Simple function using a lot of memory - javascript

I'm using local storage because after the click, the page reloads, so I can keep track of the last item clicked.
As you can see, I've tried to clear localStorage in order to shrink the memory in use, but it's already at 1.000.000K in less then 10 minutes of usage.
Is this script redeclaring this variables at different location everytime my page reloads?
What is happening that is making it use so mant memory?
This is my entire code.
It's an extension I'm creating for chrome, it selects an option and clicks the button, the button submits a form, the page reload, and it does eveything again and again.
var last = localStorage.getItem('last');
var current = getNext(last);
var prox = getNext(current);
$('select[name="myselect"] option').each(function(){
$(this).prop('selected', true);
function getNext(current){
var arrIds = ['227','228','229','230','231','232'];
return arrIds[arrIds.indexOf(current)+1] || '227';
Updated code, without var declarations, that has decreased memory consumption drastically, but with time, the memory raises (in ten minutes went from 160.000K to 240.000K):
$('select[name="myselect"] option').each(function(){
$(this).prop('selected', true);
function getNext(current){
var arrIds = ['227','228','229','230','231','232'];
return arrIds[arrIds.indexOf(current)+1] || '227';

As per the discussion in the comments below the question, the issue appears to come from jQuery itself. The exact reason isn't known at this point, but it appears jQuery has retained data that is not being released when the form is submitted.
This probably has to do in part with some aspect of it being a Chrome extension, since typically on a refresh, the browser would release all memory including globals.
jQuery creates great potential for memory leaks by holding data and closures in a global reference called jQuery.cache. If this is not cleaned up properly, leaks abound.
Since you're creating a Chrome extension, there shouldn't be much to compel you to use jQuery, since you'll not need to worry about browser incompatibility from browsers like IE6 and 7. By using the DOM API directly without such dependencies, the overall code will be smaller and much faster.


SWFObject event undefined in Chrome works in IE

I want to get the currentFrame of my Flash movie when it is loaded. I followed the the tutorial found here and SWFOBJECT CurrentFrame Javascript. I am using SWFObject 2.3 beta. This works perfectly fine on Internet Explorer however it does not work on Google Chrome.
In Chrome I get the error
Uncaught TypeError: e.ref.currentFrame is not a function
Checking e it returns [object Object]
Checking e.ref returns [object HTMLObjectElement]
Checking e.ref.totalFrames returns undefined
var flashvars = {};
var params = {};
var attributes = {};
function mycall(e){
setInterval(function(){console.log("Frame: " + e.ref.currentFrame)},1000);
swfobject.embedSWF("notmyswf.swf", "course", "100%", "100%", "6.0.0", false, flashvars, params, attributes, mycall);
Why is this not working on Chrome but works well with IE? Is the event e not detected? Is there a work-around on how to make this work on Chrome?
The purpose of this is for me to create a check if the user is really using the course he has opened and not just leaving it idle. I have already added a code that will check idle but it is not enough. Most learners, have figured out a way to just open a course, leave it there to accumulate hours of training. Some even have a program running in their computers that will just move the mouse 1-pixel every few seconds so that the computer does not go to idle. If I can check the current frame of the Flash movie, I can create a function that will calculate the current page the user is viewing every 15 minutes. If he is stuck in the same page I can then show a prompt that the user must click in order to continue viewing the course or it will automatically close.
I suggest dropping the SWF-based currentFrame approach in favor of monitoring your calls to the database using JavaScript. (Based on your comments, it sounds like the DB calls are being sent by JS, so this shouldn't be a problem.)
If the course bookmark is auto-saved every 3 minutes (as described in your comments), you can cache the value in your page's JS and do a compare every time the save is performed. If the value hasn't changed in x number of minutes, you can display your timeout warning.
If you're using a SCORM wrapper (or similar), this is really simple, just modify the wrapper to include your timer code. Something like:
//Old code (pseudocode, not tested)
function setBoomark (val){
API.SetValue("cmi.core.lesson_location", val);
//New code (pseudocode, not tested)
var current_location = "";
var activityTimer;
function disableCourse(){
//do stuff to disable course because it timed out
function setBoomark (val){
API.SetValue("cmi.core.lesson_location", val);
if(val === current_location){
//do nothing, timer keeps ticking
} else {
//reset timer using new bookmark value
if(activityTimer){ clearTimeout(activityTimer); }
activityTimer = setTimeout(disableCourse, 15000);
//Update current_location value
current_location = val;
This is a rough sketch but hopefully you get the idea.
I feel stupid!
It did not work in Chrome and Firefox because I used the wrong casing for the functions but in IE11 it works no matter the case.
So the correct functions are:
e.ref.CurrentFrame() //I used currentFrame() which still works in IE11
e.ref.TotalFrames() //I used totalFrames() which still works in IE11
e.ref.PercentLoaded() //I used this correctly and was able to get the value

