Javascript each loop over JSON only getting first element? - javascript

I'm using Jquery mobile, so ignore some of the following overdone css, its not related to the core issue.
I'm having a problem looping over the "Places" in my JSON packet/javascript object. I am getting a response with multiple "Places", but can't seem to figure out how to iterate over them. My 'i' variable in my each loop is working correctly for the first element, and displaying its corresponding name & image.
Here's my server side Django view (pretty straight-forward if your unfamiliar with Python):
def tonight_mobile(request):
callback = request.GET.get('callback', '')
def with_rank(rank, place):
return (rank > 0)
place_data = dict(
Places = [make_mobile_place_dict(request, p) for p in Place.objects.all()]
xml_bytes = json.dumps(place_data)
return HttpResponse(xml_bytes, content_type='application/json; charset=utf-8')
My server is acknowledging the request and returning the following:
"GET /api/0.1/tonight-mobile.json&callback=jsonp1293142434434 HTTP/1.1" 200 167
Here's my response:
callback({"Places": [{"url": "http://localhost:8000/api/0.1/places/3.plist",
"image_url": "http://localhost:8000/static/place_logos/Bengals_1.png",
"name": "Bob's Place", "events": 2},
{"url": "http://localhost:8000/api/0.1/places/2.plist",
"image_url": "http://localhost:8000/static/place_logos/Makonde_Mask.gif",
"name": "My Bar", "events": 0},
{"url": "http://localhost:8000/api/0.1/places/1.plist",
"image_url": "http://localhost:8000/static/place_logos/Quintons_1.png",
"name": "Quinton's", "events": 1}]})
My getJSON and callback method have evolved into this:
function loadJSON(){
$.getJSON("http://localhost:8000/api/0.1/tonight-mobile.json&callback=?", callback(data));
function callback(data){
$("#tonight-list").each(data.Places, function(i) {
$(this).append("<li role='option' tabindex='" + data.Places[i] + "' class='ui-li-has-thumb ui-li ui-btn ui-btn-icon-right ui-corner-top ui-corner-bottom ui-controlgroup-last ui-btn-down-c ui-btn-up-c' data-theme='c'><div class='ui-btn-inner ui-corner-top ui-corner-bottom ui-controlgroup-last'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-arrow-r'></span><div class='ui-btn-text'><img src=" + data.Places[i].image_url + " alt=" + data.Places[i].name + " class='ui-li-thumb ui-corner-tl ui-corner-bl'/><h1 class='list-title ui-li-heading' id='list-title'><a href='detail.html?id=slide' data-transition='slide' class='ui-link-inherit'>" + data.Places[i].name + "</a></h1><span class='ui-li-count ui-btn-up-c ui-btn-corner-all'>" + data.Places[i].events + " events</span></div></div></li>");
Am I confusing how the each function iterates over the JSON (which become) Javascript objects? I am pretty sure the each is my issue here, as I am only getting the FIRST element of the "Places" list. Can someone please help me out as to how to structure the looping?

each() doesn't work that way. It takes a set of elements on the page, and loops over them, calling a function for each one. In this case, you are looping over $("#tonight-list"), which will only have one item in it (IDs are supposed to uniquely identify one element in a document).
What you seem to want to do is to loop over the data (not the #tonight-list element), and add the data to that element, right? In that case, you want normal JavaScript to do the loop, something like this:
var list = $("#tonight-list");
for (var i=0, place; place=data.Places[i]; ++i) {
list.append("<li role='option' tabindex='" + i + "'>" + + "</li> ...etc);
Note that I have no idea if you are loading trusted data that is meant to contain HTML, untrusted plain text, etc. You may need to encode the data before inserting it or (better) insert it structurally instead of concatenating strings, depending on your use-case.

You are using getJSON and each the wrong way:
function loadJSON(){
$.getJSON("http://localhost:8000/api/0.1/tonight-mobile.json&callback=?", callback);
function callback(data){
var target = $("#tonight-list");
$.each(data.Places, function(i) {
You have to pass a reference of the callback function do getJSON, not call the function.
If you do $("#tonight-list").each() then you are iterating over the elements selected by the selector. This function takes only one argument (the callback) anyway. See the documentation.
You want $.each() which takes an array as first and a callback as second argument.


