how do you repeat a process multiple times with java script - javascript

I have found the following code and I was wondering how can I repeat this code 9 times before changing the newPage. What i am doing right now is making 10 html documents and i change newPage to page2.html, page3.html ,page4.html so after the count done it changes and eventually cycles through all these html documents. I want to keep it to only 2 documents. index.html with this code and end.html. index ill perform this code 9 times then change to end.html. Can anyone help?
var startTime = 45;
var newPage = "page2.html";
function countDown() {
document.getElementById("counter_display").innerHTML = startTime;
if (startTime == 0) {
window.location = newPage;
function gett(id) {
if (document.getElementById) {
return document.getElementById(id);
if (document.all) {
if (document.layers) {
if (window.opera) {
function watchNow() {
if (gett('counter_display')) {
setInterval(countDown, 1000);
gett("counter_display").innerHTML = startTime;
} else {
setTimeout(watchNow, 50);
document.onload = watchNow();
<p><b id="counter_display"></b></p>
<iframe frameborder="no" height="735" src="" width="385"></iframe>

If you were loading the contents of the other pages with AJAX into the current page in a frame then you could replace the last line with:
document.onload = function () {
for (var i= 1; i < 10; i++) {
newPage = "page"+i+".html";
But as to how you do the first bit, I'll need more information about what the overal pages does etc.


JS random order showing divs delay issue

I got function within JS which is supposed to show random order divs on btn click.
However once the btn is clicked user got to wait for initial 10 seconds ( which is set by: setInterval(showQuotes, 10000) ) for divs to start showing in random order which is not ideal for me.
var todo = null;
var div_number;
var used_numbers;
function showrandomdivsevery10seconds() {
div_number = 1;
used_numbers = new Array();
if (todo == null) {
todo = setInterval(showQuotes, 10000);
$('#stop-showing-divs').css("display", "block");
function showQuotes() {
used_numbers.splice(0, used_numbers.length);
for (var inc = 0; inc < div_number; inc++) {
var random = get_random_number();
$('.container:eq(' + random + ')').show();
function get_random_number() {
var number = randomFromTo(0, 100);
if ($.inArray(number, used_numbers) != -1) {
return get_random_number();
} else {
return number;
function randomFromTo(from, to) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (to - from + 1) + from);
Question: How to alter the code so upon the btn click divs will start showing right away without initial waiting for 10 seconds? (take in mind I want to keep any further delay of 10 seconds in between of each div being shown)
Thank you.
Call it when you begin the interval
todo = setInterval((showQuotes(),showQuotes), 10000);

Starting timer when clicking first card of memory game

Ok I am trying to wrap up a project and the only thing holding me back is it that they call for the timer to start on clicking a match game. The timer starts when the HTML file loads which is not what the project wants and I have tried some methods but ends up freezing the game. I want the timer to be able to start when clicking a card.
var open = [];
var matched = 0;
var moveCounter = 0;
var numStars = 3;
var timer = {
seconds: 0,
minutes: 0,
clearTime: -1
//Start timer
var startTimer = function () {
if (timer.seconds === 59) {
timer.seconds = 0;
} else {
// Ensure that single digit seconds are preceded with a 0
var formattedSec = "0";
if (timer.seconds < 10) {
formattedSec += timer.seconds
} else {
formattedSec = String(timer.seconds);
var time = String(timer.minutes) + ":" + formattedSec;
This is the code for clicking on a card. I have tried to include a startTimer code into this but doesn't work.
var onClick = function() {
if (isValid( $(this) )) {
if (open.length === 0) {
openCard( $(this) );
} else if (open.length === 1) {
openCard( $(this) );
if (checkMatch()) {
setTimeout(setMatch, 300);
} else {
setTimeout(resetOpen, 700);
And this class code I use for my HTML file
<span class="timer">0:00</span>
Try this:
All you needed to do was remove resetTimer() call from the function that happens on page load and then just do a check in the onClick (of card) to see if the timer has started yet. timer.seconds == 0 && timer.minutes == 0.

