basic jquery looping question around 'click' - javascript

Basic question, but I have been pounding my head for a bit so thought id bring it here.
html looks like this (edit, fixed the closing quotes)
<span class='deleteimage-119'>delete</span>
<span class='deleteimage-120'>delete</span>
<span class='deleteimage-121'>delete</span>
<span class='deleteimage-122'>delete</span>
<span class='deleteimage-123'>delete</span>
javascript/jquery looks like this
iids = ['119','120','121','122','123'];
for (i=0; i<iids.length; i++) {
place = iids[i];
$(".deleteimage-" + place).click(function () {
The click functionality gets attached to each individual span, but the alert after clicking just shows the last item in the array.

You have a scoping issue. By the time the callback fires, place has the last value from the loop.
You need to create a new variable for the closure; one variable per iteration, each of which will then be "caught" by the closure and used in the callback.
It would be nice if the solution were this:
var iids = ['119','120','121','122','123']; // don't forget `var` please
for (var i=0; i<iids.length; i++) {
var place = iids[i]; // local variable?
$(".deleteimage-" + place).click(function () {
Alas, Javascript has no block scope so there's still only one variable here called place, and it keeps getting updated as the loop runs.
So, you have to use a function instead:
var iids = ['119','120','121','122','123'];
function f(place) {
// NOW `place` is a local variable.
$(".deleteimage-" + place).click(function () {
for (var i=0; i<iids.length; i++) {
There are neater ways to employ this function approach using closures and bound variables, and the other answers cover those neater ways quite well. My answer has focused on explaining the issue.

The issue is with scopes and closure.
In JS the scope is # function level and not block level.
Try this:
var iids = ['119','120','121','122','123'];
for (i=0; i<iids.length; i++) {
place = iids[i];
var clickFn = function(a){
return function(){
$(".deleteimage-" + place).click(clickFn );

This is because the click is occurring after the loop is completed, so you're alerting place = iids[iids.length - 1]. In order to achieve the result you're looking for you need to create a function closure and pass place in as a parameter:
iids = ['119', '120', '121', '122', '123'];
for (i = 0; i < iids.length; i++) {
place = iids[i];
(function(_place) {
$(".deleteimage-" + _place).click(function() {
} (place));

Inside the loop, you are binding the click event to those span, but the events are fired only after the loop is complete. So, it will always show the last value.

As others have mentioned, you have a scoping issue. Unless all of those classes have a unique meaning, I'd move the place value to a data attribute and leave deleteimage as the class name. Something like:
<span class='deleteimage' data-place='119'>delete</span>
<span class='deleteimage' data-place='120'>delete</span>
<span class='deleteimage' data-place='121'>delete</span>
<span class='deleteimage' data-place='122'>delete</span>
<span class='deleteimage' data-place='123'>delete</span>
$(".deleteimage").click(function() {
var place = $(this).data("place");
If the place values aren't unique values, then this answer doesn't apply.


I want to get an element tag printed in the console just by clicking on it

I want to get an element tag printed in the console just by clicking on it but it doesn't seem to work and I don't get why?
can anyone point the error in my logic?
let bodyChildren = document.body.children;
let bodyArr = Object.values(bodyChildren);
for (i = 0; i < bodyChildren.length; i++) {
bodyArr[i].onclick = function () {
The problem is that when you define a function, everything in it is contained in a separate scope. Within the function bodyArr is not known. You can use this instead to refer to the clicked element, like below:
document.body.children will only refer to the direct children of the body element. If you want to refer to every element in the DOM, you can use document.getElementsByTagName("*") instead.
When the code is written globally, like in the snippet below, the variable bodyArr is actually available in the global scope, as is the variable i. But keep in mind that the code inside the function is only executed when an element is clicked. At that point in time the for loop has been fully executed leaving i with the value 3 (since in the snippet below the script tag also counts). bodyArr will always contain exactly 1 element less, no matter how many elements are in the DOM. In this case it has 3 elements with the last element being saved at position 2 (zero based) in the array, hence bodyArr[i] equals undefined.
let bodyChildren = document.body.children;
let bodyArr = Object.values(bodyChildren);
for (i = 0; i < bodyChildren.length; i++) {
bodyArr[i].onclick = function () {
You need to get ALL elements from the document body and this is KEY: var all = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
var all = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
let bodyArr = Object.values(all);
for (i = 0; i < bodyArr.length; i++) {
bodyArr[i].onclick = function () {
<span>Hello world</span>

Loop and Functions

I'm having troubles gathering information about clicked eventListeners.
I have this loop which builds an array:
myButtonList = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
myAnchorList = [];
for (i=0; i < myButtonList.length;i++) {
if (myButtonList[i].getAttribute('class') == 'flagged') {
For each <a> put into myAnchorList array, I also create another array storing other informations from the same tag (classe and other atrributes).
Here's where I'm struggling. I'm trying to set up an eventListener to send me back those information when those <a> are being clicked. But somehow, the fact that I create a function (for the eventListener) within a loop breaks everything.
for (i=0; i < myAnchorList.length; i++) {
myAnchorList[i].addEventListener("click", function(i){
console.log(alpha+' - '+beta[i]+" - "+charlie[i]);
My values will either be undefined or some other values which will be the same for each buttons I clicked. alpha is working well as it doesn't depend on any iteration of the loop, but not the others.
Can anybody see what I'm doing wrong here?
for (var i = 0; i < myAnchorList.length; i++) {
(function (i) { //Passes i to your function
myAnchorList[i].addEventListener("click", function () {
console.log(alpha+' - '+beta[i]+" - "+charlie[i]);
The variable "i" in closure that you created in the loop will always retrieve the last value(myAnchorList.length - 1). You shouldn't create closure in a loop, and you can use a "factory" method to create closure instead.

