What is the significance of this 'load' method in extjs? - javascript

For the listeners part of this data store in sencha touch, what exactly does the 'load' event mean? I searched the api documentation but was unable to find an explanation in the data store section nor the observable class section.
new Ext.data.Store({
model: "",
proxy: {
type: "ajax",
url : "/search/json/",
reader: {
type: "json",
root: "searchResult"
listeners: {
load: myapp.results //Note: myapp.results is a function defined elsewhere
As an additional note, if anyone knows of a reference which lists all of the listener 'eventnames' such as load, and their significance I would be grateful if they would be so kind as to post them here. (The sencha documentation only says: 'The name of the event to listen for. May also be an object who's property names are event names. See' and ends at See )

Sencha API says "Fires whenever the store reads data from a remote data source." There is all different event-names too. Am I missing something?

This event is fired when the data is loaded.
You must assign a function to use it.
// Do stuff, you can access here to the loaded store, the loaded records and options
It will be called each time the data is loaded, on refresh, on page change, etc.

Consider two components that is one is dependent upon another component which is to used as input by it in such a case we can make use of load function.


Reading OData contexts in onInit of controller

I've tried to prepare data from an OData source to show it in a bar graph in my fiori app. For this, I setup the OData model in the manifest.json. A test with a list, simply using
items="{path : 'modelname>/dataset'}
works fine and shows the content.
To prepare data for a diagram (VizFrame), I used the onInit() function in the controller of the view (mvc:XMLView). The data preparation is similar to the one discussed in question.
At first I obtain the ODataModel:
var oODataModel = this.getOwnerComponent().getModel("modelname");
Next I do the binding:
var oBindings = oODataModel.bindList("/dataset");
Unfortunately, the oBindings().getContexts() array is always empty, and also oBindings.getLength() is zero. As a consequence, the VizFrame shows only "No Data".
May it be that the data model is not fully loaded during the onInit() function, or do I misunderstand the way to access data?
Thanks in advance
I temporary solved the problem by using the automatically created bind from the view displaying the data as list. I grep the "dataReceived" event from the binding getView().byId("myList").getBindings("items") and do my calculation there. The model for the diagram (since it is used in a different view) is created in the Component.js, and registered in the Core sap.ui.getCore().setModel("graphModel").
I think this solution is dirty, because the graph data depends on the list data from a different view, which causes problems, e.g. when you use a growing list (because the data in the binding gets updated and a different range is selected from the odata model).
Any suggestions, how I can get the odata model entries without depending on a different list?
The following image outlines the lifecycle of your UI5 application.
Important are the steps which are highlighted with a red circle. Basically, in your onInit you don't have full access to your model via this.getView().getModel().
That's probably why you tried using this.getOwnerComponent().getModel(). This gives you access to the model, but it's not bound to the view yet so you don't get any contexts.
Similarly metadataLoaded() returns a Promise that is fullfilled a little too early: Right after the metadata has been loaded, which might be before any view binding has been done.
What I usually do is
use onBeforeRendering
This is the lifecycle hook that gets called right after onInit. The view and its models exist, but they are not yet shown to the user. Good possibility to do stuff with your model.
use onRouteMatched
This is not really a lifecycle hook but an event handler which can be bound to the router object of your app. Since you define the event handler in your onInit it will be called later (but not too late) and you can then do your desired stuff. This obviously works only if you've set up routing.
You'll have to wait until the models metadata has been loaded. Try this:
onInit: function() {
var oBindings;
var oODataModel = this.getComponent().getModel("modelname");
oODataModel.metadataLoaded().then(function() {
oBindings = oODataModel.bindList("/dataset");
May it be that the data model is not fully loaded during the onInit()
function, or do I misunderstand the way to access data?
You could test if your model is fully loaded by console log it before you do the list binding
var oBindings = oODataModel.bindList("/dataset");
If your model contains no data, then that's the problem.
My basic misunderstanding was to force the use of the bindings. This seems to work only with UI elements, which organize the data handling. I switched to
oODataModel.read("/dataset", {success: function(oEvent) {
// do all my calculations on the oEvent.results array
// write result into graphModel
This whole calculation is in a function attached to the requestSent event of the graphModel, which is set as model for the VizFrame in the onBeforeRendering part of the view/controller.

