Handling events with new data before previous event has completed - javascript

This code takes two inputs: div, the div (actually a textbox) and target (a number). It'll then try and in/decrement the number in a pseudo-animated way. The problem is that I'm using jQuery sliders as one form of input, which can result in multiple calls before the first call finished. This isn't a problem unless the slider is quickly increased, and then decreased before the increase rollUp finishes, resulting in an eternal decrementing div. I can't figure out what's causing it. Thoughts?
function rollNum(div, target) {
var contentString = $(div).val();
content = parseInt(contentString.substring(1));
if(content === target)
else if(div !== "#costMinusMSP" && div !== "#savingsWithMSP") {
var total = rollNumTotalCost(div, target);
rollNum("#costMinusMSP", total);
rollNum("#savingsWithMSP", total /*- somehow find the cost here*/)
content = 0;
var remainingChange = target - content;
if(remainingChange > 0)
function loopUp() {
var length = remainingChange.toString().length;
var incrementBy = 1;
//Find how far away we are from target
for(var i=0;i<length-1;i++)
incrementBy *= 10;
content += incrementBy;
remainingChange -= incrementBy;
$(div).val("$" + (content))
if(content === target)
else if(content > target) {
$(div).val("$" + (target));
setTimeout(loopUp, 60);
function loopDown() {
remainingChange = Math.abs(remainingChange);
var length = remainingChange.toString().length;
var decrementBy = 1;
//Find how far away we are from target
for(var i=0;i<length-1;i++)
decrementBy *= 10;
content -= decrementBy;
remainingChange -= decrementBy;
if(content < target) {
$(div).val("$" + (target));
//This ensures we won't promise our clients negative values.
if(content <= 0) {
$(div).val("$" + (content))
if(content === target)
setTimeout(loopDown, 60);
Strangely enough, adjusting another slider (that modifies an unrelated div) fixes the eternal decrement.
Things I have tried:
-Creating a boolean "running" that the function sets to true, then false before it returns. If running was true, then the function would wait until it was false to continue executing. This killed the browser or achieved maximum stack.

SomeKittens of years ago: You've learned a lot since you asked this, particularly about managing state & multiple events (not to mention how to properly ask a StackOverflow question). A simple answer would be something like this:
var rolling = false;
function rollNum(div, target) {
if (rolling) { return; }
rolling = true;
// Set rolling to false when done
That's all well and good but it ignores any events that are fired while we're rolling. The above won't adjust to changes on the slider made after the first adjustment, but before the numbers have finished rolling. Now, I (we?) would use Angular ($scope.$watch would come in handy here) but that didn't exist when you were working on this. Instead of passing a target number, why don't we check against the live value on the slider? (Note the use of vanilla JS, it's much faster).
var rollNum = function(textarea) {
var content = parseInt(textarea.value.substring(1), 10)
, target = parseInt(document.getElementById('sliderId').value, 10);
if (content === target) {
// Roll up/down logic
setTimeout(function() { rollNum(textarea); }, 60);
A few other misc changes:
Use brackets after if statements. Waaaay easier to debug
Don't forget the radix param in parseInt
Unfortunately, you didn't think to include a JSFiddle, so I can't provide a live demonstration.


