knockout js remove does not work - javascript

I'm trying to get my head around observables in knockout js!
However, I'm facing a problem implementing the remove function on an observable array.
My js is as follow:
$(function () {
var data = [{ name: "name1" }, { name: "name2" }, { name: "name3"}];
var viewModel = {
namesList: ko.observableArray(data),
nameToAdd: ko.observable("name4"),
myCustomAddItem: function () {
this.namesList.push({ name: this.nameToAdd() });
myCustomRemove: function () {
console.log("before + " + this.nameToAdd());
console.log("after + " + this.nameToAdd());
and my html is:
Name To add/remove <input type="text" data-bind="value: nameToAdd, valueUpdate: 'afterkeydown'"/>
<ul data-bind="template: {name: 'listTemp1', foreach :namesList}">
<button data-bind="click: myCustomAddItem">Add Item</button>
<button data-bind="click: myCustomRemove">Remove Item</button>
<script id="listTemp1" type="text/html">
<li data-bind="text:name"> </li>
my myCustomAddItem works fine, but not the myCustomRemove. I also have put a console.log before and after the this.namesList.remove(this.nameToAdd()); to see if anything's wrong there, but I cannot see any error in there. When I click the "Remove Item" button, firebug console shows the logs but the item's not removed from the list.
Any help appreciated

The parameter to remove should be a function which returns true or false on whether to remove something.
It works quite similarly to the filter function.
In your case, something like this should work:
myCustomRemove: function () {
console.log("before + " + this.nameToAdd());
var nameToAdd = this.nameToAdd();
this.namesList.remove(function(item) {
//'item' will be one of the items in the array,
//thus we compare the name property of it to the value we want to remove
return == nameToAdd;
console.log("after + " + this.nameToAdd());

[this should be a comment on Jani answer, but I can't still comment on others post, sorry]
Just a small clarification: technically you can call remove() passing the element to remove, see section "remove and removeAll" on
the problem with your code is that the elements in 'data' array are objects (containing a property called 'name'), and you are asking to remove from the array the string "name4" (or whatever 'nameToAdd' contains).
You can be tempted to create a new object to pass to remove, like this:
// old code
this.namesList.remove({ name: this.nameToAdd() });
but this still fails, because the way javascript object equality works (see, for example: How to determine equality for two JavaScript objects?).
So, in the end you need to use the function anyway.
In this simple example, you can also convert the 'namesList' array to a simple array of strings, and bind "$data" in the template. see
In a more complex scenario, maybe you can't avoid using objects.

[observableArray].remove(function(item) { return item.[whatever] == [somevalue] ; } );


AngularJS - Get printed value from scope inside an attribute?

I'm currently working on an AngularJS project and I got stuck in this specific requirement.
We have a service that has all the data, DataFactoryService. Then, I have a controller called DataFactoryController that is making the magic and then plot it in the view.
<div ng-repeat = "list in collection">
Now, we have a requirement that pass multiple data into one element. I thought an "ng-repeat" would do, but we need to have it inside an element attribute.
The scenarios are:
At one of the pages, we have multiple lists with multiple data.
Each data has a unique code or ID that should be passed when we do an execution or button click.
There are instances that we're passing multiple data.
Something like this (if we have 3 items in a list or lists, so we're passing the 3 item codes of the list):
<a href = "#" class = "btn btn-primary" data-factory = "code1;code2;code3;">
<a href = "#" class = "btn btn-default" data-factory = "code1;code2;code3;">
In the example above, code1,code2,code3 came from the list data. I tried several approach like "ng-repeat", "angular.each", array, "ng-model" but I got no success.
From all I've tried, I knew that "ng-model" is the most possible way to resolve my problem but I didn't know where to start. the code below didn't work though.
<span ng-model = "dataFactorySet.code">{{list.code}}</span>
The data is coming from the service, then being called in the controller, and being plot on the HTML page.
// Controller
$scope.list = dataFactoryService.getAllServices();
The data on the list are being loaded upon initialization and hoping to have the data tags initialized as well together with the list data.
The unique code(s) is/are part of the $scope.list.
// Sample JSON structure
{ // list level
name: 'My Docs',
debug: false,
contents: [ // list contents level
code: 'AHDV3128',
text: 'Directory of documents',
code: 'AHDV3155',
text: 'Directory of pictures',
{ // list level
name: 'My Features',
debug: false,
contents: [ // list contents level
code: 'AHGE5161',
text: 'Directory of documents',
code: 'AHGE1727',
text: 'Directory of pictures',
How can I do this?
The solution for this particular problem could be writing 2 functions which will return the baseId and code with respect to the list in loop.
I would suggest to do it like below
//inside your controller write the methods -
$scope.getDataFactory = function(list){
var factory = (a) => a.code );
factory = factory.join(";");
return factory;
$scope.getDataBase= function(list){
var base= (a) => a.baseId);
base= base.join(";");
return base;
Let me know if you see any issue in doing this. This will definitely solve your problem.
You don't really have to pass multiple data from UI if you are using Angular.
Two-way data binding is like blessing which is provided by Angular.
check your updated plunker here []1
What I have done here :
I assumed that there must be some unique id (I added Id in the list) in the list.
Pass that Id on click (ng-click) of Submit button.
You already have list in your controller and got the Id which item has been clicked, so you can easily fetch all the data of that Id from the list.
Hope this will help you... cheers.
So basing from Ashvin777's post. I came up with this solution in the Controller.
$scope.getFactoryData = function(list) {
var listData = list.contents;
listData =,j) {
return i.code;
return listData.join(';');

