How to dynamically update drop-down list options with values in a server-generated array - javascript

I have a web form with two drop-down boxes, and I'm looking for a way to dynamically update the options of the second box based on selections from the first.
The first box represents a data type, and the second box is a list of databases associated with the selected type.
I have the basic code running smoothly here:
var TypeA_DbSuffixList = ['Test1', 'Test2', 'Test3'];
var TypeB_DbSuffixList = ['TestA', 'TestB', 'TestC'];
function fill_dbSuffixList(){
document.getElementById("dbSuffixList").options.length = 0;
var suffixMenu = document.getElementById("dbSuffixList");
var dataFormat = document.getElementById("dataFormatType");
var suffixList = dataFormat.value + "dbSuffixList";
if (suffixList == 'TypeA_dbSuffixList') {
for(index in TypeA_dbSuffixList) {
suffixMenu.options[suffixMenu.options.length] = new Option(TypeA_dbSuffixList[index], index);
if (suffixList == 'TypeB_dbSuffixList') {
for(index in TypeB_dbSuffixList) {
suffixMenu.options[suffixMenu.options.length] = new Option(TypeB_dbSuffixList[index], index);
That code (activated whenever a selection is made in the dataType box) clears the existing list of options and repopulates the list based on the selected value of the "dataFormatType" box.
The problem that I face is that the actual lists of database tables are not hard coded and are instead generated with the following calls to the server to avoid repetitive editing of the page every time a new database is added:
var TypeA_dbSuffixList = ${TypeA_dbSuffixList};
var TypeB_dbSuffixList = ${TypeB_dbSuffixList};
These calls return the following code:
var TypeA_dbSuffixList = [Test1, Test2, Test3];
var TypeB_dbSuffixList = [TestA, TestB, TestC];
With the above code, the initial function treats each entry in the type arrays as an undefined variable, and nothing is ever written to the drop-down list.
If I were to add
var Test1 = "Apple";
var Test2 = "Orange";
var Test3 = "Grape";
prior to the "for" loop for TypeA, then selecting TypeA from the dataType drop-down list returns "Apple", "Orange", and "Grape" as the available databases for TypeA.
Visually, I see what needs to be changed. The [Test1, Test2, Test3] returns need to be ['Test1', 'Test2', 'Test3']. I'm just unsure exactly how to go about changing it, and have exhausted every web search I can think of.
Is there a way to either change the format of the returned arrays, or use the existing format and pass variable names as drop-down selections instead of using variable values?
Any help is greatly appreciated. I will continue to search for an answer on my own as well and will post it here should I find one.

I think the cleanest solution would be to change the code on the server-side to generate a proper JavaScript array of Strings, with the values enclosed in single or double quotes.
If that's not possible for some reason, and you want a pure-JavaScript solution, then I suggest you wrap the entire JSP/ASP/PHP variable (not sure what framework you're using) in double quotes, strip the string of brackets and spaces using a regex, and then split it into a string array using the comma as a delimiter.
So in your JavaScript, this:
var TypeA_dbSuffixList = ${TypeA_dbSuffixList};
would become this:
var TypeA_dbSuffixList = "${TypeA_dbSuffixList}".replace(/[\[\]\s]/g,"").split(",");

I think the best way to convert data in a server side language into something to be used in JavaScript is to JSON encode your objects.
I'm not sure what language your using on the server, but in PHP you can do the following
var arr = <?php echo json_encode( array ('abc', 'def', 'ghi') ); ?> ;
And your output will be
var arr = ['abc', 'def', 'ghi'] ;
This will make sure that strings with embedded new lines, tabs, quotes are properly escaped.
You said you're using JSP but the code you have looks more like velocity or free marker inside JSP. In JSP you could use the following, provided you download Gson
var TypeA_dbSuffixList = <%= new Gson().toJson(TypeA_dbSuffixList) %>;


giving a different value to a variable on each different value from a JavaScript array

I have a JS array with more than a million entries.
I want JavaScript to assign a specific color to flag on every different value from the array
say that my Array contains this:
var foo = new Array([10,20,30,40,50,36,60,70,80,90,100]);
It is worth knowing that my array contains 58 different values.
I am trying to do something like this:
if (foo.every(10)) flag = "red";
if (foo.every(20)) flag = "yellow";
I need a way to do it for all the values in the array without having to repeat the line above 58 times.
note that I know that the flag will be overridden and the flag in my code is unique for every different value.
Also note that the array is imported as JSON data from a MySQL table using PHP, so any PHP approaches to this problem will also be appreciated.
Easy JS solution:
var numberToColorDictionary = {
10: "red",
20: "yellow"
// After this runs, 'flags' should contain all the right flags.
var flags = {
return numberToColorDictionary[number];
Although, this does sound like you're querying your database wrong. If the numbers are ids from MySQL, you should use join to get the correct flags.
And by the way, you don't need the new Array syntax. just do:
var foo = [10,20,30,40,50,36,60,70,80,90,100];

How can I treat an imported value like an array?