Javascript - if-statement with multiple numeric conditions doesn't work

I'm trying to make a simple program in javascript+html. If exp exceeds within a certain range/exceeds a certain number, the level displayed goes up by 1. I've tried to make it show onload, but the level doesn't change no matter what happens to the exp staying at the highest one I've written code for so far.
var exp6 = localStorage.exp6;
var pexp6 = parseInt(exp6);
function char6() {
res.innerHTML = res6;
var lsps = pexp6;
localStorage.setItem("lsp", lsps);
return PrUpdate();
var lsp = localStorage.lps;
function PrUpdate() {
if (lsp <= 999) {
lvl.innerHTML = 1;
else if (lsp >= 1000 && lsp <= 1999) {
lvl.innerHTML = 2;
else if (lsp >= 2000 && lsp <= 2999) {
lvl.innerHTML = 3;
else if (lsp >= 3000 && lsp <= 3999) {
lvl.innerHTML = 4;
else if (lsp >= 4000 && lsp <= 4999) {
lvl.innerHTML = 5;
I've also included the setChar() function in the window.onload of the page. I've tried including the function itself in it as well, but whether I add it at the end of the setChar() or in the window.onload the problem stays the same. All other functions work fine, it's just this part that doesn't. I'm also trying to make it generic to fit other 'accounts' I'm trying to make to save myself time. But I just can't make it work.
I've figured out why it didn't work, and it was cause I had my localStorage.lsp in the wrong place.
I'm trying to figure out now how to make it so I don't have to refresh the page to get it to appear.
[ Solved my issue :), if unclear by my edit above]
The way you are trying to access values from localstorage is incorrect. This is not valid: localstorage.exp6.
Instead try this: localstorage.getItem('exp6')
See the documentation of Web Storage API for more information

How can I load only one model at a time in three.js?