Appending elements to a DIV from a JSON array in Polymer

I'm struggling right now with inserting a set of divs into a core-header-panel inside a paper-shadow in Polymer. I am getting a set of values from a JSON array and I need to create a div with HTML content (eventually checkboxes) for each of the values. Here's the relevant snippet of code:
<paper-shadow class="card upload-options-box" z="1">
<core-header-panel flex id="graphHeaderList">
<core-toolbar class="upload-option-header">
<span flex>Variable</span>
<core-label horizontal layout> // this is all just an example of what I eventually want to insert
<paper-checkbox for></paper-checkbox>
<div vertical layout>
</core-label> // end of example of insert
and JQuery:
function addHeaders(){
$.getJSON('http://myURL/getDataHeaders', function(data) {
var headerArray = [];
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
$('#graphHeaderList').append("<div id='" +val +"'></div>");
window.onload = addHeaders; //grabs the header values when the page is loaded
"headers": [
It appears to me your $.each is calling the wrong thing.
In your json file you have a key called headers. When your each function iterates, it gets 1 key and adds it's members, which is an array, to the div. I tested it and got one div with every single member as it's id!
So you may need to nest a second each function to be called on the inner array
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
$.each(val, function(index,value){
$('#graphHeaderList').append("<div id=" + "'" + value + "'" + "></div>");
Your code:
$('#graphHeaderList').append("<div id='" +val +"'></div>");
Won't work, because jQuery can't find the element in its scope. However, polymer automatically creates id element references through its automatic node finding feature:
So it should work as expected if you use:
$(this.$.graphHeaderList).append("<div id='" +val +"'></div>");

new to javascript. I am trying to pass the value of a radio button as the name of an object in a javascript function

I have a function called speak. It takes in an object filled with arrays of fragments of sentences and spits out a random phrase. I have two of these objects. Each with unique sentence fragments. Via radio button I would like to be able to choose which object is sent through the function and then push a button to make that happen. When I hard wire the function with one of the buttons it works fine, but that is not what I am going for. I have tried several different suggested methods from this site and others with no luck. The closest I get is when I can get the name of the object into the speak function, but it is only recognized as a string. Here is my html...
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="wrestlingGame.js"></script> -->
<input type="radio" name="speak" value=ToolBelt.commentary onClick="ToolBelt.handleClick(this)">commentary a<br/>
<input type="radio" name="speak" value=ToolBelt.commentary1 onClick="ToolBelt.handleClick(this)">commentary b<br/>
<button onclick="ToolBelt.speak()">Commentary</button>
<div id="commentator"></div>
<div id="lif"></div>
this version is not wired to the 'Commentary' button. It is instead wired to the radio buttons themselves and it does not work correctly. I am posting this because it is my most recent attempt.
Here is my complete javascript including the two objects and the speak function...
var ToolBelt = {
exclamations: ["Wow! ", "Oh no! ", "God almighty! ", "Good Gracious! "],
leadIn: ["That was a nasty ", "What a powerful ", "A horrifying ", "That was an illegal "],
strikes: ["uppercut!", "chairshot!", "Lucy lick!", "monkey punch!", "jab", "Bug meow!", "dropkick!"],
exclamations: ["Moo! ", "Quack! ", "Bark! ", "Growl! "],
leadIn: ["Chupa chup ", "Spaghetti ", "Bubbling ", "Necktie "],
strikes: ["uppercut!", "chairshot!", "Lucy lick!", "monkey punch!", "jab", "Bug meow!", "dropkick!"],
var string='';
for(key in i){
var arr = i[key];
var x = this.random(0,arr.length);
string += arr[x] + " ";
document.getElementById("commentator").innerHTML = string;
random: function(max, min){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min)+min);
There are a few problems here.
First, you cannot assign a JavaScript object as the value of an input element. Input element values can be strings only. What we can do with the value is have it contain the key of the ToolBelt object that we want to target:
<input type="radio" name="speak" value="commentary" onClick="ToolBelt.handleClick(this)">commentary a
<input type="radio" name="speak" value="commentary1" onClick="ToolBelt.handleClick(this)">commentary b
Next, you must understand what the this is in the onClick handlers on your input elements. In this context, this refers to the DOM element itself. So in the ToolBelt.handleClick method, we will want to get the value from the passed DOM element:
handleClick: function (el) {
This will work, but it will generate commentary whenever we check one of the radio buttons. However, the presence of the "Commentary" button suggests that we want to generate commentary only when this button is clicked. To achieve this, we will have to remove the call to speak in our handleClick method and instead cache the currently selected commentary key:
currentCommentaryKey: null,
handleClick: function (el) {
this.currentCommentaryKey = el.value;
Then we will alter the speak method to make use of the cached key (I have added a check to make sure the current commentary key is valid):
speak: function () {
if (!this.hasOwnProperty(this.currentCommentaryKey)) { return; }
var i = this[this.currentCommentaryKey];
/* rest of speak method implementation */

