I have made a simple accordion for my site using jQuery... It worked great, but I've recently started working on a change where if you click the currently opened segments title (the clickable area to slide up/down), it should close the current section.
var sideMenu = {
activated: {},
setup: function() {
$('.menu-category-heading').bind('click', function() {
sideMenu.slideMenu($('ul', $(this).parent()));
slideMenu: function(menuObj) {
if (sideMenu.activated == menuObj) {
sideMenu.activated = null;
} else {
sideMenu.activated = menuObj;
For some reason the comparison is never working... it does if I add $(menuObj).attr('id') and the same for activated. But this is not ideal as not all items will have an id attribute.
Any suggestions as to make the object comparison work? Or any other tips?
Thank you!
You are probably saving a jQuery object (the result of a $ call) rather than the native element. Each time you do a $(myEl) a new object is created and the references will not match up, but the native element will. Try:
if (slideMenu.activated[0] == menuObj[0]) {
I'm attempting to replicate the content in a particular IFrame element inside of a modal to avoid unnecessary DB calls. I am invoking a clientside callback via Python (see here) that returns the index of a particular IFrame element I would like to replicate in my modal.
Here is the snippet of Python code that toggles my modal and tracks the index of the most recently clicked figure to replicate:
[Output('my-modal', 'is_open'),
Output('modal-clone', 'children')],
[Input(f'button{k}', 'n_clicks_timestamp') for k in range(20)] +
[State('my-modal', 'is_open')])
def toggle_modal(*data):
clicks, is_open = data[:20], data[20]
modal_display = not is_open if any(clicks) else is_open
clicked = clicks.index(max(clicks))
return [modal_display, clicked]
ClientsideFunction(namespace='clientside', function_name='clone_figure'),
Output('modal-test', 'children'),
[Input('modal-clone', 'children'), Input('modal-figure', 'id')]
And the following Javascript:
window.dash_clientside = Object.assign({}, window.dash_clientside, {
clientside: {
clone_figure: function(clone_from, clone_to) {
source = document.getElementById(clone_from);
clone = document.getElementById(clone_to);
// set attributes of clone here using attributes from source
return null
Now, from my console.log() statements, I noticed the following (note that modal-clone in the screenshot corresponds to modal-figure in my example):
How is contentDocument changing between these two log statements? Any insight would be greatly appreciated, I am stumped.
It appears that you need to addEventListener() to the IFrame element:
clone_spray: function(clone_from, clone_to) {
source = document.getElementById(clone_from);
clone = document.getElementById(clone_to);
if (!clone) {return null;}
clone.addEventListener("load", function() {
// set attributes of clone here using attributes from source
How can I reset an elements 'class' attribute to it's initial value?
I am building a tooltip popup which starts with class="ttPopup". This is then set to the appropriate orientation by adding classes such as class="ttPopup top left".
Problem is when the Popup windows closes, how do I reset the class to it's original value ready for the next time?
There are several ways you could do it:
store in a custom attribute
store in a javascript array
store in localStorage
Not completely sure if I am correct to use a custom property on the element or not but here is the solution I have used at the moment:
eTooltip.addEventListener("mouseenter", function (oEvent) { ttOpen(oEvent); } );
eTooltip.addEventListener("mouseleave", function (oEvent) { ttClose(oEvent); } );
function ttOpen(oEvent) {
var thisPopup = oEvent.target.getElementsByClassName("ttPopup")[0];
thisPopup.origClassName = thisPopup.className;
function ttClose(oEvent) {
var thisPopup = oEvent.target.getElementsByClassName("ttPopup")[0];
if (thisPopup.origClassName) { thisPopup.className = thisPopup.origClassName; thisPopup.origClassName = null; }
Thanks for your help.
My Problem:
I am trying to click options in a dropdown with Nightwatch, using sections in page objects. I'm not sure if it's a problem with the section declaration or i'm missing something scope-related. Problem is that it finds the element as visible, but when it tries to click it will throw error that it cannot locate it using recursion.
What could i try to do to fix this issue using sections?