How to prevent Chrome and Firefox from consuming vast amounts of memory over long periods of time?

I have a long-polling application written in JS fetching XML files to update a web page. It fetches every 5 seconds and is about 8KB of data. I have had this web page open for about 1 week straight (although computer goes to sleep in evening).
When first opening Chrome it starts at about 33K of my PC's memory. After I left it open for a week, constantly updating while the PC was awake, it was consuming 384K for just one tab. This is a common method that my application will be run (leaving the web page open for very long periods of time).
I feel like I am hindering Chrome's GC or am not doing some specific memory management (or maybe even a memory leak). I don't really know how a memory leak would be achievable in JS.
My app paradigm is very typical, following this endless sequence:
function getXml(file){
return $.get(file);
function parseXml(Xml){
return {
someTag : $(Xml).find('someTag').attr('val'),
someOtherTag: $(Xml).find('someOtherTag').attr('val')
function polling(modules){
var defer = $.Deferred();
function module1(){
var xmlData = getXml('myFile.xml').done(function(xmlData){
var data = parseXml(xmlData);
alert('error getting XML');
function module2(){
var xmlData = getXml('myFile.xml').done(function(xmlData){
var data = parseXml(xmlData);
alert('error getting XML');
return defer.promise(modules);
$(document).on('ready', function(){
var myModules = {
module1 : new Module(),
module2 : new ModuleOtherModule()
// Begin polling
var update = null;
update = setInterval(polling.bind(this, modules), 5000);
That's the jist of it... Is there some manual memory management I should be doing for apps built like this? Do I need to better management my variables or memory? Or is this just a typical symptom of having a web browser (crome/ff) open for 1-2 weeks?
Your code seems ok but You don't posted what happens on method "udpate" inside "modules". Why I said that? Because could be that method who is leaking your app.
I recomender you two things:
Deep into update method and look how are you updating the DOM (be careful if there are a lot of nodes). Check if this content that you are updating could have associated events because if you assign a event listener to a node and then you remove the dom node, your listener still kepts in memory (until javascript garbage collector trash it)
Read this article. It's the best way to find your memory leak:

Cocos2d-html5 - Restarting/quitting engine possible?

With Cocos2d-html5, is there any way to “quit” the engine and re-initialize its state so you can later restart the engine. We are using a Cocos2d game in a single page web app. If the user navigates to another page, we want to programmatically remove the canvas div and attempt to exit the Cocos2d engine. Unfortunately, it seems there’s no good way to do this and attempting to load a new game causes errors.
How can you cleanly unload a scene and quit the engine?
We are using V3.1 and tried several approaches, none of them seem to work. For example:
Trying to reset many variables that are held in the cc object (detailed below). This approach forces you to reset variables that look private as they start with _ and are not in the documentation.
picking, choosing and rewriting some of CCBoot.js but this appeared complicated and not sustainable for engine updates as so much of it is depended upon throughout the library.
Other approaches I thought of but all sound like a hack:
3. Null the whole cc object and somehow run the script again but that might mean stripping out a script tag or module and adding and running it again.
4. Wrap the cc object in another object so it is easier to reset. CCBoot.js looks like it might attach some things to the window object.
I have got furthest with the first approach but am stuck with context issues. When leaving the canvas, before I remove it from the DOM I call these:
// Remove anything that might possibly keep a reference to the old context
cc._drawingUtil = null;
cc.stencilBits = null;
// Purge the cc.director, schedules, event listeners, running scene, animations, cached data.
// Remove references to the context
cc._renderContext = null;
cc.webglContext = null; = null;
cc._mainRenderContextBackup = null;
// Remove reference to DOM elements
cc._canvas = null;
cc.container = null;
cc._gameDiv = null;
// Reset CCBoot variables that might stop us from re-initialising
cc._rendererInitialized = false;
cc._setupCalled = false;
cc._renderType = -1;
Then when we restart on the second or subsequent time call
// Reset all system and flag variables
And here are the kind of errors I get. It looks like it's not properly resetting the context:
WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: bindTexture: object not from this context
WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: texImage2D: no texture
WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: uniformMatrix4fv: location is not from current program
WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: vertexAttribPointer: no bound ARRAY_BUFFER
I've managed to get it stopping/resuming enough for a specific use case now, here is a demo:
There is now a public way to pause a game in v3.13, so I can call:;
followed by removing the cc.container from the DOM:
Then I can place it back in the DOM again anywhere I would like:
Then resume the game by calling:;
Note: The next line was was needed after replacing in the DOM in a complex app in cocos2d v3.5, but not sure if it's needed in v3.13 any more:
cc.EGLView._instance._frame = cc.container.parentNode;
The demo from the link above is being removed and placed in 2 different DOM elements and pausing/resuming.