Why is my code looping twice?

I'm making a data visualisation tool where you can input your own data. The data values are stored in an unordered list like this: <ul><li data-name='name'><a href='#' onclick='showEditDv(this);'>Edit</a><span class='name'>name</span><span class='seperator'> | </span><span class='value'>7</span></li></ul. There can be more than one list item in the list. When you click on the Edit button it calls the showEditDv() function, giving a reference to itself. Before I show the function, I will say that the data object is organised like this:
data ->
name: "root",
children: [ {name: "something", size: "7"},
{name: "something-else", size: "999"} ]
This is the code for the function:
function showEditDv(object) {
var name = $(object).parent().attr("data-name"),
input = new Opentip($(object), {removeElementsOnHide: true, target: null, showOn: null, hideTrigger: "closeButton"}),
disabled = (data.children[getChildIndexByName(name)].hasOwnProperty("children")) ? "disabled" : "";
input.setContent("<label>Name:</label><input type='text' data-prevname='" + name + "' value='" + name + "' class='dv-add-name' /><label>Value:</label><input " + disabled + " type='text' class='dv-add-value' value='" + data.children[getChildIndexByName(name)].size + "' /><button class='callEditDv'>Apply</button>"); // Set content of opentip;
$("body").on("click", ".callEditDv", function() {
var newname = $(this).siblings(".dv-add-name").val(),
prevname = $(this).siblings(".dv-add-name").attr("data-prevname"),
value = $(this).siblings(".dv-add-value").val();
if (newname !== prevname)
data.children[ getChildIndexByName(prevname) ].name = newname; // Update name
$(object).parent().attr("data-name", newname); // Update parent data
$(object).siblings(".name").text(newname); // Update form
if (data.children[ getChildIndexByName(newname) ].size !== value)
data.children[ getChildIndexByName(newname) ].size = value;
It uses Opentip, which is just a way of creating dynamic popups / tooltips. The problem is that once you have changed a data value once, when you try to change it again it loops through the code twice! The first time everything works as expected, but the second time it does it again, using the same prevname, which means that getChildIndexByName returns undefined and it can't set the variable causing an error. getChildIndexByName loops through the values of data.children checking the names until it finds a match, and then returns the index of the object in the array.
Thanks in advance!
Try this:
jQuery Documentations
Event handlers attached with .bind() can be removed with .unbind().
(As of jQuery 1.7, the .on() and .off() methods are preferred to
attach and remove event handlers on elements.)
Hope this help!