Adding headers to store's proxy once in ExtJS

I have a store and I need to add some headers to its proxy. I don't want to use defaultHeaders of the Ext.Ajax singleton as these are specific only to a few stores.
The headers use key / value pairs and the value comes from a variable that is NOT loaded when the store is initially loaded, the variable is populated after a successful login.
For this reason I couldn't use a constructor on the proxy or store as the variable I use for value of a header isn't available.
The only way I could get it to work was using the beforeLoad of store. Is this really the best way of achieving this ?
Here's my listener on my store, I am checking if undefined as it's fired every single time.
listeners: {
beforeload: function( store, operation, eOpts ) {
if (this.proxy.headers === undefined) {
this.proxy.headers = {
'X-GType': CompA.Items.getGtype().get('type'),
Does anyone know a better way ?
There doesn't seem to be an event that fires only once.
As a general answer to the problem of "events only firing once" - you can configure your listener to automatically unlisten after one event.
listeners: {
'beforeload': {
fn: function(...),
single: true
In general it will be better if you create your view after the 'critical' store is loaded. Meaning that you should most likely need to set autoCreateViewport to false in your application main file. Then manually create it in the store success call back. Hook in the init() method to do that.
Example: (pseudo code)
init: function() {
success: function() {
// create your viewport

backbone js - reduce calls to the server

Just wondering how people deal stopping multiple external server calls? I'm doing everything in the .complete of the fetch because otherwise when I try to call anything the fetch hasn't completed and nothing is populated in the collection.
I'm new to backbone so I'm probably missing a trick.. but is there a way to do a fetch and store that information somewhere so that you never have to fetch again, you just work off the collection as a variable? All of my information comes from an external site, so I don't want to be making lots of unnecessary external calls if I can. I'm not updating the server or anything, its all just read-only.
What do other people do for a similar set up? Am I missing something silly? Or am I set up badly for this? Here's what I have so far (work in progress)
Oh also: I'm doing the fetch in the router.. is that a bad idea?
//after the fetch has been completed
//create the initial buttons
//pull the unique leagues out
var uniqueLeagues = _.uniq(matches.pluck("league"));
//pull the unique leagues out
var uniqueDates = _.uniq(matches.pluck("matchDate"));
//pass to info to the relative functions to create buttons
fetched = true;
); //end complete
Thanks for your time!
This is an often recurring question but the answer is rather simple.
Perhaps I'll make some drawings today, if it helps.
I never took the time to learn UML properly, so forgive me for that.
1. The problem
What you currently have is this:
The problem however is that this isn't very dynamic.
If these 3 functions at the right would require to be executed from different ajax callback functions, they need to be added to any of these callbacks.
Imagine that you want to change the name of any of these 3 functions, it means that your code would break instantly, and you would need to update each of these callbacks.
Your question indicates that you feel that you want to avoid every function to perform the async call separately, which is indeed the case because this creates unnecessary overhead.
2. Event aggregation
The solutions is to implement an event driven approach, which works like this:
This pattern is also called pub/sub (or observer pattern) because there are objects that publish events (in this case on the left) and objects that subscribe (on the right).
With this pattern, you don't need to call every function explicitly after the ajax callback is finished; rather, the objects subscribe to certain events, and execute methods when the event gets triggered. This way you are always certain that the methods will be executed.
Note that when triggering an event, parameters can be passed as well, which allows you to access the collection from the subscribing objects.
3. Backbone implementation
Backbone promotes an event driven approach.
Setting up an event aggregator is simple and can be done as follows:
window.APP = {};
APP.vent = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);
From the ajax callback, you just trigger an event (you give it any name you want, but by convention, a semi colon is used as a separator):
APP.vent.trigger("some:event", collection);
The three receiving objects subscribe to the event as follows:
APP.vent.on("some:event", function(collection){
And that's basically all.
One thing to take into account is to make sure that when you subscribe to events using "on", you also need to un-subscribe by calling "off", if you no longer need the object.
How to handle that is all up to you in Backbone.js but here is one of options you can take
Creating a View which has body as its el and handle everything.(I usually use Coffee so This might has some syntax errors)
$( document ).ready(function() {
mainView = new MainView({el: "body"});
MainView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize : function(){
prepareCollection : function(collection){
_checker = function(){
if (collection.length === _done) {
success : function(){
//you can also initialize router here.
rener : function(){
//make instance of View whichever you want and you can use colleciton just like variable

backbone.stickit and html-form: How to save (patch) only changed attributes?