Persistent unique ID for Chrome tabs that lasts between browser sessions

I'm trying to ascertain some way to establish a unique ID for Chrome tabs that meets the following conditions:
Uniquely identifies each tab
Stays the same for a given tab between browser restarts (session-restored tabs)
Stays the same if a tab is closed and then reopened with Undo Closed Tab (Ctrl+Shift+T)
Stays distinct if a tab is duplicated
I've done some rather aggressive research to find a comprehensive solution, but nothing seems to quite do the trick. Here are the methods I have tried, in increasing order of efficacy:
Use Chrome's provided does not persist between browser sessions or close/undo-close
Put a GUID in cookies: is not unique per tab, only per domain/URL
Put a GUID in localStorage: persists between browser sessions and close/undo-close, but is not unique per tab, only per domain
Put a GUID in sessionStorage: unique per tab, persists across close/undo-close, unique for duplicated tabs, but is wiped out between browser sessions
Use identifiable webpage document attributes as a unique key: this is the best approach I've found so far. A key can be constructed via a content script from the following values: [location.href, document.referrer, history.length].
Regarding this last approach, the constructed key is unique across all tabs which share a common URL, referrer, and history length. Those values will remain the same for a given tab between browser restarts/session-restores and close/undo-closes. While this key is "pretty" unique, there are cases where it is ambiguous: for example, 3 new tabs opened to would all have the same key in common (and this kind of thing happens pretty often in practice).
The "put GUID in sessionStorage" method can additionally be used to disambiguate between multiple tabs with the same constructed key for the close/undo-close and duplicated-tab cases during the current browser session. But this does not solve the ambiguity problem between browser restarts.
This last ambiguity can be partially mitigated during session restore by observing which tabs Chrome opens together in which windows, and extrapolating for a given ambiguous key which tab belongs to which window based on the presence of expected 'sibling' tabs (recorded during the previous browser session). As you might imagine, implementing this solution is quite involved and rather dodgy. And it can only disambiguate between same-keyed tabs that Chrome restores into different windows. That leaves same-keyed tabs that restore into the same window as irreconcilably ambiguous.
Is there a better way? A guaranteed unique, browser-generated, per-tab GUID that persists between browser restarts (session restores) and close/undo-close would be ideal but so far I haven't found anything like this.
The question here does most of the discovery work, and the accepted answer basically completes it, but there's a big implementation gap still for people looking to implement something which requires persistent tab IDs. I've attempted to distill this into an actual implementation.
To recap: Tabs can be (almost) uniquely and consistently identified as required by the question by maintaining a register of tabs which stores the following combination of variables in local persistent storage:
A 'fingerprint' of the document open in the tab - [location.href, document.referrer, history.length]
These variables can be tracked and stored in the registry using listeners on a combination of the following events:
There are still ways to fool this method, but in practice they are probably pretty rare - mostly edge cases.
Since it looks like I'm not the only one who has needed to solve this problem, I built my implementation as a library with the intention that it could be used in any Chrome extension. It's MIT licensed and available on GitHub for forking and pull requests (in fact, any feedback would be welcome - there are definitely possible improvements).
If I correctly understand your problem, your 5th method should do the trick, but along with these two criteria:
chrome.tabs.windowId (The ID of the window the tab is contained within)
chrome.tabs.index (The zero-based index of the tab within its window)
All these values need to be stored inside your extension. Besides that, you will also have to hook up your extension to chrome.tabs.onUpdated() and updated accordingly, when tabs are being dragged around, moved across owner windows, etc.
Put this as a persistent background script in manifest.json:
"background": {
"scripts": [ "background.js" ],
"persistent": true
Here is background.js.
Hopefully the code is self explanatory.
var tabs_hashes = {};
var tabs_hashes_save_queued = false;
function Start(){
chrome.tabs.query({windowType: "normal"}, function(querytabs){
tabs_hashes[] = GetHash(tab.url);
if (localStorage.getItem("tabs_hashes") !== null){
var ref_load = JSON.parse(localStorage["tabs_hashes"]);
var ref_tabId = {};
for (var t = 0; t < ref_load.length; t++){
if (ref_load[t][1] === tabs_hashes[]){
ref_tabId[ref_load[t][0]] =;
ref_load.splice(t, 1);
// do what you have to do to convert previous tabId to the new one
// just use ref_tabId[your_previous_tabId] to get the current corresponding new tabId
function SaveHashes(){
if (!tabs_hashes_save_queued && Object.keys(tabs_hashes).length > 0){
tabs_hashes_save_queued = true;
chrome.tabs.query({windowType: "normal"}, function(querytabs){
var data = [];
if (tabs_hashes[]){
data.push([, tabs_hashes[]]);
} else {
data.push([, GetHash(tab.url)]);
localStorage["tabs_hashes"] = JSON.stringify(data);
setTimeout(function(){ tabs_hashes_save_queued = false; }, 1000);
function GetHash(s){
var hash = 0;
if (s.length === 0){
return 0;
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
hash = (hash << 5)-hash;
hash = hash+s.charCodeAt(i);
hash |= 0;
return Math.abs(hash);
delete tabs_hashes[tabId];
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo){
if (changeInfo.pinned != undefined || changeInfo.url != undefined){
delete tabs_hashes[tabId];
chrome.tabs.onReplaced.addListener(function(addedTabId, removedTabId){
delete tabs_hashes[removedTabId];
I use array to save data, because in this way I can preserve tabs order, which is unlikely if data would be saved in the object. When loading data after browser's restart, even if url is not unique, I can trust that it will be under some "close enough" index. I would do it more complex, for example reverse check if tab was not found, but this works ok so far.