How "Data" can help me

I'm doing a web game with javaScript and KnockoutJs library.
In my html file I have a array foreach, and the number that this array saves, is the same number of buttons that a I have to draw on the page. Like this:
<strong data-bind = "foreach: cena1.opcoes">
<button data-bind="click: $parent.teste">Opcão</button>
<font color="red"><strong data-bind="text: conteudo"> </strong></font><br>
What I want to know is, how will I know which button the player selected?
I put data like a parameter on my button function, but I don't know how this works. like this:
object.teste = function(data) {
You can call the function this way:
<button data-bind="click: function() { $parent.teste($data); }">Opcão</button>
<button data-bind="click: function() { $parent.teste($data/* here can be any arguments available in the current binding context */); }">Opcão</button>
By default the first parameter is being passed to the click handler function is the current view model - $data in the current binding context.
For more details and advanced scenarios you can check the Knockout JS documentation.
The click binding passes the current item to the bound function.
var vm = {
items: [1, 2, 3],
click: function(data) {
alert('You clicked: ' + data);
<script src=""></script>
<div data-bind="foreach:items">
<button data-bind="click:$">Click</button>

new to javascript. I am trying to pass the value of a radio button as the name of an object in a javascript function

I have a function called speak. It takes in an object filled with arrays of fragments of sentences and spits out a random phrase. I have two of these objects. Each with unique sentence fragments. Via radio button I would like to be able to choose which object is sent through the function and then push a button to make that happen. When I hard wire the function with one of the buttons it works fine, but that is not what I am going for. I have tried several different suggested methods from this site and others with no luck. The closest I get is when I can get the name of the object into the speak function, but it is only recognized as a string. Here is my html...
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="wrestlingGame.js"></script> -->
<input type="radio" name="speak" value=ToolBelt.commentary onClick="ToolBelt.handleClick(this)">commentary a<br/>
<input type="radio" name="speak" value=ToolBelt.commentary1 onClick="ToolBelt.handleClick(this)">commentary b<br/>
<button onclick="ToolBelt.speak()">Commentary</button>
<div id="commentator"></div>
<div id="lif"></div>
this version is not wired to the 'Commentary' button. It is instead wired to the radio buttons themselves and it does not work correctly. I am posting this because it is my most recent attempt.
Here is my complete javascript including the two objects and the speak function...
var ToolBelt = {
exclamations: ["Wow! ", "Oh no! ", "God almighty! ", "Good Gracious! "],
leadIn: ["That was a nasty ", "What a powerful ", "A horrifying ", "That was an illegal "],
strikes: ["uppercut!", "chairshot!", "Lucy lick!", "monkey punch!", "jab", "Bug meow!", "dropkick!"],
exclamations: ["Moo! ", "Quack! ", "Bark! ", "Growl! "],
leadIn: ["Chupa chup ", "Spaghetti ", "Bubbling ", "Necktie "],
strikes: ["uppercut!", "chairshot!", "Lucy lick!", "monkey punch!", "jab", "Bug meow!", "dropkick!"],
var string='';
for(key in i){
var arr = i[key];
var x = this.random(0,arr.length);
string += arr[x] + " ";
document.getElementById("commentator").innerHTML = string;
random: function(max, min){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min)+min);
There are a few problems here.
First, you cannot assign a JavaScript object as the value of an input element. Input element values can be strings only. What we can do with the value is have it contain the key of the ToolBelt object that we want to target:
<input type="radio" name="speak" value="commentary" onClick="ToolBelt.handleClick(this)">commentary a
<input type="radio" name="speak" value="commentary1" onClick="ToolBelt.handleClick(this)">commentary b
Next, you must understand what the this is in the onClick handlers on your input elements. In this context, this refers to the DOM element itself. So in the ToolBelt.handleClick method, we will want to get the value from the passed DOM element:
handleClick: function (el) {
This will work, but it will generate commentary whenever we check one of the radio buttons. However, the presence of the "Commentary" button suggests that we want to generate commentary only when this button is clicked. To achieve this, we will have to remove the call to speak in our handleClick method and instead cache the currently selected commentary key:
currentCommentaryKey: null,
handleClick: function (el) {
this.currentCommentaryKey = el.value;
Then we will alter the speak method to make use of the cached key (I have added a check to make sure the current commentary key is valid):
speak: function () {
if (!this.hasOwnProperty(this.currentCommentaryKey)) { return; }
var i = this[this.currentCommentaryKey];
/* rest of speak method implementation */

