Javascript: how to append data to a file - javascript

how can i append data to a file using javascript?
i tried to use this code, but i got an error:
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemOject");
var filepath = fso.GetFile("member.txt");
var fileObject = fso.OpenTextFile(filepath, 8);
file.WriteLine(id + "|" + pass);
the error is on var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemOject");, written: Error: Automation server can't create object
is there any other way to append the file using javascript or the way to fix this? thanks :)
i have doing what's written on this, and it still not working :/

I just realized these in your code:
var fileObject = fso.OpenTextFile(filepath, 8,true);
You'll need the true-argument, if the file does not exist, or you want to overwrite/append it.
var filepath = fso.GetFile("member.txt");// This won't work.
var filepath = "your_filePath"; // Use this instead
var fileObject = fso.OpenTextFile(filepath, 8, true);
OpenTextFile() needs a path as a string like "D:/test/file.txt". GetFile() returns an object, which you can see as a string (D:\test\file.txt), but it's not a string. Use also absolute paths, relative paths don't seem to work by my experience.
Add the code below to the <head>-part of your html-file, then save locally as a hta (with file extension hta, not htm or html).
Then run the hta-file. If you still getting an ActiveX-error, it's not supported by your OS. If this works, you haven't done all the security settings correct.
In this case it's not very usefull to get the path through ActiveX, you'll need to write it literal anyway. And I'm not supposed to do your homeworks, but this does the trick...
var filepath = new String(fso.GetFile("member.txt")).replace(/\\/g,'/');
And don't forget what I've said above about using absolute paths...

The 8 in the OpenTextFile function specify that you want to append to the file. Your problem comes from the security restriction of your browser. To make it work you'll have to lower the security level, which is not really recommended.

The error is thrown because there are security restrictions which donot allow the activex to run. change your security settings to allow the activex if your using internet explorer (which i think you are).
This might be useful
EDIT: i have doing what's written on this, and it still not working :/
* try Restarting your browser

As pointed out in this comment
Javascript: how to append data to a file
the cause of the error Error: Automation server can't create object is the typo in the progid passed to ActiveXObject: Oject instead of Object:
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemOject");
there is a missing b!


Saving text from website using Firefox extension, wrong characters saved

Sorry about the vague title but I'm a bit lost so it's hard to be specific. I've started playing around with Firefox extensions using the add-on SDK. What I'm trying to to is to watch a page for changes, a chat window in this case, and save those changes to a file.
I've gotten this to work, every time something changes on the page it gets saved. But, "unusual" characters like for example something in Korean doesn't get saved properly. I think this has to do with encoding of the file/string? I tried saving the same characters by copy-pasting them into notepad, it asked me to save in Unicode and when I did everything worked fine. So I figured, ok, I'll change the encoding of the log file to unicode as well before writing to it. Didn't exactly work... Now all the characters were in some kind of foreign language.
The code I'm using to write to the file is this:
var {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome");
var {FileUtils} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");
var file = FileUtils.getFile("Desk", ["mylogfile.txt"]);
var stream = FileUtils.openFileOutputStream(file, FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY | FileUtils.MODE_CREATE | FileUtils.MODE_APPEND);
stream.write(data, data.length);
I looked at the description of FileUtils.jsm over at MDN and as far as I can tell there's no way to tell it which encoding I want to use?
If you don't know a fix could you give me some good search terms because I seem to be coming up short on that front. Since I know basically nothing on the subject I'm flailing around in the dark a bit at the moment.
This is what I ended up with (for now) to get this thing working:
var {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome");
var {FileUtils} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");
var file = Cc[';1']
file.create(file.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
var charset = 'UTF-8';
var fileStream = Cc[';1']
fileStream.init(file, FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY | FileUtils.MODE_CREATE | FileUtils.MODE_APPEND, 0x200, false);
var converterStream = Cc[';1']
converterStream.init(fileStream, charset, data.length,
Dumping just the raw bytes (well, raw jschars actually) won't work. You need to first convert the data into some sensible encoding.
See e.g. the File I/O Snippets. Here are the crucial bits of creating a converter output stream wrapper:
var converter = Components.classes[";1"].
converter.init(foStream, "UTF-8", 0, 0);
converter.close(); // this closes foStream
Another way is to use OS.File + TextConverter:
let encoder = new TextEncoder(); // This encoder can be reused for several writes
let array = encoder.encode("This is some text"); // Convert the text to an array
let promise = OS.File.writeAtomic("file.txt", array, // Write the array atomically to "file.txt", using as temporary
{tmpPath: "file.txt.tmp"}); // buffer "file.txt.tmp".
It might be even possible to mix both. OS.File has the benefit that it will write data and access files off the main thread (so it won't block the UI while the file is being written).

