$.get JSON request + fill and returning ARRAY - javascript

I started to work with a mobile framework LungoJS. Me and javascript not work quite fine but really i want modify this original code:
var mock = function() {
var mock = [];
for (var i=1; i<=5; i++){
id: i,
name: 'name n'+i,
description: 'description n'+i
container_id: 'lives',
template_id: 'show_music_template',
data: mock
return {
mock: mock
})(LUNGO, App);
This original code works fine and it's easy, now I want do request using $.get who returns a JSON file and fill array like the ORIGINAL.JS:
{"id":"52","username":"jgali","image":"Prova_(live)387.jpeg","name":"Prova (live)","type":"music","language":"Catalan","category":"8","tags":"indie, dine prova, indie live","description":"Aquesta es una prova online de reidiou","licence":"Reidiou License","played":"54","record_time":"45","facebook_id":"1052266203_2342869925158","twitter_hash":"#Provalive","create_date":"2011-11-01 13:04:21"},
{"id":"52","username":"jgali","image":"Prova_(live)387.jpeg","name":"Prova (live)","type":"music","language":"Catalan","category":"8","tags":"indie, dine prova, indie live","description":"Aquesta es una prova online de reidiou","licence":"Reidiou License","played":"54","record_time":"45","facebook_id":"1052266203_2342869925158","twitter_hash":"#Provalive","create_date":"2011-11-01 13:04:21"}
var mock = function() {
var mock = [];
var url = 'http://localhost/app/rest/podcasts';
var data = {};
//lng.Service.get = $get
lng.Service.get(url, data,function(response) {
var array = [];
//Do something with response
jQuery.each(response.result, function() {
id: this.id,
name: this.name,
description: this.description
container_id: 'lives',
template_id: 'show_music_template',
data: mock
return {
mock: mock
The problem is outside loop i can't use "mock" array. Sure I make a several mistake...but anybody knows what is the problem?

The problem is that $.get() needs time to execute, and is therefore asynchronous. Asynchronous calls like this involve the use of a callback function. To get access to the mock array you need to nest anything within this callback.
You can also force AJAX calls to be synchronous in jQuery (though I, and the docs, warn against this); according to the docs:
By default, all requests are sent asynchronously (i.e. this is set to
true by default). If you need synchronous requests, set this option to
false. Cross-domain requests and dataType: "jsonp" requests do not
support synchronous operation. Note that synchronous requests may
temporarily lock the browser, disabling any actions while the request
is active.

Thanks!! I solved the problem using callback as you said.
I post the code if anybody are interested:
App.Services = (function(lng, app, undefined) {
var mock = function() {
var mock = new Array();
var url = 'http://localhost/app/rest/podcasts';
var data = {};
function getData (url,data,mock,callbackFnk){
lng.Service.get(url, data,function(response) {
//Do something with response
// now we are calling our own callback function
if(typeof callbackFnk == 'function'){
callbackFnk.call(this, response);
jQuery.each(response.result, function() {
id: this.id,
name: this.name,
description: this.description
container_id: 'lives',
template_id: 'show_music_template',
data: mock
return {
mock: mock
})(LUNGO, App);


How to make a list of failed specs using jasmine custom reporter to post to slack?

I am trying to work on a custom jasmine reporter and get a list of all the failed specs in the specDone function:
specDone: function(result) {
if(result.status == 'failed') {
where failedExpectations will store an entire list of the failed specs and i need to access this in the afterLaunch function in the protractor config file. But due to the fact that the config file loads everytime a new spec runs it basically gets overwritten and scoping is such that I cannot access it in the afterLaunch function, that is where I am making the call to the slack api. Is there a way to achieve this?
This is what i have it based on : http://jasmine.github.io/2.1/custom_reporter.html
I think the best way is to post the results asynchronously after each spec (*or every "it" and "describe") using #slack/web-api. This way you don't have to worry about overwriting. Basically you "collect" all the results during the test run and send it before the next suite starts.
Keep in mind all of this should be done as a class.
First you prepare your you '#slack/web-api', so install it (https://www.npmjs.com/package/#slack/web-api).
npm i -D '#slack/web-api'
Then import it in your reporter:
import { WebClient } from '#slack/web-api';
And initialize it with your token. (https://slack.com/intl/en-pl/help/articles/215770388-Create-and-regenerate-API-tokens):
this.channel = yourSlackChannel;
this.slackApp = new WebClient(yourAuthToken);
Don't forget to invite your slack app to the channel.
Then prepare your result "interface" according to your needs and possibilities. For example:
this.results = {
title: '',
status: '',
color: '',
successTests: [],
fails: [],
Then prepare a method / function for posting your results:
postResultOnSlack = (res) => {
try {
text: `Suit name: ${res.title}`,
icon_emoji: ':clipboard:',
attachments: [
color: res.color,
fields: [
title: 'Successful tests:',
value: ` ${res.successTests}`,
short: false
title: 'Failed tests:',
value: ` ${res.fails}`,
short: false
channel: this.channel
console.log('Message posted!');
} catch (error) {
When you got all of this ready it's time to "collect" your results.
So on every 'suitStart' remember to "clear" the results:
suiteStarted(result) {
this.results.title = result.fullName;
this.results.status = '';
this.results.color = '';
this.results.successTests = [];
this.results.fails = [];
Then collect success and failed tests:
onSpecDone(result) {
this.results.status = result.status
// here you can push result messages or whole stack or do both:
for(var i = 0; i < result.failedExpectations.length; i++) {
// I'm not sure what is the type of status but I guess it's like this:
result.status==1 ? this.results.color = #DC143C : this.results.color = #048a04;
And finally send them:
suiteDone() {
NOTE: It is just a draft based on reporter of mine. I just wanted to show you the flow. I was looking at Jasmine custom reporter but this was based on WDIO custom reporter based on 'spec reporter'. They are all very similar but you probably have to adjust it. The main point is to collect the results during the test and send them after each part of test run.
*You can look up this explanation: https://webdriver.io/docs/customreporter.html
I highly recommend this framework, you can use it with Jasmine on top.