JS countdown timer - Pause function

Here's a simple countdown timer that counts from 9 down to 0.
The countdown works fine. But what if I want to pause it mid-flow and then restart from where it was paused?
I have tried (see code below) to interrupt the countdown, save the number it was at, and then restart the function from the new number. But the countdown goes haywire, and I can't see why. Any ideas?
PS. I could cut and paste a timer from elsewhere, but I'm doing this for the learning experience. I'm sure there are better ways to code a countdown timer in JS, but it's bugging me that I can't make THIS way work and think I must be missing something obvious.
Many thanks
var currentTimeInt = 10;
var minn = [];
var stop = 0;
// stop
function stopCounter() {
currentTime = document.getElementById('mins').textContent; // grabs the number of minutes at moment of pause.
stop = 1;
// restart
function restart() {
stop = 0;
currentTimeInt = parseInt(currentTime, 10); // converts that number into an integer we can use
newMinutes(); // restarts the newMinutes function with the start time currentTimeInt set to the time the counter stopped at
function newMinutes() {
document.getElementById('mins').innerHTML= currentTimeInt; // displays the counter
for (aa = currentTimeInt-1; aa >= 0; aa--) {
minn.push(aa); // builds an array of numbers in descending order
document.getElementById('mins').innerHTML= minn[aa];
for (let bb=1; bb<=currentTimeInt; bb++) {
if (bb<currentTimeInt) {
setTimeout( function timer(){
if (stop == 0) { // checks if "stop!" has been clicked and returns false to stop the function if that is the case
document.getElementById('mins').innerHTML= minn[bb];
else {return false;}
}, bb*1000 );
console.log(currentTimeInt + " the end");
<span>Minutes: </span><span id= "mins"></span>
<button onclick="newMinutes()">Go!</button>
<button onclick="stopCounter()">Stop!</button>
<button onclick="restart()">Reset!</button>
You may try this as an example:
var timerId;
var counter;
function start() {
if (!counter) {
} else {
function pause() {
if (timerId) {
timerId = null;
function reset() {
counter = 10;
function loop() {
timerId = setInterval(function() {
if (0 >= counter) {
console.log('counter', counter);
}, 500);
<button onclick='start();'>Start</button>
<button onclick='pause();'>Pause</button>
<button onclick='reset();'>Reset</button>
Here is my little Countdown with START, PAUSE, RESUME, STOP & RESET features:
var jqcd_start_id = 'input#jqcd_start';
var jqcd_time_id = 'input#jqcd_time';
var jqcd_count_id = 'span#jqcd_count';
var jqcd_end_message = 'Time is up!';
var jqcd_countdown = '';
var jqcd_status = 'stopped';
var jqcd_current = '';
function jqcd(action){
if (action == 'start') {
if (jqcd_status == 'stopped') {
jqcd_updtv(jqcd_start_id, 'Pause');
jqcd_status = 'running';
jqcd_current = jqcd_countdown;
jqcd_updtt(jqcd_count_id, jqcd_countdown);
else if (jqcd_status == 'running') {
jqcd_updtv(jqcd_start_id, 'Resume');
jqcd_status = 'paused';
else if (jqcd_status == 'paused') {
jqcd_updtv(jqcd_start_id, 'Pause');
jqcd_status = 'running';
else if (action == 'stop') {
jqcd_updtv(jqcd_start_id, 'Start');
jqcd_status = 'stopped';
jqcd_updtt(jqcd_count_id, jqcd_end_message);
else if (action == 'reset') {
jqcd_updtv(jqcd_start_id, 'Start');
jqcd_status = 'stopped';
jqcd_updtt(jqcd_count_id, jqcd_countdown);
var a = jqcd_current.split(":");
var m = a[0];
var s = (a[1] - 1);
if (s < 0) {
if (parseInt(m) == 0) {
jqcd_updtv(jqcd_start_id, 'Start');
jqcd_status = 'stopped';
jqcd_updtt(jqcd_count_id, jqcd_end_message);
else {
m = m - 1;
s = 59;
if(s >= 0){
if (jqcd_status == 'running') {
m = (parseInt(m) < 10)? "0" + parseInt(m): m;
s = (parseInt(s) < 10)? "0" + parseInt(s): s;
jqcd_updtt(jqcd_count_id, m + ":" + s);
jqcd_current = m + ":" + s;
}, 1000);
function jqcd_updtv(selector, value) {
if (selector != '') {
function jqcd_updtt(selector, value) {
if (selector != '') {
$(document).ready(function() {
jqcd_countdown = $(jqcd_time_id).val();
jqcd_updtt(jqcd_count_id, jqcd_countdown);
$(jqcd_time_id).keyup(function() {
jqcd_countdown = $(jqcd_time_id).val();
jqcd_updtt(jqcd_count_id, jqcd_countdown);
jqcd_updtv(jqcd_start_id, 'Start');
jqcd_status = 'stopped';
span#jqcd_count {
font-size: 20pt;
font-weight: bold;
input#jqcd_reset {
font-size: 12pt;
font-weight: bold;
input#jqcd_reset {
width: 100px;
span#jqcd_count {
font-family: "Lucida Console", Monaco, "Courier New", Courier, monospace !IMPORTANT;
<script src=""></script>
<span id="jqcd_count">00:30</span><br><br>
<input type="button" id="jqcd_start" value="Start" onClick="jqcd('start')" />
<input type="button" id="jqcd_stop" value="Stop" onClick="jqcd('stop')" />
<input type="button" id="jqcd_reset" value="Reset" onClick="jqcd('reset')" /><br><br>
<input type="text" id="jqcd_time" value="00:10" />
It is pretty simple to customize. The first four variables in the JavaScript code can be adapted to work with your specific HTML.
If you want an action to take place every second, add your lines of code inside of the "jqcd_updtt" function.
The CSS is completely optional, of course.
The Countdown start time is set dynamically by altering the value in the "jqcd_time" field. If, however, you want to set a static value for the Countdown starting point, you can alter the variables inside the "$(document).ready(function() {" function at the end of the JavaScript code.
This Countdown has no maximum limit for minutes or seconds