How to use backbone.stickit with a html form to change an existing model fetched from the server and only PATCH the changed attributes (changed by user input within the html form) to the server?
I'm using backbone.stickit in a backbone.js application to bind a model to a HTML-form which is part of a backbone view. This works fine so far, but it becomes a little bit complicated if I'm going to save the bound model. This is because I want to use the PATCH-method and only send the changed attributes to the server. I try to illustrate what I've done so far:
Fetching the model from Server
user = new User(); //instatiate a new user-model
user.fetch(); //fetching the model from the server
console.log(user.changedAttributes()); // Returns ALL attributes, because model was empty
The last line indicates my problem, because I thought I can used the changedAtrributes() method later to get the attributes which need a patch on the server. So I tried this workaround which I found here
success: function (model, response, options) {
user.changedAtrributes(); //Returns now "false"
Do stickit-bindings
Now I render my view and call the stickit() method on the view, to do the bindings:
//Bindings specified in the view:
bindings: {
"#username" : "username"
"#age" : "age"
//within the render method of the view
The bindings work fine and my user model gets updated, but changedAttributes() remain empty all the time.
Save the model to the server
If the user has made all required changes, the model should be saved to the server. I want to use the PATCH method and only send the changed attributes to the server.
user.save(null, {patch:true}); //PATCH method is used but ALL attributes are sent to the server
user.save(user.changedAttributes(),{patch : true});
With the second approach there are different outcomes:
if I didn't use the user.set({}) woraround, all attributes get PATCHED to the server
if I use the user.set({}) woraround the return value of changedAttributes() is "false" and all attributes are PUT to the server
if I call a user.set("age","123") before calling save(), then only the age attribute is PATCHED to the server
So outcome 3 is my desired behaviour, but there are 2 problems with this: First stickit doesn't seem to use the set() method on the model to update the attributes if they are changed within the html-form. And second, if you call set() with one attribute and afterwards with another, only the second attributes is returned by changedAttributes().
Maybe I just overseen something in the backbone or backbone.stickit docs, so I didn't get the desired behaviour working. Any ideas about that?
NOTE: As found out the problem wasn't directly related to backbone.stickit, more to backbone itself.
Solved this problem on my own, maybe this helps someone who may stumble upon this question:
Backbone only keep track of unchanged attributes, but not of unsaved attributes. So with
you will only get the attributes of the model, which was changed since the last
Finally I stumbled upon backbone.trackit which is a backbone.js plugin maintained by the creator of backbone.stickit. With this plugin you can track unsaved attributes (all attributes which have changed since the last model.save()) and then use them in the save-method of a model. Example (my usecase):
bindings: {
"#name" : "name",
"#age" : "age"
initialize: function () {
this.model = new User();
success: function (model, response, options) {
//this tells backbone.stickit to track unsaved attributes
render: function () {
return this;
onSaveUserToServer: function () {
//first argument: only unsaved attributes, second argument: tell backbone to PATCH
this.model.save(this.model.unsavedAttributes(), { patch: true });

Loading data into Ext.Data.TreeStore

I am using ExtJs 4.1. We have one variable which contains data in JSON format. I want to load the value of that json into my Ext.Data.TreeStore. Usually store have loadData() which does the trick. But I do not see any such method for Ext.Data.TreeStore.
How can I load data into Ext.Data.TreeStore ?
Below is the definition of my store.
Ext.define('my.store.HStore', {
extend: 'Ext.data.TreeStore',
model: 'my.model.myModel',
autoLoad: false,
proxy: {
type: 'memory',
timeout: 90000,
url: '/data/',
reader: {
type: 'json'
Possible duplicates:
How to insert new record ( model ) in TreePanel?
How to update data with TreeStore or TreeEditor component?
To load data into a TreeStore after the store has loaded, you update the root node as per the documentation here: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.1.0/#!/api/Ext.data.TreeStore-method-setRootNode
Also relevant and may help you: Treepanel with nested data from JSON
If you wish to append data to a TreeStore, well that is a bit more complicated... You must first locate the node that you wish to append a child to (e.g., store.getRootNode().findChildBy()) and add the child by either appendChild or insertChild depending on what best suits your use case.
findChildBy documentation: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.1.0/#!/api/Ext.data.NodeInterface-method-findChildBy
appendChild Documentation: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.1.0/#!/api/Ext.data.NodeInterface-method-appendChild
insertChild documentation: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.1.0/#!/api/Ext.data.NodeInterface-method-insertChild
I have answered a few of your questions with no response, acceptance or comments. Please check the questions that you have asked, I'm more than happy to answer them however it is most beneficial to the entire community if you accept answers that you find helpful, or at least leave a comment if you need additional information. Thank you.