I'm trying to generate a google form that has a few hundred options in a drop down.
I have all the name values in a single cell formatted as follows:
It is set as in the code as follows:
var studentNames = SpreadsheetApp.openById('REDACTED').getSheetByName('Student List').getRange(3,3).getValues();
When I use this variable as shown below it treats it all as a singe value instead of an array.
Any help in where to go from here?
is it a string of words with single quotes and a comma to separate them? if so, you can just do a split on the comma
var s = data
var arr = s.split(",");
and now you will have an array of strings. not sure if this answers your question.
Thanks everyone for getting me pointed in the right direction.
Turns out split was just part of the answer, I had to turn it into a string first.
getValues() returns an object, so you need to interact with it to get the string of values for your array.
Given you are selecting just one cell and so don't need to iterate through the object, try something like this:
var studentNamesObj = SpreadsheetApp.openById('REDACTED').getSheetByName('Student List').getRange(3,3).getValues();
var studentNames = studentNamesObj[0][0].split(",");

matching content of a file

I´m having a problem with a javascript function.
The idea is read the content of a file with javascript. Everything is working ok, I can see the content of the file, just now I want to organize the content.
And what I meant with organize is:
My file have a lot of strings, for example: tel#01234567#tel tel#01456789#tel dept#level1#dept dept#level4#dept.....
And everything is a line of strings, and at the end is that all what I see...
My goal is, when I read the file, at the end it have to show something like this:
Tel: 01234567
Dept: Level1
There is a way to have something like that?
function loaded(evt)
// Obtain the read file data
var fileString =;
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = fileString;
So basically your file has attributes and data for the respective attribute surrounded by the attribute name + #?
The easiest thing would be to have the file in a common format for data, e.q. JSON. Then you could just use the attributes from the object you get by JSON.parse();
However, if you cannot change the file structure you will have to programm something that splits your string into the desired parts and creates an object out of the attributes to work with.
For the string you presented you could do one string.split(" ") to get every attribute singled out, resulting in an array like this:
Array [ "tel#01234567#tel", "tel#01456789#tel", "dept#level1#dept", "dept#level4#dept" ]
Afterwards you can iterate over the array and string.split("#") again for each element which gives you this:
Array [ "tel", "01234567", "tel" ]
Then you can use the first index of the array as attribute name and the second one as its data. You could put that into an object and afterwards refer from the attribute straight to the data:
var string = "tel#01234567#tel tel#01456789#tel dept#level1#dept dept#level4#dept";
var array = string.split(" ");
var dataObject = {};
for(var i in array){
var element = array[i].split("#");
dataObject[element[0]] = [element[1]];
In the end you have an object that has all the attributes as its properties and the corresponding data stored in an array for each property. With that you should be able to work right? :)
When you read the file in you could use JS split to separate the content based on the delimiters.
Check it out here:

Pushing info from a form into one of several JS arrays based on class names

I'm trying to sort data taken from a form and insert it into different arrays based on class assignments in the form. I am new to jquery and JS so this could be totally off base but here's what I'm trying to do:
<input type="text" id="word1" class="noun">Noun
and the scripts:
var noun = [];
// code that cycles through the form cut out.....
// here is the trouble spot:
var thing = $(this).val();
var whichArray = $(this).attr('class');
Now if console.log the values everything looks good - I get the right info in both thing and whichArray but that push() command doesn't work.
I think the problem is that whichArray is a String, not an Array. You need to actually retrieve the array named whichArray. So you could modify your code thus:
var arrays = {};
arrays["noun"] = noun;
// your code here, then:

How do I use #DbLookup results to populate a Readers field in xpages?

db = new Array("myserver", "myfolder\\mydb.nsf")
dir = getComponent("Dir").value;
div = getComponent("Div").value;
lu = #DbLookup(db, "ManagerAccess", dir + "PP" + div, "DTManagers");
var a = [];
var item:NotesItem = docBackEnd.replaceItemValue('FormReaders', #Unique(a));
That code is on the querySaveDocument ssjs. The result I get from the #DbLookup (when I put in a computed field) look like this:
Pedro Martinez,Manny Ramirez,David Ortiz,Terry Francona
I tried doing an #Explode(#Implode) thing on it, but it doesn't seem to work.
The error I get in the browser just tells me that the replaceItemValue line is broken.
To test it, I pushed several strings one at a time, and it worked correctly populating my FormReaders field with the multiple entries.
What am I doing wrong?
I see several problems here:
A. In cases as described by you #Dblookup in fact would return an array. If you push an array into a plain computedField control it will exactly look as that you wrote:
value1, value2, ..., valueN
A computedField doesn't know anything about multiple values etc, it just can display strings, or data that can be converted to strings.
If you want to test the return value you could try to return something like lu[0]; you then should receive the array's 1st element, or a runtime error, if lu is NOT an array. Or you could ask for the array's size using lu.length. That returns the number of array elements, or the number of characters if it's just a plain string.
B. your code contains these two lines:
var a = [];
By that you create an empty array, then push lu[] to the first element of a[]. The result is something like this:
a[0] = [value1, value2, ..., valueN],
i.e. a is an array where the first element contains another array. Since you don't want that, just use #Unique(lu) in your replaceItemValue-method.
C. I don't see why replaceItemValue would throw an error here, apart from what I wrote in topic B. Give it a try by writing lu directly to the item (first without #Unique). That should work.
D. for completeness: in the first line you used "new Array". A much better way to define your db parameters is
var db = ["myserver", "myfolder/mydb.nsf"];
(see Tim Tripcony's comment in your recent question, or see his blog entry at
