if i have a string like
<p>this is some content</p><script>alert('hello');</script>
i want to get the string without any scripts, but with the formatting, how do i do it?
<p>this is some content</p>
i tried
var html = "<p>etc</p><script>alert('hello world');</script>".replace("<script*</script>", "p");
but that gave me something like
".replace("", "p"); $('#blogDescription').html(html); }); });
You can do this without using regex, by using some DOM manipulation you can run through each of the elements in the DOM fragment created from the string and remove the script tags.
var html = "<p>etc</p><script>alert('hello world');</script>";
var container = document.createElement('div');
container.innerHTML = html;
function stripScript(parent){
var elements = parent.children;
for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){
if(elements[i].nodeName === 'SCRIPT'){
} else if(elements[i].children.length > 0){
Or with jQuery
var html = "<p>etc</p><script>alert('hello world');</script>";
container = document.createElement('div');
container.innerHTML = html;
try using this
var html = "<p>etc</p><script>alert('hello world');</script>".replace("<script>").replace("</script>");
For a project I want to create a variable that stores all the text within the html, so pretty much everything between tags, titles, paragraphs, everything visible for a user on a webpage. However I don't want my javascript code that's between the script tag to show up in this output too.
I was trying with something like this:
var content = $("html").remove("script").text()
But this is not working.
Here it is:
First use this:
var r = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var i = (r.length-1); i >= 0; i--) {
if(r[i].getAttribute('id') != 'a'){
And then:
var txt = document.body.innerText;
var txt = $('body').text();
var contentDiv = $('<div/>', {
html: $('body').clone()
return contentDiv.text()
I need to append some html to an existing element using pure javaScript:
function create(htmlStr) {
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
temp = document.createElement('div');
temp.innerHTML = htmlStr;
while (temp.firstChild) {
return frag;
var target = document.querySelectorAll(".container-right");
var fragment = create(
'<div class="freetext"><p>Some text that should be appended...</p></div>'
document.body.insertBefore(fragment, document.body.childNodes[0]);
It's kind of working, but I have two questions:
How can I make sure that the html fragment is appended to the div with the class container-right and not just the body? Changing the last line to document.body.insertBefore(fragment, target); doesn't work.
How can I insert the html after the content in the target element - after the existing content - like jQuery's append()?
Any help is much appreciated.
JsFiddle here.
Well, I know this works:
let elem = document.querySelector ( 'css-selector (id or class)' )
That should give you your element. Then you do this:
elem.innerHTML = elem.innerHTML + myNewStuff;
That'll append your html to the innerHTML of the element. I tried it quickly, it works.
var target = document.querySelector(".container-right");
var p = document.createElement('p');
p.innerHTML = "Some text that should be appended...";
var div = document.createElement('div');
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
Try this:
var target = document.querySelector(".container-right");
target.innerHTML += '<div class="freetext"><p>Some text that should be appended...</p></div>';
Based on this answer to a similar question, I have found that insertAdjacentHTML is a good fit for this kind of problems.
I haven't tested it on a Node List, but with a single node it works perfectly.
insertAdjacentHTML has a great browser compatibility (back to IE4), plus it lets you decide where you want to insert the HTML (see here).
var target = document.querySelector(".container-right");
var newContent = '<div class="freetext"><p>Some text that should be appended...</p></div>';
target.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', newContent);
elm.innerHTML += '<div class="freetext"><p>Some text that should be appended...</p></div>';
What would be the shortest way to do the following :
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.className = 'divClass';
div.innerHTML = 'Div Content';
... without any external libraries
class Div {
constructor(className, innerHTML) {
let div = document.createElement("div");
div.className = className;
div.innerHTML = innerHTML;
return div;
let innerHTML = "LOL"
new Div(divClass, innerHTML);
This would be the shortest way to doing it again and again while still having some order inside your code, IMO.