What about keeping it KISS!
let i = 9,j
function chrono(){
if (i>=0){
now.innerText = i--
<h1><div id="now">⏰ Ready!</div>
<button onclick="setInterval(function(){ chrono() }, 1000);'none'">Start</button>
<button onclick="i=10">Reset</button>
<button onclick="j=i;i=-1">Pause</button>
<button onclick="i=j">Continue</button>
This is the most basic example ready to be expanded, mostly there is no clearInterval.
The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept
simple rather than made complicated; therefore simplicity should be a
key goal in design and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.
Therefore, js incrementation and setInterval seems easy but they hide complex things.
An other approach using that provide an accurate unix timestamp based on the system clock, and the web audio api for beeping.
i =;j=i+10000;z.innerText="Target #"+j
function d(){
if(now.innerText < j){
now.innerText =
if(now.innerText > j){
now.innerHTML = "<b>TIME TRAVEL COMPLETE!</b>"
setInterval(function(){ d() }, 100)
a=new AudioContext()
function k(w,x,y){
EPOCH: <out id="now"></out><h6 id="z">
The first issue here is that currentTime isn't globally defined, so it can't be accessed from within restart. Just put var currentTime; at the start of your file.
But you have another serious breaking issue in that you're using setTimeout in a really awkward way. You're creating multiple timeouts all at once and giving them a delay based on their relation tocurrentTimeInt. This has two problems. For one the use of two for loops isn't very efficient and also seems redundant as your inner for loop is just going to count up to the currentTimeInt anyway.
Secondly, you never clear (and probably won't be able to clear) the timeouts. That means when you restart your timer after pausing if any timeouts hadn't yet been fired, then your program will run those and make the minutes jump back and forth between the old timeouts and the new ones you create after unpausing.
I know in your comment you said you wanted to get this to work because you basically did the whole thing yourself, but it may not be worth continuing down this road. After looking at it some I think fixing your program would require it to be restructured, or else require it to be hacked in a way that makes it pretty inefficient. And if you're someone who's just learning Javascript, it's probably better to just start over and do it the right way anyway.
Below is an example of a better way using setInterval rather than setTimeout, but feel free to just try and figure it out on your own.
(There are ways you can improve the functionality of the code below, but it should be enough to get you the general idea)
var startTimeInt = 10;
var currentTimeInt = startTimeInt;
var interval = undefined;
// start the timer
function startCounter() {
document.getElementById('mins').innerHTML = currentTimeInt;
interval = setInterval(newNumber, 1000) // set an interval
// stop
function stopCounter() {
// clear the interval
interval = undefined;
// reset the timer
function resetCounter(){
currentTimeInt = startTimeInt;
document.getElementById('mins').innerHTML = currentTimeInt;
//stopCounter(); startCounter();
// change the time and handle end of time event
function newNumber(){
currentTimeInt--; // decrement the current time
document.getElementById('mins').innerHTML = currentTimeInt;
if(currentTimeInt == 0){
<span>Minutes: </span><span id= "mins"></span>
<button onclick="startCounter()">Go!</button>
<button onclick="stopCounter()">Stop!</button>
<button onclick="resetCounter()">Reset!</button>
Here is a working Snippet..
var paused = false;
var started = false;
var stopped = true;
var currentCount = 0;
var running = false;
interval = 1000;
maxCount = 10;
function start() {
if (stopped){
started = true;
paused= false;
stopped = false;
currentCount = maxCount;
loop(); running = true;
paused= false;
function pause() {
paused= true;
function stop(){
paused = false;
started = false;
stopped = true;
running = false;
currentCount = 0;
function update(item){
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = item;
if(currentCount < 0){stop()}
function reset() {
currentCount = maxCount;
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = currentCount;
function loop(){
if (!stopped){
if (!paused){update(currentCount);}
setTimeout(function(){loop()}, interval)
<button onclick='start();'>Start</button>
<button onclick='pause();'>Pause</button>
<button onclick='reset();'>Reset</button>
<button onclick='stop();'>Stop</button>
<div id="status"></div>
for anyone who want to re-use the code, simply change the value of timer and the render function to fit your project
var timer= 10;
var intervalID
// pause/stop
function stopTimer() {
intervalID= null;
// restart
function restart() {
timer= 10;
// Go(); //Optional
// start/resume
function Go() {
//if interval already created previously, exit function
intervalID = setInterval(
() => {
if(timer< 1){
//escape from interval so that counter dont go below 0
return stopTimer();
}, 1000); //1000 milisecond == 1 second
function render(){
// it is ok to run render redundantly as it does not mutate the data
// feel free to change this to fit your needs
render() //render once on load
<span>Minutes: </span><span id= "mins"></span>
<button onclick="Go()">Go!</button>
<button onclick="stopTimer()">Stop!</button>
<button onclick="restart()">Reset!</button>

