Randomly redirect to url BUT 1 number changes (via Javascript) - javascript

So, I use this code
<script type="text/javascript">
var urls = new Array();
urls[0] = "/truth";
urls[1] = "/truth1";
urls[2] = "truth2";
var random = Math.floor(Math.random()*urls.length);
window.location = urls[random];
and I use "/truth1" "/truth2" "dare1" etc
Is it at all possible to have javascript automatically put a random number at the end of the URL between what I set it to?
In other words
I want Javascript to add a number to the end of
To truthordare0.weebly.com/dare1, truthordare0.weebly.com/dare2
To truthordare0.weebly.com/truth1, truthordare0.weebly.com/truth2
putting a random number between 1-25 at the end of "truth" or "dare". If I have to make the numbers two-digit, please let me know!
It might be handy to know:
-The code above will be used on truthordare0.weebly.com/truth
(which will redirect to /truth1, /truth2, etc
-The code above is used in vitemulti.weebly.com/yesorno-select
Thank you very much!!

<script type="text/javascript">
var urls = new Array();
urls[0] = "/truth";
urls[1] = "/truth1";
urls[2] = "truth2";
var random = Math.floor(Math.random()*urls.length);
window.location = "https://truthordare0.weebly.com/" + urls[random];


Cannot get the number of var using javascript

I have this certain problem where I cannot get the number value of 'currentStock' var data inside an HTML file using JavaScript. I have this on my HTML file in script tag:
By the way, due to the HTML being too large, and also it was not originally my script, but from a friend who was asking for some help on adding some features in it, I can't upload the whole script as it will be going to be too long. The whole HTML script has 14076 characters with 289 lines.
I have only studied java and not javascript with HTML, so I need help with this one.
window.onload = function() {
var goDown = document.getElementById('uniqueNav');
var goRight = document.querySelector('.clothesNav');
var goUp = document.querySelector('.shrink');
goDown.style.marginTop = "0px";
goRight.style.marginLeft = "5px";
goUp.style.height = "0px";
var name = "Ombre Printed Shirt";
var price = "P499.00";
var initialStock = 0;
var currentStock = initialStock;
document.querySelector('#clothTitle').innerHTML = "" +name;
document.querySelector('#clothPrice').innerHTML = "Price: " +price;
document.querySelector('#PITitle').innerHTML = "" +name;
document.querySelector('#PIPrice').innerHTML = "Price: " +price;
document.querySelector('#currentStock').innerHTML = "CurrentStocks: " +currentStock;
}); //------------------------Change This Every Document ----------------------------//
then this in my JavaScript File:
var cStocks = document.getElementById('currentStock').data;
alert(typeof cStocks);
alert("Data in cStocks = " + cStocks);
if (!cStocks) {cStocks = 0; alert("cStocks, not a valid number");}
if ((cStocks <= 0) == true)
upon loading the page, the alert says thaat the data type is undefined. I don't know what's happening with my code. did I miss something?
By the way, I have JQuery on my HTML page. it says JQuery v3.3.1 as a version
It doesn't look to me like #currentStock will have a data attribute, or value attribute (which is for inputs), so of course the js returns undefined. Right now it looks like #currentStock is having the innerHTML set on the document.ready to Current Stocks: 0
You do have an accessible variable, currentStock, which is defined during document.ready. Why aren't you accessing it directly? It will have the numeric value in it already. All you can get from #currentStock is the html you generated on document.ready, and you'd have to parse the number out of it, when it's available in raw form in the js variable currentStock.