Remove Quotes from json_encoded string value

I am working on a project to implement jTable into a PHP framwework class.
It is going quite well. Now I am stuck at a problem where I would like to be able to make custom input fieds on the edit dialog.
We are already using the select2 plugin, now I want to implement this on the edit dialogs of jTable. As far as I understood it is possible to add custom fields to the edit dialog like this:
Name: {
title: 'Name',
width: '20%',
input: function (data) {
if (data.record) {
return '<input type="text" name="Name" style="width:200px" value="' + data.record.Name + '" />';
} else {
return '<input type="text" name="Name" style="width:200px" value="enter your name here" />';
Notice the code above is in JavaScript.
Basically what I do is that I build this javascript in php array and via json_encode I send it to the client.
My problem here is that when I do
$column_array['name']['input'] = function (data) {if ....and so on}
I get on the javascript side
input: "function (data) {... so on"
Please notice the double quotes, it is a string and not a function anymore.
What I would need is to remove this 2 double quotes after the input. (well that's my idea so far)
OR if any one got some experience with jTable] and knows a better way to implement custom fields like select2, chosen, jQuery multiselect, elfinder and stuff like that.
I can give tomorrow some code if needed, cause I am not at work anymore today.
Based on this concept:
// Create a function that takes two arguments and returns the sum of those arguments
var fun = new Function("a", "b", "return a + b");
// Call the function
fun(2, 6);
Output: 8
you may change your JSON a bit in to
Name: {
title: 'Name',
width: '20%',
input: { name: "input",
param: "data",
body: "if (data.record) {
return '<input type=\".... "
then you may define a function and execute it
var d = new Function(, Name.input.param, Name.input.body);
this will omit the awful eval(...) stuff. Caveat: it's still not a method of the given object.

creating a dynamic form that builds a multi dimensional array

I am a php developer that is new to angular and javascript in general but finding it really powerful and fast for creating interactive UIs
I want to create a form for a user to create an object called a program, a program has some basic info like title and description and it can have many weeks. I want their to be an 'add week' button that when pressed displays a group of form fields related to weeks, if pushed again it shows another group of form fields to fill in the second weeks information.
edit1: specifically, how I am adding the objects to scope.program with the addWeeks method.
secondly when I console.log the $scope.program it just looks very messy a lot of arrays within objects within objects. it just dosnt look like a clean array of data but maybe thats just because I am not used to javascript and or json? Each week is going to have up to 7 days obviously and each day can have numerous events so it just seems to me like it is going to be quite messy but maybe I should just have faith :p
finally how the addProgram method is creating the json object to be sent to the server
when the form is submitted it should post a json object that looks something like this
program {
title: 'name of programme',
desc: 'description of programme',
weeks: [
item1: 'foo',
item2: 'more foo'
item1: 'foo2',
item2: 'more foo 2'
here is a codepen of what I am doing right now but I am not sure it is the best or even an ok way to do it, particularly how I am appending the arrays/objects in teh addWeek method.
there are going to be many more layers to the form and the object it is posting(days, sessions, excersises etc) so I want to get the basics of doing this right before adding all of that.
<div ng-app="trainercompare">
<div ng-controller="programsController">
<input type="text" placeholder="Program Title" ng-model="program.title"></br>
<input type="text" placeholder="Program Focus" ng-model="program.focus"></br>
<input type="text" placeholder="Program Description" ng-model="program.desc"></br>
<button ng-click="addWeek()"> add week</button>
<div ng-repeat="week in program.weeks">
<input type="text" placeholder="Name the week" ng-model="">
<input type="text" placeholder="Describe It" ng-model="week.desc">
{{ }}</br>
{{ week.desc }}</br>
<button ng-click="addProgram()"> add program</button>
var myModule = angular.module("trainercompare", ['ui.bootstrap']);
function programsController($scope, $http) {
$scope.program = {
weeks: [{
$scope.addWeek = function() {
function isDefined(x) {
var undefined;
return x !== undefined;
$scope.addProgram = function() {
var program = {
title: $scope.program.title,
focus: $scope.program.focus,
desc: $scope.program.desc,
weeks: []
angular.forEach($scope.program.weeks, function(week, index){
var weekinfo = {
desc: week.desc
$'/programs', program).success(function(data, status) {
if(isDefined(data.errors)) {
if(isDefined(data.success)) {
Looks to me like you've got a good grasp on it. The addWeek code looks correct. The extra data you see when you console.log your model is some of Angular's internal stuff to track bindings. When you post that to your server it should be cleaned up by Angular.
Angular has a JSON function that removes all of the hash values and other 'angular' things from your JSON. That's why they start with a $ so it knows to remove them.
This happens automatically when you use $http, it's in the documentation here:
If the data property of the request configuration object contains an object, serialize it into JSON format.
Since Angular will clean up the hashes and things, you don't need to "rebuild" the model when you're posting it... just set data to $scope.program and remove 70% of the code in $scope.addProgram.
To learn more specifically how Angular cleans up the JSON, look at this answer: Quick Way to "Un-Angularize" a JS Object