Cannot get response content in mithril

I've been trying to make a request to a NodeJS API. For the client, I am using the Mithril framework. I used their first example to make the request and obtain data:
var Model = {
getAll: function() {
return m.request({method: "GET", url: "http://localhost:3000/store/all"});
var Component = {
controller: function() {
var stores = Model.getAll();
alert(stores); // The alert box shows exactly this: function (){return arguments.length&&(a=arguments[0]),a}
alert(stores()); // Alert box: undefined
view: function(controller) {
After running this I noticed through Chrome Developer Tools that the API is responding correctly with the following:
I can't find a way to obtain this data into the controller. They mentioned that using this method, the var may hold undefined until the request is completed, so I followed the next example by adding:
var stores = m.prop([]);
Before the model and changing the request to:
return m.request({method: "GET", url: "http://localhost:3000/store/all"}).then(stores);
I might be doing something wrong because I get the same result.
The objective is to get the data from the response and send it to the view to iterate.
m.request is a function, m.request.then() too, that is why "store" value is:
"function (){return arguments.length&&(a=arguments[0]),a}"
"stores()" is undefined, because you do an async ajax request, so you cannot get the result immediately, need to wait a bit. If you try to run "stores()" after some delay, your data will be there. That is why you basically need promises("then" feature). Function that is passed as a parameter of "then(param)" is executed when response is ready.
Working sample:
You can start playing with this sample, and implement what you need:
var Model = {
getAll: function() {
return m.request({method: "GET", url: "http://www.w3schools.com/angular/customers.php"});
var Component = {
controller: function() {
var records = Model.getAll();
return {
records: records
view: function(ctrl) {
return m("div", [
ctrl.records().records.map(function(record) {
return m("div", record.Name);
m.mount(document.body, Component);
If you have more questions, feel free to ask here.

Can I act on and then forward the results of a AngularJS $http call without using $q?

I have functions like the getData function below.
I understand that $http returns a promise. In my current set up I am using $q so that I can do some processing of the results and then return another promise:
var getData = function (controller) {
var defer = $q.defer();
$http.get('/api/' + controller + '/GetData')
.success(function (data) {
var dataPlus = [{ id: 0, name: '*' }].concat(data);
data: data,
dataPlus: dataPlus
.error(function (error) {
data: error
return defer.promise;
Is there any way that I can do this without needing to use the AngularJS $q (or any other $q implementation) or is the code above the only way to do this? Note that I am not looking for a solution where I pass in an onSuccess and an onError to the getData as parameters.
As you say $http.get already returns a promise. One of the best things about promises is that they compose nicely. Adding more success, then, or done simply runs them sequentially.
var getData = function (controller) {
return $http.get('/api/' + controller + '/GetData')
.success(function (data) {
var dataPlus = [{ id: 0, name: '*' }].concat(data);
return {
data: data,
dataPlus: dataPlus
.error(function (error) {
return {
data: error
This means that using getData(controller).then(function (obj) { console.log(obj) });, will print the object returned by your success handler.
If you want you can keep composing it, adding more functionality. Lets say you want to always log results and errors.
var loggingGetData = getData(controller).then(function (obj) {
return obj;
}, function (err) {
return err;
You can then use your logging getData like so:
loggingGetData(controller).then(function (obj) {
var data = obj.data;
var dataPlus = obj.dataPlus;
// do stuff with the results from the http request
If the $http request resolves, the result will first go through your initial success handler, and then through the logging one, finally ending up in the final function here.
If it does not resolve, it will go through the initial error handler to the error handler defined by loggingGetData and print to console. You could keep adding promises this way and build really advanced stuff.
You can try:
Using an interceptor which provides the response method. However I don't like it, as it moves the code handling the response to another place, making it harder to understand and debug the code.
Using $q would be the best in that case IMO.
Another (better ?) option is locally augmented transformResponse transformer for the $http.get() call, and just return the $http promise.