Javascript countdown timer to change image and link

Apologies in advance for being somewhat out of my depth here.
I am trying to use a JavaScript countdown timer on an ASP page to do the following - every sixty seconds after the a page loads, an image-based link will switch between one of five image/link combinations.
I've done something somewhat wrong here, and I can't find the problem. It never runs.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
The images are named the following:
1_AdvoImg.gif 2_AdvoImg.gif 3_AdvoImg.gif 4_AdvoImg.gif 5_AdvoImg.gif
The urls are the following:
linkone.html linktwo.html linkthree.html linkfour.html linkfive.html
The html encapsulating the link is this:
<a id='AdvoLink' href='../'><img id='AdvoImg' src='' border="0"></a>
The javascript is this:
<script language="javascript">
function startTimer(duration) {
var timer = duration, seconds, imgprefix, imgname, linkurl;
imgprefix = 1;
setInterval(function () {
seconds = parseInt(timer % 60, 10);
imgname = imgprefix.concat("_AdvoImg.gif");
if (imgprefix == 1) {
linkurl = "linkone.html";
if (imgprefix == 2) {
linkurl = "linktwo.html";
if (imgprefix == 3) {
linkurl = "linkthree.html";
if (imgprefix == 4) {
linkurl = "linkfour.html";
if (imgprefix == 5) {
linkurl = "linkfive.html";
if (--timer <= 0) {
document.getElementById("AdvoLink").href = "";
document.getElementById("AdvoImg").src = imgname;
timer = duration;
}, 5);
window.onload = function () {
You are trying to build a timer inside a timer there.
Try keeping it as simple as possible.
What you actually need is just:
window.onload = function () {
setInterval(function () {
//your url changing magic here - without the timer stuff
}, 60000);
With this, your magic code should trigger every 60000 milliseconds => 60s => 1minute.
You could actually kinda "debug" it by using console.log() inside your loop.
dunno what you were using var seconds for so I removed it
edited to stop image number going over 5, change if loop to whatever number you need
function startTimer(duration) {
var timer = duration;var seconds;var imgprefix;var imgname;var linkurl;
imgprefix = 1;
setInterval(function() {
imgname = imgprefix+"_AdvoImg.gif";
if (imgprefix == 1) {
linkurl = "linkone.html";
if (imgprefix == 2) {
linkurl = "linktwo.html";
if (imgprefix == 3) {
linkurl = "linkthree.html";
if (imgprefix == 4) {
linkurl = "linkfour.html";
if (imgprefix == 5) {
linkurl = "linkfive.html";
if (timer <= 0) {
document.getElementById("AdvoLink").href = linkurl;
document.getElementById("AdvoImg").src = imgname;
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "image src = "+imgname+" and href = "+linkurl;
if(imgprefix < 5){++imgprefix;}else{imgprefix =1;}
timer = duration;
}, 200//speed up and slow down here, in milliseconds
window.onload = function () {
<a id='AdvoLink' href='../'><img id='AdvoImg' src='' border="0"></a>
<div id="timer"> </div>
<div id='result'> </div>

Timer based redirect problem using window.location

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var theBar = createProgressBar(document.getElementById('progress-bar'));
var value;
function resetValue() {
value = 0;
function showProgress() {
value += 1;
if (value < 100) {
window.setTimeout(showProgress, 100);
if (value = 100) {
window.location = '';
I'm trying to redirect after the timer reaches 10 sec, but what I tried doesn`t seem to work (redirects instantly).
not familiar with JS one bit, tried my best to mimick
= means assignment
if (value == 100) { ...