using javascript to track another javascript script?

I was just wondering whether there are any way (libraries, frameworks, tutorials) to do javascript tracking with another script? Basically, i want to track as the user work with the site, which function gets executed with what parameters and so on, as detailed as possible.
thanks a lot!
The extent of detail you're expecting will be challenging for any solution to gather and report on without severely slowing down your scripts -- consider that, for every call, at least 1 other call would need to occur to gather this.
You'd be better to pick a few key events (mouse clicks, etc.) and track only a few details (such as time) for them. If you're using ajax, keep JavaScript and the browser oblivious and just track this on server-side.
There's a few options but I'm not sure if there are any "great" ones. I take it Firebug/IE Dev toolbar profiling won't work because you are trying to track remote user's actions.
So, one option (I'm not highly recommending for production purposes), will work in some but not all browsers.
Essentially you overwrite every function, with a wrapper that you then inject your logging.
(I haven't tested this, trying to recall it from memory... hopefully in "pseudo code" you get the idea...)
//e.g. get all functions defined on the global window object
function logAll(){
var funcs = [];
var oldFunc;
for(var i in window){
try {
if(typeof(window[i]) == 'function'){
if(i != 'logAll'){
} catch(ex){
//handle as desired
var x;
for(var i in funcs){
x = '_' + new Date().getTime();
window[x] = window[i];//save the old function as new function
//redefine original
window[i] = function(){
//do your logging here...
//then call the real function (and pass all params along)