Write a function to do it in one line:
function tag(tagNameAndClass, innerHTML) {
var parts = (tagNameAndClass || 'div').split(/\./g);
var elem = document.createElement(parts.shift());
elem.className = parts.join(' ');
if (innerHTML) elem.innerHTML = innerHTML;
return elem;
Examples of uses:
tag('div.divClass', 'Div Content') // <div class="divClass">Div Content</div>
tag('.class-one.class-two', 'Content') // <div class="class-one class-two">Content</div>
tag('h1.super', 'My Super Heading') // <h1 class="super">My Super Heading</h1>
What would be the shortest way to do the following [...]
We can imagine a situation in which the div already exists in the DOM while the CSS style rule display:none ensures it remains absent from the visible document flow.
The following single line in javascript will make the element reappear into the visible document flow:
document.getElementsByClassName('divClass')[0].style.display = 'block';
Probably the best solution I have came up with so far :
var el = function(type,props,appends){
var el = document.createElement(type);
if(props) for(var x in props) el[x] = props[x];
if(appends) for(var x in appends) el.appendChild(appends[x]);
return el;
and then when using it (creating a popup with header and body example) :
$title = el('div',{className:'title',innerHTML:'Item Title'});
$remove = el('div',{className:'remove',innerHTML:'X'});
$header = el('div',{className:'header'},[$title,$remove,el('div',{className:'clear'})]);
$body = el('div',{className:'body',innerHTML:'body'});
$el = el('div',{className:'item'},[$header,$body]);
I am trying to remove scripts and their content from html body and this is what I have came up until now
just_text = just_text.replace(/<\s*script[^>]*>(<\s*\/script[^>]*>|$)/ig, '');
It does not work as want to, I still get the content.
Can you please help me?
Thank you
The answer to such questions is always the same: Don't use regular expressions. Instead, parse the HTML, modify the DOM and serialize it back to HTML if you need to.
var container = document.createElement('div');
container.innerHTML = just_text;
// find and remove `script` elements
var scripts = container.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var i = scripts.length; i--; ) {
just_text = container.innerHTML;
If you want to remove the script tags from the page itself, it's basically the same:
var scripts = document.body.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var i = scripts.length; i--; ) {
Any ideas on how I would convert this jQuery to vanilla JS:
$('.section > h1').after('<p>This paragraph was inserted with jQuery</p>');
I am new to jQuery and even newer to vanilla JS.
This is as far as I got:
var newP = document.createElement('p');
var pTxt = document.createTextNode('This paragraph was inserted with JavaScript');
var header = document.getElementsByTagName('h1');
Not sure where to go from here?
jQuery does a lot for you behind the scenes. The equivalent plain DOM code might look something like this:
// Get all header elements
var header = document.getElementsByTagName('h1'),
// Loop through the elements
for (var i=0, m = header.length; i < m; i++) {
parent = header[i].parentNode;
// Check for "section" in the parent's classname
if (/(?:^|\s)section(?:\s|$)/i.test(parent.className)) {
newP = document.createElement("p");
text = document.createTextNode('This paragraph was inserted with JavaScript');
// Insert the new P element after the header element in its parent node
parent.insertBefore(newP, header[i].nextSibling);
See it in action
Note that you can also use textContent/innerText instead of creating the text node. It's good that you're trying to learn how to directly manipulate the DOM rather than just letting jQuery do all the work. It's nice to understand this stuff, just remember that jQuery and other frameworks are there to lighten these loads for you :)
You might find this function useful (I didn't test)
function insertAfter(node, referenceNode) {
referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, referenceNode.nextSibling);
Oh it's not so bad...
var h1s = document.getElementsByTagName('h1');
for (var i=0, l=h1s.length; i<l; i++) {
var h1 = h1s[i], parent = h1.parentNode;
if (parent.className.match(/\bsection\b/i)) {
var p = document.createElement('p');
p.innerHTML = 'This paragraph was inserted with JavaScript';
parent.insertBefore(p, h1.nextSibling);