Help with simple javascript loop

I have a simple javascript that I'd like to loop for multiple elements. Here's my code:
<script type='text/javascript'>
for(i = 1; i < 100; i++)
$('#link'+i).click(function() {
What I'd like to achieve is the same addClass function for multiple id's (e.g. link2, link3, link4), with the corresponding class (e.g. template2, template3, template4).
Any help would be hugely appreciated!
For reference, an individual call like this one, does work, so I don't see why the loop above doesn't function the same:
<script type='text/javascript'>
$('#link2').click(function() {
The problem here is that i inside the anonymous function for the on click handler, is a reference to the loops i and therefore will be 100 for all click handlers after the loop finished.
That a common "mistake" and requires a copy of i on every iteration of the loop in order to work correctly.
function createHandler(i) {
$('#link'+i).click(function(e) {
$('#container').addClass('template'+i); // this 'i' won't change anymore
e.preventDefault(); // thus the code will add the correct class
return false;
for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
createHandler(i); // one could also create a closure here
See: JavaScript Garden: Closures - Avoiding the Reference Problem.
Maybe you've forgotten to separate counter from string
$('#link[' + i + ']').click(function() {
$('#templateid').addClass('templateid[' + i + ']');
are you using prototype? $('#link') should return the element with id="link" and [i] further narrows it down to the attribute i.
if you want to use the variable i from the loop to find your link2, link3,.. try:
$('#link' + i).click { ...
also, your loop seems to be endless.

Why aren't these two bits of JavaScript equivalent?

in jquery 1.4.2, ff 3.6.6:
The following code produces three divs, which write messages to the firebug console as you would expect. However, if you uncomment out the loop and comment out the 3 lines doing it manually, it doesn't work - mousing over any of the divs results in "three" being written to the console.
Why are these two methods any different than each other? In each one you use a selector to find the element and add an event to it.
<script type="text/javascript" src="/media/js/jquery.js"></script>
$( document ).ready( function() {
// names=['one','two','three'];
// for (k in names){
// id=names[k]
// $("#"+id).mouseenter(function(){console.log(id)})
// }
<span id="one">ONE</span>
<p><span id="two">TWO</span></p>
<p><span id="three">THREE</span></p>
You would be having a very common closure problem in the for in loop.
Variables enclosed in a closure share the same single environment, so by the time the mouseenter callback is called, the loop will have run its course and the id variable will be left pointing to the value of the last element of the names array.
This can be quite a tricky topic, if you are not familiar with how closures work. You may want to check out the following article for a brief introduction:
Mozilla Dev Center: Working with Closures
You could solve this with even more closures, using a function factory:
function makeMouseEnterCallback (id) {
return function() {
// ...
var id, k,
names = ['one','two','three'];
for (k = 0; k < names.length; k++) {
id = names[k];
$("#" + id).mouseenter(makeMouseEnterCallback(id));
You could also inline the above function factory as follows:
var id, k,
names = ['one','two','three'];
for (k = 0; k < names.length; k++) {
id = names[k];
$("#" + id).mouseenter((function (p_id) {
return function() {
Any yet another solution could be as #d.m suggested in another answer, enclosing each iteration in its own scope:
var k,
names = ['one','two','three'];
for (k = 0; k < names.length; k++) {
(function() {
var id = names[k];
$("#" + id).mouseenter(function () { console.log(id) });
Although not related to this problem, it is generally recommended to avoid using a for in loop to iterate over the items of an array, as #CMS pointed out in a comment below (Further reading). In addition, explicitly terminating your statements with a semicolon is also considered a good practice in JavaScript.
This happens because when the code of the anonymous function function(){console.log(id)} is executed, the value of id is three indeed.
To can use the following trick to enclose the value on each loop iteration into the anonymous callback scope:
names=['one', 'two', 'three'];
for (var k in names) {
(function() {
var id = names[k];
$("#"+id).mouseenter(function(){ console.log(id) });

JavaScript DOM references not holding up

For some reason ss.transition() does not affect the appropriate DOM elements after ss.goTo() is triggered by an onclick. The ss.transition() call under //Init does work as expected. I assume this is a scope problem. Little help?
var ss = {};
ss.goTo = function(i) {
ss.old = ss.current;
ss.current = ss.slides[i];
ss.transition = function() { = "none"; = "block";
// Hooks
ss.div = document.getElementById("slides"); = ss.div.getElementsByTagName("a");
// References
ss.slides = [];
for (i in {
if ([i].rel == "slide") {
ss.first = ss.slides[0];
ss.last = ss.slides[ss.slides.length-1];
// Init
ss.current = ss.first;
ss.old = ss.last;
for (i in {
You shouldn't use the loop over an Array or, in this case, NodeList. You'll get member properties you don't want, like item and length. You also can't rely on the items being returned in any particular order; it is very likely that at least ss.last will not be what you expect. If it's a non-item property, will definitely fail with an exception, breaking the script.
The correct loop for a sequence is the old-school C construct:
for (var i= 0; i<; i++)
Also, where are you binding the calls to goTo? If you are doing it in a loop with a function inside you, you may well also have the classic loop closure problem. See eg. this question.
The reason for the failure is because you lose the reference to the currently hidden element before you make it show up again. You need to assign old to display:block, then do the switch of old = current, current = variable, then hide old.