I am working on a program that adds items to a three.js scene, positioning them at coordinates based on how many items already exist in the scene. Currently, the problem I'm running into is that when the user chooses a "Work at Height", two people are added to the scene. These are two separate function calls, but when the scene finishes, both people are at the same coordinates. This also happens when the user clicks to add multiple people and does not wait for each to load.
Is there a way I can force my loading function to wait for the first object to finish loading so that it loads only one model at a time?
This mention of the LoadingManager got me thinking, and tried I to use that by saving the number of files loaded and total as variables, then comparing them in a while loop, but, as expected, that just slowed the scripts down so much that my browser wanted me to stop them.
// adds objects to the basket with the appropriate rotation
function createObjectBasket(filePath, scale, position, name, type) {
// Load in the object and add it to the scene.
var loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader(manager);
/*while (gl_itemsLoaded < gl_itemsTotal) {
loader.load( filePath, function(object, materials){
// rotate
object.rotation.x = - ((Math.PI / 2) - (Math.PI / 18));
object.rotation.y = - (Math.PI - (Math.PI / 5));
object.rotation.z = 0; //- (Math.PI / 120);
// scale
object.scale.set(scale, scale, scale);
// translate
object.position.set(position.x, position.y, position.z);
// set name for easy access
object.name = name;
// add to scene
if (type == "basket") {
// add to object array for easy access
else if (type == "person") {
// add to object array for easy access
else if (type == "tool") {
// add to object array for easy access
else if (type == "attachment") {
// add to object array for easy access
Where I'm having the issue, this code is called (indirectly) via the following two lines:
objectAddRemove("person", "CWM_A");
objectAddRemove("person", "CWM_B");
Which then execute this function that calls createObjectBasket:
// add/remove objects to/from basket on click
function objectAddRemove(type, objectName) {
// if adding items
if (addRemove == "add") {
// determine if there is still room to add more objects
var room = true;
// can have <= 3 people total, so if there are 3, can't add more
if ((type == "person") && basketContents["people"].length >= 3) {
room = false;
// no current restrictions on tools
/*else if ((type == "tool")) {
// can only have 1 of each attachment
else if ((type == "attachment") && (object[objectName]["contentsCount"] > 0)) {
room = false;
if (room == true) {
// if it's a person
if (type == "person") {
// if it's a man
if (objectName.indexOf("M") >= 0) {
// add model
createObjectBasket(("models/" + objectName + ".json"), 1.5, personCoordsMan[basketContents["people"].length + 1], objectName, "person");
// if it's a woman
else {
// add model
createObjectBasket(("models/" + objectName + ".json"), 1.5, personCoordsWoman[basketContents["people"].length + 1], objectName, "person");
// if it's a tool
else if (type == "tool") {
/*createObjectBasket(("models/" + objectName + ".json"), 1.5, toolCoords[basketContents["tools"].length + 1], objectName, "tool");*/
createObjectBasket(("models/" + objectName + ".json"), 1.5, toolCoords, objectName, "tool");
// if it's an attachment
else if (type == "attachment") {
createObjectBasket(("models/" + objectName + ".json"), .04, attachmentCoords[objectName], objectName, "attachment");
// increase count
object[objectName]["contentsCount"] += 1;
$('#' + objectName).children('.status').children('.checkMark').show();
// if removing items
else if (addRemove == "remove") {
// remove objects from arrays
if (type == "person") {
removeObjectArray("people", objectName);
// if person is found (and removed), rearrange all people to accommodate
if (itemFound == true) {
for (i = 0; i < basketContents["people"].length; ++i) {
if (basketContents["people"][i].name.indexOf("M") >= 0) {
basketContents["people"][i].position.set(personCoordsMan[i+1].x, personCoordsMan[i+1].y, personCoordsMan[i+1].z);
else {
basketContents["people"][i].position.set(personCoordsWoman[i+1].x, personCoordsWoman[i+1].y, personCoordsWoman[i+1].z);
else if (type == "tool") {
removeObjectArray("tools", objectName);
// if tool is found (and removed), rearrange all tools to accommodate
/*if (itemFound == true) {
else if (type == "attachment") {
removeObjectArray("attachments", objectName);
// if all objects of that id have been removed, hide remove x mark
if (object[objectName]["contentsCount"] <= 0) {
$('#' + objectName).children('.status').children('.xMark').hide();
// if, after removing, person/object count is now 0, no remaining items can be removed, so switch to add
if ((steps[currentStep] == "people") && (basketContents["people"].length <= 0)) {
else if ((steps[currentStep] == "objects") && ((basketContents["tools"].length + basketContents["attachments"].length) <= 0)) {
// if no remaining items can be removed on this page
else {
objectAddRemove is also called whenever a person clicks on an image representing the desired object, so I need a way to wait for models from previous clicks to load, also (in addition to models loaded automatically through the code).
To test/view further code, you can visit this link. Select a "Work at Height", weight unit, then skip to "Add Operators". It will show that two people are in the basket (checked) but only one is visible in the basket. If you click "Remove Items" then the visible person to remove the visible person, the hidden one will show.
Thank you so much!!!
Loading external data almost always happens asynchronously and therefore making sure one model is loaded after another requires handling the onLoad events.
I'm not sure if LoadingManager supports loading models one after another.
But you can implement a simple loading queue yourself. Something in the line of:
var myQueue = ['model1.dae', 'model2.dae'];
function loadFromQueue()
if (myQueue.length == 0) return;
// Takes the first name from array and remove it from the array
var name = myQueue.shift();
// Call the loader and provide an onLoad event handler
loader.load(name, function(model){
// Do what you need to do with the model,
// usually it's scene.add(model) and some transformations.
// Call the next item in the queue
Now this is a very crude queue and there are better ways to do it. But I'm using it the simplest demonstration how you can use the onLoad event handler to load models one after another.
I presume the next hurdle you'll hit will be how to pass some values to the event handler. Come back again then!
Thanks to the suggestion from #Matey, I ended up just using timeouts to prevent the objects from displaying on top of one another. I was hoping to avoid that, since the amount of time it takes can vary by model and environment, but that was the only thing that worked for the clicks. The load queue was also still loading the models on top of one another, and I decided since I was already risking the timeout, it would be easier to implement that than to fix it.
I added timeouts to my click event using the accepted answer here, and then just added a timeout to the second person I was adding:
objectAddRemove("person", "CWM_A");
// add second person on timeout so people don't appear on top of each other
setTimeout(function() {
objectAddRemove("person", "CWM_B");
That was the only place that automatically added objects needed some delay, so hopefully that does it. I'm just a little concerned with how it will function across different machines.
I actually ended up getting around this by taking a different approach - I needed variables to keep track of the objects, so I checked whether objects had been loaded based on the variable values (which were set quickly) rather than the number of three.js objects (which took much longer to load). This worked much, much better and is more reliable across systems than using a timeout.