Random generate custom text with url in JS

I found this javascript random text generator from list
var quotes=new Array();
quotes[0] = "text1";
quotes[1] = "Text2";
quotes[2] = "text3";
quotes[3] = "text4";
var q = quotes.length;
var whichquote=Math.round(Math.random()*(q-1));
function showquote(){document.write(quotes[whichquote]);}
And html:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="quotes.js"></script>
So, it works perfectly, BUT... I want that every text that is generated have specified url, like <a href="#">
As far as I could get what you need, this might do the job:
function showquote(){document.write('' + quotes[whichquote] + '');}

Hashing element contents in-place with Crypto-js

I am trying to hash data using JavaScript. When I run the first code it will hash using document.write. Now I try the second code to hash by content id it didn't work. Can anyone explain why?
<script src="http://crypto-js.googlecode.com/svn/tags/3.1.2/build/rollups/sha256.js"></script>
var hash = CryptoJS.SHA256("hello");
using this first method will work very fine
var hash = CryptoJS.SHA256;
var it = (hash.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex));
document.getElementById('hashit').innerHTML = 'it';
<p id="hashit">Hello</p>
If you want to hash something in-place in an element then you need to read out the value/text, hash it and write the text back:
var element = document.getElementById('hashit');
var hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(element.innerHTML);
element.innerHTML = hash.toString();
Here is a runnable snippet which changes the value after 2 seconds.
var element = document.getElementById('hashit');
var hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(element.innerHTML);
element.innerHTML = hash.toString();
}, 2000);
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/CryptoStore/crypto-js/3.1.2/build/rollups/sha256.js"></script>
<p id="hashit">Hello</p>
Keep in mind that JavaScript is not like PHP. You can't simply use variables in strings like this element.innerHTML = 'it';. You have to useelement.innerHTML = it;.

Displaying the filename of a HREF in Javascript

I have a page with a download button like this:
<a href="http://www.example.nl/filename.pdf" download>DOWNLOAD</a>
Below, I want (text) to automatically display "filename.pdf" (rather than having to do this by hand hundreds of times).
I found the script below that displays the filename of the PAGE but I want it to display the FILENAME of a HREF I've used on the actual page.
Any help is much appreciated.
<script type="text/javascript">
var segment_str = window.location.pathname;
var segment_array = segment_str.split( '/' );
var last_segment = segment_array.pop();
Thanks in advance!
Not sure where you want the "text" to display... so I put it in a div
<a href="http://www.example.nl/filename.pdf" download>DOWNLOAD</a>
<div id="result">
The big change, is to get all the "a" tags, using getElementsByTagName... and then iterating over the list, and then you can use the string split, and pop off the last segment before appending it to a destination.
var input = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(i = 0;i < input.length; i++)
var segment_str = input[i].href;
var segment_array = segment_str.split( '/' );
var last_segment = segment_array.pop();
document.getElementById("result").innerText += last_segment;
Maybe this will help.
<div id=download1></div>
var filename = 'example.pdf';
$('#download1').html('' + filename + '');

getElementById() .innerHTML/.src

I'm trying to create a simple javascript game for college and am having trouble getting what i want to display on screen.
my script is as follows:
var qArray = new Array();
qArray[0] = {image:"Images/q1.png"};
qArray[1] = {image:"Images/q2.png"};
qArray[2] = {image:"Images/q3.png"};
qArray[3] = {image:"Images/q4.png"};
qArray[4] = {image:"Images/q5.png"};
var count = 0;
var question = qArray.splice(count,1);
when i use this i get "undefined":
document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = question.image;
and when i use this i get nothing:
document.getElementById("question").src = question.image;
my html is just a simple div like so:
<div id = "question" align = "center">
i need to have the "count" variable because it increments to show the next image for the next question
if anyone could help that would be great
Here is a working Fiddle. qArray.splice() doesn't work because it actually removes that element from the array and returns a new array while you were just looking for a specific index in the array (not to mention you just deleted the element you were looking for)
This works. I used a random imgur image to show that it does indeed load.
<img src="" id="question"></img>
<script type="text/javascript">
var qArray = new Array();
qArray[0] = {image:"http://i.imgur.com/pGpmq.jpg"};
qArray[1] = {image:"Images/q2.png"};
qArray[2] = {image:"Images/q3.png"};
qArray[3] = {image:"Images/q4.png"};
qArray[4] = {image:"Images/q5.png"};
var count = 0;
var question = qArray[count];
document.getElementById('question').src = question.image;