save result to txt file on company shared folder

this is my problem i cant save my results to driver x that is company shared folder and i have permission to write for some reason , but i can save on driver c.
the messege show
Webpage error details
Message: Automation server can't create object Line: 93 Char: 1 Code:
0 URI:
notic : i can use only javascript , no server side language is allowd :(
this is the code i use
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var s = fso.CreateTextFile("X:\OmrilDocs\Omrix Public\All Omrix Public\Training\text.txt", true);
im using ie8 on xp 2
You need to replace \ with \\.
It should look like:-
var s = fso.CreateTextFile("X:\\OmrilDocs\\Omrix Public\\All Omrix Public\\Training\\text.txt", true);
While it is running, it gives a popup window which you need to allow to create the file.
Screenshot look like:-
Eventhought you've loaded index.html from server, the code is executed in the work station.
You've written the path literally in your function. However, FSO tries to find the target from the work station only, and it is not capable to follow a path associated to some drive letter. (In other work stations that same path might be associated to a different letter.)
So, you need to to use the real name (or IP) of that server:
Also the saving folder have to exist. When using true-argument in CreateTextFile only a new file is created to the provided path, new folders are not. Hence if there is a misstypo in the pathname, function will fail.

Reading image capture files in PhoneGap

I'm working on a PhoneGap application that captures images using the camera and, later, uploads them. There are two modes of operation for camera in PhoneGap: raw base64 encoded data or a file URI.
The docs themselves say:
Note: The image quality of pictures taken using the camera on newer
devices is quite good. Encoding such images using Base64 has caused
memory issues on some of these devices (iPhone 4, BlackBerry Torch
9800). Therefore, using FILE_URI as the 'Camera.destinationType' is
highly recommended.
So I'm keen to use FILE_URI option. This works great and you can even show the images in IMG tags. The URL looks like this:
However, at some point later I want to read the contents of the file to upload to a server. I was going to do this using the FileReader type. This doesn't work and I think it's because I can't access the file at the URL above.
The error code I get back from readDataUrl is 1 > FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR = 1;
Any ideas how I can get to the file? I tried just accessing the last part of the path (photo_047.jpg) based on another sample I saw but no luck.
I'm just getting started with PhoneGap, and given the age of this question you may have found an answer already, but I'll give it a try anyway.
First, would you be able to use the built-in FileTransfer object? It takes a file: URI as an argument.
If FileTransfer won't work for you, and you need to read the file data yourself, you'll need the PhoneGap File objects, like FileReader , as you said. But most of those expect a plain pathname -- not a URI -- to specify the file to work with. The reason you're getting NOT_FOUND_ERR is because it's trying to open a file named file:/localhost/var....
Here's a quick one-liner to extract the path part from your URI:
var path = /file:\/\/.*?(\/.*)/.exec(fileuri)[1];
Hope this helps!
The answer from jgarbers was of help to me but it did not solve the problem. I realized the camera stores photos in Temp folder instead of Document folder. Setting my local file system to temporary allowed it to find the correct location for the camera images.
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY, 0, ...
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY, 0, ...
var path = /file://.?(/.)/.exec(fileuri)[1];
Ref. above jgarbers and Rik answers (solution has been tested successfully on iOs 7)
you can user the file transfer plugin for uploading any file to the server.
//// pass your file uri to the mediafie param
function uploadFile(mediaFile) {
var ft = new FileTransfer();
path = mediaFile.fullPath;
name =;
////your service method url
var objUrl =;
function (result) {
function (error) {
alert('Error uploading file ' + path + ': ' + error.code);
{ fileName: name });

How to use JavaScript to determine whether a directory exists?