AngularJS: Unexpected undefined in chained results

I've come across this issue before with nested directives, but I managed to find a workaround there. I have code that looks a bit like,
var token = API.callGeneric({}, {method: 'kds.getTokenExtended2', params: ['demo', 'demo', '', '', '', '', '', false, '', '']}); //kds.
.then(function (result) {
if (!angular.isUndefined(result.error)) { // API error
$scope.msg = {iconClass: 'glyphicon-exclamation-sign', txt: 'Looks like there was a problem.'}
if (!APIErr.handle(result.error)) { // handle also returns continueExec flags
$scope.msg = {iconClass: 'glyphicon-cloud-download', txt: 'almost thereā€¦'};
$scope.token = result.result;
console.log('result', result.result);
}, function (error) { // server error
$scope.msg = {iconClass: 'glyphicon-exclamation-sign', txt: 'issues with server, summoning the gods'}
.then(function (result) {
$scope.msg = {}; // clear the message
// another api call to get bills
return API.callGeneric({}, {method: 'kds.getKitchenDisplayReceipts', params: [$scope.token, new Date().getTime()]});
}, APIErr.handle)
.then(function (result) {
console.log(result); // can see result.result.openReceipts
var receiptIds = result.result.openReceipts; // undefined?
}, APIErr.handle);
And API is a service that calls the API, obviously.
The problem is the last few lines, where console.log(result) shows result.result.openReceipts, and obviously result is a Resource object.
I'm stumped about what might be going on here. Any clues? How can I avoid this in future?
If you want to nest promises you need to return a promise every time.
Your second then is unnecessary in my opinion and could be done inside the first one as the first one is not returning any promises.
So it could be something like:
API.call('token').then(function(result) {
return API.call('displayreceipts');
var recieptIds = result.result.openReceipts;
Let me know if it works.

Backbone Sync with a mashup of models in Rails

I have a rails controller which sends a mash-up of models as a global json object. Something like this
dogs : { species: {}, ...},
cats : { food: {}, ...},
foxes : { },
On my client side, I have all these entities neatly segregated out into different backbone models and backbone collections.
On some onchange event, I need to send a mashup of some model attributes back to the server as a HTTP POST request and the server sends a response which again spans values across a few models.
How do I setup Backbone.sync to deal with such an ajax scenario? I do not want to change the rails backend because its quite a steady implementation. Or do I make vanilla $.ajax requests through jQuery in one of my backbone views and handle it in a callback on ajax success/failure?
I think there are a couple of ways to do this via backbone. I think I'd start out with a model to represent the mashup:
var MashupModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
Then you can pass in any models like you would normally (or a collection for that matter):
var my_mash = new MashupModel({
dog: dogModel.toJSON(),
cat: catModel.toJSON(),
foxes: foxCollection.toJSON()
// do stuff if you need...
Then do what you want when the response comes back like normal:
my_mash.save({}, {
success: function(model, response) {
// do stuff here to put new data into the proper models / collections
error: function() { alert("I FAIL!"); }
That's all well and good... however, I think it would be better to push the above down into the MashupModel object instead of at the request level. Again, several ways:
var MashupModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function(attrs) {
// can't remember the actual code, but something along the lines of:
_.each( attrs.keys, function(key) {
this.set(key, attrs.key.toJSON();
save: function(attrs, opts) {
var callback = opts.success;
opts.success = function(model, response) {
// do your conversion from json data to models / collections
callback(model, response);
// now call 'super'
// (ala: http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Model-extend)
Backbone.Model.prototype.set.call(this, attrs, opts);
Or you could override toJSON (since backbone calls that to get the attrs ready for ajax):
// class definition like above, no initilize...
toJSON: function() {
// again, this is pseudocode-y
var attrs = {};
_.each( this.attributes.keys, function() {
attrs.key = this.attributes.key.toJSON();
return attrs;
// save: would be the same as above, cept you'd be updating the models
// directly through this.get('dogs').whatever...
Now, you can just do:
var my_mash = new MashupModel({
dog: dogModel,
cat: catModel,
foxes: foxCollection
// do some stuff...
my_mash.save({}, {
success: function(model, response) {
// now only do stuff specific to this save action, like update some views...
error: function() { alert("I FAIL!"); }
it would be possible, but may be difficult to modify backbone.sync to work with this structure. i'd recommend going with plain old jquery $.ajax requests. then on success, pull the info apart and populate your collections.
$.get("/whatever", function(data){
// etc
data = {};
data.cats = catCollection.toJSON();
data.dogs = dogCollection.toJSON();
// etc
$.post("/whatever", data);