In the test:
var myPage = browser.page.searchPageObject();
var mySection = searchPage.section.setResults;
// [finding and clicking the dropdown so it opens and displays the options]
browser.pause (3000);
myPage.myFunction(mySection, '18');
In the page object:
var searchKeywordCommands = {
myFunction: function (section, x) {
if (x == '18') section.click('#set18');
module.exports = {
//[.. other elements and commands..]
sections: {
setResults: {
selector: '.select-theme-result', //have also tried with '.select-content' and '.select-options' but with the same result
elements: {
set18: '.select-option[data-value="18"]',
set36: '.select-option[data-value="36"]' //etc
Here is my source code:
When i run this piece of core, it seems to find the section, finds the element visible (i also can clearly see that it opens the dropdown and shows the options) but when trying to click any option, i get the error: ERROR: Unable to locate element: Section[name=setResults], Element[name=#set18]" using: recursion
Here is the full error:
My attempts:
I have tried to declare that set18 selector as an individual element instead of inside of the section and everything works fine this way, but won't work inside of the section. I have also tried all the selectors available to define the section's selector, but it won't work with any of them.
This is what i am doing with(LOL)
I assume steps would be (find dropbox - click dropbox - select value).
var getValueElement = {
getValueSelector: function (x) {
return 'li[data-value="'+ x + '"]';
module.exports = {
//[.. other elements and commands..]
sections: {
setResults: {
selector: 'div[class*="select-theme-result"', //* mean contains,sometime class is too long and unique,also because i am lazy.
elements: {
//set18: 'li[data-value="18"]',
//set36: 'li[data-value="36"]'
// i think getValueFunction is better,what if you have 100+ of set.
In your test
var myPage = browser.page.searchPageObject();
var mySection = searchPage.section.setResults;
// [finding and clicking the dropdown so it opens and displays the options]
var set18 = mySection.getValueElement(18);
Ps:in my case(i think your case also), dropbox or any small third-party js framework which is used many times in your web app, so better create a different PageObject for it,make pageObject/section is simple as possible.
Is there any simple way how to create undo redo function in Kineticjs ?
I have found a Undo Manager for HTML 5 in https://github.com/ArthurClemens/Javascript-Undo-Manager, but I don't know how to put in Kineticjs, please help me.
thank you.
I was able to implement a simple solution based on a post by Chtiwi Malek at CodiCode. I also used some of the code from this problem as an example to draw rectangles, so credits go to them and Chtiwi.
The only difference in my solution is I used toJSON() to store each layer state in an array instead of toDataURL() on the canvas. I think toJSON() is needed over toDataURL() to be able to serialize all the data necessary to store each action on the canvas, but I'm not 100% on this so if someone else knows please leave a comment.
function makeHistory() {
if (historyStep < history.length) {
history.length = historyStep;
json = layer.toJSON();
Call this function everytime you want to save a step to undo or redo. In my case, I call this function on every mouseup event.
Bind these 2 functions to the Undo/Redo events.
function undoHistory() {
if (historyStep > 0) {
layer = Kinetic.Node.create(history[historyStep], 'container')
function redoHistory() {
if (historyStep < history.length-1) {
layer = Kinetic.Node.create(history[historyStep], 'container')
Here's the jsfiddle. Don't forget to initialize the array and step counter up top. Good luck!
I am not familiar with KineticJS, but the approach should be similar to the provided demo (that also uses a canvas).
Perhaps another example helps. Let's say I have an app to create/move/delete colored shapes that represent musical notes. I have a way to click-drag and highlight a selection of notes. Pressing Delete on the keyboard invokes the function onDeleteGroup:
onDeleteGroup: function(gridModel) {
// collect all notes in an array
// ...
this, this._createGroup, [notes], 'Undo delete',
this, this._deleteGroup, [notes], 'Redo delete'
All notes are deleted, and 2 methods are registered with the undo manager:
The undo function (undo of delete will be create)
The redo function (after undo/create will be delete again)
Both functions are straightforward:
_deleteGroup:function(notes) {
// removes each note from the model
// thereby removing them from the canvas
// ...
_createGroup:function(notes) {
// add each note to the model
// thereby adding them to the canvas
// ...