While loop and setInterval()

I am trying to mix the initial string and randomly compare the string's elements with the right elements on the right indexes, and if true push them into a set, to reconstruct the initial string. Doing this I met the problem that while loop does nothing just crushng the browser. Help me out with this.
function checker() {
var text = document.getElementById("inp").value;
var a = [];
var i = 0;
while (a.length < text.length) {
var int = setInterval((function() {
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * text.length);
if (text[rnd] === text[i]) {
}), 100)
P.S. I need the setInterval() function because I need the process to happen in exactly the same periods of time.
So, you stumbled into the pitfall most people hit at some point when they get in touch with asynchronous programming.
You cannot "wait" for an timeout/interval to finish - trying to do so would not work or block the whole page/browser. Any code that should run after the delay needs to be called from the callback you passed to setInterval when it's "done".
In my answer its doing exactly what you want - creating exactly the same string by randomly mixing the initial, and also using setInterval. You didn't write where you want the result, so you have it written in the console and also in another input field with id output_string.
<input id="input_string" value="some_text" />
<input id="output_string" value="" readonly="readonly" />
function checker() {
var text = document.getElementById("input_string").value;
var result = '';
// split your input string to array
text = text.split('');
var int = setInterval((function() {
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * text.length);
// add random character from input string (array) to the result
result += text[rnd];
// remove used element from the input array
text.splice(rnd, 1);
// if all characters were used
if (text.length === 0) {
document.getElementById("output_string").value = result;
}), 100);
Honestly, I have no idea what you are trying to do here, but you seem to have lost track of how your code is operating exactly.
All your while loop does, is creating the interval, which is ran asynchronous from the loop itself.
In other words, the only way your while condition equates to false, is after multiple 100ms intervals have elapsed. 100 miliseconds is an eternity when comparing it to the speed of 1 loop iteration. We're looking at 1000s of iterations before your first setInterval even triggers, not something a browser can keep up with, let alone wait several of these intervals before you change a.length.
Try more like this:
function checker() {
var text = document.getElementById("inp").value;
var a = [];
var i = 0;
// start to do a check every 100ms.
var interv = setInterval(function() {
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * text.length);
if (text[rnd] === text[i]) {
// at the end of each call, see if a is long enough yet
if(a.length > text.length){
clearInterval(interv); // if so, stop this interval from running
alert(a); // and do whatever you need to in the UI.
}, 100);

Javascript easing not animating

Trying to implement simple easing in javascript (without jQuery) but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any animation when the button is clicked (see below).
My goal is to get the hidden list item (the last item) visible by tweening the first item's margin left property. I know it isn't a CSS issue because manually modifying the style moves the list, but I'm not sure what the issue is. My guess is with how I'm calling the ease function but changing the params still wasn't working for me.
The easing part is below, entire code is here: Fiddle
var start = document.getElementById('start'),
list = document.getElementById('my-list'),
imgs = list.getElementsByTagName('img'),
last_img = imgs[imgs.length -1 ];
ease = function(t, b, c, d) {
if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t + b;
return -c/2 * ((--t)*(t-2) - 1) + b;
shift_imgs = function(el) {
var orig_value = parseFloat( el.style.marginLeft ),
end_value = -37,
change = Math.abs( end_value - orig_value ),
duration = 1, // 1 second
time = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < change; i++ ) {
setTimeout(function() {
el.style.marginLeft = ( parseFloat( el.style.marginLeft ) + 1 ) + 'px';
}, time);
time = ease(time, orig_value, change, duration);
start.onclick = function() {
Your orig_value is NaN as parseFloat(el.style.marginLeft) returns nothing, even if you set an initial value in the css. i.e: margin-left: 15px; still will return nothing.
You can use window.getComputedStyle(...).getPropertyValue, similar to this:
window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue("margin-left");
This will give you the actual current value along with the px, i.e: 0px.
(It always return the value in px even if set in CSS as em or pt)
So you need to remove the px and the get the float value.
You can wrap this into a little helper similar to this:
getElementMarginLeftAsFloat = function (el) {
var pxValue = window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue("margin-left");
var valueOnly = pxValue.substring(0, pxValue.length - 2);
return parseFloat(valueOnly);
Another issue is that the moving of the actual element occurs within setTimeout executed inside a loop. The loop which calls setTimeout, causes each setTimeout to be queued nearly simultaneously, hence they all execute close to the same time, causing the element to just jump.
You can use a recursive sub-method inside your method which uses setTimeout to call itself until it is done. That way each setTimeout is triggered only after the specified interval, causing them to be executed close enough apart to the specified interval, similar to this:
shift_imgs = function (el) {
var orig_value = getElementMarginLeftAsFloat(el),
end_value = -37,
change = Math.abs(end_value - orig_value),
duration = 1, // 1 second
time = 0;
function doShift() {
currentValue = getElementMarginLeftAsFloat(el);
if(currentValue+1 > change){
el.style.marginLeft = (currentValue + 1) + 'px';
time = ease(time, orig_value, change, duration);
setTimeout(doShift, time);
By having the setTimeout function call itself, it releases the resources, ensuring the drawing of the element can occur between each "iteration".
I updated your code to use this approach and it seems to work now.
DEMO - animating movement using computed style
You can most likely do this many other ways and also prettify this code for sure but but this should get you started either way.