I have written the following code to write a file on my local file system:
writeToFile : function(msg) {
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
fh = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\\QHHH\\myXML.xml", true);
What I want now is to check if the directory(the one I have specified in code snippet above) even exists or not already? I want to throw an exception or simply show an alert to the user that "Please specify a directory you want to store your file into" and anything like this.So my questions are:
1.Is it possible to check if the specified directory exists or not ?
2.Is it possible to create the directory on the fly and store the file in there automatically?
Please don't bother that accessing local file system is bad or anything else. I am creating this for my own personal use and I am well aware of this fact.
Please try to answer in native javascript, I am not using JQuery or any other framework.
Many Thanks
This should work:
var sFolderPath = "c:\\QHHH";
if (!fso.FolderExists(sFolderPath)) {
alert("Folder does not exist!");
fh = fso.CreateTextFile(sFolderPath + "\\myXML.xml", true);
To create a directory all you need is :
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
fso.CreateFolder("fully qualified name of the forlder u want 2 create");

How to convert character encoding from CP932 to UTF-8 in nodejs javascript, using the nodejs-iconv module (or other solution)

I'm attempting to convert a string from CP932 (aka Windows-31J) to utf8 in javascript. Basically I'm crawling a site that ignores the utf-8 request in the request header and returns cp932 encoded text (even though the html metatag indicates that the page is shift_jis).
Anyway, I have the entire page stored in a string variable called "html". From there I'm attempting to convert it to utf8 using this code:
var Iconv = require('iconv').Iconv;
var conv = new Iconv('CP932', 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT//IGNORE');
var myBuffer = new Buffer(html.length * 3);
myBuffer.write(html, 0, 'utf8')
var utf8html = (conv.convert(myBuffer)).toString('utf8');
The result is not what it's supposed to be. For example, the string: "投稿者さんの 稚内全日空ホテル のクチコミ (感想・情報)" comes out as "ソスソスソスeソスメゑソスソスソスソスソス ソスtソスソスソスSソスソスソスソスソスzソスeソスソス ソスフクソス`ソスRソス~ (ソスソスソスzソスEソスソスソスソス)"
If I remove //TRANSLIT//IGNORE (Which should cause it to return similar characters for missing characters, and failing that omit non-transcode-able characters), I get this error:
Error: EILSEQ, Illegal character sequence.
I'm open to using any solution that can be implemented in nodejs, but my search results haven't yielded many options outside of the nodejs-iconv module.
nodejs-iconv ref:
Edit 24.06.2011:
I've gone ahead and implemented a solution in Java. However I'd still be interested in a javascript solution to this problem if somebody can solve it.
I got same trouble today :)
It depends libiconv. You need libiconv-1.13-ja-1.patch.
Please check followings.
or you can avoid problem using iconv-jp try
npm install iconv-jp
I had same problem, but with CP1250. I was looking for problem everywhere and everything was OK, except call of request – I had to add encoding: 'binary'.
request = require('request')
Iconv = require('iconv').Iconv
request({uri: url, encoding: 'binary'}, function(err, response, body) {
body = new Buffer(body, 'binary')
iconv = new Iconv('CP1250', 'UTF8')
body = iconv.convert(body).toString()
// ...
I tried /Users/Me/node_modules/iconv/test.js
node test.js.
It return error.
On Mac OS X Lion, this problem seems depend on gcc.