As you can see, the data object (array of notes) is passed around for creation and deleting. You can do the same for manipulating singular objects.
i have written a class for the functionality:
To solve event listeners problem, work on by making clones
$scope.makeHistory=function() {
if ($scope.historyStep < $scope.history.length) {
$scope.history.length = $scope.historyStep;
var layerC = $scope.topLayer.clone();
$scope.undoObject = function(){
if($scope.historyStep > 0) {
$scope.topLayerAdd(2); // will put empty layer
var layer = $scope.history[$scope.historyStep-1].clone();
$scope.redoObject = function(){
if($scope.historyStep <= $scope.history.length-1) {
var layer = $scope.history[$scope.historyStep-1].clone();
$scope.topLayerAdd(2); // will put empty layer
works perfectly for me.
I wanted to hide some issue link outward & inwards strings of Link type from the Link Issues Popup Window using java script.
I have tried using java script but I am not getting the popup screen from the java script.
Please see the screenshot below :
Can anyone tell me how can I get this popup screen in the java script?
Is there any other method to hide this?
Thanks & Regards,
To hide the clone issue link every page:
edit the file system-webresources-plugin.xml (should be at /atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/), and add to <web-resource key="jira-fields"> this code:
<resource type="download" name="myScript.js" location="/includes/jira/field/script.js">
<param name="source" value="webContextStatic"/>
than, on /includes/jira/field/myScript.js write this:
AJS.$(document).ready(function() {
if (AJS.$("#link-type option[value*='clon']").size() > 0) {
// will work even when right clicking on More
// Actions->Link & open it into a new window
AJS.$("#link-type option[value*='clon']").remove()
} else if (AJS.$("#link-issue").size() > 0) {
// will work in case the link menu showing via popup
// wait for the popup to show, and remove the clone options
setTimeout(function (){
AJS.$("#link-type option[value*='clon']").remove();
}, 300);
restart Jira and it that it!
The script attaches a function to the link-menu opening, than gives the menu 0.3 seconds to load, and removes the unwanted items. If it doesn't work well for you, try to raise the timeout from 300 to 500-1000.
On jira 4, run instead:
AJS.$("#issue-link-link-type option[value*='clon']").remove();
The previous solution has an issue:
It will only work when clicking the "Link Issue"-Menu-Item.
When I use the Point (.)-Shortcut-Menu, it won't remove the issue types.
I have established the following solution:
AJS.$(document).ready(function() {
JIRA.bind(JIRA.Events.NEW_CONTENT_ADDED, function(e, context, reason) {
function hideIssueLinkTypes() {
var apiURL = "/rest/scriptrunner/latest/custom/getHiddenLinkTypes"
$.getJSON( apiURL, {
}).done(function( objectData ) {
$.each( objectData, function( i, item ) {
var issueLinkType = item.issueLinkType[0];
AJS.$("#link-type option[value='"+issueLinkType.inwardDescription+"']").remove();
AJS.$("#link-type option[value='"+issueLinkType.outwardDescription+"']").remove();
import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.rest.common.CustomEndpointDelegate
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
import groovy.transform.BaseScript
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.link.DefaultIssueLinkTypeManager
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.link.IssueLinkTypeManager
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.link.IssueLinkType
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.config.properties.ApplicationProperties
import javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response
#BaseScript CustomEndpointDelegate delegate
String HIDDEN_IDENT="[hidden]"
getHiddenLinkTypes(httpMethod: "GET") { MultivaluedMap queryParams, String body ->
def appProperties = ((ApplicationProperties) ComponentAccessor.getComponentOfType(ApplicationProperties.class));
def appClonersLinkTypeName = appProperties.getDefaultBackedText("jira.clone.linktype.name");
def jsBuilder=new JsonBuilder();
def issueLinkTypes = ((IssueLinkTypeManager) ComponentAccessor.getComponentOfType(IssueLinkTypeManager.class)).getIssueLinkTypes();
jsBuilder issueLinkTypes.findAll({it.getName().contains(HIDDEN_IDENT) || it.getName()==appClonersLinkTypeName }),
{ IssueLinkType linkType ->
issueLinkType linkType.getId(),
name: linkType.getName(),
inwardDescription: linkType.getInward(),
outwardDescription: linkType.getOutward()
return Response.ok(jsBuilder.toString()).build();
What you can do then ist just annotate and Link-Type with putting [hidden] in the link name and it will disappear for all users (It can still be programmatically added though or created by cloning).
If you don't have Scriptrunner or don't need the dynamic nature of the implementation, you can still hard-code the values as Kuf described in the answer above in hideIssueTypes() like this:
AJS.$("#issue-link-link-type option[value*='clon']").remove();