Problems using setInterval and clearInterval more than once

I'm getting confused with what's happening here. The quiz works fine the first time. After the first play, though, I get all sorts of problems. I want to click the same button,"#start2", to start and also restart the quiz, ie clear the timer, put all variables back to 0 etc, and display the first question. As if the page had been refreshed, basically.
Instead, I'm getting faster ticking, the timer is incrementing on correct guess and so on. Horrible.
I've used modulo to measure how many times the "#start2" div is clicked. On first click, start timer. On second click - I want to reset the timer. Third click - start timer, and so on.
Any help is massively appreciated.
var n = 0;
var x = 0;
var p = 0;
var incTime;
function a(n) {
var x,y,z;
x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 3))
if(x == 0){y = 1; z = 2}else if(x == 1){y = 0; z = 2}else{y = 0; z = 1}
$(".answer_holder2").eq(x).text(questions[n].a).data('answer', 'a');
$(".answer_holder2").eq(y).text(questions[n].b).data('answer', 'b');
$(".answer_holder2").eq(z).text(questions[n].c).data('answer', 'c');
$(document).ready(function() {
//timing element
function startTimer(x){
var setTimer;
//if it's been clicked before
if(p%2 === 0){
n = 0;
x = 0;
}else if(p%2 !== 0){
//never been clicked before
setTimer = setInterval(function(){startTimer(x=x+1)}, 1000);
$('.answer_holder2').click(function() {
//correct answer given
if ($(this).data('answer') === 'a') {
if (n < questions.length) {
} else {
alert("End of quiz!");
$("#start2").text("You took " + x + " seconds, you answered " + n + " questions correctly, with - incorrect answers given.");
x = 0;
n = 0;
//incorrect answer given
var timeString = $("#start2").text();
var incTime = (timeString * 1) + 5;
x = incTime;
You have this:
var setTimer;
//if it's been clicked before
if(p%2 === 0){
In this case, when you set to the clearInterval line, setTimer will always be 0, and not the id of a running timer. So this is not actually stopping any timer. If you don't stop the timer it will continue to run. So the function here:
setTimer = setInterval(function(){startTimer(x=x+1)}, 1000);
Will continue to run. So the next time you create a timer, you now have two timers updating x and it'll look like it's running faster.
Try this:
$(document).ready(function() {
var setTimer;
// the rest of your click handler code...
//timing element
function startTimer(x){
Your setTimer variable needs to exist in a scope outside of your click handler. As you had it you were declaring a new variable every time so when you try and clear the timer, you are not actually clearing the timer.
Also: freakish's point about how you are reattaching the click handler is also a problem. You need to fix that too.
The answer is that bad things happen because of this:
// some code...
$('.answer_holder2').click(function() {
// some code...
When you click on #start2 new handler is attached to .answer_holder2. So after for example 3 clicks, .answer_holder2 has 3 handlers attached to it and when you click on it all 3 fire.
You're code is a bit complicated and I'm not going to give you a solution how to fix that. But I can give you a hint. Put inner .click outside of outer .click. You will have to change some code probably, but that has to be done.
EDIT What you could try ( as a fast fix, but not necessarly good ) is adding this:
$('.answer_holder2').off( "click" ).click(function() {
Additonally have a look at Matt's answer.
