(".initials").blur(function() {
var i = $(".initials").val();
var last = i[i.length - 1];
if (last != "." && i.length !== 0){
this.value += ".";
// Capitalize
function convertToUpper() {
return arguments[0].toUpperCase();
val = this.value.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, convertToUpper);
this.value = val;
A fiddle can be found here
Thanks to raghaw Numbers now work. But other fields don't yet.
You are binding event that is not working on elements that get created in future. Here is the change I made to your code:
$(document).on("keyup", ".numbers", function(e)
// $(".numbers").keyup(function(e)
Your modified fiddle is here

Handling events with new data before previous event has completed

This code takes two inputs: div, the div (actually a textbox) and target (a number). It'll then try and in/decrement the number in a pseudo-animated way. The problem is that I'm using jQuery sliders as one form of input, which can result in multiple calls before the first call finished. This isn't a problem unless the slider is quickly increased, and then decreased before the increase rollUp finishes, resulting in an eternal decrementing div. I can't figure out what's causing it. Thoughts?
function rollNum(div, target) {
var contentString = $(div).val();
content = parseInt(contentString.substring(1));
if(content === target)
else if(div !== "#costMinusMSP" && div !== "#savingsWithMSP") {
var total = rollNumTotalCost(div, target);
rollNum("#costMinusMSP", total);
rollNum("#savingsWithMSP", total /*- somehow find the cost here*/)
content = 0;
var remainingChange = target - content;
if(remainingChange > 0)
function loopUp() {
var length = remainingChange.toString().length;
var incrementBy = 1;
//Find how far away we are from target
for(var i=0;i<length-1;i++)
incrementBy *= 10;
content += incrementBy;
remainingChange -= incrementBy;
$(div).val("$" + (content))
if(content === target)
else if(content > target) {
$(div).val("$" + (target));
setTimeout(loopUp, 60);
function loopDown() {
remainingChange = Math.abs(remainingChange);
var length = remainingChange.toString().length;
var decrementBy = 1;
//Find how far away we are from target
for(var i=0;i<length-1;i++)
decrementBy *= 10;
content -= decrementBy;
remainingChange -= decrementBy;
if(content < target) {
$(div).val("$" + (target));
//This ensures we won't promise our clients negative values.
if(content <= 0) {
$(div).val("$" + (content))
if(content === target)
setTimeout(loopDown, 60);
Strangely enough, adjusting another slider (that modifies an unrelated div) fixes the eternal decrement.
Things I have tried:
-Creating a boolean "running" that the function sets to true, then false before it returns. If running was true, then the function would wait until it was false to continue executing. This killed the browser or achieved maximum stack.
SomeKittens of years ago: You've learned a lot since you asked this, particularly about managing state & multiple events (not to mention how to properly ask a StackOverflow question). A simple answer would be something like this:
var rolling = false;
function rollNum(div, target) {
if (rolling) { return; }
rolling = true;
// Set rolling to false when done
That's all well and good but it ignores any events that are fired while we're rolling. The above won't adjust to changes on the slider made after the first adjustment, but before the numbers have finished rolling. Now, I (we?) would use Angular ($scope.$watch would come in handy here) but that didn't exist when you were working on this. Instead of passing a target number, why don't we check against the live value on the slider? (Note the use of vanilla JS, it's much faster).
var rollNum = function(textarea) {
var content = parseInt(textarea.value.substring(1), 10)
, target = parseInt(document.getElementById('sliderId').value, 10);
if (content === target) {
// Roll up/down logic
setTimeout(function() { rollNum(textarea); }, 60);
A few other misc changes:
Use brackets after if statements. Waaaay easier to debug
Don't forget the radix param in parseInt
Unfortunately, you didn't think to include a JSFiddle, so I can't provide a live demonstration.