knockout js remove does not work

I'm trying to get my head around observables in knockout js!
However, I'm facing a problem implementing the remove function on an observable array.
My js is as follow:
$(function () {
var data = [{ name: "name1" }, { name: "name2" }, { name: "name3"}];
var viewModel = {
namesList: ko.observableArray(data),
nameToAdd: ko.observable("name4"),
myCustomAddItem: function () {
this.namesList.push({ name: this.nameToAdd() });
myCustomRemove: function () {
console.log("before + " + this.nameToAdd());
console.log("after + " + this.nameToAdd());
and my html is:
Name To add/remove <input type="text" data-bind="value: nameToAdd, valueUpdate: 'afterkeydown'"/>
<ul data-bind="template: {name: 'listTemp1', foreach :namesList}">
<button data-bind="click: myCustomAddItem">Add Item</button>
<button data-bind="click: myCustomRemove">Remove Item</button>
<script id="listTemp1" type="text/html">
<li data-bind="text:name"> </li>
my myCustomAddItem works fine, but not the myCustomRemove. I also have put a console.log before and after the this.namesList.remove(this.nameToAdd()); to see if anything's wrong there, but I cannot see any error in there. When I click the "Remove Item" button, firebug console shows the logs but the item's not removed from the list.
Any help appreciated
The parameter to remove should be a function which returns true or false on whether to remove something.
It works quite similarly to the filter function.
In your case, something like this should work:
myCustomRemove: function () {
console.log("before + " + this.nameToAdd());
var nameToAdd = this.nameToAdd();
this.namesList.remove(function(item) {
//'item' will be one of the items in the array,
//thus we compare the name property of it to the value we want to remove
return == nameToAdd;
console.log("after + " + this.nameToAdd());
[this should be a comment on Jani answer, but I can't still comment on others post, sorry]
Just a small clarification: technically you can call remove() passing the element to remove, see section "remove and removeAll" on
the problem with your code is that the elements in 'data' array are objects (containing a property called 'name'), and you are asking to remove from the array the string "name4" (or whatever 'nameToAdd' contains).
You can be tempted to create a new object to pass to remove, like this:
// old code
this.namesList.remove({ name: this.nameToAdd() });
but this still fails, because the way javascript object equality works (see, for example: How to determine equality for two JavaScript objects?).
So, in the end you need to use the function anyway.
In this simple example, you can also convert the 'namesList' array to a simple array of strings, and bind "$data" in the template. see
In a more complex scenario, maybe you can't avoid using objects.
[observableArray].remove(function(item) { return item.[whatever] == [somevalue] ; } );

How to go trough JavaScript array?

I have this output from ajax call:
"data":[{ "id":"4242",
"title":"Yeah Lets Go!",
"created_formated":"2010-07-24 13:19:24",
So there is three that kind of items in that array and I would need to go that through and print actual html out of it. So on page it would be:
Yeah Lets Go! (which is a link to
Created: 2010-07-24 13:19:24
I'm clueles with this one.
Edit 1:
Also atm I get that raw output after clicking link. How can I get it to show on page load? Or it does that ajax call when I click link atm.
Edit 2:
I got it to output everything at once. But still I have a prolem with putting it actual html. The output atm is:
"title":"Yeah Lets Go!",
"created_formated":"2010-07-24 13:19:24",
"title":"Yeah Lets Go!222",
"created_formated":"2010-07-24 13:19:24",
"title":"Yeah Lets Go!333",
"created_formated":"2010-07-24 13:19:24",
I would like to get that into list with title and link and creation day.
Edit 3 after answer from Luca Matteis:
Hmm, now im even more confused.
That JSON string comes out of this:
$('').click(function() {
var item_id = $(this).attr("href").split('#')[1];
function(data, status, xhr) {
So I would need to do for that is something like:
var html = eval(data);
and then I would do what Luca Matteis suggest?
First off, that's a JSON string, you need to un-serialize the string into a real JavaScript object (look at for this).
Once you have the native JavaScript data, something like this should work:
var html = '';
for(var i=0; i <; i++) {
html += ''[i].title+'<br>';
html += 'Created: '+[i].created;
Hmm, now im even more confused.
That JSON string comes out of this:
$('').click(function() {
var item_id = $(this).attr("href").split('#')[1];
$.get(base_url+'/ajax/get_itema/'+item_id+'/0/3/true', null, function(data, status, xhr) {
So I would need to do for that is something like:
var html = eval(data);
and then I would do what Luca Matteis suggest?
